Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 10

by R. E. Bond

  “I was the one that brought it up with him when I heard they were in town. I was the one that said I’m safer by being closer to Slash and the guys instead of hiding out, because they’d all know I’m Skeet’s girl and that I’m close with the crew. I’m an easy target.”

  Slash laughed, managing to sound a little crazy in the process.

  “Yeah, but they don’t know you have bigger balls than half my guys put together. Sucks to be them if they try to hurt you, because you’d burn them alive while laughing manically and roasting fucking marshmallows over their burning corpse.”

  Tyler gave him a sour glance before looking back at me with something similar to irritation.

  I never really knew what to name it every time he looked at me like that.

  Sort of a mix between annoyance and disappointment.

  It was uncalled for in my opinion.

  “You knew all this was going on and you didn’t say anything to us? What the fuck, babe?” Tyler scowled, but before I could say something snarky to him, someone shouted from the door and Slash’s stormy grey eyes flashed to mine with worry.

  “Lock yourself in the back office. Take Ty with you.”


  “Donovan, now!” he demanded, shoving us in the right direction before stalking towards the front door quickly.

  Once we’d locked ourselves inside, Tyler pulled me against his chest and sighed.

  “You really were just having a beer?”

  “Yeah. I’d tell you if I was fighting, because I’d still do it regardless if you knew or not. I won’t hide shit from you,” I replied dryly, relieved that he seemed to have calmed down.

  “Alright,” he nodded, moving back to sit in a chair to wait for Slash to come back.

  I moved around the desk, plonking my ass down in Slash’s chair to help myself to his whisky and cigarettes that I knew he hid in his drawer.

  I put my feet up on the desk just as the door opened with force, and I wasn’t sure how I knew, but it was definitely Hunter looking back at me.

  He halted as his stunning dark brown eyes clashed with mine, a dangerous smile slowly spreading across his face as if he’d won the jack pot.

  I couldn’t lie, he was hot as hell.

  “Who do we have here?” He asked, his voice sounding like a dream, but I knew just by looking at him that he was a nightmare in disguise.

  Act cool, Aurora.

  “Hunter, right?” I asked in a bored tone, not moving from my lazy position.

  He seemed taken back for a second, hiding it quickly with an amused chuckle.

  “Good guess. Who are you, hot shot?”

  “None of your fucking business,” I smiled sweetly, flicking the ash from my cigarette into the ash tray just as Slash stormed into the room, rage burning in his eyes.

  “I thought I told you to lock the fucking door?”

  “I did. If you think that door would keep an eight-year-old girl out, let alone another crew, you’re a fucking idiot,” I rolled my eyes, finishing my cigarette and butting it out before sitting up.

  Hunter laughed manically at the performance we were apparently putting on.

  “Oh, this is fucking funny. You’ve got this tiny little woman giving you lip, and you’re just taking it like a bitch.”

  “That tiny little woman’s a piece of fucking work and isn’t afraid to shoot, so watch it,” he warned, moving further into the room to try and catch my eye.

  I avoided his gaze and cocked my head at Hunter, wanting to play with him a little, purely for my own amusement.

  “So, what brings you to town? Do I shoot at you, or is this a peaceful visit?”

  He raised an eyebrow and moved closer to try and intimidate me, but I didn’t flinch.

  I decided to pat myself on the back for that later, because despite being hot as fuck, he was also scary as fuck.

  I watched the muscles bulge in his tattooed arms as he crossed them against his chest, giving me a lethal glare from behind his messy black hair, that should have made me piss my pants.

  He was starting to lose his charm real fast.

  “Crew business. Leave the men to it, babe. Go work the bar or some shit like you’re meant to.”

  I smirked, stepping closer so that I was nearly nose to nose with him as the smell of cigarettes and whisky fanned across my cheek on his breath.

  Too close, fuck.

  “How about you go and fuck yourself, since it’s obvious that no one’s doing it for you,” I taunted in a low voice, standing my ground.

  “A lot of mouth for a little fucking girl,” he warned, his nostrils flaring in annoyance as I chuckled with amusement.

  “I’m the best fighter here, so I can back it up, pretty boy,” I replied with threat in my tone that made him grin cruelly.

  He went to speak, but Slash spoke up before he had the chance, irritation strong in his tone.

  “Killer, back down. You and Ty head off before Holloway ends up here, carrying on at you and then me. I don’t feel like killing him today.”

  “I’m not leaving,” I argued, crossing my arms tightly and trying hard to ignore Hunter’s gaze as it moved over me slowly when he didn’t think I’d notice.

  He was either checking me out or trying to pick a spot to shoot me.

  Either way, I didn’t like the judgement in his eyes.

  “Rory…,” Slash groaned, pissing me off even more.

  “What? If he shoots at you, I’ll fucking shoot at him,” I growled, causing Tyler to tug on my arm, his voice firm.

  “Damnit, babe. Cut it out, let’s go.”

  I yanked my arm back from his hold, giving him a filthy glare.

  “You can leave, but I’m not leaving until this cunt does.”

  Hunter glanced at Slash with amusement, but I could tell he was running out of patience.

  “C’mon, man. Kick this bitch’s ass out so we can talk. I don’t have all fucking day.”

  I went to swing at the mouthy prick, but Slash grabbed my bicep almost painfully and pulled me beside him sharply.

  “Ty, head on home, bro. I’ve got her.”

  “Like fuck! She’s my girl, so…”

  “Hey, she’s one of us so she’s safe. I’ll bring her home after, okay? Tell Holloway to keep his ass away too. If I need her gone, you’ll get a call.”

  Tyler’s gaze landed on mine with a scowl.

  “Fuck this, I’m calling Skeet. You know there’s no way in hell he’d be okay with this.”

  “Skeet will show up anyway. Like I said, I’ve got her, okay? Trust me,” Slash sighed, making Tyler snort before he stormed from the room like the spoiled rich boy that he was, slamming the door behind him.

  I felt bad for upsetting him, but it was my goddamn choice.

  Hunter’s expression had suddenly become dark, and a smirk tugged at my lips as I ran my tongue over my lip ring absently.

  “Not keen on a reunion? Too bad, you’re going to fucking get one.”

  Slash grunted before shoving me towards his desk chair a little harder than necessary.

  “Sit down and shut the fuck up for a second, yeah?”

  “No,” I sassed, Hunter hooting with laugher at my mouthy attitude.

  “Oh wow, got good control happening with the women, Slash. I must admit, your crown’s falling. I can remove her if you can’t?”

  Slash’s eyes blazed with fury as he glanced over at the cocky asshole.

  “You don’t fucking touch her. She’s fine, so leave her be. Now, what did you so badly need to talk about, Hunter? Because I don’t have all day either.”

  “It’s crew…,” he went to argue, but Slash cut him off.

  “Look man, she helps us with crew business sometimes. You would have heard about Liam, Tristan Holloway…”

  “The fuck does that even mean?” Hunter snapped, growing tired of the conversation.

  I really needed my own gun.

  I also understood why I didn’t have one.

be way too fucking trigger happy.

  “She seduced and killed Liam, and she killed Tristan before offing her own daddy. She’s a little blood thirsty, so I’d leave her alone if I were you. She likes to torment her prey before killing them,” he smirked, watching Hunter raise an eyebrow, his expression softening slightly.

  He moved towards me, ignoring the warning growl from Slash.

  “So, you like to play with the devil? Whose bitch are you, because I know Ty isn’t part of the crew.”

  I chuckled, confusing him as I leaned forwards and ran my finger down his chest in a teasing manor, causing his skin to shiver.

  “I’m no one’s bitch. I also don’t ask permission before firing shots, so I’d be careful, pretty boy. I don’t play with the devil, I am the fucking devil.”

  I hoped it sounded badass.

  I think it did.

  I went to turn away, but he grabbed my arm, keeping me there with a firm but gentle grip.

  I fought the urge to lash out at him as I gritted my teeth, ignoring the warmth from his hand as he peered into my eyes, desire, frustration, and curiosity filling them.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Slash laughed loudly, sounding way too amused for the situation we were in.

  “This is Aurora Donovan. Our best fighter in the cage and our number one-party girl. She’s also basically a member, so watch yourself with her. Donovan, this is Hunter Rivera.”

  “Member? She’s a fucking woman. Whose dick is she sucking to be that ranked up? Who’s bitch is she?” He growled, and I saw red.

  I glared at him as his hand tightened on my arm a fraction, and I’d just started to reach for my blade when my attention was jerked to the door as it suddenly slammed open and Skeeter stood in the doorway, pure rage on his face.

  “Get your fucking hand off my girl before I cut it off!”

  Hunter glanced up with surprise.

  “She’s your girl?”

  “Yes, she’s mine, so let her fucking go!” He snarled, moving into the room and pulling me against his chest, sneering at Slash as if it was all his fault. “The fuck have I told you about bringing her here?”

  Slash shrugged like we weren’t all about to just host a shoot-out in the office.

  “We were just having a beer. I kept my promise and she didn’t fight, so what’s the big deal? You guys left her alone all fucking day, so you should thank me for cheering her ass up.”

  “Lukas was coming over to see her!” Skeeter exploded, but Slash finally became sick of the arguments about me and gave Skeeter an agitated glare.

  “She wanted to have a beer with me. Back down, Skeet. She might be your girl, but you all need to realize that she’s my friend too. I’ll keep her safe, for fuck’s sake.”

  Skeeter snorted, starting to drag me towards the door, but I dug my heels in like the stubborn bitch I was.

  “Hey! I’m not leaving until…”

  “Yes, you fucking are!” He shouted, seeming ready to completely lose his temper.

  Violence flashed in his eyes as I elbowed him in the ribs and snatched my blade from my pocket, pressing it against his throat before he knew what I was doing.

  I was totally getting cut up or spanked later.

  “I’m not leaving, Skeet. You can’t make me.”

  “Wanna fucking bet on it, baby girl? Get your ass in the car,” he demanded, but I pressed the blade harder against his skin, my voice stern.

  “You don’t walk out on family. Ever.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Slash sighed, knowing it was the start of a bigger argument.

  “You know the crew wants her in. She’s family brother, so let go of her and let her stay.”

  “We talked about this. What the fuck…,” Skeeter started to seethe, but I groaned as prince charming number two arrived.

  “Rory! Get in the fucking car, now!” Caden shouted as he stormed in, not giving me time to think about a smart-ass answer before he literally yanked me back from my hold on Skeeter and tossed me over his shoulder, carrying me from the room before I could register what was going on.

  Hunter laughed like the piece of shit he was, but I kicked my legs hard, desperate to get down.

  “Holloway, put me fucking down!”

  “Nope,” he said, popping the p for added effect to irritate me just a little bit more.

  I could hear Skeeter telling his crew to let Caden take me without a fuss, but for once a few looked torn.

  The guy who’d shared his joint with me earlier in the day glanced at Skeeter with conflict in his gaze, before moving towards us without a word, making Skeeter growl.

  “I said back off!”

  The guy got closer until he’d blocked Caden’s exit, talking to me to calm me down.

  “Nothing’s going down here today, Donovan. I’ll find you after and fill you in, yeah?”

  Skeeter was still cursing behind us as I relaxed, waiting for Caden to put me down before I turned my attention to the guy, putting my knife in my pocket.

  “Find me the moment he leaves?”

  “Can do,” he nodded, turning and heading back towards Skeeter, who looked like he was going to rip his head off.

  I flipped him off and headed out to Caden’s Challenger, ignoring Caden the entire drive home.


  Rory had been driving us all insane.

  Not in an angry way, but in a fearful way.

  She didn’t know Hunter in the slightest, but she got in his fucking face and taunted him anyways.

  Caden wasn’t impressed when I’d called him to get her ass out of there, but I knew he’d be able to get her home.

  I drove straight to Jensen’s, not at all surprised to find him and Lukas vegging out in front of the TV.

  I knew they had something going on between them, but seeing them curled up on the couch, cuddling each other, was fucking weird.

  Lukas moved onto his side of the couch the moment I walked in, making me roll my eyes.

  “Dude, chill out. You guys are my best friends, so I’m not going to gossip about your secrets at school.”

  Lukas scowled, but Jensen cocked his head at me as I plonked my ass down on his other side.

  “No one’s batted an eye at us. Why?”

  I shrugged, giving him a sly smile.

  “Well, I always suspected you guys had a weird bromance thing going on, and you know Holloway just doesn’t give a shit. Skeet’s only concerned about gay shit if it’s aimed at him, you know what he’s like. He can be a little touchy actually,” I frowned, remembering him fighting with one of their newbies a few years ago, all because the guy smacked his ass.

  He was more relaxed now, but he still got weird about it sometimes.

  Lukas grunted as he got to his feet and left the room, Jensen’s eyes following him with sadness and hurt.

  I watched him for a moment, speaking carefully so that I didn’t piss him off.

  “You’re serious about him, aren’t you?”

  His eyes flashed to mine in warning, a scowl on his face as he became defensive.

  “I don’t fucking know what’s going on. Why?”

  “It’s cool, dude. Just asking,” I shrugged, his face softening again as he sighed.

  “Sorry. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were at the shed?”

  I groaned, sinking into the couch more as I ran a hand over my face.

  “I was at the shed. Rory was there with Slash, and it was fine until Hunter fucking Rivera showed up.”

  His eyes widened a fraction, just as surprised as I was.

  “Hunter’s in town? Did they know he was rolling through?”

  “Nope. It’s going to get messy as hell for sure.”

  “So, where the hell is Rory now?”

  I winced, knowing he wasn’t going to like it.

  “Still there. She refused to leave, so Slash told me to bail. I called Holloway to go and pick her up.”

  “You really
left her there? With fucking Slash?” He growled, obviously considering strangling me or something equally as violent.

  I nodded, eyeing him for a minute before speaking again.

  “Yeah, Skeet and the Psychos were there too. We’re going to have a problem though.”

  “Oh, what ever could that be?” He snapped, panic strong in his voice.

  “From what I saw, Hunter was going to have some fun tormenting her. The problem is, she looked like she was going to have just as much fun while playing the same game back.”

  I just hoped one of them backed down before it got bloody.


  “Yo, Donovan!”

  I glanced up from my beer and smiled as I noticed the guy from the Psychos leaning against the front door frame.

  Skeeter hated that I left doors wide open, but I loved the air flow.

  “Hey, come in. Want a beer?”

  “Won’t say no,” he shrugged, walking in and sitting at the bench as I popped the top off the beer and handed it to him.

  He took a mouthful before getting straight to the point.

  “Skeet’s pissed, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that mad. He pulled his gun on Hunter and threatened him, then after that, he and Slash had a fist fight before he gave us all a talking to about you.”

  I frowned. “What does that mean? He fucking fought Slash?”

  “Yeah, he turned on Slash. Then he went off at everyone else, telling us to stay away from you and shit.”

  “What happened?” I asked, feeling bad for causing a problem, but he just smirked, turning his face slightly so I could see his swollen eye.

  “I told him to fuck off. We need someone like you around, Donovan. You’ve got balls and you aren’t afraid to die for what you believe in. Most of the guys would run to save themselves if given the chance, trust me.”

  I absently reached out, my fingertips gently running across his darkening bruise.

  “He had no right to hit you.”

  He smirked, amusement flooding his mischievous hazel eyes.

  “C’mon, I can take a hit from Skeet. He’s just in panic mode.”

  “Why?” I frowned, a cringe taking over his face.

  “Well, the crew life’s messy for starters, but the way Hunter spoke of you and watched you, you have him interested.”


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