Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 9

by R. E. Bond

  “As if I was going to let anything happen to you and Skeet. You knew I’d have your goddamn back.”

  “Not like that. You didn’t just take a shot at him, you dragged the information out and tormented him at the end. You enjoyed it, Donovan, and that’s why you can’t get enough of it. It’s why you like the crew so much. The danger and the rush get you off.”

  “You’re wrong,” I said, shaking my head slightly and watching him cock his head curiously.

  “How so?”

  “I don’t get off on the idea of killing people.”

  “You sure about that? You and Holloway sure as shit fucked a lot after you offed his old man,” he replied with amusement, the words dripping from his tongue like toxic honey.

  Skeeter growled, shoving him firmly.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  I moved back, turning to look at Claire who’d turned pale.

  Good one, asshole.

  “You did kill Tristan Holloway? Why the fuck…”

  “Slash is just being a prick. He’s talking shit,” I bit out, turning and shoving past Slash to head inside, leaving Skeeter to deal with it all.

  I shouldn’t have, but I got turned on when I heard Skeeter threaten to bury her in the woods if she ever told another person that bullshit.

  I was fucking sick, wasn’t I?

  Chapter five



  I frowned when she ignored me, continuing to punch the boxing bag hard before kicking her foot out into the side of it.

  I hadn’t seen her use the bag in a while, so I knew something was wrong.

  “Baby? You okay?” I asked, moving towards her and reaching out to touch her shoulder, but she spun around and swung her fist at me, connecting with my cheek hard.

  I winced, because holy fuck it hurt, and I managed to dodge her second swing before she thankfully snapped back to reality.

  She gasped, reaching her hands out to run her soft fingers along my tender cheek.

  “Fuck, are you okay? I…”

  “I’m fine. Fuck you’ve got a good swing on you. What’s wrong? I’ve been trying to get your attention,” I replied, holding back another wince at her touch.

  She nearly hit harder than anyone I knew, and I’d been hit by Skeeter in the past.

  She kissed my cheek, a worried expression still on her pretty face as she spoke.

  “Just have a lot on my mind. What are you doing here? I thought everyone was busy today?”

  I smiled softly, pulling her against me.

  It felt good to just hold her.

  “Never too busy for you. Lukas will be around soon, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay. Skeet’s worried, which makes me worried.”

  Skeeter was more than worried if I wanted to be honest.

  He’d actually sounded panicked when he asked me to check on her.

  After all, Slash was really starting to do stupid shit to either upset her or toughen her up.

  As if she needed to get any fucking tougher.

  She scowled at me as if me giving a shit was a problem.


  “Because you locked us all out last night after the shit with Slash. Talk to me.”

  She rested her forehead on my chest as some of the fight left her, her voice sounding defeated.

  “I just wanted some space.”

  “That’s fine. Skeet was worried that you were going to snap or some shit. Just text one of us next time and let us know, yeah? We love you.”

  “Caden, I can’t keep doing this,” she whispered, my entire body seizing up at her words.

  What the fuck?

  “Do what? The relationship thing?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “Oh, no! I’m just sick of fighting myself all the time.”

  “About what?” I asked, trying not to sound relieved.

  I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

  I’d probably fall the fuck apart if she walked out on me now.

  “Slash’s offer,” she shrugged, my eyes narrowing at the mention of his name.

  Had he been back to push her into his bullshit?

  “What offer?”

  “The one where I get to inflict some damage. It’s trying to claw its way out of me and I…”

  I took her face in my hands gently, holding her gaze.

  I’d never seen her so broken before, and I’d been the one to fucking break her not that long ago.

  I’d never forgive myself for that.

  “You can fight it, baby. You don’t need any of that. Do you want me to talk to Skeet about allowing you to have another fight at the shed?”


  “Why not?” I asked, confusion obvious on my face.

  I thought it would have been a great idea to blow off steam.

  “Because, I’ll kill them,” she replied honestly, looking away from me and taking a step back.

  Fuck, I’d made it worse.


  “I’m serious, Caden. I want to fucking kill them. Slash’s right, I get off on taunting them and shit. What the hell is happening to me? I was a nervous ball of emotion a few months ago, and now I laugh while killing people?” She said softly, making me sigh.

  I wanted to hold her and make it all okay.

  I gave her the space she wanted though, worried she’d bolt if I’d crowded her.

  “I don’t know, baby. Do you want me to stick around for a while or…”

  “It’s okay, you have plans. I’m just going to hang around here and work out,” she cut me off, stepping closer to wrap her arms around me for a hug, but she was still tense.

  I ignored it and gave her a kiss since she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

  “Alright. Call me if you need me, yeah? I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she smiled, kissing me back and waiting for me to leave before I heard her go back to the boxing bag.

  I had no idea how to help her, but I had to think of something.

  I couldn’t just watch her drown.


  I’d just gotten into a good routine with the boxing bag when the door opened and I glanced over my shoulder, rolling my eyes as Slash walked in to ruin my afternoon plans of avoiding everyone.

  “Slash, what can I do for you now?”

  He grinned, having no shame for causing trouble.

  “Nothing that you’d be allowed to do, babe. What did that bag ever do to you?”

  “Just some stress relief,” I replied bluntly.

  I was still a little shaken by the fact that he’d pointed a gun at me the day before, but I didn’t want him to know that.

  “Your boys not putting out, Killer?” He smirked with torment, leaning back against the wall and making me scowl.

  I wanted him gone.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Calm down, you and I are good. Sorry about the other night, yeah?”

  Well, wasn’t that fucking nice then?

  “I bet you are.”

  “Seriously, we’re good. The guys respect the hell out of you and believe you’re on our side, even though you only have one foot in the door,” he replied as if he was running out of patience with me.

  My hand twitched, desperate to lay him the fuck out, but I spoke clearly and contained myself.

  “Promise this time?”

  He gave me a sincere smile, surprising me with how honest it was.

  “I promise. Come have a beer with me at the shed?”

  “Lukas is supposed to be stopping in,” I said lightly as I threw a punch at the boxing bag, pretending it was his stupid head.

  “Can’t you just tell him you’re going out?”

  “With you? Sure, that will go smoothly,” I snorted, giving up on my work-out and leaning against the wall, earning a chuckle from him.

  “Ty will end up at the shed anyway, so it’s fine. Skeet knows the guys are all peachy with you now, so he knows you�
�re safe.”

  “You think that’s the problem? Slash, you know he’s worried about the trouble you’ll get me in,” I scowled, a dark grin taking over his face.

  “Trouble? What trouble?”

  “Dead body kind of trouble,” I muttered as I grabbed my sweat towel and wiped it over my damp face.

  He laughed lightly, moving towards me.

  “Babe, it isn’t even like that. I just want to have a quiet beer at the shed with you because you’re my friend.”

  “Yeah, the friend who wants to be part of the dead body thing,” I mumbled under my breath, making him raise an eyebrow at me.

  “That’s what’s wrong? You’re itching to do some damage to someone? I can sneak you into the cage for a round, if you want?”

  I kicked the bag hard with frustration, my voice flat.

  “I’ll kill them, and you know it. I want to fucking kill them. I…”

  “Hey, I’ll sort something out, alright? I know your guys won’t approve, but I don’t mind you tagging along on jobs with me,” he smiled, friendliness in his tone as if he’d offered to let me tag along for a trip to the fucking mall.

  It was nice to have someone not worry so much over me.

  I sighed, knowing it couldn’t happen though.

  “I can’t have one foot in the door and one out. I’m not part of the crew, so…”

  “Times are changing, babe. You’re in the door more than you realize.”

  That caught my attention and I turned, almost running into him.

  How the fuck had he gotten that close?

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, the guys are impressed with you. Some of them are still a little old school, but most of them want you in. All the way in,” he shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  “And Skeet?”

  He smirked almost evilly, crossing his tattooed arms so that his muscles bulged and his shirt pulled tight across his chest.

  “Skeet’s pissed off. Why do you think he wants you away from the shed completely? You know how he feels about you being involved in our shit, so actually becoming part of it? Yeah, he isn’t happy.”

  “But it’s my fucking choice!” I shouted, waving my hands around like a crazy person and earning a look of amusement from him.

  “I know, and that’s why I’m talking to you about it instead of arguing with him. Get dressed and come for a beer. The guys miss your sassy ass strutting around and threatening them,” he winked and shooed me up the stairs, waiting for me while I had a quick shower, before we wandered out to his car.

  The red and black 1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1 was in mint condition, and it was Slash’s pride and joy.

  I was honestly surprised we were even allowed to wear fucking shoes in it.

  I sent Lukas a quick message to say I’d gone out, then I glanced over at Slash as he drove.

  “I hear talk, you know?”

  “About?” He hummed, my eyes narrowing with annoyance.

  “That there’s another crew in town.”

  His gaze snapped to mine instantly, his hands tightening on the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

  That was my question answered about whether they were friendly or not.

  “Where the fuck did you hear that?”

  “Around,” I replied in a bored tone, continuing to watch him as anger crossed his face.

  “Damnit, Donovan….,” he bit out, and I finally sighed, deciding to just tell him.

  “Claire heard about it and mentioned it to me. I think she was worried because I hang around you guys, and if shit goes down…”

  “Obviously you aren’t listening to her advice then?” He asked dryly, making me snort.

  “She didn’t give me advice, but it’s common knowledge that I’m close to the crew and I’m dating your right-hand man. I’m a target regardless, so I may as well be in the middle of it. I don’t feel like being kidnapped in my damn sleep or anything, so I’m safer around you guys than I am if I stay away.”

  His face softened as he glanced over at me while continuing to drive along the old road.

  “You know we’d keep you safe, even if you did hide out for a while, right? The guys would kill anyone who tries to hurt you.”

  “I know, and I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt you guys too,” I replied, smiling slightly as he parked near the shed and some of the guys wandered out to greet us.

  I always felt at home there, despite no one really wanting me there.

  I’d never become friends with anyone, but they’d say hi and seemed friendly enough.

  Slash led me inside, sauntering straight to the bar in the corner and getting us both a beer.

  I leaned against the bar and downed half my drink before glancing around.

  “So, you going to tell me about this other crew that I know you already knew about?”

  He looked pissed off with me, but his voice was gentle.

  “The Devil’s Armada crew have been in and out of town for years. We are usually at peace, but last time they rolled through, bullets flew between us. They have no reason to be here and they didn’t tell us they were coming, so it can’t be good. Skeet’s on edge, as you’ll notice. He hasn’t told you anything about them yet?”

  “Should he have?” I frowned, but he shook his head, despite appearing surprised.

  “No, but he seems to open up to you, so I wasn’t sure if he’d brought it up. Skeet’s childhood best friend runs the Devils, and obviously after last time they were here, it didn’t end well. He was like a brother to Skeet, so ignore his mood for a while, yeah? He doesn’t mean to be a prick.”

  “He’s never mentioned anyone else that he was ever close to outside of the crew,” I stated, a conflicted expression taking over his face.

  “Don’t blame him for it, babe. Hunter and Skeet grew up together. Hunter’s older brother ran the Devils his whole life, so when he died, Hunter thought it was best that he took it over. Skeet was already with us by that point, but they didn’t let it affect their friendship.”

  “So, what happened?”

  He sipped his beer and handed me a cigarette, lighting one for himself before speaking.

  “The usual. The Devils wanted a leader that wasn’t half in another crew. Hunter chose his own crew, and when the bullets flew between us, he walked away when Skeet was shot. Skeet’s just pissed off at himself for not being able to let go of Hunter. Be careful about the subject, okay? He doesn’t like talking about it, so probably don’t ask him questions.”

  I nodded, finishing my cigarette in silence as Slash spoke to some of his crew, but one guy turned to me and gave me a nod of respect, his hazel eyes watching me through his short light brown hair as the fringe covered his eyes slightly.

  He was slim, but he appeared to be well toned as I took in the tattoos on his biceps.

  He was older than me, but I couldn’t be too sure by how much it would be.

  “Hey, you’ve got balls, Donovan. Come have a beer whenever you want, yeah? Door’s always open for you.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it,” I nodded back, accepting the joint he handed me without hesitation.

  The guys talked crew business, letting me in on the conversation for once, but I jumped when hands clamped on my waist and I was spun around to meet Tyler’s unimpressed steel grey eyes.

  “Oh, hey.”

  “Don’t hey me. What are you doing here?” He muttered, tugging me across the room and ignoring the amused glances from the crew members.

  I tried to keep a bored expression on my face, but I was honestly just getting angry.

  “Why can’t I be here? C’mon, you know Slash…”

  “Slash is going to get you in fucking trouble. Who knows you’re here?” He cut me off sharply before I could even finish my sentence.

  I yanked back from him with frustration, giving him a scathing look.

  “So, now I need to tell you guys where I am all the time? Why don’t you guys trust me?”

  He ra
n an annoyed hand over his face, meeting my gaze with an impatient sigh.

  “We do trust you, but we don’t trust Slash.”

  “I do,” I retorted in a bratty tone, a snort of disbelief coming from him.

  “No, you don’t. You don’t trust…”

  “I do fucking trust him. He doesn’t sugar coat shit like what you guys do to protect me or whatever your bullshit reasons are. He just tells me how it is,” I snapped, his dark eyes narrowing on me.

  “Last time you were here he fucking beat you.”

  “Like he was supposed to. I know the rules here, so it’s not like he snuck up on me with it. He’s my friend, so back off,” I hissed, giving him a small shove to get my point across.

  He hardly moved, but it was the thought that counted.

  “So why are you here? Fighting again?” He finally asked, and I waved my beer at him in response, my tone petty.

  “No. Just having a beer.”

  “Considering you don’t smoke weed, why do you smell like it?” He frowned, raising an eyebrow as I scowled and ignored his question.

  "Why are you here if it’s not safe?”


  “If you say because you’re a guy, I’m going to knock your fucking head off your shoulders,” I bit out, his mouth slamming shut without hesitation.

  He glanced up as Slash wandered over, handing Tyler a beer with a smirk plastered to his face.

  “I brought her here to wind her down, not rev her up. Leave her be, Ty.”

  “Skeet know she’s here?” He asked bluntly, but Slash continued to smirk, knowing he was causing trouble.


  “Damnit, Slash. You’re going to cause problems,” Tyler glowered, but Slash narrowed his eyes.

  “The only people who will wreck what you guys have going on is you guys, because you try to control her. The guys trust her, so she’s safe here. Skeet tell you about the Devils being in town? Because you know she’s safer here than at home alone like she was when I found her today.”

  Tyler’s eyes flickered to me, his body tense.

  “You told her that she needs to hang here so you can keep her safe? Rory, he’s…”


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