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Dark Angel: A Dark Romance: London Ruthless Series Book 1 (The London Ruthless Series)

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by Sadie Kincaid

  In between laughing with his aunt and uncle, Gabriel glowered at me throughout most of our meal. I smiled sweetly at him. I knew he wasn’t really angry with me. He was just annoyed that I wasn’t wearing any underwear and he couldn’t take advantage of the fact. I wondered what he had in store for me when we get home.

  After we’d finished our meals and polished off a third bottle of wine, Gabriel started to make noises about leaving.

  ‘We’ll share a taxi,’ Hugh said. ‘Your place isn’t too far from our hotel. We’ll drop you guys off.’

  ‘No, that’s fine,’ Gabriel said. ‘It’s out of your way. We can a get a taxi on our own.’

  ‘Don’t be silly, we can all travel together.’ I said and Gabriel shot me a look that sent a shiver through my whole body.

  I promised Maggie that Gabriel and I would visit them as soon as we could before getting out of the taxi.

  ‘We should go there at the end of the month, Gabe. I can get the Friday off work,’ I said as we walked into his house.

  ‘If you’d like to,’ he said.

  The front door had barely clicked shut when Gabriel had me pinned to the wall in the hallway. He ran his hands over my backside. ‘What the fuck are you trying to do to me, Sam?’ he growled.

  ‘Just keeping you on your toes, Gabe.’

  His eyes bored into mine. ‘Get upstairs. Now!’ he commanded and my insides started to melt, dissolving like salt in hot broth. I did as he said, holding the bannister for support as my legs trembled.

  Once we were inside the bedroom, he stalked towards me. ‘Take off the dress,’ he said as he started to loosen his tie and sat down on the bed. I did as he told me until I was standing in just my bra. He stared at me with those beautiful green eyes and I felt the warmth spreading between my legs.

  ‘Now, come here!’ he growled.

  I walked over to him and without warning, he pulled me across his knee, so I was lying face down with my behind in the air. I gasped out loud.

  His hand ran over my skin and I sucked on my lower lip. I knew what was about to happen and my insides trembled at the thought. He brought his large hand down across my backside and the slapping sound reverberated around the room. I had never felt so turned on. I wriggled under his grip and my skin seared with heat.

  Then I giggled.

  ‘Do you think this is funny, Sam?’

  ‘No, Sir,’ I said before he brought his hand down for a second time. He rubbed his cool hand over the hot skin on my backside before sliding his hand between my legs. He groaned as he found me already dripping wet for him and then he pulled his hand back again. I briefly wondered how many times I was going to feel his hand, but I was also too aroused to care. Lying over his knee, while he was still wearing his suit, and I was practically naked had me almost panting. I could feel the wetness dripping down my thighs. I lost count of the number of times he spanked me, but by the time he’d finished, I was a trembling mess and I was desperate to feel him inside me.

  ‘Now get onto the bed. On your hands and knees,’ he instructed as he removed his tie. Once again I did as I was told and watched as he reached into the bedside drawer and took out my vibrator. He motioned me to crawl towards him as he indicated the huge bulge of his erection which could clearly be seen through the fabric of his trousers. ‘I’ve had that all fucking night, thanks to you.’

  I unzipped his trousers and took his hot stiff cock into my mouth, my hand fisting him at the root. I loved the taste of him. I licked and sucked and enjoyed listening to the animal noises he made. Then I heard another sound. The buzz of the vibrator coming to life.

  He leaned over me. ‘Did my spanking you make you wet, Sam?’

  I nodded as best I could with my mouth full of him. Of course it had. Everything he did made me wet. I always was when I was around him. He pushed the vibrator inside me, so I had his cock filling my mouth and the buzzing sex toy filling my pussy.

  ‘Does that feel good?’ he asked, his voice low and husky. Then he fucked me and my mouth to the same slow, relentless rhythm. He came before I did, spurting hot and sticky against my throat.

  ‘Now lie down on the bed,’ he said and I did, desperate for the orgasm which was building.

  ‘Please, Gabe,’ I moaned.

  ‘Do you think you deserve to come, Samantha?’

  ‘Yes,’ I panted.

  He pushed the vibrator back inside me, thrusting it in and out as he sucked on my nipples. Then his mouth moved south and he began sucking my clit with his hot, wet tongue. I came so hard my thighs trembled. As the orgasm rolled through my body, he threw the vibrator onto the floor before filling me with his cock again.

  ‘Christ, you make me so fucking hard, Sam,’ he growled. ‘I could fuck you like this for the rest of our days, do you know that? You’re so hot and wet and so fucking tight,’ he said, grinding into me, trying to get as far inside me as he possibly could. I raised my hips up to meet him, desperate to take as much of him as he could give.

  ‘I love the way you fuck me, Gabe,’ I said before we both climaxed again.

  Chapter 53


  I was missing Gabriel like crazy. He and my father were finalising the Johnson contract in Liverpool. I closed my eyes and willed sleep to come but the constant ticking of the clock on my bedside table was driving me crazy. I’d gone to bed early because I’d been falling asleep on the sofa, but now that I was there I couldn’t seem to drop off. I wondered what Gabriel was doing, and secretly hoped that he was lying awake missing me too. It was almost midnight but I decided to call him. He answered on the fourth ring.

  ‘Hey, baby. You okay?’

  ‘Hey, handsome. Sorry to call so late. But I miss you.’

  ‘That’s okay. I miss you too. I was just about to call it a night.’

  Before I could respond, I heard a female voice in the background, and then laughter.

  ‘Who’s that?’ I asked.

  ‘It’s Robyn, she needs me to sign some papers.’

  ‘In your hotel room? At this time of night? Is my dad there too?’ I asked.

  ‘No, he went out-'

  ‘So it’s just you and Robyn?’

  ‘Yes. But …’

  I hung up the phone. So, he was about to call it a night, was he? With Robyn? My heart started to thump in my chest. I was lying there, pining for him like some lovesick teenager, and he had another woman in his room. The sound of Robyn giggling echoed in my head. My phone started to ring in my hand and Gabriel’s number flashed up on the screen. I pressed the button to cancel the call. One minute later, I received a message to say he’d left a voicemail. He phoned again but I ignored it, hoping he would feel as annoyed as I did. I knew deep down that he wasn’t a cheat, but I resented the fact that I was home alone missing him and he was entertaining women in his hotel room.

  The following day, I was reading some case files when I saw the shadow fall across my desk. I knew it was Gabriel even before I looked up. His presence in any room set my nerves on edge. I looked up to see him glowering at me.

  ‘Do you have any idea how fucking infuriating it is to be stuck in a city at the other end of the country when the person you need to talk to purposely ignores you? Why the fuck didn’t you answer any of my calls?’ he snarled.

  ‘Because I didn’t want to speak to you. I would have thought that was fairly obvious,’ I smiled sweetly.

  ‘You drive me fucking crazy!’ He ran his hand through his hair and I had to remind my treacherous body that I was still annoyed with him.

  ‘You were alone with a woman in your hotel room at half-eleven at night, Gabriel, while I was lying awake missing you like some idiot.’

  ‘If you had bothered to answer the damn phone, or listened to your voicemails, you’d have known that she flew to Paris first thing this morning. The papers were drawn up late last night. She wanted to get them signed before her trip. And of course, it fell to me to sign them, because as usual, your father was more concerned with getting
laid than he was doing anything else. But you know what, none of it doesn’t matter now, does it?’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ I said.

  ‘I mean, you don’t trust me. So, this — us, it’s all fucking pointless.’

  I didn’t trust him? Was he serious? I felt the anger surging through my chest. I pushed my chair back as I stood up, my palms flat on the desk to steady myself. I felt the skin on my chest and face flush pink. I was literally shaking with anger.

  ‘How dare you say I don’t trust you.’

  ‘Well, you assumed I was fucking another woman just because she was in my hotel room,’ he snarled.

  ‘Yes, I was annoyed that you were having fun with some woman while I was lying in bed pining for you like a muppet. But, I did not say anything about you fucking her. Were you?’

  He planted his hands on the desk now too and leaned towards me. ‘Don’t fucking push me, Sam. I’m not in the mood.’

  ‘And you think I am? I’m trying to work here and you barge in accusing me of not trusting you. Which, let’s be fair, is a bit rich coming from you.’

  He scowled at me with one of those thunderous looks on his face.

  ‘Now, I have a case to prepare for. So, kindly, get out of my office and leave me alone,’ I snapped.

  ‘You’re fucking infuriating,’ he snarled before turning around and walking out.

  I sank back into my chair. Of all the things he could accuse me of, suggesting that I didn’t trust him felt like the biggest insult. How much more trust could I give him? I had laid myself completely bare to him. I had told him things that I never thought I’d be able to tell anyone. I let him tie me up, for Christ’s sake — and he just took it all. He expected it. Like it was nothing for me.

  It had taken every ounce of courage that I could muster to finally tell Jackson that I was leaving him for good. I had known when I had made that decision, that he may well kill me for it. But, I had been prepared to die. I didn’t want to, but I was prepared to. I knew it would have been better than spending the rest of my life with a man who was so cruel and twisted, he could only be happy when I was in pain. I had been right in my assumption too. He had tried to kill me, and would have succeeded if our dinner guest, Nancy, hadn’t come back for her scarf.

  He’d been charged with attempted murder at first, but it was later reduced to Wounding by the CPS as they believed the lesser charge would be more likely to result in a conviction. Then they had added more and more charges to the docket as I sat in interview after interview detailing the years of abuse he had subjected me to. I never told them everything — things that were too painful, like the time in the house when he’d allowed his friends to rape me. Or about what had happened after I’d lost Alice – my beautiful Alice. Eventually he’d been charged with six counts of Rape and three of Wounding.

  Then I’d had to endure the trial, and the media circus around it. For three long weeks, I had to sit in that courtroom and listen to my life and my character being pulled apart by his legal team — like vultures feasting on a rotting carcass. For three days of those weeks, I had been on the stand myself, being grilled by Jackson’s barrister — a former colleague of mine, who pulled every dirty trick in the book to try and secure his client’s freedom. I knew then I would never go back to criminal defence.

  My sex life had been openly discussed in a full courtroom — in front of my poor father! Wasn’t it true that I enjoyed rough sex? Wasn’t it true that I enjoyed all of it? Wasn’t I just out for revenge after I’d discovered his many affairs? Wasn’t I just after his money? Our friends were called as character witnesses — for him! It felt like everyone I’d ever known believed his side of the story. Only Nancy was prepared to give evidence on my behalf of what she’d seen that night. She’d insisted that no, it wasn’t a tiff that got out of hand, or some sort of twisted sex game — she had found my husband, with one hand around my throat, a corkscrew in the other and a smile on his face, choking me to death and trying to stab me. If it hadn’t been for her, Nick, my father and my therapist, I don’t know how I’d have coped.

  After an intense and lengthy trial, Jackson was found guilty of all three counts of Wounding and two counts of Rape. He was sentenced to sixteen years but would be out in eight. Did I feel like justice had been served? Most definitely not. But, I picked myself up. I dug deep and found strength I didn’t even know I had to move back here and start again from scratch. That was why I hated to feel pitied, or for people to think I needed protecting, I had walked through fire and I was still standing.

  Then Gabriel Sullivan had walked back into my life and he had turned my whole world on its axis. He had absolutely no idea what it took for me to allow him in like I did.

  Chapter 54


  I drove home from Samantha’s office in a rage. My knuckles were white as my hands gripped the steering wheel. Sometimes I wondered if I understood her at all. She wasn’t a jealous woman by nature, not usually. I could certainly understand her being pissed off when she’d heard Robyn in my room. But what I couldn’t understand was her refusal to listen to my explanation. I’d expected we’d have a bit of an argument, but then I’d thought it would end as all of our arguments did, with some part of my body inside her.

  I’d just got out of the shower when I heard the knocking on my front door. Even a run hadn’t taken the edge off my fight with Samantha and I was still seething. I opened the door to her and she pushed past me and marched up the stairs without a word. I heard her opening drawers and stomping about the bedroom. My first thought was that she was packing the things she’d left there over the past few months.


  I ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When I walked into the bedroom, I saw her placing things on the bed. On closer inspection, I could see that she’d laid out a pair of leather cuffs; a couple of my ties; a blindfold, one of her scarves and my belt.

  She glared at me. ‘What are these, Gabriel?’

  Unsure where she was going, I glared back. ‘You know what they are.’

  ‘Maybe a better question would be, what do you do with these things?’

  ‘I tie you up with them,’ I frowned at her. What the fuck was she playing at?

  ‘Yes. In fact, only last week, you tied my legs and my arms to this bed. And then you blindfolded me. I couldn’t move. Do you remember?’

  ‘Yes.’ Of course I remembered. My dick started to twitch just thinking about it. But that obviously wasn’t where this was heading.

  ‘And this?’ she said as she picked up my belt. ‘What else have you done with this?’

  ‘I’ve hit you with it,’ I said, realising how wrong that sounded when I said it out loud.

  She glared at me. ‘Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to trust anyone that much, Gabriel? Do you have any idea how much I have to trust you to allow you to do any of that to me?’

  I stared at her. I wanted to argue with her. I wanted to vent some of this pent-up rage that was still coursing through my body. But, she was right. I didn’t even think about what it meant for her to give up control to me the way that she did. I just expected it. I took it, without fully appreciating how much it must cost her.

  ‘Don’t you ever accuse me of not trusting you,’ she snapped as she walked past me. I grabbed hold of her arm before she reached the door.

  ‘Sam! You’re right. I didn’t think about it like that. Don’t go.’ I pulled her to me, scared that she would shake me off and walk out anyway. To my relief, she didn’t. I buried my face in her hair. God, she smelled so fucking good. Everything about her made me hard. She was wearing a wrap dress and it fell apart easily when I tugged on the belt. I slid my hands around to her gorgeous peach of an arse, before pushing the dress over her shoulders and onto the floor.

  I laid her down on the bed and pulled off her underwear. Running my hand down the length of her body, she arched her back in pleasure. I knew her better than any woman I had ever been with.
I knew that when I moved my hand back up her inner thigh, her legs would fall apart for me. I resisted the urge to push my fingers inside her, although I was desperate to — to push any part of my body inside her. I slid my finger up to her clit instead to find her already soaking wet for me. I rubbed softly at first, because I knew it would drive her crazy. Sure enough, she was soon whimpering and bucking beneath me.

  ‘Please, Gabe,’ she groaned.

  Taking pity on her, and myself, I sucked on her swollen clit and pushed two fingers inside her. It felt so good to taste her. I loved to feel her come in my mouth. Her whole body trembled. When I’d given her the orgasm she’d begged me for, I fucked her, feeling the relief of finally being inside her.

  I often held her hands down when I fucked her, it gave me easy access to her neck and her nipples where I would suck and lick as I nailed her to the bed. But sometimes I liked to feel her claw at my back and my arse, pulling me further into her. I loved that she wanted me as much as I needed her. I loved everything about this woman and the way she made me feel. I came inside her and she rewarded me with another climax of her own, whispering my name as she did.

  ‘I love you, Sam,’ I breathed. ‘I’ll never take your trust for granted again. Can you give me another chance?’

  ‘I thought I just did,’ she said with a smile.

  ‘Would you prefer it if I didn’t tie you up?’ I asked her.

  ‘No. I love you tying me up.’

  I smiled. That was good to hear. ‘And what about the other stuff?’

  ‘You mean, like when you put me over your knee and spank me like a naughty schoolgirl?’ she grinned at me and I felt my cock twitching again.


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