Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 8

by R. E. Bond

  “That’s just fucking weird, Rory.”

  “Not really. It isn’t gay if I do stuff to you. Then at least you can work up to Jense doing things to you. Are you staying with him tonight?”


  “I’ll talk to him, okay? I’ll tell him to slow down and to do something that isn’t too full on. Maybe you could just jack each other or something to start with?” I shrugged, making him glare at me as his hand tightened around mine.

  “Keep your voice down.”

  “No one’s around, Luke. Seriously, take it slow and stop freaking yourself out, okay? He’s your best friend, so you know he’d understand if you needed to stop.”

  He looked uncomfortable as we reached my car and he leaned against it, pulling me against his chest to kiss me softly.

  I could almost feel the emotions racing through him, the nerves obvious in his voice.

  “What if it ends up not being what I want though? Jense and I…”

  “You’ll work through it. C’mon, trust me on this. I love you,” I answered affectionately, stroking my thumb over his cheek.

  He finally gave me a genuine smile, kissing the tip of my nose sweetly.

  “I love you too. Here comes Claire, so I’ll see you later?”

  “You will,” I promised as I moved away from him, blowing him a kiss as he grinned and walked off, just as Claire approached me.

  She seemed unsure as she glanced around, obviously making sure I wasn’t setting her up.

  I didn’t really blame her, so I didn’t mention it as she spoke.

  “We still good to talk?”

  “Yeah. Did you drive today?” I asked, a frown pulling at her lips.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Want to come hang out at mine? The guys are heading to Ty’s, and Caden’s mom’s not home. We can just relax by the pool or something?”

  She was on the defence as she crossed her arms and gave me a dirty look.

  “Are you setting me up?”

  “Honestly, if I wanted you jumped, I’d do it myself in class with no fucks given. I no longer have a problem with you, as long as you don’t have a problem with me.”

  “Alright. Can we use the pool?” She asked hopefully, her arms still crossed tightly, but her face expression had softened.

  “Sure. I’ll meet you there,” I nodded, climbing into the Corvette and lighting a cigarette.

  I started the engine, enjoying it when people glanced over as it rumbled to life.

  I gave Claire a little wave before we drove towards the Holloway mansion.

  Once both of us had parked, I led her inside to the fridge, grabbing two beers and handing one to her.

  She seemed nervous but suspicious at the same time.

  Again, I couldn’t really blame her.

  I narrowed my eyes, deciding to just ask the burning question that had been on the tip of my tongue.

  “I doubt I scare you that much all of a sudden that you’re being nice to me. Do you actually want to get along, or do you have an agenda?”

  She gave me a smile, one that I wasn’t sure I trusted.

  “To be honest, you’re well known to be a little crazy lately. I guess that since you turned out to be my sister…”

  “Are you being nice because you think you’ll get money from Max’s death? He was in debt,” I cut in, her blue eyes going wide at my bluntness.

  “No! I just thought I’d try to be nice and get to know you properly!”

  I watched her for a moment before shrugging, leading her out the back to the pool area.

  “Hey, I had to ask.”

  We stripped down to our bra and panties before climbing into the pool, leaning against the side to sip our beers.

  She finally spoke once we’d gotten comfortable.

  “There was talk when you first started coming to school. About Max. Ty told me Max used to hurt you. Was he really like that?”

  I scowled at the thought of Tyler talking to her about my private things, but I nodded.

  “He’d sell his own mother to pay off a debt he’d caused, if he’d had the chance.”

  “Is it true that Skeeter killed him?” She asked, curiosity in her tone that I didn’t like one fucking bit.

  I gave her an irritated glance, sipping on my beer casually.

  “Why would Skeet kill my dad? And where the hell did you even hear that?”

  She looked around nervously as if my psychopath boyfriend might’ve been hiding in the bushes, before mumbling, her voice tight.

  “It’s all around school. That he killed Max to protect you.”

  “How the fuck can it be all around the school when I haven’t heard it?”

  “It just is, okay? I heard people talking about it in the bathroom days ago. Everyone is petrified that if you find out you’ll tell Skeet, then he’ll start killing people and…”

  I laughed loudly, startling her enough that she almost dropped her beer into the water.

  No wonder people thought I was fucking crazy.

  “Skeet doesn’t just walk around campus waving a gun around, so that’s bullshit. Don’t believe everything you hear. Besides, I was with Skeet the night Max was killed.”

  Technically, it wasn’t a lie.

  “And Tristan Holloway? He showed up dead before Max did, and we all know about your history with him. I know the cops put it down to some bad business gone wrong, but I don’t believe that, do you?” She asked, putting me on edge.

  What the fuck was with all the questions?

  I shrugged lazily, keeping my face blank.

  “Pretty sure he was at home with Caden and the guys when Tristan was killed.”

  “Where were you then?”

  I levelled my gaze with her, speaking bluntly.

  “I was with Slash.”

  “Didn’t think you were meant to hang around him? Did you know there’s another crew in town? Usually when crews come to town, it’s not a good thing. You might get hurt,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

  I downed a mouthful of beer before giving her a frown.

  “I’m not, but I do whatever I want. Slash is kind of like a friend, I guess. Other crews aren’t my fucking problem.”

  Why hadn’t Skeeter or Slash told me about another crew rolling in?

  “Just a friend?” She grinned, getting on my nerves.

  “Yes, just a friend. Why does everyone think I’ve got a thing for Slash?”

  “Because you do, Killer,” Slash chucked as he walked over, kicking his shoes off and putting his feet in the water like he owned the place.

  Claire rolled her eyes as if she wasn’t shitting her pants, but I glared at him with my big-ass lady balls.

  “You know, shit like that is what’s causing me problems, right?”

  “No, you cause your own problems, babe. Surprised to find you here, especially with her,” he snorted, Claire smiling sweetly with false bravery in return.

  “Why? Rory’s my sister, remember?”

  “Yeah, the sister who humiliated her at school and bullied the fuck out of her until she went a little crazy. Thanks, by the way. You made her meaner.”

  “She was mean to begin with,” she muttered, swimming away from the edge and leaving me with him.


  Slash winked at me, running his gaze over my half naked body.

  “Looking good, sweetheart. Where’s your guard dogs at?”

  “Cut it out. Seriously, Slash. You keep upsetting my fucking apple cart,” I gritted out, his eyebrows waggling suggestively in response.

  “I hope that’s some weird kinky code for making you horny.”

  For the love of God.

  I stared at him strangely, trying to figure him out.

  He was more annoying than usual.

  “What the actual fuck is going on with you?”

  “Nothing. Hop out,” he instructed, standing up and taking my hand to help me out of the water before I could say anything else.

  I crossed m
y arms the moment he hauled me out, taking a step back from him.

  “What’s the deal? Why are you here?”

  “Look, can you ditch her? I need you to ride along with me for something,” he asked, jerking his chin in Claire’s direction as she swam laps around the pool.

  “Fuck no. I’m already pissing the guys off just by talking to you, so jumping in your fucking Mustang and getting involved in crew business would get me in deeper shit,” I hissed, expecting him to get mad about it, but his fingertips brushed against my arm softly as he stepped closer, his body heat warming my cold skin.

  “Please? I need your help. It isn’t a dead body problem this time, I promise.”

  I shook him off, stepping back again.

  He had no idea about personal space, and I was starting to think he was doing it on purpose.

  “Damnit, Slash. I’ve got to fix my relationship with Skeet, not fuck up my relationship with the others as well.”

  “Jense and Lukas will be alright. They’re probably more in love with each other than they are with you,” he smirked, making me scowl.

  It was none of his fucking business, and I’d never tell him, but it hit a nerve to hear someone say that.

  I was worried that was going to happen.

  “Fuck off, I mean it. Leave them alone.”

  How did he even know about them?

  What the fuck?

  “Then help me out,” he asked, his tone changing slightly, putting me on alert.

  He looked like he was suddenly ready to bury me.

  I sighed, defeat in my tone.

  “What do you need help with?”

  He glanced over at Claire, but she was busy doing laps still, so he answered.

  “I need some drugs dropped off.”

  I gave him another dirty look.

  He knew Skeeter hated me around hard drugs, whether I was the one taking them or not.

  “Skeet would fucking kill me. No way in hell.”

  “Well if you don’t do it, I’ll kill you,” he stated casually, as if he hadn’t threatened to murder me in my own backyard.

  I smacked his chest firmly with the palms of my hands, fire most likely coming out of my nose.

  “Fuck you, you said we were even! I thought we were cool?”

  “I helped with Tristan,” he scoffed, making me clench my fists to stop myself from actually slapping him.

  “So? I fucking killed him, as well as Liam, so it seems like you owe me. This is my house, Slash, not your fucking shed. Don’t even try to throw your weight around here.”

  He stared down at me for a moment before smirking, temptation dripping from his voice.

  “Do you want to fight again?”

  “Slash, I can’t help you again. Skeet would kill me, the others would be super pissed, and I’m dealing with my own shit. I don’t need your shit on top of it.”

  “You’re more fucking blood thirsty than I am, Donovan. You wanna come along to my next hit? I’ll let you play with my gun?” He winked before waggling his eyebrows at me again, making me roll my eyes.

  “As much as I’d love to go on a murder spree, I’m not allowed to play with you anymore. Go home, Slash.”

  “C’mon, break the rules. Live a little, Donovan. I need you,” he said gently, moving to reach for me, but I pulled back with a snarl as I started to panic.

  Would he actually kill me?

  “I said no!”

  I struggled as arms went around me from behind, but I instantly calmed as Skeeter’s voice came from over my head.

  “Back off, Slash. I won’t have you dragging her into your fucking shit again.”

  Slash snorted, having the audacity to look offended.

  “I was hardly dragging her into shit.”

  “No? How long do you think I’ve been standing by the house for? I’ve told you no more fucking dead bodies, and you know Lukas doesn’t like her near the drugs any more than I do. Taking her on a drug run is just stupid.”

  “No offense, but I don’t give a shit about Lukas fucking James,” Slash snapped, earning a look of disapproval from Skeeter.

  “That’s the problem, brother. You don’t give a fuck about her. You claim she’s a good friend, but if you gave a shit you wouldn’t even want her involved, let alone threaten her. Also, Claire’s here, so why the hell would you just talk about this shit out here?”

  “She’s turning you soft, Skeet,” he bit out, Skeeter shrugging lazily.

  “I’m more than happy to go with you. It doesn’t make me soft for wanting her away from it.”

  I yanked free from him, jabbing my finger into Slash’s chest angrily.

  “We were even, you said we were. You can’t take that back.”

  Fucking piece of shit.

  I could have honestly killed him.

  He scowled, gently pushing me back from him.

  “Out of my face, Donovan.”

  “Fuck no. You get in my face, so I’ll get in yours. Fuck you,” I snapped, jabbing his chest again until he growled, yanking his gun out from the back of his pants and aiming it at my face.

  Claire was suddenly paying attention as she climbed out of the pool and noticed what was going on, her high-pitched squeal grating through my ears.

  “Oh my god!”

  I jerked my gaze over to her with a scowl.

  Was she fucking stupid?

  “Keep your fucking voice down. The cops will be called, you idiot.”

  Skeeter snorted, despite seeming ready to murder Slash himself.

  “You have a gun in your face, and your only concern is if the neighbours call the fucking cops?”

  “Hey, I’ve still got a shit load of cocaine in my room, but you and Slash being here is going to put me on their radar if they show up. I don’t want to be noticed, and I don’t want the Psychos watched, all because Slash is a fucking prick,” I hissed, Slash narrowing his eyes on me.

  “You’d prefer to die than get done for fucking coke? What the fuck, Donovan?”

  “I’d prefer to die than back down from you,” I sneered, moving closer until the cold metal of the gun pressed against my forehead.

  I kept my face blank, despite my stomach rolling in fear.

  I was going to die in a backyard in suburbia, by the hands of a fucking dick head.

  Skeeter had better avenge my death by killing him.

  Slash raised an eyebrow in challenge as I stared him down, smirking at me as he pulled the trigger.

  Skeeter lunged for him, but I didn’t even blink as the gun clicked, refusing to give him any satisfaction.

  No bullet flew into my skull, and Skeeter instantly scruffed him, shaking him hard.

  I was filled with pure panic on the inside, but I didn’t want Slash knowing that.

  I mean, sure, my heart was racing like a mother fucker, but I’d never let him think he had power over me.

  They’d taught me not to show weakness, after all.

  Skeeter on the other hand, lost his fucking shit.

  “What the fuck are you playing at?!”

  Slash pushed him out of the way absently and moved towards me, this time grabbing my chin gently and confusing me as he spoke quietly.

  “You know, you pass this shit better than half my guys? Jesus fucking Christ, Donovan. I don’t know whether to actually hurt you to stop you being such a hard bitch, or go and have a fucking wank over you.”

  Wait, what just happened?

  “Pass what?” I gritted out, his stormy eyes holding my gaze as his voice stayed steady.

  “Not going to lie to you. You know everyone’s on edge about you because you’re half in and half out with way too much knowledge about the shit we do. Pretty sure if you’re not going to cave about coming on a drug run to save your life, as well as assume you’re about to die but refuse to draw cop attention, I think our information will be well and truly safe if you were ever taken by enemies or cops.”

  I scowled, yanking back and thumping his chest hard enough to notice
a tiny wince that he didn’t manage to hide.

  Good, I hoped it fucking hurt.

  “You fucking asshole! How could you do that with Claire here?”

  Claire was looking confused and still pretty freaked out as we glanced over at her, her voice coming out as a squeak.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Skeeter gave Slash a shove, but I shrugged at her to try and look casual.

  “Slash is just playing around, as usual.”

  “How did you know the gun wasn’t loaded?” She sputtered, her face dropping as I answered.

  “I didn’t,” then I grabbed two towels, tossing one to her.

  I had to get her to leave before the guys ended up shooting at each other right there in the fucking backyard.

  Skeeter pulled me against his chest, almost crushing me as he buried his face in my neck and kissed my damp skin.

  God, he smelled good.

  “Jesus Christ, I’m too young to have a heart attack, but fuck. Do you know how many I feel like I’ve had since I met you, hot stuff?”

  I smiled, my heart rate finally slowing as I snuggled closer to him.

  “I can imagine. What are you doing here anyways? I thought I was meeting you in a few hours?”

  His face turned dark as he glared at Slash with a whole new form of anger.

  “Holloway rang. His front cameras picked up Slash hanging around the side of the house, so he rang me to deal with it.”

  I ran a hand over my face with a groan.

  “He thinks I’m sneaking around with him for real, doesn’t he?”

  “Don’t know, but I was here not long after Slash joined you by the pool, so I saw you telling him to back off. If you were going to do something sneaky with him, you’d have done it this afternoon with no one here. I’ll vouch for you if it’s a problem. Can I kill Slash now? Fuck,” he muttered, resting his forehead on mine and closing his eyes.

  For a moment it was quiet, until Slash opened his stupid mouth again.

  “Like I said, half my guys don’t pass that kind of shit, so I guess you’ve really proven yourself now.”

  “I’d already proved my fucking loyalty to you, and you know it. No more games, Slash. I mean it,” I snapped, my fists clenching again as I refrained from swinging at him.

  “You weren’t supposed to fucking kill him,” he muttered under his breath, ignoring Claire’s gasp, but I snorted and gave him a shove.


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