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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

Page 16

by R. E. Bond

  How the fuck?

  “They seriously let you in with your Devil’s jacket on? No wonder we have fucking trouble here,” I muttered, sorting my books out for my afternoon classes, before walking towards the cafeteria.

  All eyes were on us as we sat at a table away from my usual one, and Hunter glanced around before smirking at me.

  “Is this some important person’s spot? Why is everyone fucking staring? Did one of my guys draw a dick on my face while I was asleep last night?”

  I leaned back in my chair as Caden and the others walked in and made their way to their table.

  I snorted, turning my attention back to him.

  “I’m the important person and I’m not sitting in my regular spot. Instead, I’m here with a random guy from a crew that’s not the Psychos.”

  “You’re important how?” He continued to smirk, and I battered my lashes dramatically at him for added effect.

  “What can I say? I moved here and became part of the elite. They also don’t know I’ve parted ways with the kings of the school, so they’d be wondering what the fuck is going on and trying to figure out who the fuck you are.”

  “Do I stand on the table and make a public service announcement?” He joked, a grin spreading across my face without permission.

  Caden would have a fucking shit fit if Hunter made a scene like that in his school.

  It was tempting, but it wasn’t worth the drama that it would cause.

  I was starting to enjoy Hunter’s company, in all honesty.

  We ate and chatted while ignoring everyone around us, and I was surprised at his boldness when his hand suddenly rested on my knee under the table after a while.

  I didn’t react, but I spoke quietly so only he could hear me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  He leaned closer, a naughty smile plastered to his face.

  “Your elite ex-boyfriends are watching us, so I figured we’d give them something to look at. Play along. Live a little, remember?”

  “Hunter, I’m not making out with you, but nice try,” I said firmly, a soft chuckle leaving him that made me shiver.

  “Who said anything about making out? I notice you get tense when people touch you, but relax, yeah? I won’t touch you inappropriately, I promise.”

  I hated that I trusted his words, and when he shuffled closer, I tilted my head to the side to expose my neck.

  His eyes flashed with question, but he went with it, his arm moving around my back to tug me closer as his face nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

  My breath caught as his lips trailed across my skin, his tongue tracing the shell of my ear as his fingers gently dug into my waist.

  Holy fucking shit balls, I was horny enough to jump on him.

  When did I get laid last?

  “You’ve been wound tight for too many days, hot shot. I can tell,” he murmured in a low seductive voice, playfully nipping my ear lobe when I remained quiet.

  His free hand ran through my hair and pulled slightly, causing a tiny breathy moan to leave me.

  How fucking embarrassing.

  He chuckled, moving back to meet my gaze.

  “You need to get laid. Like, yesterday.”

  “I’m well aware,” I said softly, holding his gaze a while longer before glancing away to check my phone.

  His eyes kept burning into me with desire, curiosity, and something dark as I tried hard to ignore him.

  I’d bet he fucked like Skeeter.

  I needed to calm my ass down.

  I checked in with Slash and Diesel, replied to a message from Josie to let her know I was fine, then I read one from Caden that made me look up and glare at him.

  He appeared smug until I stood, putting a hand out to motion for Hunter to stay put as I moved towards the back table, ignoring the whispers around us.

  I slammed my hands down on the table and glared at Caden, keeping my voice low.

  “Message Skeet all you like about Hunter, but if Skeet shows up here, bullets will fly, and that’s on you. Also, keep shit to yourself before you get me fucking killed.”

  He rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Maybe don’t fuck someone’s enemy and you won’t get killed, Aurora. Think of that?”

  “I’m not worried about the Psychos, you dick head. Hunter’s keeping an eye out for me. Satan’s Soldiers just rolled into town with a big fat hit on my fucking head.”

  Tyler sat up straight, his body rigid with anger.

  “The fuck for? They never come to town.”

  I glanced over at Hunter who had actually stayed where I’d told him to, before turning my attention back to the guys.

  “It’s not a woman’s world, so I need to be dealt with. Don’t message Skeet. Hunter’s just keeping an eye out, not screwing me.”

  “Well from here it looks like…,” Tyler started, but I shut him up with a glare.

  “It’s a good cover, so leave it,” I snapped quietly, glancing at Jensen who looked torn.

  I could see his hand twitch as he fought the urge to reach for me, so I took a small step back.

  I couldn’t let him.

  “All of you need to stay away from me, I’m not safe anymore,” then I turned and headed back to Hunter, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room before anyone could argue with me.


  “Was she fucking serious?” Tyler growled once Rory had dragged Hunter from the room.

  Lukas tried hard to keep the glare on his face, but it was slipping.

  I had no idea what was going on with him, but he was so hateful towards Rory all of a sudden, and it was fucking weird.

  I ran a hand through my hair, ignoring everyone in the room who hadn’t taken their eyes off us, waiting for us to explode and chase after her.

  Not going to happen.

  “She wouldn’t lie about something that serious. Should I call Skeet and ask him what the hell’s going on? Why hasn’t he told us?” I questioned, but Tyler drained his soda and crushed the can in his hand, anger and fear swirling around in his dark eyes.

  “I don’t know. Dude, she’s got no hope if they get their hands on her. That crew scares Slash for fuck’s sake.”

  I was well aware of how dangerous they were.

  They killed my uncle when I was little, all because he fucked one of their girls.

  Not one of their wives or anything, but one of the crew whores.

  They literally hacked him into pieces in his loungeroom and dumped his head in the fish tank.

  Dad’s whole family were assholes, so it was no surprise that they all died like dogs.

  I kept my eyes on Jensen as he silently stared at the door, not missing him jerk slightly as his eyes flashed up to meet Lukas’s, who must have kicked him under the table.

  Seriously, Lukas could be mad at her for whatever reasons he liked, but Jensen had no obligation to hate her too.

  “You two want to share with the class what’s going on, or what?”

  Lukas turned his angry expression in my direction, not hesitating to push back from the table and stalk off like the grumpy asshole he was.

  I flicked my hand in his direction as I looked at Jensen for assistance.

  “Seriously, what the fuck is his problem?”

  He shrugged, slowly standing to chase after him like a lost puppy like he always did.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well find out, because I’m sick of his shit and I’m close to knocking his ass out,” I hissed, watching as he gave me a jerky nod before taking off.

  Tyler glanced at me with an unsure look on his face.

  “Should we follow them?”

  I snorted, clearing my rubbish as I stood.

  “I’m not chasing them around the school while they have a meltdown about fuck knows what. C’mon, let’s hit the gym for a while. I need to fucking hit something.”


  “Nice place,” Hunter stated as we walked through t
he front door of my house after school.

  I smiled, grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing him one before popping the top on mine.

  “We moved here just before my eighth birthday, before Mom took off. When Dad died it hadn’t been sold, so I got it back. Luckily, or I’d be sleeping in my fucking car.”

  “Slash wouldn’t let you sleep on the street, babe. Hell, I wouldn’t let you. Bad things happen to pretty girls out there,” he replied, his voice smooth as he plonked down on the ratty couch and watched me.

  I snorted, already knowing the truth in those words.

  “Bad things already happened.”

  “Like what?”

  I hesitated, sitting down next to him and glancing up to watch his face.

  “You really don’t know the story about Tristan Holloway?”

  He shrugged, lighting two cigarettes and handing one to me.

  “Just that he was killed by the Psychos, then obviously I was filled in that you did it. I was expecting it, he’s a piece of fucking shit. Isn’t he Caden’s old man?”

  “Yep. He’s the monster from my early teen years. I didn’t know it was Caden’s dad until Caden told me in front of the whole school to hurt me when he used to bully me.”

  His usual playful eyes softened and turned sad as he moved closer so that his thigh bumped against mine.

  “What did Tristan do to you?”

  “My dad, Max, sold my virginity to him when I was thirteen as payment. He raped me for a couple of years, then kidnapped me and raped me for a week when I was first dating Skeet. Caden found me in his father’s basement.”

  “Your fucking dad really did that? What a piece of shit,” he growled, making me nod and down a healthy amount of beer before answering.

  “He’s the one who got Tristan to kidnap me too. I saved Max for last, so he knew it was fucking coming.”

  “Your mother? You said she took off?” He asked, sipping his beer and giving me his full attention.

  It was weird how chilled out we were.

  He was easy to talk to.

  “He got her killed. I’ve been looking for her for nine years, but Skeet found out she’d been killed a year after she left. She was coming back for me, and he couldn’t take the thought of losing his only bargaining chip.”

  He hesitated before putting an arm out, and I curled up under it and snuggled into him without him even asking.

  I really had to stop trusting so easily, but I needed the comfort in that moment.

  He smelled fucking amazing too, and I couldn’t help but burrow deeper into him like a weirdo.

  He spoke gently as his fingers trailed up and down my arm in a soothing motion.

  “Sounds like you did the right thing. Now I get why you don’t trust people.”

  “Everyone fucks me over one way or another, it’s just a waiting game,” I mumbled, causing him to peer down at me with genuine curiosity in his pretty brown eyes.

  “How did Skeet fuck you over?”

  “He didn’t exactly fuck me over, but he and the others all of a sudden started telling me what to do and getting upset because they didn’t like the person I’d become, even though they helped make me.”

  “So, who’s the real Rory Donovan?” He murmured, making me smile softly.

  “The only one you know,” I replied, noticing him go quiet.

  I flinched when his fingers tucked my hair behind my ear, before he moved his hand back slowly to show me he’d meant no harm.

  “I might be leading the Devils and came across as a piece of shit towards women when we met, but I won’t hurt you. I run my crew like Slash runs his.”

  “Psychos still rape and kill people, you know,” I forced out bitterly, a sigh pushing past his lips.

  “I know, but it’s only because Skeet and Slash can’t knock the old rules yet. The worst we’ve done is beat women who…”

  “You really don’t rape women?” I cut him off as I pressed my cheek into his chest more to get comfortable, peering up at his face as he scrunched up his nose in disgust.

  “Fuck no. That rule was tossed out the door when my brother was still in charge, before I was even part of it. You can heal from a beating, but you won’t ever heal from being raped.”

  “Trust me, I know that,” I almost whispered, moving away from him for some space.

  We drank in silence for a while until he finally spoke again.

  “Well, you’re one of the brave ones. You’re still fighting every day, no matter how bad you hurt. You’re strong, Donovan. I don’t blame Skeet for loving you.”

  I lifted my eyes to his and gave him a small shrug, picking at the label on my bottle.

  “Doesn’t matter now. Skeet and I are done.”

  “You really don’t want to fix it with him?” he asked, cocking his head as he watched me with interest.

  “I love all of them, Hunter. More than fucking anything, but when the bad days start outnumbering the good, you know somethings got to give. Skeet and I would’ve ended up killing each other.”

  “That bad, huh?” He grinned, making me snort.

  “You have no fucking idea. We both get off on it.”

  I drained my beer and went to stand up to get another one, but he stopped me, standing himself and getting one for me without a word.

  I watched him warily as he moved back to the couch and handed it to me.

  “You know, I expected someone a lot worse when you showed up. Why the fuck do you like me enough to be nice?”

  He shook his head as if in disbelief and grinned again.

  “I’ve never come across a woman like you in my entire fucking life.”

  “So, you’re just trying to fuck me?” I faked horror, making him roll his eyes with amusement.

  “No, I just like you and see a lot of myself in you.”

  I frowned as I went to speak, but he sighed quietly, all humour gone from his face.

  “Can I tell you something that I’ve only ever told Skeet?”

  “Of course.”

  He didn’t speak for a while, but then he met my gaze with determination.

  “My old man used to rape me when I was a kid, that’s why I’m so against it. It fucks up someone’s life so badly. I’m the reason my brother was killed, and that’s why I run the crew his way. I can never repay him for what he did, and leading the Devils was the only thing I could do to say thank you. One of Dad’s friends knew what he used to do to me, and he drugged me one night with intentions on raping me. He was caught out before he could do anything though, and a few days later my brother confronted him about it. It got him killed.”

  My heart broke for him and I went to reach for his hand but stopped, knowing how people liked space when talking about things like that.

  He noticed my hesitation and took my hand in his, giving it a small squeeze.

  “That guy was the first person I killed when I took over the Devils.”

  “Hunter…,” I said softly, but I was cut off by a splintering sound hitting the front of the house.

  Hunter cursed as he yanked me onto the floor without a second thought.

  “Looks like the Soldiers found you. Give me your car keys.”

  I pulled them from my pocket but scowled as I handed them over to him.

  “I can drive!”

  “You’re a good shot too. I’ll drive and you shoot, okay? Once we’re in the car, I need you to call one of the Psychos and tell them to meet us at my warehouse. They know where to go,” he ordered, giving me no choice but to nod as I followed him through the house.

  I grabbed my gun from the kitchen drawer on the way past, giving him a startled look when he walked towards the front door.

  “We can’t just…”

  “Stay behind me, okay? I’ll get you out of here, but you have to help cover me,” he said calmly, waiting for me to agree before he opened the door.

  Bullets flew and adrenaline pumped through my body as we ran towards the Corvette, firing back blindly until
we jumped in.

  We floored it, driving along the old road and past the Psycho’s shed, leaving the Soldiers behind us.

  My heart was racing between the rush and fear, knowing I’d become too used to the chaos as I noticed how relaxed my hands were.

  Why were they not shaking?

  I quickly called Diesel, who answered just as I let off a shot behind us as a car suddenly came into view.

  “Donovan, what are you up to? I… was that a fucking gun shot?” He snapped, making me scowl as I kept my eye out over my shoulder.

  “Yes. Tell the crew to meet me at the Devil’s warehouse.”

  “What the fuck for?”

  “Just do it, Diesel! The Soldiers just shot my fucking house up!” I shouted, hearing Hunter curse as he skidded around the corner and onto the main road.

  Glass shattered, and Diesel started shouting at me.

  “Where the fuck are you?!”

  “On the way to the warehouse, so meet me there!” I snapped, causing him to growl.

  “How the fuck do you know how to get to…”

  “Hunter’s with me. Call the others and tell them to get there now!” I snapped before hanging up.

  Men asked the stupidest questions at the stupidest times.

  Hunter glanced at me as I fired shots out the side window, his voice surprisingly calm.

  “Hey, hang on. Nearly there.”

  “I don’t want this at your warehouse. Crew wars aren’t…”

  “Well you’re safest there, so shut the fuck up,” he argued, turning a corner sharply and driving down a dirt road that lead us straight to a massive warehouse.

  The doors closed behind us the moment he drove in and shut off the engine, and he instantly climbed out to talk to his guys while I took a breather.

  I was not fit enough for all that running around kind of bullshit.

  When I climbed out of the car, one of his crew members motioned towards me and Hunter’s gaze darted over to me with a curse.

  “Everyone meet in the main room. Let the Psychos in but keep the Soldiers the fuck out. I’ll help her.”

  My body was starting to hurt, and I went to glance at my shoulder as it started to burn, but Hunter grabbed my chin gently and met my gaze.


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