Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 4

by R. E. Bond

  Cocaine just made me horny every time, I swear.

  “Don’t sneak off like that, okay? You know we hate it,” he asked, the anger vanishing from his handsome face as concern took over.

  “I just wanted a line. You know I can hardly tolerate him,” I mumbled, making him raise an eyebrow and smirk.

  “So, you just had one line, huh?”


  “Come dance with me,” he murmured, tugging me off the sink to kiss me, forgetting all about the conversation.

  I nodded, stashing the rest of the cocaine in the cupboard before taking his hand and letting him lead me back downstairs to the party.

  He pulled me against his front as we reached the makeshift dance floor and buried his face in my neck, his voice loud enough for only me to hear.

  “Are Jense and Lukas banging? Like, do they mess around when you guys are all together?”

  I frowned.

  It wasn’t really our business.

  “Does it matter?”


  “They haven’t fucked that I know of, but I know something’s going on. Why do you want to know?” I asked tensely, ready to defend them if I needed to, but his thumbs stroked my hips as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “I just want to know because they’re my best friends, that’s all.”

  “I’m going to talk to Lukas about what’s going on in his head when I have the chance, but you need to realize that if he doesn’t want me telling anyone, I can’t break that trust.”

  “We don’t keep secrets, Rory,” he replied with a small sigh of irritation, annoyance rolling through me.

  “No, we don’t, but this is different. If it was you going through shit, you’d be pissed if we all talked about you behind your back.”

  He grumbled but nodded in understanding, making me smile.

  I was suddenly boxed in as a solid body pressed against my back, Caden smirking as he moved back a step.

  “I’ll leave you guys to it.”

  He walked off and I turned, Lukas raising a curious eyebrow as his eyes met mine.

  “What’s up with you two having a deep and meaningful in the middle of the dance floor? Oh look, you’re fucking high. Again.”

  “Can we talk?” I asked straight out, his body instantly tensing against me.

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just want to talk.”

  He nodded, despite appearing worried still, putting an arm around me and leading me into the other room, closing the door to block out some noise.

  I sat on the table and pulled him between my legs.

  There wasn’t any point delaying the inevitable.

  “Do you have a thing for Jense?”

  His whole body stiffened as his face twisted into an uncomfortable scowl, just like I knew it would.

  “What the fuck Aurora? No!”

  “It’s okay if you do, but you know you can talk to me, right? I love you, and I know when you have too much going on inside your head. Talk to me,” I soothed, threading my arms around his waist to keep him there.

  I knew he’d take off the moment I gave him the chance to escape.

  “I don’t want to fuck him, Jesus.”

  “That’s fine. If you did want to try other stuff in bed, I’m fine with it, but you need to talk to me about it.”

  He looked away, his fists clenching on the table either side of me as shame and helplessness reflected on his face.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, okay? I just need him more than I used to.”

  “Did you like kissing him?” I asked carefully, some of the fight leaving him as his body slouched slightly.

  “Yeah,” he mumbled, his eyes staring into mine as I grabbed his chin.

  His eyes were full of torment and sadness as I placed an affectionate kiss on his lips.

  “That’s okay.”

  He let out a shaky breath, building courage as he started speaking in a stronger voice.

  “I liked it when he touched me too. When we were in the bedroom and…”

  “That’s okay too, Lukas. Have you two talked about it?”

  “Fuck no,” he replied, a nervous laugh bubbling out with the words.

  I didn’t want to upset him, but he needed a tiny push.

  “Maybe you should?”

  He shook his head, pulling away from me as expected.

  “He’s been my best friend since I started high school, Rory. I can’t just go talking to him like that and risk losing him. It would fuck everything up.”

  I took his hand without pulling him closer, giving him the space that he wanted.

  “You won’t lose him.”

  “Lose who?” Jensen asked as he wandered in, and Lukas instantly yanked his hand back from mine to shove past him, heading back out to the party before I could stop him.

  Jensen frowned with confusion, a small amount of hurt on his face.

  “What did I say wrong? What’s up with him?”

  “Honestly? He’s struggling about you,” I sighed, relief washing through me as he moved to stand where Lukas had been moments before-hand.

  He kissed my forehead tenderly, his voice gentle.

  “What do you mean, baby?”

  “Do you like him as more than a friend? Did you like kissing him?”

  “You want to talk about this now?” he muttered awkwardly, but I peered into his eyes and nodded.

  He was easier to talk to than Lukas by a mile.

  He’d always been spontaneous and out there, while Lukas was private and always worried about the opinions of other people.

  That had come from a lifetime of being judged by his mom and her friends, whereas Jensen had grown up without his parents around much, so he’d built hard amour around his heart because of it, trying not to let anything in.

  “We need to. I don’t care if you do like him like that, I just need to know what’s going on.”

  I’d never stand between them, but what if they didn’t want me too?

  I wasn’t going to melt down about it, because I’m not a little fucking bitch, but the worry lingered below the surface.

  I knew I could survive without them if I had to, I just didn’t want to.

  I thought I’d kept my face pretty blank, but I should have known that he’d be able to read me.

  His eyes softened as he smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “I still want to be with you, babe. I love the hell out of you. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  “Just tell me the truth about what’s going on with you and Lukas. I don’t mind if there is something going on, but you need to keep me in the loop. Also, don’t be stupid, I’m not worried about you guys leaving me,” I replied firmly, threading my fingers through his and giving his hand a supportive squeeze.

  He looked torn for a moment, before shrugging.

  “Not really sure. I liked messing around with both of you. I like watching you guys fuck, too. I guess I’ve wanted to explore some stuff, but it never felt okay to bring it up in conversation.”

  “Really? You like us putting on a show for you?” I asked with a small smirk, earning a smile of relief in return at my acceptance.

  “Really, baby. You guys drive me wild,” he murmured, biting his lip and running his gaze over me.

  I suddenly remembered the reason behind the conversation, feeling bad for forgetting about the main problem.

  “Luke’s freaked out that if he talks to you about how he’s feeling, that you’ll bail on him. That’s why he took off a minute ago,” I sighed, causing Jensen to wince.

  “Should I go and find him?”

  The door slammed open and Lukas stalked in, scruffing Jensen by the front of the shirt and slamming him back against the wall.

  He got in his face, but Jensen spoke softly, reaching a hand up to run his fingers through his hair in the same calming motion he liked to use on me.

  “Talk to me, man. Calm down.”

nbsp; “I can’t figure out what the fuck is going on in my head! I can’t deal with this bullshit!” He shouted, Jensen signalling for me to stay put as I went to move.

  It felt like I was intruding, despite them both being my boyfriends.

  “Just tell me what’s going on in there and I’ll help you. Is it about me?” Jensen asked, and Lukas’s fists tightened in Jensen’s shirt as he scowled.

  “Rory fucking told you?”

  “We were talking about my feelings, okay? Relax, I’ve got you,” he murmured, seeming to calm him down slowly.

  Jensen held his lean waist and put a leg between Lukas’s, once he felt it was a safe option.


  Lukas cut him off with a rough kiss, pressing himself against him completely.

  Jensen groaned, pushing off the wall and pinning Lukas against it instead, and I honestly wasn’t sure whether to leave them alone or stay put.

  When I quietly climbed off the table and snuck towards the door, Jensen’s voice growled from behind me.

  “Where do you think you’re fucking going? Come here.”

  I paused, giving him a small smile.

  “It’s fine guys, I can…”

  “Come. Here,” he bit out, waiting for me to approach before yanking me against them and giving me a serious look. “I don’t want you to leave us alone. I want you here to enjoy it too.”

  Well then.

  I glanced at Lukas who looked confused but keen at the same time.

  I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by being there.

  His fingers trailed up my arm, his voice soft as he spoke in a strained tone.

  “Stay. Please.”

  “As long as you’re sure,” I answered, gasping as Jensen kissed me suddenly without warning.

  I relaxed as Lukas’s hand ran along my back, letting me know he was okay with it.

  Jensen moved me between them, and Lukas didn’t hesitate to shove a hand down the front of my pants to rub me, drawing a moan from me.

  I arched against his hand, hearing Jensen growl before he grabbed the back of Lukas’s neck and pulled him forwards, kissing him over my shoulder as if his life depended on it.

  I nearly fucking came right there and then.

  It was one of my fantasies coming true.


  “Jesus fucking Christ, do you guys ever leave each other alone?” Skeeter chuckled from the doorway, causing Lukas to tense up, but I put an arm around him to keep him there as I spoke to Skeeter.

  “Not like you didn’t have your hand in my panties a few hours ago, Skeet.”

  “I was talking to the other two,” he smirked, Lukas clenching his fists before shoving away from us and storming past Skeeter, leaving the room without a word.

  Jensen narrowed his eyes with annoyance, and I was proud of him for wanting to protect Lukas, no matter who saw.

  “Don’t fucking joke around with him about it. He’s sensitive about that shit.”

  “How about you, Gilbert? Are you feeling sensitive about it?” Skeeter taunted, but Jensen flipped him the bird and ran off after Lukas, leaving me to glare at Skeeter as I fixed my pants.

  I didn’t even get to fucking come, so I wasn’t happy.

  Skeeter gave me an amused glance through hooded eyes.

  “You mad at me now? I’m just playing with them, baby girl,” he grinned, his eyes narrowing as I walked towards him and thumped his chest with my fist.

  Fuck, I was getting violent.

  “Good going, asshole. You’ve upset him after we just calmed him down! I could fucking kill you!”

  “Watch it, Donovan,” he warned in a low voice that was meant to put me in line.

  When did that ever work?

  “Oh, you don’t like it?” I snapped, shoving him and intending on storming off, but he grabbed my throat hard, shoving me into the wall and making me wince.

  He kept his hand around my throat as he became nose to nose with me.

  I just kept winding him up constantly until he snapped, but he did it to me too.

  Fuck him.

  “Stop it. The tough girl act might get me horny, but you know not to fuck with me.”

  “You’re a real piece of shit. Fuck you,” I gritted out, jabbing him in the ribs with my fist firmly, earning a snort from him.

  “Trust me, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be crying for a week.”

  “Let me go,” I demanded, a sadistic grin stretching across his face as his eyes darkened.


  The conversation was going nowhere, so I figured I’d help it along a little.

  I brought my blade up to his throat, making him smirk as his dick jumped to life against my hip.

  “Getting a sense of déjà vu here, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t fucking tempt me,” I threatened, gasping as his hand tightened until I couldn’t breathe.

  He’d never cut my breathing off completely before, so that was new.

  “Move the blade, then I’ll move my hand. Either that, or I’ll let you black out,” he threatened in a low voice, my glare intensifying in defiance.

  My face must have been red from the lack of oxygen, surely.

  We glared at each other until we were interrupted.

  “Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!” Caden shouted as he tried to get between us, but Skeeter scowled at him with irritation.

  “Fuck off, Holloway.”

  “Fuck no. Damnit, Rory! Put your fucking blade away and stop revving him up!” Caden snapped with a twinge of panic in his voice, telling me that my face was indeed red.

  I smirked, moving the blade back and nicking Skeeter with the tip on purpose.

  Fuck, I needed to breathe.

  He growled, letting me go like he said he would, staring at me as I choked on the cool air as it finally hit my lungs.

  I swear my near-death experience had made him harder.

  Once I’d managed to get my breathing under control, I stepped forward and licked along the cut on Skeeter’s throat, placing my blade back into my pocket.

  “Oops, sorry,” then I sauntered off, ignoring him as he grumbled that I’d made him horny, while Caden cursed him out for nearly killing me.


  Chapter three


  I smirked as I snuck out of bed the next morning, leaving Caden and Skeeter to snuggle up to each other in their sleep.

  I was honestly surprised that Caden had even joined us, and I was even more surprised when he fucked me as hard as Skeeter did.

  He didn’t hold back in the slightest, and the bruise around my throat was proof.

  I crept down to the kitchen and paused, noticing Lukas and Jensen talking quietly at the kitchen bench.

  Jensen’s hand rested on Lukas’s thigh as they spoke in hushed voices so no one could hear them, but when I went to back up a step, Jensen’s voice reached me without him looking away from Lukas.

  “Morning, baby. Come have breakfast with us, I’m about to cook pancakes.”

  “Oh, I can…”

  “Sit,” he demanded and cut me off, finally looking over at me with a serious expression.

  I nodded and moved towards the bench without arguing, sitting in the chair that he vacated for me.

  Lukas looked tired, and I knew he didn’t get much sleep.

  I gave him a small smile as I took his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.


  He smiled, but it looked forced.

  “Hey. Sorry about ruining your birthday.”

  “You didn’t,” I said softly with confusion, a sigh of defeat coming from him.

  “Yeah, I did. Between Mom and the other shit last night…”

  I took his face in my hands, his eyes closing at my tender touch.

  “Lukas, you didn’t ruin anything. Your mother was hardly your fault, and last night wasn’t even a problem. I love you, okay? I just want you happy, and if that means you kiss Jense, then I’m happy. I me
an, I know he’s a good kisser because I like kissing him too,” I winked playfully, relief rolling through me as a smile tugged at his lips and his tongue ran over his lip ring.

  “He is a pretty good kisser, isn’t he?”

  Jensen smiled silently, continuing to make our pancakes while leaving me to cheer Lukas up, since it seemed to be working.

  I had no idea how long they’d been up talking, prior to me joining them.

  “Yeah, he is. Skeet’s sorry for upsetting you. He’s an ass, but I set him straight.”

  Lukas gave me an irritated scowl, not at all happy with me.

  “Yeah, I know. Ty told me.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  “Ty wasn’t even there.”

  “No, but Caden was, and he’s worried that you and Skeet are going to seriously hurt each other, just for the sake of getting each other fucking horny. He’s too rough with you, and you need to stop pushing him that far.”

  “He choked me first!” I retorted like a brat, his face morphing into a glare as he leaned back in his chair.

  “So you held your blade to his throat? What if Caden hadn’t split the two of you up?”

  I smirked, leaning my elbows on the bench to rest my hands under my chin.

  “Then Skeet probably would’ve bled all over me as he fucked me, while I passed out from being choked.”

  Jensen lifted his eyes for a moment with a grunt, a conflicted look crossing his face.

  “Babe, you know that’s not healthy, right? We all get rough with you, but you and Skeet have the most toxic relationship I’ve ever seen.”

  “He doesn’t tell you how to get your rocks off,” I defended, but he wasn’t amused.

  “No, because I have sex like a normal person,” he muttered, turning his attention back to the pancakes and giving me his back.

  I scrunched my nose up at the personal jab he’d given me, but Lukas leaned over and kissed my cheek, calming the situation.

  “We aren’t kink shaming you, we just don’t want you hurt, okay? Be careful.”

  “I’m already careful!” I argued, but he didn’t bat an eye as he continued.

  “A few weeks ago, he had to call his doc to check you over and give you stitches. Not to mention they thought you had a cracked collarbone from the way he’d leaned on it while choking you. If you needed to go to hospital for some reason, he’d get locked up for domestic abuse.”


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