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Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong Book 1)

Page 15

by S. E. Roberts

  “No, you should sleep on it anyway.”

  I stand from the couch and he grabs me by the hips, turning me toward him so my stomach is aligned with his face. I’m unsure of what he’s doing until he gently lifts my shirt and lays a kiss on my belly. His touch on my bare skin causes me to quiver. Apparently, my body hasn’t gotten the memo that I shouldn’t be having these thoughts of him.

  “Daddy loves you.”

  The thought of not having him still hurts, but if our children at least get their father, I’ll try to learn to be content.



  We arrive at the doctor’s office ten minutes before Maddison’s appointment, and I won’t lie, I’m nervous.

  “Are you all right?” she asks from the chair next to me in the waiting room.

  I look down at my knee and notice that it’s bouncing uncontrollably.

  “Yeah.” I give her a fake smile. I’ll be better once I know our babies are still doing good.

  She rests her hand on my arm. “I’m healthy, and they were both doing great at my first sonogram.”

  “Do you think they’ll do another one?” I have no idea how these appointments work. Destiny never wanted me to go to them with her, but I was just thankful she went at all.

  “It’s kind of early, but they might.”

  A nurse calls her back to a room and after checking her weight and blood pressure, she’s told to slip on a gown they hand her.

  “I’ll just…” I point toward the door.

  “Just turn around.”

  “I suppose it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” I say under my breath.

  “What was that?” I hear the zipper on her pants go down. It’s hard to control the inappropriate thoughts that are running through my mind at the moment.


  When she tells me I can turn back around, I awkwardly take a seat on one of the chairs beside the bed, not making eye contact with her. I’m afraid I’ll have a fucking hard-on when the doctor walks through the door.

  After what seems like forever, the doctor comes in and tells us he’s going to check the heartbeats. He rubs some kind of gel on her stomach, causing her to flinch from the coldness. We start to hear the whoosh whoosh sound.

  “Everything all right, Doc?” I’m worried something is wrong when he doesn’t say anything.

  “Everything sounds great. You’re fifteen weeks so we might be able to tell the genders. Did you want to find out today?”

  “Yes,” we both answer at the same time.

  A cart with a computer monitor is rolled into the room and they once again put more gel on her stomach. A similar looking wand is placed over her stomach and an image finally pops up on the screen.

  I can’t hold back any longer. I lean down and kiss her cheek. “I still can’t believe we’re having twins,” I whisper into her ear and her breathtaking smile covers her face.

  I hope this woman knows how much I love her and our children, and that I won’t be leaving her damn side again if she’ll have me. My first mission is to get her back to Chicago where she belongs… as far away from her parents as I can get her.

  I look back up at the screen just as the sonographer says, “Okay, baby number one is a boy!” The thought of having a son makes my throat clog with emotion. After losing Braeden, I didn’t think I would ever have one.

  “You got your buddy,” Maddison says as she rests a hand on my cheek and I kiss her palm.

  We both look up at the screen to see the second baby. Thank fuck these people know what they’re doing, because I have no idea how they’re able to tell what the gender is. If I’m being honest, they both look like little aliens right now.

  “And baby number two is a girl!”

  Maddison gasps beside me, and I can feel the damn tears burning the back of my eyes. My God. I can’t believe we’ll have one of each. I’m sure I’ll drive her crazy with how much I spoil our little princess.

  We’re left alone and Maddison is told she can get dressed. I don’t bother turning around this time, because I’m busy looking at the pictures of our children. Two lives that we created in love. If only I can convince her that love is still existent.

  She makes another appointment to come back in four weeks and then we’re on our way.

  “Are you okay with two?” she asks me shyly as we walk to my car.

  “I’m more than okay with it.” I stop her in the middle of the parking lot, resting my hands on both sides of her face. I know she probably wouldn’t appreciate me kissing her lips right now, so I settle for her forehead and a gasp slips from her lips.

  “How long are you planning on staying in Detroit?” I start the car and back out of the parking space.

  I want to tell her until she decides to come home with me, but settle for, “For as long as you’ll have me.”

  I don’t miss the small smile on her face as she turns to look out the window.

  I take her to a local sandwich shop, wanting to make sure my woman and babies are well fed. She chuckles at me when I place the abundance of food on our table and informs me that she isn’t supposed to really eat for three people.

  When we’re finished, she tells me she wants to walk around a baby store to get ideas for the nursery. She told me that her parents are only letting her stay in the cottage for two months, and I swear there was steam coming out of my ears. I didn’t think it was possible to hate her parents more. I plan on decorating one of the rooms in the penthouse for the twins, but won’t bring that up for now.

  I know she’s still upset with what I did to her… and hell, I can’t blame her. But I plan on staying in Detroit until she understands how much I want her back.



  We make it back to the cottage and I’m ready for a nap after being on my feet all afternoon.

  “I think I’m going to go lie down for a bit,” I tell Ian as he opens the passenger door for me.

  We walk inside, and he gives me a funny look.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, not able to read him.

  “Do you, uh, care if join you?”

  I know this will make things worse for when he leaves, but for whatever reason, I agree.

  “Sure.” I walk toward my room. “Right in there. I’ll be just a minute.”

  I head to the bathroom, mostly to get away from him so I can gather my thoughts.

  What the hell are you doing, Maddison?” The fear of getting hurt again is at the forefront of my mind, but the man in the other room quickly became essential in my life. He’s like the air I breathe, and I’m not able to survive when he’s not around. The only problem is, when I did let him close, he held the power to destroy me. And he did just that.

  “What are we gonna do about your daddy?” I look down at my stomach. As much as I’d love to be a family of four, I don’t know that I can give that to him. I know he had his reasons for walking away, but if something bad happened, would he take off again?

  When I make it to my room, Ian is already on the bed with his arms above his head. God, I’ve missed the hell out of him. I take a few seconds to admire his godlike figure. The dark hair I’ve run my hands through too many times to count, and the way the skin of his V peeks out from under his shirt. I have to force my legs together at the dampness of my panties. I’ve heard that pregnant women can get super horny, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t had to please myself a few times over the weeks.

  “Are you gonna keep gawking at me, or come join me?”

  I feel my cheeks heat at his words and I walk toward the bed.

  “I was not gawking.” I pull the blanket back and slide in next to him. It’s only a full-size bed, so we’re forced to be close.

  I look up at him and he yawns into his hand before wrapping his arm around me.

  “Is that how you got all the girls when you were younger? That was real smooth.” I chuckle. I should pull away from him, but if I did, I’d be on the floor.
br />   “I’ll have you know, that move worked on all the girls.” He pauses. “In third grade.”

  I throw my head back in a laugh, and I think it’s the first genuine one I’ve had since being away from him.

  “I like that sound,” he mumbles into my ear, his breath on my cheek sending shivers through my body.

  “Hmm?” Now it’s my turn to yawn.

  “Your laugh. I’ve missed that. And you.”

  I’m exhausted from our day out, but sit up so my back is against the headboard, and he joins me.

  The words won’t leave my mouth, even though I’ve recited them since the day he walked away from me. It’s amazing how much time I had on my hands when I was out of a job.

  “Gorgeous?” he asks, and the term of endearment nearly causes my heart to crack.

  “Please, don’t,” I whisper, as I look up at him.

  “Don’t what?” He straightens himself so he can get a better look at my face.

  “Don’t call me that. You’re making this hard for me.”

  He throws his head back against the wood.

  “I came here because I can’t handle the thought of never having you as mine again.”

  I pull the blanket closer to my body, needing to not feel so exposed.

  I take a moment to gather my thoughts. “I can’t just think about myself anymore.” I rub my stomach. “I’m carrying two lives that’ll also be affected if you take off again.”

  By now, my eyes are welling with tears, desperately needing to fall free.

  He shakes his head. “That won’t happen. What do I have to do for you to understand how serious I am?”

  I stare up at the ceiling, mindlessly counting the speckles of paint.

  “I don’t know.” I look over at him when I feel him rubbing my arm. I love this man so damn much, but how do I know I can believe him?

  “Let me prove it, okay? I’ll do whatever I have to for you to believe that I’m all in.” He rests a hand on my stomach. “For all of you.”

  I yawn into my hand. “Okay.”

  “Get some rest and I’ll figure out something for dinner.” He leans in and kisses my cheek as I snuggle into my pillow.

  The bed dips beside me as he gets off, and seconds later, I hear the door close. As soon as my eyes shut, sleep takes me.



  I throw my phone on the coffee table after placing our Chinese order. Chloe sent me a text earlier telling me that if I wanted to be in Maddison’s good graces, that egg rolls would be the way to win her heart back. At this point, I’ll take any help I can get. All I have to say is, I won’t be leaving Detroit without her beside me in my Bentley.

  “Hey.” She stands in the doorway, raising her arms over her head in a yawn, causing her shirt to lift. Her smooth skin turns me the hell on. And to top it off? Her small bump that is starting to grow… a reminder that she’s carrying my children.

  “Hey.” I pat the seat beside me on the couch. “Dinner should be here soon.”

  She sits and scrolls through her phone before looking up at me.

  “Thanks.” I’m gifted with a small smile. “I just realized I never called Chloe or Greta about the twins.”

  Chloe had asked me how the appointment went and I stuck to a simple “good” because I knew Maddison would want to tell her.

  “You should call them.” I stand to walk to the kitchen, remembering what I picked up when I went out to get groceries for tomorrow.

  “It’s fine.” She waves her hand in the air. “It can wait.”

  When I walk back to the couch, I hand her the bag and she gives me a questioning look.

  “What’s that?”

  “I needed to run to the store for a few things and saw this and thought it was perfect.” I push the bag toward her again.

  She gasps as soon as she sees the frame, bringing it out of the bag so she can get a better look. It says “Mommy and Daddy love you.” And inside sits the sonogram with both babies.

  Her hand comes up to her mouth and then tears start to fall down her face. What the fuck is happening?

  “What’s wrong?” I take the picture out of her hands and pull her into my arms.

  She’s now full-on sobbing and I have no idea what I did or where this came from, but I sit and hold her tight, letting her get snot all over my shirt.

  She finally dabs at her wet face and pulls away from me.

  “Jesus, I’m a damn mess.” She wipes at my shoulder. “Shit, I didn’t mean to get makeup all over you.”

  “It’s fine. But what was that all about? I thought you would like the picture, but it’s okay if you don’t.”

  She shakes her head, “I love it. That’s what made me cry.”

  I look at her, surely with confusion written all over my face.

  “It’s hormones, Ian.” She throws her head back. “I’ll most likely be this way until I push these things out of my vagina.”

  “I don’t mind.” I pull her into my side again, kissing the top of her head. God, I wish I could kiss her lips instead.

  We’re interrupted when the doorbell rings. I pay the delivery boy before setting all three bags on the table in front of her. She arches an eyebrow at me.

  “What? I wanted you to have options. My babies have to stay fed.”

  She opens the box of egg rolls and doesn’t bother grabbing a plate, but instead feasts right out of the container.

  “Good?” I smirk over at her.

  “Very,” she mumbles around a mouthful. “Aren’t you eating?”

  “Yeah, but I’m enjoying this show way too much right now to miss it.”

  “Ass!” She swats at my arm and I grab it, mocking hurt.

  Once we’re finished eating, I take our garbage to the kitchen, and grab a couple bottles of water out of the fridge.

  “I am glad you came, you know?” She turns her head to look at me.

  “Me too.” I grab her hand. “I’m trying to make this better.”

  “I know.”

  “But?” I ask when she doesn’t continue.

  She grabs a throw pillow, pulling it close to her. “You broke my heart into a million pieces when you decided that you didn’t want me or our babies. I can’t fathom the thought of that happening again.”

  I grab her hands in my much bigger ones as I look down at her.

  “Maddie, I’ve never hated myself so much as I did after I left you that day.” I pause. “I was a fucking coward, but I swear to you, I want nothing more than to be in your life and in our children’s lives. I need all three of you, and the thought of not having you makes me ill.” I blow out a heavy breath. “Losing Braeden nearly killed me, but I know you’re nothing like Destiny, and never could be. Please, just let me show you how sorry I am and how serious I am about making this work.”

  She gives me a small smile. “I want to believe you. I really do. I just need some time, all right?”

  “Of course.”

  Now her smile has turned devilish. I’m not sure if I want to hear what she’s about to say. Frankly, I’m scared by the look on her face.

  “What?” I ask slowly.

  “Tomorrow night I have to join my parents for dinner at six. Will you go with me?”

  I chuckle. “Was that worth scaring the shit out of me for?”

  “You don’t mind being thrown to the wolves?”

  I gather her into a hug, inhaling her scent, wanting to stay like this forever.

  “I’ll do anything for you.”

  And I mean it. Her parents might be the two worst people on the planet, but if it means being with her, I’d face the devil himself.



  “What are you thinking about?” Ian asks as he rubs circles on my stomach. I can’t wait until we’re able to feel the little peanuts move inside me.

  I sigh. “I hate my parents so much. I shouldn’t be surprised with how they acted tonight, but it still pisses me off.”

bsp; He props himself up on his elbows and stares down at me.

  “I couldn’t care less what they or anyone else think of me, or us. All I care about is you and these two.” He strokes my bump again.

  “Thank you.” I push his hair out of his eyes before looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought. “I’m scared,” I whisper into the air, not sure if he heard me or not.

  He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head, sending shock waves down to my nether regions. It’s been way too long since he’s touched me, and I’m not sure how much longer I can wait. But what if I’m setting myself up for disaster again?

  “Of what?”

  I look up at him, nearly getting lost in his emerald eyes. “I want to be with you.” I pause. “I do, but I don’t know if I’ll survive if you hurt me again.”

  He grabs my face, staring down at me as if the world will completely fall apart if he takes his eyes off mine.

  “My life has been hell without you in it, Maddie. I know I did this to us, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making it better, if you’ll let me.” He pulls away from me, seeming to be giving me space. “I can’t promise that I’m never going to fuck up again, because I know I will, but I can promise you that I’ll never walk away from you again, as long as you want me around.”

  The tears pool in my eyes and as hard as I try to keep them at bay, they still roll down my cheeks. I sniff and when I don’t say anything, because I’m not sure what to say, he continues.

  “I want to be the best partner to you and a father to our babies,” he chokes out. “I can’t imagine not waking up next to you for the rest of my life.” He grabs my hand, rubbing circles on my knuckles. “And if you don’t want that, I swear to you, I’ll still be the best damn dad there is.”

  I grab his face. “I want that, too.”

  He gives me a small, weak smile. “Which part?”

  “All of it.”


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