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by Marie Tuhart


  Marie Tuhart


  Weird. That one word buried the bold, explorative side of librarian Tessa Ruthledge until she visits Wicked Sanctuary on masquerade night and runs into Damon. The persistent man refuses to let her hide and pushes all the right buttons, fanning the cravings she’s suppressed for so long, including her submission.

  Industrial designer Damon Kline wants Tessa in his arms, his bed, and at his mercy. Her spirit, her sense of humor, and everything about her claims his attention. She’s the one, and getting past her defenses is a challenge he’s up for. This time, he won’t lose.

  When Tessa’s influential father takes on Damon and the club, Tessa must choose between protecting her new family or following her heart’s desire.

  Table of Contents






















  Seduce, Copyright © 2021 Marie Tuhart

  All rights reserved

  Print ISBN: 978-0-9971800-8-4

  Digital ISBN: 978-0-9971800-9-1

  Cover design by Designed by D

  Editing by Red Quill Editing LLC

  Learn more about Marie Tuhart and her books at and for up to date information about releases, please consider joining Marie’s mailing list.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, opinions, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author and not encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials. To obtain permission to use portions of this text, other than for review purposes, please contact

  QUALITY CONTROL: We strive to produce error-free books, but even with all the eyes that see the story during the production process, slips get by. So please, if you find a typo or any formatting issues, please let us know at so that we may correct it.

  Thank you!


  This book contains elements of the BDSM lifestyle that are only true to life in this book. There are varying forms of the lifestyle, which are decided between the people involved. While I have researched and talked with people in the lifestyle, this is my take on how my characters choose to live.

  If you decide to explore the lifestyle yourself, please remember to always be safe. Never go home with someone you don’t know. Attend a munch or a small get-together first to see if this is something you want in your life. Reading and living are very different.

  There is no mention of the coronavirus that exists in our world right now. I purposely left it out. This is a place for you to escape.

  Enjoy Damon and Tessa’s story. They are a fun couple.


  There are several people I want to thank for supporting me through this book:

  Laurie, thank you for holding my hand through the formatting process.

  Nia, Isabel, and Susannah, thank you for all our sprinting sessions.

  Red Quill Editing team, you are the best team to work with.

  Publisher’s Note: This book contains a dominant male, spunky heroine, and sexy situations.


  “I’ll take Tessa home.”

  Tessa Ruthledge stared at Damon, his dark hair ruffled by the slight wind. She pulled her coat tighter, refusing to consider it wasn’t the chill in the air as they all stood outside the bookstore, but rather the intensity of those deep blue eyes making her shiver.

  Not only no, but hell no. Tessa turned to her friends. Sierra and Crystal always looked out for her. “I’ll grab a cab. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Like hell you will.” His heavy hand was on her shoulder before she could take a step.

  Tessa stiffened and pinned Damon with her death glare. At least, that’s what the kids at the library called it when they got too loud.

  “Listen. I’ll keep my hands and opinions to myself.” He lifted his hands in front of him.

  Like he’d done last time? Tessa weighed her options. They’d all come from the monthly book club meeting at the local adult store. Normally, she’d go to coffee with them, but she had an early morning meeting.

  Her friends watched her. She didn’t want to ruin their night. If she said no, they would insist on driving her home and miss time out with their boyfriends. Tessa almost grinned because boyfriends was such a vanilla term for what they were.

  But alone with Damon? A tremor shook her body. Her attraction to him was something she didn’t need in her life right now. Really, though, what choice did she have? Damon was the type of man who wouldn’t leave a woman to catch a cab or a ride-share alone. Having him drive her home wasn’t that big of a deal, right?

  “As long as you keep your word,” she said.

  “I always keep my word.” Damon glanced over at their friends. “She’ll be safe with me.”

  “I believe she will,” Sierra said with a smile.

  “Damon will be a complete gentleman,” Jordan said, glaring at Damon.

  “Lay off, will ya. I give you all my word. I’ll drive Tessa home, see her to the door, and I’ll leave. Promise.”

  His words sounded sincere, but there was mischief in those blue eyes. Tessa huffed. How long before he showed her he was like the other men in her life and betray her in some way? What the heck was she thinking? Damon wasn’t going to be in her life. It was a ride home, nothing more.

  Tessa turned to her friends. “Friday night at Sierra’s place?” She couldn’t wait for some serious girl-time to hear from Crystal about her and Jordan. The drive here with them hadn’t been enough.

  “Yes,” Sierra piped up.

  “Let’s go,” Tessa said to Damon. She walked to the parking lot, leaving him to catch up with her.

  “In a big hurry?” Damon said jogging to her side. “Green SUV is mine.”

  Since there were three vehicles in the lot and she knew who the other two belonged to, the green SUV was a logical choice. Tessa sighed. Logic. How often did she rely on that? Too often. She was tired of making all the decisions, yet she had to. She had no one else to rely on.

  Damon unlocked the vehicle and held the passenger door open for her. Tessa used the running board as a boost to get inside. She wasn’t short by any means, but this was a luxury SUV.

  The soft leather seats held her body in a soft caress, and the dashboard looked like something out of the space shuttle. It put her little compact car to shame. Damon climbed in. The vehicle purred to a start.

  “Where do you live?” he asked.

  “The apartments over on Olive.”

  “Nice area.” He pulled out of the parking lot and turned right. “It seems like you and I keep getting off on the wrong foot. If I did something that upset you, I’m sorry.”

  She blinked, then turned her head. He apologized? This man she’d only met twice, who made her feel things she thought long buried, was sorry? Tessa’s insides began to thaw.

  “I’m sorry too.”
It wasn’t all his fault. “I’ve been stressed lately, and I guess you were an easy target.”

  He chuckled, and Tessa’s nerves tingled at the sound.

  “I know a great cure for stress.” He flashed her a sexy grin.

  “What?” She’d tried yoga, bubble baths, hell, even meditation. Nothing seemed to work.

  “A night of passionate sex.”

  Tessa opened her mouth and closed it. She’d fallen right into that one. Yet, in her mind’s eye, she saw her body entwined with Damon’s. She wasn’t considering his suggestion…was she? Nope.

  “Sorry, no deal.”

  “Come on, Tessa. We’d be good in bed together.”

  “We’ve known each other a couple of weeks, and we’ve only been together with our friends present. Hell, we haven’t even had a first date.”

  “All that complicates life. I’m talking one night.”

  She stared out the passenger window, not answering him. Crap, she wanted to take him up on his offer. It had been a while since she’d been with a man, by her own choosing. Oh, she’d gone out on dates, but nothing special. Nothing that made her want to take a man home to her bed. Damon tempted her, in more ways than one. But she wasn’t going to fall for his routine. He probably used it on all the women he dated. Didn’t all men have a line to seduce women into their beds? She’d been burned enough.

  Her apartment building came into sight. Relief flowed through her. Damon pulled into a parking spot, and she turned to him.

  “Thank you for the ride. And for the offer, but no, thank you.” She reached for the door latch.

  “Tessa.” His quiet voice and hand on her arm stopped her. “I told everyone I’d walk you to the door.”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  “Yes, it is.” He released her and climbed out of the SUV. He helped her down and cupped her elbow.

  Tessa pulled her keys out of her purse. The main door to the complex was unlocked, again. She’d have to call the management company…again.

  “Shouldn’t this be locked?” Damon asked when she pulled it open.

  “Yes.” She marched down the hallway to the elevator. Maybe it was time to move. She didn’t want to yet, as she hadn’t found the perfect house. The trip to her apartment on the fourth floor was swift. “This is me.” She stopped in front of 403 and inserted the key into the deadbolt.

  “Allow me.” Damon pushed her hand away and turned the handle, then put the key in the doorknob lock and turned. “It’s better to have two keys,” he said as he pushed open the door.

  She rolled her eyes but kept silent. The lamp in the living room was more than enough light to see inside.

  “Stay there,” Damon ordered before he disappeared inside her apartment.

  What the— Tessa stepped inside her apartment. “Damon, what are you doing?”

  “Making sure you’re safe.”

  He strode out of her bedroom and down the short hall to her spare room. Tessa hung her purse up on the hook by the door. She tapped her foot, waiting for Damon to reappear. When he did, she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “All clear,” he said, striding up to her.

  “Why were you prowling around my apartment?”

  “Making sure no one else was here.” He stared at her.

  “What business of that is yours?”

  “You’re important to Sierra and Crystal, which means you’re important to Max and Jordan, which means you’re important to me. It’s about safety.” He kept his gaze on her. “Hasn’t a man ever watched out for your safety before?”

  Tessa tilted her head. “No,” she whispered. Her heart melted a little bit.

  “Then you’ve been hanging out with the wrong men.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “Until we meet again, sweet Tessa.”

  Damon brushed past her and pulled the door shut behind him.

  Tessa locked the door and sighed. Maybe Damon wasn’t so bad after all.


  Tessa sat in her car, gathering her courage. Tonight was the perfect night for her to see if this was what she really wanted in her life. She blew out a breath, pulled on her feathered mask, and exited her vehicle.

  The cool night air caused her to shiver, even with a coat on, as she made her way to the entrance to Wicked Sanctuary. It was Valentine’s Day, and the club was having a masquerade party. That was one more reason she’d decided tonight was the night.

  Her friends had no idea she was a member of the club and had been for almost the last five years. Her two best friends were going to be mad at her for keeping such a secret. Sierra and Crystal were now members since they’d fallen for the men who owned the club.

  Tessa shook her head. It was time. She was tired of suppressing her needs and wants. She needed to let go of everything, and her friends would understand that she needed to do this on her terms and no one else’s. She stepped inside.

  Goodness, things had changed. There was now a nice reception area, and a man sat behind the desk in a white shirt. “Good evening, name please?”

  “Tessa Ruthledge.” Her voice was tentative. Come on Tessa, buck up.

  “Ah yes, Ms. Ruthledge. You haven’t been here in a while.” He flipped around a journal. “I’m Ralph. If you would sign in here, please.” She signed where he indicated. “You haven’t been in the club for several years, and there have been some changes. Here’s a copy of the club rules. Please read them.”

  Tessa took the laminated sheet from him and read the rules. She remembered most of them, but there were some new ones. Like the lockers. She handed it back.

  Ralph placed a small machine on the table. “If you’d put your thumb on the reader, I’ll scan it in so you can get a locker.”

  Tessa put her thumb on the scanner. The machine beeped. “Thank you,” Ralph said as he typed into the computer. “All set for that.

  “You’ll need to contact Master Max and talk with him about the classes you’ll need, and you’ll need one of these.” Ralph held up a wristband. “You’re an experienced sub so pink and white.”

  The wristbands were new. She opened her mouth to ask if there was another color for not playing, then remembered she could always say no. “Classes?” She remembered Sierra mentioning them, but she hadn’t paid that close of attention.

  “Yes. Master Max will explain. The ladies’ room is the first door on your left. Find an empty locker to put your things in. In case you don’t remember, you are not allowed to take anything into the club.”

  “All right. Thank you.” Tessa walked through the open doors and into the ladies’ room. “Now this is what I call a ladies’ room.” It was almost palatial. Lockers took up one wall with benches in front of them. Showers were on another side, along with cubbies filled with towels.

  Tessa found an empty locker, put her small purse and her jacket in before closing it and locking it. She liked the thumbprint. No one could get into it, and it made her feel better about leaving her stuff unattended. She slipped on the wristband. Tonight was for her to get her feet wet, once again, and scope out the club.

  Smoothing down her hair, Tessa glanced in one of the mirrors. Her hair was pulled back out of the way, the dark blue crop top showed skin but not too much. Perfect. She strode out of the ladies’ room and to the doors of the club itself. Lifting her chin, she opened the door. The music hit her first, a low pulsing sound with a beat to it. People were milling around chatting.

  She’d timed her entrance to be after most people would be here, figuring she could slip in unnoticed. Pulling the door closed behind her, Tessa slid to her right to take in the differences in the club.

  The first time she was here, there had been a St. Andrew’s Cross, some spanking benches, and a massage table. The club had expanded. There were stations set up and plenty of them. Tables and chairs filled one small area off to the side of the bar and across the room, and a scattering of sofas and overstuffed chairs around the room softened the look. Another area was a cluster of sofas for aftercare.

  Tessa turned and saw the bar area. People were standing there drinking and talking, but she didn’t see any bottles of alcohol behind the bar as one would expect. Interesting. There were a lot of people here, which spoke to the popularity of the club.

  “Hi. You look a little lost. I’m Regina, one of the club’s subs. Oops, I probably shouldn’t have said my name since this is a masquerade party.”

  Tessa smiled at the bubbly redhead with flashing green eyes behind the white angel mask. “Hi, Regina, not lost. I haven’t been to Wicked Sanctuary in a long time.”

  “Welcome back. Would you like me to show you around?”

  “That would be wonderful.” With all the colorful masks, she hadn’t spotted her friends yet. She adjusted her mask, hoping no one would recognize her. “If it’s okay to ask, how long have you been coming to the club?”

  “Three years.” Regina motioned for Tessa. “The bar area is deceptive. The club doesn’t serve any alcohol. It’s not allowed unless Master Max has a special party, and it’s strictly controlled. But if you want juice, soda, or water, it’s available.” Regina paused. “The Doms also have space for their bags next to the bar. The green area.” Regina waved her hand toward the area Tessa saw earlier. “Usually that’s where subs wait for their Doms.”


  “It depends.” Regina held up her wrist showing off her pink and white wristband.

  “What do the wristbands mean?” Tessa never thought to ask Ralph.

  “They signify sub, Dom, and experience level. I’m pink and white meaning I’m a sub with medium experience. Same as yours.”

  “But I never said I was a sub.” She hadn’t been asked; then again, her application was on file.


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