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Page 3

by Sean Michael

  Salem sighed, too, and hugged him in close. “You are. Night.”

  “Thank you for waking up.” He kissed Salem’s throat.

  Salem swallowed against his lips and nodded. “I need to bell you.”

  “Are you going to give me a kitty collar?” he teased.

  “I could.” Salem’s fingers moved to slide around his neck, warm against his skin.

  He moaned and yawned, long and slow. “You’d get tired of the jingling.”

  “Maybe. But probably not of seeing my collar around your neck.” Salem continued to touch.

  “I miss you. I wish…” He sighed. He wanted to be something he wasn’t.

  “You wish what, Chrissy? I want to know what you didn’t say.” Salem really was a pushy bastard.

  “I wish that I was less of a fucking loser. I just need another cigarette.”

  Salem snorted. “No on the cigarettes—I don’t like how you smell when you smoke. And don’t be a loser—make changes. Be the person you want to be.”

  How the hell was he supposed to do that? He didn’t even know how to start. He didn’t even know how to imagine it.

  “It’s not like you have to go it alone. I’m right here and I believe in you.” Salem was still stroking his neck, sensitizing the skin there. “Tell me one thing you want to be.”

  “I don’t know. Happy?”

  “Are you happy right now? I mean right this minute, not in general.”

  “Yeah.” He was warm, safe, and in Salem’s arms.

  “Okay. That’s something to hold onto then, right?” Salem kissed the top of his head. “And for the record, I’m happy right this moment too.”

  “Good. We should be grateful for that, huh?” Was he sounding like a greeting card?

  “We should be grateful and we should hold onto it and we should see how we can keep being happy together. Make this moment extend into the next ones. Tomorrow we can work on the next thing you want to be.” Salem bent and kissed his Adam’s apple, hand returning to his back.

  “Pollyanna.” He smiled so Salem would know he didn’t mean it nastily.

  “I just want you to be happy and proud of who you are, Christian.”

  “You know me, man. That isn’t even a thing. I’ve never done anything right.”

  “So start.” That’s all Salem said, just so start.

  “Yeah. Night, man. Sleep well, huh?”

  Salem chuckled. “Seriously, though. If you believe you can’t, then you can’t. You have to back yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here and I believe in you.”

  “I just need to find another restaurant that needs a waiter.”

  “If you could do anything at all—what would you do?” Salem’s hands moved over him, sliding on his skin.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. You keep acting like everyone has dreams and goals and shit. I gave it up. I’m just trying to get to my next cigarette.”

  “How about just trying to get to your next orgasm?” Salem asked, before bringing their mouths together.

  He was a little stupid over this man. Maybe more than a little. He opened up to the kiss, and Salem slipped his tongue into Christian’s mouth. They kissed, the connection slow, lazy.

  The kiss warmed him all the way through. As did Salem’s hand that continued to glide along his back. That touch suited him down to the ground, soothing him deep inside. Those touches on his back continued as their kisses continued to deepen.

  Somehow he was breathing with Salem, in and out, in and out. It was… intoxicating, like he was drunk from Salem’s kisses.

  He could handle that. It was heady and he liked it.

  Salem rolled them, pushing to lie above him, solid and heavy but somehow just right.

  He didn’t say a word. He wanted this—wanted Salem to love on him. Cupping his head, Salem tilted him and deepened the kiss even more, as if Salem wanted to devour him.

  God yes. Please. He opened up, holding onto his lover. The large body moved against him, sliding them together so their cocks bumped and rubbed.

  Oh, he loved the heavy pressure, the knowledge that Salem had him. Had all of him.

  Salem’s left hand slid from his hip to his nipple where it played and rubbed gently. The rings had been a whim, and for a bit, he’d felt so sexy. That feeling came back as Salem stimulated his nipple.

  Salem was careful not to mess with the infected one, and Christian finally stopped worrying about it, just focused on feeling.

  Salem rubbed and pinched, and otherwise stimulated Christian’s nipple, which went hard immediately. “No wonder you had them pierced.” It seemed Salem had discovered his secret.

  “They’re hard to take care of.”

  “It’s something you should do, Chrissy. If you want the piercing, you have to do the maintenance.” Salem squeezed his uninfected nipple again.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

  “Let me clean this one for you…” Salem slid down his body and licked at his uninfected nipple.

  “You—” His nipple went hard so fast, his entire body shuddering.

  Salem hummed softly and licked again, then he flicked, tongue tip slapping his hard nub. Before he could even think to form words or sound, Salem wrapped his lips around Christian’s nipple and began sucking, tugging at him.

  “Oh. Yes.” He cradled Salem’s head in his hands. He didn’t want this to stop.

  Every now and then, Salem’s teeth grazed across the very tip of his nipple, sensation shooting through him like a bullet. He tried not to jerk or cry out, but it was damn near impossible.

  When he did make a sound, it felt like Salem smiled against his skin.

  He wanted to be cool, but God, it felt so right, so deep.

  Salem slid a hand down along his side, curling it around his hip. He settled into the touch, humming deep in his chest. Salem hummed back and the vibrations moved through him from his nipple to his cock.

  “Oh. Oh, damn. Salem. I want you.”

  This time he was sure that Salem was smiling.

  “I’m right here. You want me to fuck you, baby?” Salem’s hand slid from his hip to his cock, fingers wrapping around it like they belonged there.

  “I haven’t in a long time.” But he wanted to. He wanted to remember Salem needing him.

  “That wasn’t a yes. I want you—but if you don’t want that, we can get off some other way.” Salem stroked him slowly.

  “I want to. Do you want me too? I mean…” Fuck, he just needed to stop talking.

  “I just said I did.” Salem slid back up his body. “Easy, baby. I’m not in the habit of doing things I don’t want to do. So if I say I want to sink into your body and make you come, then you can believe it.”

  “I’m just so tired, Salem. I need to pretend someone loves me.”

  “You don’t need to pretend, Chrissy. Someone does.” Salem kissed him, body rubbing against his, cock hard and making promises.

  Liar. He would let Salem lie and lie, if he could have this now.

  “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and get what we need.” Salem nibbled at his ear. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I promised after I tried to sneak out that I’d stay until the morning. I don’t break my promises.” He was a fuckup, not a liar.

  “Good deal.” Salem bit his earlobe this time, then slid out of the bed and padded to the en suite, the biggest fucking stud ever.

  Christian rubbed his cock, keeping himself nice and revved up.

  Salem was only out of sight for a few minutes before returning, hands full of what had to be lube and condoms.

  “You want me on my hands and knees?”

  “That’ll be easiest for you as it’s been a long time.”

  He nodded and turned over, drawing his knees up under him.

  The bed dipped as Salem climbed up behind him, then Salem placed his hands on Christian’s ass, rubbing. He folded his arms under his cheek and waited, breathing nice and slow.

  “Such a great ass.” S
alem swatted once, then squeezed both cheeks, fingers digging in.

  “No spanking, butthead.” He settled deeper in the mattress.

  “No, not tonight.” Salem pried his cheeks apart, thumbs sliding against his hole.

  God, that was the most erotic thing he’d felt in…ever.

  Salem blew into his hole, the sensation strange but hot, and it made him shiver.

  “I—Salem, damn.” He licked his lips and groaned.

  “Mmm. You’ve got an ass made for this, Chrissy.” Salem pressed his thumbs in deeper.

  “Feels so…kinky and hot.”

  Salem kissed his right asscheek and slipped a slick finger into him.

  That didn’t feel kinky. That felt almost sweet. Damn near easy. In and out, Salem moved his finger, and yeah, it was fucking sweet. Then Salem pushed in another finger as well.

  He took that, too, groaning deep in his chest, riding the touch. Salem spread his fingers wide and dragged them out before pushing them back in all the way to his gland. The touch against it was quick but electric.


  “Filthy mouth!”

  “Like a fucking ashtray,” he shot back.

  Was that laughter he heard bubbling up out of Salem? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care when Salem’s fingers hit his gland again.

  “Uhn.” That was good. So good. Too good for words.

  Salem knew, though, because he continued to hit that spot, making Christian’s body sing. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, and he kept moving, rocking good and hard.

  Salem pushed in another finger, stretching him even farther, and he spread his thighs wider, trying to make room inside him.

  “My cock is even bigger. I’m going to fill you up so good.”

  “Please. I like that—bigger. More.”

  “A bit of a size queen, eh?” Salem pushed his fingers in hard and deep.

  “No…” Was he? Was that bad?

  Salem chuckled softly, the sound husky and fond, not like Salem was laughing at him. “It wasn’t an insult, boy.”

  “No? Good. More, please.”

  “More is coming.” Salem twisted his fingers, untwisted them, working him.

  He beat his feet against the mattress, so frustrated. “Motherfucker!”

  “If you’re going to name-call, I’m going to draw it out even longer.” A sharp swat landed on his ass. “No cursing.”

  “I— You’re so evil to me.”

  “Is this evil?” Salem pushed in and banged those fingertips up against his gland.

  “Oh fuck!” He pushed up, his lips popping open.

  Salem swatted his ass. “Language.” Then his gland was hit several more times, pinging against it again and again.

  He couldn’t think, not a bit, all he could do was feel.

  He whimpered when Salem’s fingers pulled away, his body jerking, trying to get them back.

  “Easy. I’ve got you.”

  “I need you! Please…”

  “Let me get the condom on.” There was the crinkle of the package being torn open, and he waited and waited and it was taking forever!

  Then, finally, he felt the wide head of Salem’s cock against his hole.

  Oh. He felt like he’d been waiting forever. For hours. For days. And Salem made him wait longer, just resting there for the longest time. Christian thought he was holding his breath. Then, all of a sudden, Salem began to sink into him, spreading him open and filling him up.

  A low, near-crazed sound pushed out his lips, his world shrank down to his hole.

  Once in, Salem kept moving, pushing in inch by inch until his hips were pressed tight against Christian’s ass.

  “I feel you,” he whispered.

  “I hope so.” Salem started moving, pulling partway out, cock dragging so good against his insides.

  He eased his shoulders back down to the mattress with a soft, low groan.

  Salem dragged his fingers along Christian’s back, digging into his skin. Meanwhile, that thick cock pushed back in again. He stretched out, his body rippling around Salem’s prick. Salem groaned for him and the sound made him shiver—he’d done that.

  He’d made Salem happy.

  God, he sort of wanted to cry.

  Salem picked up the tempo, pushing into him more often, and making it harder to hold it together. He sobbed softly, his eyes rolling back in his head.

  Faster, harder, Salem rode him so fucking well. Then Salem snaked one hand around him and grabbed hold of his cock.

  “Please. Please, I need…you,” he begged shamelessly.

  “You got me.” Salem stroked him, matching the rhythm he was using to fuck him.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” He nodded and sniffled, his entire body shaking.

  Things got even more intense, Salem slamming into him, filling him so fucking good, and giving him exactly what he needed.

  He cried out his pleasure, his worry, his shame.

  Salem pressed a finger against his cockhole, pressing against his slit.

  His thoughts shattered, and he gasped, the burn fascinating him.

  “You gonna come for me, boy? Gonna spill all over my hand?”

  “Uh-huh. Soon. Soon, love.” Had he said love? Stupid.

  “Hold on, just a few more thrusts.”

  He nodded, his head bobbing.

  Salem gave him the thrusts he’d promised, managing to find his gland and hit off it hard. He was so ready when Salem finally said, “Come.”

  It was like Salem knew him, heard that he couldn’t wait, and he shot hard, spunk pulsing from him.

  Groaning, Salem continued rocking, cock pushing against his gland again and again, sending little aftershocks through him.

  He slumped forward, swallowing hard.

  Salem thrust in a few more times, then groaned and collapsed over him. He sighed, loving the pressure and heat.

  Humming, Salem nuzzled his neck, then licked it.

  “Tickles.” His body tightened at the lick.

  Salem groaned again, as his reaction squeezed Salem’s cock. “Do that again.”

  “You like that?” He squeezed a little tighter.

  “Fuck, yes.” Salem grabbed his cock in hand and squeezed. “You like that?”

  Oh, that was sensitive. Tender. Aching. “I don’t…I don’t know.”

  Salem’s touch gentled, turned into a caress rather than a squeeze.

  He relaxed, took a deep breath, and then his breath hitched when Salem squeezed again.

  “I should come out,” Salem admitted. “But you feel amazing around my cock.” That hand eased and tightened, eased and tightened, over and over. He was overstimulated, body aching, but it felt so good.

  Then, instead of coming out, Salem began to move inside him again, moving an inch or two in either direction and touching off Christian’s gland every inward thrust.

  He panted, electricity sliding up and down his spine, like his nerves were tap dancing.

  “You need this,” Salem told him, still moving. “You need me.”

  “Doesn’t matter, does it?”

  “Of course it does. Because you matter.” Salem kissed the back of his neck, prick sliding away from him.

  “Oh…” He missed that heavy fullness already, that pressure inside him.

  Salem patted his right asscheek. “You need a plug, Chrissy? Something to keep you filled?”

  “A what?” Surely he had not just heard those words from Salem’s mouth.

  “I said, do you need a plug? Something to fill this lovely ass with, seeing as I came out and you sounded… like you missed me.”

  “I do. Did. Miss you, I mean.”

  “I miss you too. All the damn time. It feels like you belong here, don’t you think?”

  “Shh…” He couldn’t do this. He needed Salem’s cock.

  “You don’t have to say it. I know you want to be here. Give in to that feeling. I want you here too.” Salem nuzzled the back of his neck. “You sure you don’t want that plug, Chrissy?

  “I don’t know. I just…” Salem didn’t understand how much he ached.

  “Talk to me.” Salem stroked him from shoulder to ass, hand warm, solid.

  “I ache inside. I need more.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Stay here.” Salem rolled out of bed, hand dragging along his spine again.

  He snuggled into the pillows, his eyelids heavy. God, he needed to rest.

  Salem was back at the bed in just a few minutes, sitting beside him, the mattress leaning that way. “I’m going to fill you. Then we can sleep, okay?”

  “Okay?” Was it? He guessed so.

  “Trust me, boy.” Salem stroked his back again, fingers lingering at the top of his ass, then slowly wandering down along his crack.

  Salem eased a pillow under his hips and spread his thighs a little, and he hummed deep in his chest. Slick and warm, Salem pushed his fingers into Christian’s body again. He whimpered, too spent to move.

  Salem pushed even more lube into him and then something cool and hard pressed against his hole. “Relax, boy. Breathe and let it in.”

  Easy for Salem to say. The man continued to push the thing against his hole, though, and it breached him, slowly pushing into him. He panted, almost sobbing with the sweet pressure.

  Finally, it was all the way in, just touching up against his gland for a moment before it settled. Salem stroked his ass again, then patted the base of the plug. “There you go. All filled.”

  “Uh. Uh-huh…” He needed to rest. To sleep.

  Salem lay down next to him and tugged him against the strong body. “Now sleep. You don’t have anything to do tomorrow.”

  “No?” He didn’t bother to argue. He just cuddled in with a tiny little sigh.

  “Nope. We’ll get downstairs to work out tomorrow. Make homemade pizzas or something. Just hang out.” Salem patted his ass again.

  He moaned and nodded. Whatever Salem said. He just wanted to rest here in Salem’s arms.

  Salem patted him, the warm touch following him down into sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Jerusalem woke at his usual time, his head immediately turning to make sure Chrissy was still there. He was. In fact, he was there with his knees drawn up under him, his ass sticking up in the air. Reaching down, Jerusalem let his fingers ghost across the base of the plug filling Chrissy’s ass.


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