Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 3

by R. E. Bond

  Skeeter never shared with the others, and in all honesty, Caden would probably bail the moment Skeeter pulled his knife out.

  “Why? You’d scare the shit out of him.”

  “I’ll leave the knives alone tonight, just for him. Besides, I’m going to fuck him and get you all horny,” he joked, tugging my shirt over my head and waiting for me to yank my shorts up before he led me back into my bedroom.

  Everyone had gone, so we headed down to the kitchen, Karen instantly looking up and beaming at me.

  She loved me and always had, but she honestly had no idea of the extent of my relationship with her son and his friends.

  She was a little full on, too.

  “Aurora! Happy Birthday sweetie!”

  “Thanks, Karen. Thank you for the cake too, I love it,” I smiled as I eyed the ridiculously extravagant cake on the table, looking back at her as she waved my comment off with a dainty manicured hand.

  “Nothing is too much for my favourite daughter-in-law.”

  Lukas groaned, getting sick of having the same argument with her.

  “Mom, stop.”

  Josie wandered in and kissed my forehead affectionately, making me smile.

  I was lucky to have her in my life, and I was grateful.

  For once, I had a parent who gave a shit about me, despite not actually being blood related.

  She’d handled Max’s death pretty well considering she’d been in love with him, and she’d instantly taken me in as if I was her own.

  “There you are. I missed you before you and Caden headed to school this morning. You guys weren’t up too late, were you? I heard music playing at two this morning in your room, and I wasn’t sure if you were asleep or not,” Josie asked lightly as she ruffled Caden’s hazel brown hair on her way past, while talking over her shoulder to me.

  She knew me and Caden weren’t sleeping.

  I was actually wide awake, tied up to my bed while Caden ate my pussy as if it was his last meal.

  Caden leaned against the kitchen bench and crossed his arms as he fought a naughty grin.

  “We didn’t wake you, did we? We tried to keep it down.”

  “It’s fine. Are you boys all staying tonight?” She smiled, but Karen frowned with disapproval.

  She always tried to push Lukas and I to do things on our own without the others.

  “Aurora, if you and Lukas would like a private night to yourselves, I can lend you the keys to the cabin? A romantic weekend away would be a lovely way to spend your birthday together.”

  “Mom,” Lukas growled, but his mother scowled as if he was being dramatic.

  “Cut it out, Lukas. Maybe when you two get married you both could move out there, yes?”

  Caden and Skeeter held back their laughter, but I kept my face blank.

  Marriage might be every girl’s dream, but I’d never come across a marriage that hadn’t gone to shit.

  Not something I wanted to deal with, and it had never been part of my life plans.

  “Oh, no thanks. I like it here too much, and getting married isn’t something I ever want to do.”

  Karen seemed horrified at my sinful behaviour, but Skeeter jerked his head at Caden with a grin.

  “Holloway, can I talk to you and Rory for a moment?”

  Fuck yes.

  My man knew when to get me out of uncomfortable conversations.

  It wasn’t like I could stab her or anything.

  Lukas and his mother bickered about the wedding that was never going to happen, while we left the room quickly before she could notice.

  Once we were away from the noise, Skeeter leaned against the wall, pulling me back against his solid chest to kiss my shoulder.

  “Wow, a wedding already? You better invite me, baby girl.”

  Fucking smartass bastard.

  Caden sniggered, but I scruffed him and tugged him closer, loving the feel of his hands on my waist as his fingers dug in slightly.

  “Cut it out, Holloway. His mother’s old fashioned, and that’s why we haven’t told her about the relationship yet. She’s expecting a ring on my finger by the end of the year because we’re childhood sweethearts and all that bullshit.”

  It was enough to make me gag, honestly.

  She’d been at us about it since the first week of us officially dating.

  A dark grin spread across Skeeter’s face as he chuckled.

  “Speaking of fun and games. You wanna join us tonight, Holloway?”

  Caden appeared wary for once, amusing the fuck out of Skeeter as he stumbled through his response.

  “You want to invite me into bed with you two? No offense, but you two are on a whole different level of fucked up for me to deal with. No thanks, blood junkie.”

  “Nah, I’ll play nice for you,” he promised, moving a hand down the front of my shorts, a breathy moan leaving me as his fingertips connected with my clit.

  Caden gave me an amused expression that I didn’t particularly appreciate.

  “Gotta be quiet, baby. Can you do that for us?”

  I shook my head, making him roll his eyes before kissing me, his tongue lazily stroking mine to keep me quiet.

  Skeeter worked me up slowly, his hand moving in a lazy motion as he took his time, my body burning with need.

  A gasp made us glance up to find Lukas’s mother with her hands over her mouth and absolute horror on her face.


  “Oh my god! How could you do this?!” She screeched, but Caden chuckled like the asshole he was, biting my lip playfully.

  “Cat’s out of the bag now, baby.”

  “And you! You’re his best friend!” She continued, causing him to look thoughtful for a second before shrugging lazily.

  “No, Jensen is. I’ll leave you guys to it.”

  Oh hell fucking no.

  He was not ditching me.

  “Caden!” I whisper yelled, but he winked and started to walk away.

  “I’ll find you later to finish that off,” then he was gone.

  Fucking asshole.

  Lukas walked in as Skeeter finally removed his hand from my panties, a pained groan coming from him.

  “Seriously guys? In the fucking hallway?”

  His mother turned accusing eyes on him in a flash, anger taking over her features.

  “You knew she was cheating on you? Lukas, I raised you better than that!”

  I flinched at how worked up she was becoming, but Skeeter spun me around and grabbed my throat gently to keep my gaze on his.

  God, I loved it when he did that shit.

  “Want me to find you after, or stay here?”

  At least he’d fucking offered, unlike Caden the traitor.

  “I’ll find you after,” I replied, letting him kiss me quickly before he sauntered off to find Caden.

  Lukas sighed while running a hand over his face, moving over to me and pulling me into his arms to kiss my temple affectionately.

  Karen scowled at his lack of reaction to finding me with his friends.

  “Well? What the hell is going on?!”

  Lukas took a breath, meeting his mother’s gaze dead on.

  “We’re all dating her, Mom. She’s been with Caden and Ty since she moved in here, then she lived with Skeeter for a while, but it works better this way. We all love her, so…”

  “Not happening, Lukas James. That’s vulgar. Do you all sleep together? Are you bisexual? Is…”

  “Jesus, we aren’t all dating, we just all date her.”

  “You don’t touch them at all? Don’t you lie to me.”

  She literally shook a fucking finger at him, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from grinning.

  I could hear his heart thumping with panic the more she kept ranting, and when Jensen walked around the corner and halted at the scene in front of him, Lukas’s eyes burned into his with uncertainty and fear.

  Jensen frowned as he walked towards us, speaking carefully.

  “You okay, Luke
? What’s going on?”

  “It’s all good, man. I’ll be back out in a few,” he replied softly, but Karen narrowed her eyes, looking between the two of them until her eyes suddenly went wide again.

  “Oh my god. You two…”

  “Mom! I’m not fucking any guys!” Lukas snapped, causing Jensen to take a step back with surprise.

  Lukas moved us towards him, gently pushing me in his direction.

  “Take her out to the others so she can enjoy her birthday. I’ll talk to Mom, then I’ll join you.”

  “Sure thing,” Jensen frowned, ignoring the scathing look from Karen as he put a protective arm around my waist and led me out to the loungeroom.

  Caden raised an eyebrow as Jensen sat down on the couch and pulled me down on top of him to cuddle.

  “What happened? Where’s Lukas?”

  I sighed, relaxing slightly as Jensen’s hand ran up and down my back affectionately.

  “She’s pissed off and thinks her son’s fucking you guys because he can’t possibly just sleep with me when we all date. She doesn’t understand. This is why we didn’t tell her.”

  “What about the shit with Jense? I mean they aren’t fucking, but…”

  “Watch it,” Jensen warned sharply, his voice full of concern, not anger.

  Caden moved to sit down beside us, patting Jensen’s shoulder.

  “Bro, I really don’t care what you guys have going on, as long as Rory’s okay with it. Kissing guys isn’t gay anyways. Do I need to lay one on Skeet for you to believe me?”

  Skeeter snorted, an unimpressed expression on his face as he crossed his tattooed arms and leaned against the wall close by.

  “Lay one on me Holloway, and I’ll lay you the fuck out. Kiss Ty, he’s the buddy you can’t seem to fuck without.”

  “I wanted to kiss you though. Man, this blows,” Caden pouted dramatically with a sigh.

  “I bet you blow,” Skeeter smirked, earning a punch to the arm from Tyler, who laughed before plonking down on the other couch heavily.

  “Don’t be such a jackass. You know he only gets a boner for me, he’s just playing with you.”

  “Kiss him then,” Skeeter dared bluntly, making me rub my temples.

  Oh my fucking god, this was going nowhere.

  I scowled, whisper yelling at them with annoyance.

  “Shut the fuck up, you’ll make it worse for Lukas if she hears this shit after we literally just told her you guys don’t all get it on. Jesus fucking Christ.”

  Caden sniggered, pulling me onto his lap so I could lay my legs over Jensen.

  “Trust me, we only want to fuck you. Don’t get jealous, baby. No one gets me hard like you do.”

  Josie wandered in with a bag of presents, pausing when she noticed the tense mood in the room.

  “Everything okay?”

  I mumbled a yes, but Caden glanced up at his mother with an innocent smile.

  “Ah, Karen just caught me and Skeet messing around with Rory in the hallway. Now she thinks her son fucks us all, and she’s a bit upset.”

  “I told you to be honest from the start,” she tsked, placing the presents on the table by the couch and kissing the top of my head, a warm, fuzzy sensation washing through me.

  “Those are for you. I have to catch my flight, but I’ll be back in a few days. I hope you enjoy your night, sweetheart. Look after my baby boy.”

  Caden groaned with embarrassment, but I smiled back at her, keeping my voice warm.

  “I promise. Have a safe trip, don’t worry about us.”

  Karen wandered in with a sour expression still plastered to her face, five minutes after Josie had left, and Lukas walked right passed her and sat beside Jensen.

  She scowled before saying goodbye and left dramatically, making Jensen glance up at Lukas and wince.

  “You okay?”

  “She’s really upset. She thinks she needs to take me to church to confess my sins and all that bullshit,” he grumbled, but we could all tell he was hurt by her words.

  Jensen looked to me desperately, not sure how to help, but Lukas surprised everyone as he placed his arm across Jensen’s stomach, resting his head on his shoulder with a sigh.

  His voice was so soft we hardly heard him.

  “She just doesn’t understand, she never does.”

  Jensen hesitated, lifting his arm and putting it behind Lukas to rub his back for support.

  “Give her some time. She had the traditional wedding and grandbabies already planned, so she’s going to be upset for a while. If it gets tense at home, you could just stay with me until it blows over. You’re usually there anyways.”

  Tyler motioned towards them discreetly, and I gave him a scathing glare to keep his mouth shut in return.

  I had no idea what was going on with them, but neither did Lukas or Jensen apparently.

  It wasn’t a good idea to talk about it openly, or one of them were likely to flip their shit.

  Tyler smirked but nodded, staying quiet for once in his fucking life.

  Skeeter and Caden chatted about the party, and I didn’t realize Lukas had been staring at me until his hand started massaging my foot gently as it rested on Jensen’s lap still, drawing my attention to him.

  He gave me a small smile, kissing my ankle softly.

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “What for?”

  “Everything,” he replied quietly, something seeming off with him.

  I took note to pull him aside and talk when we had some time alone next.

  The party was pumping by the time Slash showed up, fashionably late as usual, and he instantly motioned for me to follow him upstairs.

  I slipped through the massive crowd and found him waiting at the top for me, a smirk planted firmly on his face.

  “Sorry I’m late. Had trouble getting away.”

  “From?” I faked interest, his eyebrows waggling in response.

  “The fantastic pussy I was fucking buried in. Don’t say I don’t do shit for you, Killer. You’re welcome,” he chuckled, tossing a small bag of powder to me.

  A teasing grin tugged on my lips.

  “Well, thanks for that massive sacrifice. You know, you’re going to get us both in trouble if you don’t start telling Skeet when you’re dropping in at school to hang out. You know what he’s like with me.”

  “Told him about today, eh?”

  “Well, I didn’t think it was a problem. You said you were going to talk to him about tonight,” I replied dryly as I led him into the bathroom to line up the powder.

  He leaned against the wall and shrugged his broad shoulders, not caring that he’d annoyed anyone.

  “You’re a big girl, Donovan. You don’t need his permission to talk to me. He’s just worried I’ll steal you from him.”

  “No offense, but you aren’t my type,” I smiled sweetly, and he faked a broken heart as he pressed his hand against his chest.

  “Ouch, babe. What’s wrong with you? I’m everyone’s type.”

  I ignored his comment and did a line, handing him the rolled-up bill so he could do the same.

  Getting high together was the one time I didn’t mind being around him.

  I stood back and wiped the powder off my nose, leaning against the sink with my arms crossed.

  “You could’ve brought your plaything with you tonight, you know?”

  “She was just a fuck, Donovan,” he smirked, a frown tugging at my lips.

  “So? She could have been just a fuck later, too?”

  “I know better than to bring some outsider bitch to the Queen’s castle, trust me on that. You chicks don’t like skanky sluts sniffing around,” he replied after snorting another line.

  “As long as she stayed with you, it wouldn’t have mattered,” I continued as he turned to face me.

  “She wouldn’t have. She’d be all over your guys in seconds, especially Skeet, and then we’d have to dispose of another fucking body,” he levelled, my lip twitching into a smirk.

  “I was just starting to have fun with that idea.”

  “I’m starting to think you’re beyond crazy, babe.”

  “Good,” I laughed, snorting another line.

  I jumped when I noticed he was suddenly right behind me, and I turned around warily as he almost pressed against me, his voice confident and teasing.

  “It’s hot when you go crazy.”

  I raised an eyebrow, not comfortable with the closeness.

  “Cut it out. You know for a fact that I don’t want you like that.”

  His hands rested on the sink on either side of me, a playful smile on his lips.

  “What if I can change your mind?”

  “You can’t. I mean, you aren’t hard to look at, but I’m in a relationship so…”

  “With five guys. Would it really matter?” He retorted, starting to piss me off.

  So much for just relaxing and getting high.

  “Yes, it would fucking matter.”

  His face softened and he sighed, reaching a hand up to brush my loose black hair from my face.


  The door opened and I glanced up, meeting eyes with a surprised looking Caden.

  It probably looked really bad, in all honesty

  His eyes narrowed on Slash’s closeness to me, a deep frown on his face.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  “Want some coke?” Slash asked with a chuckle as he moved back from me casually, but Caden scowled, clenching his fists as anger rolled off him in waves.

  “No, I don’t. Fuck off.”


  “Fuck off, Slash. I mean it,” he gritted out, waiting for him to surprisingly leave the room, before turning his attention to me with anger still on his face.

  “What the fuck did I just walk in on?”

  I sighed, knowing it would probably be the start of a fight.

  “Nothing, we were just doing some lines, and…”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me, Aurora. Did he touch you?” He bit out angrily, making me hold his gaze.

  “No, he didn’t,” I insisted gently, moving towards him.

  He grabbed my waist and sat me on the sink, pushing my legs apart to stand between them.

  “You promise?” He asked in a softer tone, letting me rest my forehead on his to keep holding his gaze.

  “I promise, baby.”

  He seemed to relax as his hands ran along my thighs, sending instant tingles though my body.


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