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The Senator's Son, #1

Page 24

by Anna Albo

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Like I've been run over."

  "The doctor says you'll be just fine. Do you want to come home? Have Grandpa and I take care of you?"

  "I don't want to miss school, especially with exams coming."

  He squeezed my hand. "I'm sure Zach will take good care of you."

  "He always does, although we'll be eating takeout for the next few days."

  Dad smiled but I could see that more was going on. "Kiddo, don't be mad, but Zach told me everything. About Jake and that girlfriend of his."

  I felt my insides cave, yet a part of me was relieved. "I didn't know how to tell you."

  "It doesn't matter. I know now. But you better promise to never keep something like that from me again."

  "I didn't want to ruin your friendship with Uncle Ron."

  "Ron and I are tight. This won't change a thing."

  "Jake really hurt me, Dad. Bianca is nothing to me, but Jake let me down."

  "I know," he said, rubbing my hand. "Jake was here, but we sent him home. He seemed pretty sorry. Now when you go home, if you want to talk to him, that's your business, but I wanted you to know."

  Jake was the last person I wanted to talk to. I didn't care about him.

  "Zach offered me a place to stay tonight, so we're going to go. It's getting late and you need your rest. We'll be back in the morning with some breakfast. You cannot eat hospital food."

  "Thanks, Dad. I love you."

  "Sweetie, I love you too."

  THE POLICE INTERVIEWED me the next morning for less than five minutes. I told them I didn't know who attacked me because, technically, that was true. I didn't see Bianca or the other two people, and I couldn't identify her by voice. And even if I did know it was Bianca, I wanted this over. She got her eye for an eye.

  Genie, Dad, Zach, Grandpa, and Wendy piled into my room the next morning with breakfast from a fast-food place. I didn't care since it was better than the slop they served at the hospital. Genie brought a change of clothes and Grandpa and Wendy gave me a box of chocolates. Dr. Lewis assured me that I'd be sprung by lunch so we all waited around chatting.

  Genie got me alone when everyone else had gone for coffee.

  "Probably inappropriate, but your dad is hot."

  I laughed, then groaned because it hurt. "Yeah, that's a bit gross."

  "He's movie-star hot. When Zach brought him home last night, I couldn't stop drooling. I almost wet myself."

  "Genie, we're talking about my dad," I said fighting back a giggle.

  "Is he single?"

  "Yes, but he doesn't date much."

  "Does he date younger women?"

  "Genie, totally gross now."

  "I'm just curious. I wouldn't follow through or anything."

  I was having a hard time believing that.

  I had more visitors. First Helen, who'd found out from Frank. Turns out he was a member at the club and an acquaintance of Helen's. I asked her to thank him for me; I couldn’t remember if I’d even spoken to him again after the ambulance came.

  "You look like hell, partner," she said, giving me a gentle hug.

  "Thanks, I think."

  "I bet you fought like hell. Any idea who it was?"


  "Did they steal anything?"

  "No. Just some random attack."

  "I'm glad you're fine. Make sure to take it easy. I need my partner back as soon as she's ready."

  Next came Andrea and Lucy. Our visit was cut short when Uncle Ron called. I was nervous talking to him, knowing that he probably knew everything now. I was glad to be alone for the call. The last thing I needed was an audience.

  "Hi, Uncle Ron."

  "Hey there, how you doing, Emma?" His always cheerful voice was tentative.

  "I'm doing fine."

  He cleared his throat. "Your dad called last night. Emma...I'm gutted. I wish I'd known."

  "Really, it's okay," I said as my eyes welled up with tears. I couldn't stop the heaviness that had descended in my voice.

  "She's never welcome in our home again. I told Jake that."

  "Uncle Ron, I want it over. I don't want anyone to continue fighting. As long as she leaves me alone, I'll leave her alone."

  "I can respect that. Paul mentioned that you'll be home next weekend. I'd like to come see you if that's all right. I want you to know we all love you."

  I grabbed a crappy hospital tissue and dabbed my eyes. "I'd love to see you too."

  "Ah, don't cry," he said. "I don't want to make you cry."

  "It's happy tears," I said.

  "So I'll see you soon. Tell your dad I'm bringing burgers and fries from Harriet's."

  "I will."

  We ended the call, and I composed myself before everyone came flooding back into my room. I was released an hour later and insisted on going straight to the apartment. It would be at least a week before my face was back to normal, and I didn't want to have people staring at me. Zach was going to visit my professors and tell them what happened. He made me go through taking pictures just in case they needed more evidence. He promised to delete them when it was all over.

  "Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" Dad asked after dinner. The apartment was filled with people I loved and normally I would have reveled in it, but my throbbing head would have none of it.

  "I'll be fine and if I need anything, I know who to call."

  "And we'll see you this weekend?" Dad asked Zach.


  "I'd love to come too," Genie offered.

  I was going to have to warn Dad about her.

  I walked them to the door, giving each one a big hug. Despite what Bianca had done to me, I had everyone I loved around me. She couldn't take that from me.



  I waited for Bianca. According to Becca, she had a psych class today and Becca was kind enough to tell me where and when. If nothing else, I knew when to lay on the charm; Becca had been more than willing to give up what she knew.

  I leaned up against the wall, my arms crossed over my chest, and tried not to flip out. If Bianca thought I was going to let this slide, she had another thing coming. My only concern was making sure it didn't get back to Emma.

  I checked my watch. Her class would end any second. I tapped my foot as rage boiled up inside me. If Bianca had been a guy, I would have pummeled her into next week.

  The door to her class opened and a few students filed out. Bianca soon followed, alone, just the way I wanted it. She didn't see me until I was walking alongside her.

  She jumped when she saw me. "Oh, great, what do you want?" she muttered.

  "We're going to talk."

  "I have class." She sounded bored, like I was keeping her from doing her nails or something.

  "I guess you'll have to miss it."

  She stopped and faced me. I saw a scratch on her neck, mostly healed, but a reminder of what she'd done. She caught me looking at it and turned her head the other way.

  "Look, I don't have to talk to you. I think you should leave me alone."

  I stepped closer to her. If it intimidated her, I didn't give a shit. "We're talking." I motioned to an empty classroom, and she reluctantly went inside.

  "You're not closing the door," she said. "You do that, and I bolt."

  "Fine. We can talk with it open."

  I stared at her and she stared back, her pale blue eyes refusing to give an inch. "If you don't get to the point, I'm out of here," she said.

  I inhaled deeply. I hated her. "We had a deal."

  "I didn't touch her."

  My hands balled into fists. "Bianca, we're past lying."

  "I don't know what happened to her, and I had nothing to do with it."

  "Is that how this is going to go? You went too far, Bianca. I told you what the consequences would be. But if you want to play, I'm game. Just don't come crying to me later. You asked for it."

  She chuckled. "I'm not scared of you.

  Her confidence enraged me further. "You willing to risk it?" I asked, moving in closer. We were inches apart now, and she took a step back into one of the tables but caught herself before stumbling.

  "You can cut the act. You'll never share that video. I know that and so do you."

  So that was it all along? She thought I wouldn't make good on my threat? I smiled, which caught her off guard. The first crack in her foundation. "Yeah, I'm going to share it. And I'm going to do it right now. I'll even send you a copy if you want. And to your parents too. I'm sure they'd love to see it."

  "You post that video and it hurts you just as much as it hurts me. And what about your precious girlfriend? You don't think she's going to know you're in it? That she won't recognize you?"

  "Here's the thing. I'm the only one with a copy and I've edited it. Pretty simple these days. No one's going to know I was ever in it. And if I remember correctly, you're the star. The main attraction. Enjoy the fallout, Bianca."

  I turned to leave and she ran after me, grabbing my arm. Her cold expression was replaced by wide-eyed fear. Desperation was ugly on her. "You wouldn't."

  "You broke our deal," I seethed. "The only reason I came here is to give you one last chance, Bianca. And you know why? Because Emma wants me to forget about it. Call it even. Move on. But I can't do that because I have no idea what else you have planned. If I had my way, I'd ruin your fucking life! And what have you done since the moment I got here? You challenged me? Are you serious?"

  "People think you've changed. You haven't changed a bit," she spat. "You're the same asshole you've always been."

  "I guess you bring out the worst in me."

  She swallowed hard. "I know what you've been up to. You're telling people that I beat her up. My friends are turning their backs on me. Everyone is turning their backs on me. That's because of you!"

  I shook my head. "What are you talking about? I haven't told anyone. Don't you think they assumed it? Who else would hurt her? I guess Jake finally dumped your sorry ass?"

  She started hyperventilating. "She's ruining my life. You are ruining my life," she said, pointing her finger at me.

  Bianca went from bravado to all-out panic in less than a minute. She made me sick. "No, you ruined your life. What was it about Emma that threatened you so much? You had Jake, you got her kicked out of her apartment, nearly cost her the job she loved, what more did you need from her? A pound of fucking flesh?" My voice was rising now. I took a few steps back to regroup.

  "I wanted—" she stopped. Whatever she was going to say, she clammed up. "I'm done with her, I promise." Her voice drifted to a whisper. "Please, don't share the video."

  "How do I know I can trust you? You're not exactly a woman of your word."

  "I'm done with her, okay! I'm done," she shrieked. "Do you want it in blood?"

  She seemed to be losing it, but with Bianca, I couldn't know for sure. She was an aspiring actress. What a joke. "Let me make sure you understand this. If you call, text, contact Emma in anyway, I post the video. I won't give it a second thought. And I certainly won't give you any warning. I'll make sure to send a copy to all your friends and family. Your dad wants to be a judge, don't forget that. This video will end any chance of that."

  She slumped down in one of the chairs and nodded. "I hate you," she said, her voice having lost its fight.

  "I feel the same way about you."

  "What is it about her?" she asked as I was leaving. "What is so fucking special about a small-town freak?"

  I looked back at her, catching her wipe a single tear from her face. I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy. "You really want to know? I'll tell you. She's nothing like you."



  One thing I knew for sure was that cracked ribs hurt more than a separated shoulder. At least with a shoulder you could get immediate relief, but cracked ribs gave me a constant reminder that it hurt to breathe. But a week after the attack, my face had healed nicely and I'd gone back to classes. I'd even started cooking again, because the thought of anymore takeout Chinese food, pizza, or burgers turned my stomach.

  I was puttering around the kitchen Friday night making a stir-fry with double the amount of vegetables, a food group that had been sorely lacking in my recent diet, when the buzzer sounded. Zach popped his head into the kitchen.

  "Asswipe is here. Do you want to talk to him?"

  I stopped tossing the vegetables. Jake? He'd sent me flowers and a card, but why come around? "Uh, sure, I guess."

  Zach frowned. "You don't have to."

  "I know."

  I gave Zach some quick instructions regarding our dinner-in-progress and told him not to come out of the kitchen. I didn't want a fight. Then I let Jake in. He stared at the last of the bruising on my face and bristled.

  "Hey, Emma. I thought I'd see how you're doing."

  "I'm doing better. Thanks for the flowers." My voice held no excitement like it once would have.

  "It's the least I could do. I wanted to come by and apologize for what happened. I know it's just words, but I'm so sorry. I know I screwed up our friendship over a girl...we broke up. I broke up with her. When I found out what she did, I told her it was over. I figured so much time passed that she'd forgotten about it...don't hate me, Emma."

  "I don't hate you," I said. Strangely, I didn't feel much. There wasn't any tugging at my heart strings or remorse at our lost friendship. Nothing.

  "I hope one day we can be friends again."

  His blue eyes were welling up with tears and still I felt no emotion. "Jake, I don’t hate you, but we can't be friends. Too much happened."

  He nodded. "I understand," he said, choking out the words. "I know you're pissed so hopefully after some time passes you could reconsider?"

  I nodded. "Maybe." I was placating him now.

  "Don't be a stranger, okay?"

  "I'm sure I'll see you around Pine Falls."

  He turned and walked out. I went back into the kitchen to monitor Zach's progress. He hadn't burned anything yet. I took a second to watch him thoughtfully follow all my instructions, careful not to make a mistake. Yes, this was where I wanted to be. A couple of days at some rich kid’s family’s cabin, a place I'd never wanted to go to in the first place, changed the course of my life. It brought me to this place, brought me to Zach. Sure, there had been an awful lot of bumps along the way, but they'd been worth it.

  He caught me staring and motioned me over. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

  "How'd it go?"

  "Fine. It was goodbye."

  He nodded. I bet he had a lot of things he wanted to say about Jake, but he kept them to himself. "You know what?"

  "What?" I asked.

  "I've never said this to a girl before, but I love you."

  My heart soared. Three little words made my day. "You know what?"


  "I love you too."






  “Your mother called.”

  Three words I never wanted or expected to hear. My mother, a woman I hadn’t seen in nearly eight years. Who’d dumped me on my dad and never looked back. “She did?”

  “She wanted to know how you’ve been. I know you’re surprised. I was too.”

  I pushed my breakfast dish away. Thankfully Dad had waited until I’d finished my Eggs Benedict before giving me indigestion. “I find it a bit odd that she’s asking about me all of the sudden. Don’t you?”

  I looked at Dad and fixed my gaze on his. He pursed his lips and shrugged. “I have my suspicions as to her timing.”

  “So, who told her about Zach?” I asked, rising and taking away our empty plates.

  “I’m guessing one of her old friends from around here. They saw him around this summer, made inquiries and that was that. Meredith had a lot of questions. She seemed sincere.”

“Why didn’t she call me?”

  Dad’s face softened, like he was about to tell me the dog we’d never had just died. “Kiddo, she doesn’t have your number.”

  Point taken. “She could have asked you for it then called me.”

  I’d moved onto washing dishes. Dad came over and put his arm around my shoulder. “I think she’s scared to call you. Worried you might not talk to her.”

  I grunted. “She’s right.”

  “I took her number if you do decide to call. She gave me her email address too, in case you’re more comfortable communicating with her that way. And you might decide you never want to speak to her again. That’s all up to you.”

  I looked at Dad. Meredith was his Achilles’ heel. Why? I didn’t know. The woman had left him with a baby to raise. No calls, no support, nothing. She graduated and moved on with her life. Eight years and not a call from her. No visits. Nada.

  “Let me get this straight. She finds out I’m dating Zach Walker and suddenly she wants back in my life? I think I’ll pass on giving her a call or shooting her an email.”

  “Okay, that’s your decision. I don’t want to sway you either way. I will leave the info for you. I’d hate to lose it.”

  Dad lose something? He kept everything from my first day in nursery school to my last day of high school. He may have been a kid himself, but Dad was meticulous about keeping what was important to him. “Sure, I’ll hang on to it.”

  “One last thing because I know you want to get the hell out of here and to that boyfriend of yours. She asked me for your email address. She wants to send you something. I didn’t give it to her because I told her I’d ask you first. So, I’m asking. Can she have it?”

  I took a long time mulling it over, the two of us standing in silence in the kitchen. Did I want her to have it? Did I want to hear from her? Maybe I was curious, but this was the same woman who’d abandoned me. “Sure,” I said. I didn’t expect those words to leave my mouth, but I didn’t take them back either.


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