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Perilous Games (Gray Tower Book 3)

Page 19

by J. M. Brister

  Shepherd raised an eyebrow and waved for his men to surround them.

  “I’m sorry, son, but you don’t come into my town and give orders around here.”

  Shit, this was going to get bad quick, Peter thought as several of Shepherd’s men formed a circle around him, trapping him from the warehouse door against the truck.

  Peter was armed, but there was no way he could take out that many men at once.

  “Now, now, now,” a smooth, sophisticated voice cut in from across the room. “We don’t need to get violent here.”

  Peter craned his head toward the back of the warehouse and saw Bruce Marino in the flesh walking toward them. He wore an expensive designer suit. His dirty blonde hair was slicked back in a suave, refined style.

  “Marino,” Peter greeted. “Can you call off your men? This wasn’t part of the deal.”

  Marino waved for Shepherd and the men who had surrounded them to move back.

  “Neither was you giving me my shipment two weeks late,” he told him. “I have business associates to keep happy.”

  “These guys don’t seem like your typical associates,” Cole replied.

  Good, good, Peter thought. Keep him talking, so we know what we’re dealing with here.

  “I have many associates,” Marino replied. “In this case, the Reverend Shepherd asked for my help in choosing an arsenal to promote his religious views. I couldn’t possibly say no. However, by you being so late, you’ve started to piss him off.

  Reverend Shepherd? Dear Lord, these men were crazies after all. There was no way that Shepherd was a man of God.

  Shepherd flashed a wicked smile and said, “You’ve backed up a lot of my plans. I hope this shipment was worth it.”

  “My apologies,” Peter said slowly. “But you still have my niece. I need to see her before anything else happens.”

  “Let’s examine the merchandise first,” Marino offered. “Then, if everything is satisfactory, I’ll bring her out.”

  “She’s here?” Cole asked, an edge of caution in his voice.

  There had always been the possibility that she was being kept at a different location. In that case, they were screwed unless they could interrogate someone who knew her location.

  There was a tense pause in the room before Marino replied, “She is, but don’t try anything funny. She’s under guard, and I would hate to see my men get trigger-happy.”

  A ton of chatter suddenly sparked in Peter’s ear as the surveillance team started relaying the information to all the Gray Tower agents. Peter tried to look calm and ignore the voices suddenly in his ear.

  “Okay, sure,” Peter finally told Marino. “But then I see my niece.”

  “Of course,” Marino told him, his voice low and smooth.

  Peter motioned to the back of the trailer and told Marino and Shepherd, “After you.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Ashlen lay on the bed, her heart beating rapidly. The bald man was still in the room with her, leaning casually against the wall. He had been fiddling with his phone for the last tense moments and was currently ignoring her, but she was dreading the moment when his attention would come back to her again.

  She eyed the door, wondering if she could make it there in time before he could grab her. She knew the door was unlocked, but she wasn’t sure if there were any other men out there. Besides, she had no idea where she was or what else she would run into. And she was so incredibly tired and dizzy.

  Suddenly, there was a ring from the bald man’s phone. He hit a button and held the phone to his ear. Ashlen lay on the bed, her body tenser than ever.

  “Yeah?” He answered. There were a few tense pauses, then the man slowly began to smile. “So, we don’t need her anymore? Great.” He hit another button to end the call and threw the cellphone on the floor. “Looks like I get to have you now.”

  Ashlen whimpered as the man began to shed his jacket and pulled off his shirt. Both articles of clothing dropped on the floor. He took his gun from the place that it had been tucked in his pants and dropped it down on the clothes. His chest was hairy. Layers of fat covered his large muscles. Ashlen didn’t doubt he was strong.

  “Please,” she managed to murmur. “Don’t do this.”

  The man gave out a short laugh and said, “Baby, I’ve been thinking about this all night.”

  He stalked over to her and hovered over her. Ashlen was so scared that she couldn’t move. All she could do was cry. Greasy fingers were suddenly pawing at her jeans, trying to undo the buttons. Automatically, Ashlen started kicking and screaming at his touch. In reaction, he started grabbing at her jeans harder.

  In a desperate, final attempt to break free from his grip, she gave one swift kick. Her knee connected with his groin, and the man howled in pain, releasing his grip from her and clutching his balls.

  “You stupid fucking bitch,” he growled. “I’m going to make you pay for this.”

  Ashlen wanted to get up and flee, but the man was blocking the door. After a few moments in pain, he stood over her and grabbed at her hair. He yanked hard and pulled her to her feet, swinging her around until her head connected with the side of the sink.

  And then everything went dark.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  It was Shepherd, not Marino, who inspected the weapons with his men. Peter watched them carefully as they went through the back of the tractor-trailer. He hoped that they didn’t look too closely, or they would be screwed.

  He also eyed Marino, who had stepped back from everything to make a few phone calls. Peter, unfortunately, could not hear a word of what Marino was saying, but he certainly didn’t like it.

  Something just felt fishy to Peter, but he would have to wait a little while longer before they could bring the rest of the team charging in. They either had to have Ashlen handed over, or the Gray Tower team needed to give the okay that they had her. Until that time, Peter had to keep playing along.

  After a few more moments, Cole and Shepherd jumped down from the tractor-trailer. Shepherd nodded to Marino, who turned his attention away from his phone and back to his associate.

  “Everything good?” Marino asked.

  Shepherd nodded.

  Marino turned back to his phone, spoke a few more inaudible words and then put it back in his coat jacket.

  “Okay, Marino,” Cole said, fatigue starting to show in his voice. “Where’s my niece?”

  Marino strolled over to Cole and gave a nasty little smile. “I don’t think you need to worry about her right now.”

  “Why is that?” Cole growled.

  “Because I think you need to be more concerned with yourself right now,” Marino replied, pulling out a Glock 19 from a hidden holster in his suit jacket.

  All of Shepherd’s men pulled out weapons as well. Peter didn’t bother with his gun. He was completely outnumbered.

  “Shit,” Peter grumbled under his breath. “Problem here.”

  “We’re on it,” the voice came from his ear.

  At any moment, the building would be surrounded by Gray Tower agents. But they couldn’t do anything until the situation was under control, or someone would end up getting their head shot off. And what about Ashlen? Peter prayed that Gray Tower would find her quickly.

  “Tell me, Cole, did you think you could fuck with me and get away with it?” Marino asked.

  “It doesn’t have to go down like this,” Cole said firmly.

  “Oh, but it does,” Marino replied. “See, not only have you pissed me off, but you frankly know too much about my relationship with Shepherd. I just can’t have that.”

  “I couldn’t give a damn what you do,” Cole shot back. “I just want my niece back.”

  “Ah, well. I can’t take that risk,” Marino told him. He nodded toward Shepherd and his group. “Go ahead and kill him.”

  Peter cringed, thinking about how many men could he take down before he was shot. However, before anything happened, there was a muffled pop from the other side of the warehouse. Th
en another pop followed quickly by another pop. Every man in that warehouse turned their attention toward the other side.

  It was the sound of a suppressed gun being fired.

  What the hell was happening?

  Chapter 24

  Ashlen felt as if she were swimming through a sea of blackness. Something was nagging at her, though. Something important. What was it?

  Oh my God, she realized. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, or you’re going to get raped!

  Ashlen’s eyes snapped open, but her vision was blurry. She blinked frantically, then finally got her vision focused. She gasped at what she saw. The bald man was hovering over her, pulling her jeans off her legs.

  “Ah, yes,” he growled. “Wake up, baby. I don’t want the fun to start until you’re awake.”

  Frantic, Ashlen turned her head and shut her eyes, tears squeezing from them. Nausea filled her as she fought not to throw up. The man had finished taking off her jeans. He reached down and grabbed her shirt. Ashlen wanted to fight, she did, but she was so dizzy that she couldn’t focus.

  With two hands pawing at her shirt, the man ripped the thing down the middle and pulled it from her body. Greasy hands found her breasts and kneaded them over her bra. The man’s body felt heavy upon her, and she could feel his erection pressing down against her thigh through his jeans.

  Think! Think!

  Her mind reeled. She opened her eyes as the onslaught from above continued against her breasts. The vision of the bald man above her was too much that she turned her head, so she wouldn’t have to watch him.

  It was then that she saw something that made her heart race even faster—something she thought wasn’t possible. It was the gray sheen of the man’s handgun that had been thrown haphazardly on his shirt and jacket that he had peeled off earlier. If only he would get off her just for a moment, so she could try and grab for it.

  After a few tense and uncomfortable moments later, the man took his hands off her breasts and sat up, so he could tug his pants off. It was enough room that she could get to the gun, she decided. She had to try. She’d rather die than be violated like this.

  As the man eased off just enough, Ashlen rolled out from underneath him and made a grab for the gun that was across the floor. When her hands grasped the cool metal, she turned on her back and aimed it at the now very surprised man.

  Time seemed to slow, but it only was a few seconds. During that time, she could hear Mercer’s voice in her head.

  Always treat a gun like it’s loaded. Never point it at anyone you don’t intend to kill.

  Well, she was ready to kill this guy, or he was going to rape her. She kicked off the safety and fired.

  The sound was deafening in the small room. When she stared back at where she had shot, she realized the kick of the weapon had made her shot go wide. And now the man was pissed.

  “Fuck!” He yelled and moved toward her.

  Compensate for the kick, she said to herself. That was what Mercer had told her. Compensate. Compensate!

  She fired again and then again. This time, the bullets connected with the man right in the chest. He stopped before he reached her and slumped to the floor. Ashlen’s arms were shaking as she lowered the gun. Her eyes were wide as she watched to see if the man would get back up.

  But he didn’t.

  It didn’t take long for her to realize that she had shot him.


  There was a moment that passed where she just stared at the body. Then, the shock wore off, and she had realized what she had done. Her body began to shake so badly that she couldn’t move. She just sat there and shook.

  Ashlen didn’t know how long she sat there, but suddenly, she heard the door budging open. In terror, she aimed the gun at the door and prayed.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Mercer waited with Hunter, Hale, Anderson, and a few other Gray Tower agents at the edge of the lot, waiting for their cue to enter the smaller building that was attached to the warehouse. They wouldn’t be cleared to go in until Marino’s men were busy with the shipment.

  Hunter looked at his team and said, “The shipment is being inspected. This is the best time that we’re going to get to go in.”

  Checking the area, the men jumped the small chain-link fence and hauled it to the back door. It was locked, so Hunter got out a small explosive and attached it to the door.

  “Get back,” Hunter said to the team and prepped the explosive.

  A few moments later, a small hiss sounded, and a small pop came from the device. It was an extremely quiet little bang that effected the lock and door handle but not much else. Mercer had used it a few times in the past. It didn’t work well on heavy doors, but for something like this, it was perfect.

  “What the hell was that?” Anderson asked, looking stunned.

  “New tech designed for situations just like this,” Hunter replied. “Less noise. Now, let’s move.”

  Hunter went in first, weapon at the ready. Mercer and the rest of the agents waited for him to wave them in.

  The inside of the small building attached to the warehouse looked to be office spaces that had been cleared out and was replaced by a few dirty, tattered couches, a few tables and chairs scattered around, and an old fridge. Beer cans and liquor bottles were scattered around the room as well. There were a few doors as well that they’d have to check, but the place seemed to be empty.

  As they moved into the seemingly empty area, Jack and the rest of the men moved around the room, weapons still drawn. Mercer hung back and listened. There was something odd—a sound, perhaps? There was a door to his right, and Mercer was getting an uneasy feeling that someone was in there.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and a grubby-looking man strolled out, not realizing that the area had just been invaded by an elite force—and an annoying FBI agent.

  Before any of the Gray Tower operatives could turn and react, Mercer—who was only using a handgun just in case he had to carry an injured Ashlen out—grabbed a knife out of a holster strapped to his thigh and slit the guy in his throat. It was his specialty, and it made things real quiet-like.

  The guy began choking on his blood, clutching his throat as blood gushed out. A few quick moments later, and he dropped.

  “Shit, Cade,” came Anderson’s voice from across the room. “I’m impressed.”

  Mercer only glanced over to look at the bewildered agent and shrugged.

  Hunter had halted his progress and looked troubled.

  “What’s wrong?” Mercer asked.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Hunter cussed.

  “What?” Mercer demanded.

  “We’ve got a big problem in the warehouse right now,” Hunter told him. “We’ve got to get there now. Marino’s turned on Cole.”

  “What do you need from me?” Mercer asked, his chest tightening slightly.

  “Find her,” Hunter replied. “Everyone else with me. And that includes you, Anderson.”

  Mercer nodded as the men disappeared down a long hallway that should get them to the main part of the warehouse. Anderson glanced back at him once with a look of fear in his eyes. Mercer could understand why. The man certainly did care about Ashlen. Hell, he probably loved her.

  Shaking the thought from his head, Mercer examined some of the smaller rooms. Each one was disappointingly empty as he entered and checked them out. Room after room, Mercer checked. For a small building, the place was built like a fucking maze.

  Suddenly, Mercer heard a shot ring out through the area. It was muffled only slightly and very close. He paused and listened. Two more shots rang out. He walked down a tight hallway toward where the shots were coming from.


  There was a doorway at the end of the hall which had a huge bar that could be pushed across the door. However, the lock was not on it. Mercer’s chest tightened as he rushed to the door.

  He slowly opened the door, using the heavy metal frame as cover. When he pushed around the doorway after he had opened it, i
t took a moment to process the scene. First, there was a dead man who was half-naked lying on the floor. He had been shot. As his eyes moved across the room, his heart felt like it had stopped.

  “Ashlen,” he breathed.

  She was only in her underwear. Her hair was a mess, her eyes wild. There were bruises on her face and along her body. And she was aiming a gun right at him. It was a shaky aim, but he was still staring down the barrel of a gun, nevertheless.

  “Baby, it’s me. It’s Mercer. Put the gun down for me. You’re safe now.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she shakily put down the gun. He crossed the small room in a couple of seconds and was kneeling next to her on the floor. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her trembling body, which was wracked with sobs. He couldn’t imagine what she had gone through in the last twelve hours.

  Ashlen, I’m so, so sorry,” he murmured into her hair as he held her.

  “Mercer…” She sobbed his name quietly.

  “I’m here, baby,” he whispered to her.

  Suddenly, everything he had planned about leaving her to Anderson so that she could be with someone who would make a decent husband seemed to go out the window. He wanted her. He couldn’t imagine being without her.

  And he was so fucking in love with her.

  After a few moments of sheer relief that she was alive, Mercer pulled away and looked at her. She was in her underwear, bruised, and shaken. The dead man in the room was half-naked. It only took a few heart-wrenching moments to put two and two together.

  “My God…” He whispered, rage boiling through his body. “Did that man…force himself on you?”

  To his utter relief, she shook her head and murmured, “He tried but I…I shot him…”

  Mercer peered down into her tear-reddened eyes and told her, “Good girl.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, gently at first, then fiercely.

  When he finally withdrew his lips from hers, she mumbled, “I didn’t think you were coming for me.”

  “Baby, I will always come for you,” he said, emotion now choking his voice.

  “Please get me out of here,” she told him. “I don’t…feel well…”


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