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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

Page 6

by Winter Rose

  “We need to leave, Luna, before it’s too late. The fact that I have shown interest in you will make them suspicious. It is not safe for you here anymore.”

  I started to collect my belongings.

  “They cannot do that!” Sarah exclaimed. “It’s Lycan law that the pack will sponsor anyone who passes all trials.” She looked as though she was about to cry. Prince Vulcan pulled a bag from under my bed and started to help me pack my things into it.

  “I’m not Lycan, Sar; I need to go.” I hugged her hard, knowing that the chances of me seeing her again were very slim. Tears fell from her eyes, and I stroked one away with my thumb, a sob escaped as she held back more.

  “We never got to spend any time together; I wasted our last day with Dave.” She swallowed, and my heart broke.

  “We had twenty years together, Sar; it’s now Dave’s turn. He likes you, you know? Always has, and it looks like he’s finally realized.”

  A throat cleared behind me, pulling us out of our moment.

  “We have to go now,” the prince mumbled, visibly uncomfortable with our display of affection.

  I hugged Sarah for what was probably the last time, then grabbed seven more blades from places hidden in my room. I took the last one from behind a painting, Vulcan stood patiently. If he thought the number of blades that I was bringing was excessive, he never said.

  “Bye Lu, stay safe,” Sarah said to me as I left the room choking back tears.

  After I closed the door, I took two cleansing breaths, fighting against the tears that threatened to come. I felt a hand on my shoulder, “I am sorry, Miss Moon, but we have to go.”

  “Luna.” I swallowed against the lump in my throat. “Call me Luna.”

  I turned around to face the prince’s concerned gaze. He took one step toward me, and I instinctively took a step back. Gods, he was so intense.

  “Luna, I am sorry. I don’t mean to be insensitive, but we really must go.”

  I nodded, pushing back off the door so that I was now mere inches away from the prince. Trapped between solid wood and solid muscle.

  The prince’s gaze heated.

  “The journey will be trying, have you fed?” His voice lowered an octave as he took another step toward me. My back was now flush to the door; I swallowed. With deliberate slowness, he rested his arms either side of my head and against the wall. His scent enveloped me; it was dark, rich, and smoky. How is it possible to smell that good?

  “N … y-yes,” I stammered. His face briefly looked disappointed.

  He lowered his head; the only sounds that were in that hallway was the sound of us both breathing. I swallowed; my lips parted of their own accord. His gaze moved from my lips and to my eyes. His brows furrowed,

  “Let’s get going then.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You do realize I broke into here not two days ago?” I whisper-shouted to Prince Vulcan, my hand twitching for my blade as we stepped out of the portal and into the maze.

  “I do,” he smirked, nodding to the guards who bowed to him reverently. A spark of recognition ignited in one of the guard’s eyes, and we both grabbed for the hilts of our blades at the same time. “At ease,” Prince Vulcan chuckled, and the guard instantly let go of his blade and saluted the prince as we walked past them and into the maze.

  I never let go of my own weapon, my senses on high alert as I spared the familiar guard one last glance before we turned a sharp corner and lost sight of the men altogether. At least he’s healed.

  “It was actually my idea.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. I stopped before a sharp corner where we needed to take a right.

  “Your what?” I asked. He chuckled, a perfect dimple rested on each cheek. What are we talking about?

  “Your application caught my attention, but someone had obviously messed with it. I wanted to test how good you were outside of the classroom.” Right, we are talking about me breaking into the castle—this castle.

  The imposing walls unfolded before us the further we walked into the maze, the sounds of men talking made me pull the blade from its sheath. Prince Vulcan chuckled; my poor nerves couldn’t take it.

  “You are safe here with me.” I gave him an I don’t believe your shit look, and he just laughed. His laugh was like a rocky avalanche, and its baritone rumbled all around me. I shook myself internally, get your shit together, Moon; this is your only chance to make an impression.

  “The castle is used to train the Elites’ new Recruits; you are a couple of days early.” The castle was now fully visible, the building attached itself to the mountainside. It was meant to be impregnable, well for most. That this was the Elites’ headquarters was news to me. I was glad that I wasn’t privy to that information before going into the trial.

  “What made you think that someone messed with my application?” I asked Prince Vulcan, keeping my mind with the conversation at hand.

  “You passed each practical exam with a perfect score. Those trials were not audited by the Koray themselves, unlike your classwork. I was reading Myers’ file and you were mentioned as his combat partner in several reports, but when I tried to pull your file, you didn’t exist.” What in the Underworld?

  “I requested your files, and when they finally arrived, not only were you portrayed as male, but as a terrible Warrior, yet somehow you made the cut. It didn’t add up. I knew something was off, so I kept an eye on your progress throughout the trials.” I was so confused, why did they go out of their way to hide me?

  “How was my last trial your idea?”

  He stopped again in front of a water fountain made of a pale stone that was a sculpture of two upward facing torches. He sat on the bench before it and patted the space next to him. I looked around nervously.

  “Please, Luna, sit; this is not a trap.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just all happening so fast. I had a plan … my life was all mapped out, I never thought… Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the Elites would sponsor me.”

  “Why not? You are an impressive Candidate, Luna. With the right training, you will be a formidable Warrior.” I laughed humorously.

  “So, Prince Vulcan, I have you to thank for the world’s most impossible trial?” I teased.

  He did that amazing laugh again, and my resolve melted along with my limbs into the bench.

  “Gods please stop with the titles … Vulcan, it’s just Vulcan Luna.”

  “Vulcan,” I tested his name out on my lips. Vulcan smiled, satisfied that I had joined him and continued.

  “Once the Elites favor an application, we, instead of the Council, can determine their last trial. Most of your classmates would have dealt with Trolls, Giants, and even Bogies—beings with lesser magic.” I shivered remembering the amount of power that the man in the bath exuded. “Are you cold?” Vulcan asked.

  “No, sorry … do the Elites normally get tested with such … powerful opponents?”

  Vulcan shifted uncomfortably.

  “Erm … well, no. I was kind of getting even with my brothers when I tested you three. It was a bit of a dick move really, but I couldn’t stand the Kingsleys, and I wanted to prove a point with James. I also like to keep my brothers sharp.” My mind flickered back to the man in the pool,

  “He’s your brother?” I asked, confused because Vulcan didn’t feel Vampire at all.

  “In arms, yes. We have lived and worked alongside one another for longer than most brothers ever would. Your file said species unknown. I knew that you had to be something special if they had gone out of their way to hide you.” Vulcan’s dark eyes moved over my face. “The best way to find out what you were was to test you in the most dangerous scenario. Only then would your instincts awaken.”

  A little jolt of electricity ran down my spine.

  “Do you know what I am?”

  He leaned in closer so that the smell of smoke surrounded me once more.

  “I have an idea. So, too, I fear may Kingsley.
” A small line of worry marred the place between his thick brows.

  “What am I?” I asked, desperate to know the answer.

  His full lips opened, and I moved in closer to hear—my heart in my throat.

  Water splashed across my face, shattering the tension, and not metaphorically—actual water covered us both from head to toe.

  “Eros!” Vulcan roared. A man, Eros I assume, was walking toward us. No, walk wasn’t the right word; he strutted. My breath caught as his features came into focus. This man was, without doubt, the most breathtaking supernatural I had ever seen.

  He was nearly as tall as Vulcan, but that was where the similarities stopped. He had the body of a swimmer, lithe, and fit. Not as bulky as Vulcan but no less powerful. His bicep-length hair was bleached with the sun’s rays, different shades of blond and gold locks blew around his sculpted face with no restraint. He wore a cream, lace-up shirt that was currently open, flashing the middle of his defined, golden pectorals. The shirt was partially tucked into brown, animal-skin trousers; the garments were like nothing I had ever seen before. I would wager my favorite blade that this man was one of Aphrodite’s creations.

  “What do we have here?” Eros asked, flashing the whitest smile, both of his cheeks dimpling as a result. His eyes ran over me slowly, as though they were drinking in each detail. This man had a way of making you forget your name, just with one look from those eyes.

  They were turquoise, the color of the ocean pictured in one of Sarah’s paintings. High cheekbones stood either side of his long, straight nose. His skin glowed like he had been dipped in the sun’s rays. He radiated light; Eros was so beautiful it should have been physically impossible.

  A growl rumbled in Vulcan’s chest. “Cut it out,” he snapped at the newcomer.

  “Sorry,” Eros shrugged, closing his eyes. When he opened them again, some of his glow had dulled. Without it though, he was still the most beautiful being I had ever laid eyes on.

  “Eros.” Vulcan’s gruff voice tore me away from my ogling. “This is Miss. Moon.”

  “Luna,” I said, holding my hand out.

  “Luna,” he caressed each syllable. My name had never sounded more exotic. Bowing in a flourish, he took my hand, twisting it over to press his lips against the hammering pulse in my wrist. I took a sharp intake of breath; his soft lips created tingles that I somehow felt all over my body.

  Eros pressed his nose where his lips had touched only moments ago. He inhaled deeply, drinking in my scent. In all my life, I had never felt anything as erotic. Each hair on my body stood to attention. He raised his eyes to meet my own, a small smile tugging at his lips. Everything this man did was intentional.

  The twinkle held within the depts of those turquoise pools made me certain he knew exactly what he was doing to me. Then, before I could do something to make a complete arse of myself, he stood and continued. Like what he had just done was the most normal thing in the worlds.

  I could only stand there completely breathless and frazzled, unable to tell if I was offended or not.

  “We thought you were a man,” he looked over me again, wickedly. “I’m very glad that you are not.” Those dimples appeared once more, and I thought that my heart would burst from my chest. Wrapping his arm around my neck, as if we were old friends and not complete strangers, he walked me closer to the castle’s entrance. Apparently, he isn’t a fan of personal space. Apparently, that doesn’t bother me.

  “You will need to change for the ball this evening, beautiful,” Eros crooned, his voice like silk.

  “What ball?” Pure terror filled me; I don’t do social events. Especially ones that require dresses.

  “The passing out ball obviously,” Eros said matter-of-factly with his arm still wrapped around my neck. I just looked at him blankly, trying to hide the fact my heart was beating frantically.

  “Gods, brother, did you even talk with her or did you just drag her away like a rock troll into your cave?” Vulcan just frowned. “As I expected. Luna, the passing out ceremony is where we bid farewell to this year’s graduates.” I probably still looked completely confused because he ground to a halt in a flourish and punched Vulcan on his arm. Vulcan just grunted and rolled his eyes like he was used to Eros’ antics.

  “What have I told you about how you should speak to women? Did my brother actually tell you why you were here, or did he just drag you away from your home kicking and screaming?” Vulcan’s face fell, and it pissed me off.

  “No, he actually was in the middle of telling me everything when you rudely interrupted,” I defended, detaching myself from Eros’ arm.

  They both looked completely shocked for a beat, then Vulcan smiled. It was a half-smile but a smile no less, one that made his black eyes sparkle like diamonds. Eros just laughed, in no way deterred by my mini lecture.

  “Little lightning bolt, aren’t you?” He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “good, I like a woman who keeps us on our toes.” My fists clenched as I tried to keep a grip on reality. He threw his arm around my shoulder once more, and I just decided to let him lead me.

  Let him because I’m independent. Independent and not the least bit attracted to him.

  Chapter Nine

  “So, where were you before I rudely interrupted?” Eros continued leading us through the rose garden. Vulcan stood by my right, just a step behind us, his face impassive.

  “I was explaining the Elites’ process,” he supplied. I looked over in confusion because we were definitely talking about what species I was, but he gave me a subtle shake of his head. Interesting.

  “May I take this one brother?” Eros asked Vulcan.

  Vulcan grumbled, “I don’t know why you’re asking; you’ll just do it anyway.”

  Eros halted suddenly and bent down to smell a red rose.

  “Beautiful.” He took another deep breath. “But not nearly as beautiful as you.” He picked the crimson flower and handed it to me, and Vulcan shot him a look.

  “So, where to begin? Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? Once a Candidate is chosen by the Elites, he or she,” Eros winked then continued walking. I just followed while trying not to turn the same shade as the flower I now clutched as I forced myself to concentrate. Poor Vulcan just looked miserable.

  “Will go through the three-year training program.” He paused, waiting for us to keep up. “During these three years, each Candidate will be taught by the finest Warriors in the worlds.”

  Now he had my undivided attention. I had heard about the Elites. I knew they were the baddest, fiercest Warriors, but I never knew anything more than their reputation. And gods, the Elites’ reputation was notorious.

  “At the end of the three years, you will be put through a series of tests. These tests are not for the fainthearted; that’s if you make it to the three-year mark.” His eyes twinkled; challenge accepted.

  “I don’t think that there will be any problem with that, brother,” Vulcan supplied. He is totally my favorite.

  “Tonight’s ball is for the successful Candidates before they officially join the ranks,” Eros looked far too excited.

  The castle’s entrance was nearing, a huge stone archway decorated in intricate knots and skulls. “What happens once they pass? Then where do they go?” I asked.

  “All in good time,” Eros replied mysteriously. “You are a little early; most Recruits don’t start to arrive for another two days. So until then, you will be a guest of the king’s.” I tried to look like none of this was bothering me, and that it wasn’t too much to take in but if I was honest with myself, today’s events had begun to weigh down on me. The last thing that I wanted to do was attend a ball.

  “So, beautiful, how many ball gowns do you have to choose from and do you want help?”

  Eros, I decided, was a ladies’ man. He was beautiful, and gods did he know it. He was definitely a loveable rogue. That was the only reason I hadn’t already punched him.

  “I don’t do dresses,” I stated, “so none.

  “Even though I personally wouldn’t mind you walking around without any clothes, I’m sure that some others wouldn’t be as liberal.” I could have died of embarrassment.

  “Don’t worry, Luna; we will find something suitable for you to wear this evening.” Vulcan, gods bless him, saved me as I shot daggers at the smug bastard. Eros just laughed, putting his hand lightly on my lower back to guide me through the heavily-guarded wooden doors.

  Last time I was at the castle, I had no idea that it was the Elites’ base. If I had, the outcome would have probably been a lot different. Sometimes being a woman was not all bad, because there was no way I would have fought an Elite soldier and won. Well, easily.

  “Sire,” the guards stood to attention addressing the two men and bowing as they passed. I took a sideways glance at the prince; his face was a beautiful mask void of any emotion. He was so different from Eros in every possible way. Eros was light and laughter. Vulcan was dark and brooding, but the pair called one another brother. It must be an Elite thing.

  The doors led to an open square lit by torches that cast a warm glow against the castle’s stone walls. The sky was darkening, hinting that another day was ending. Gods, I wish I could go to sleep.

  In the square, there were hundreds of wildflowers, their perfume heady in the air. A statue of a fierce looking woman holding a helmet in one hand and a spear in another, with an owl on her shoulder stood proudly in the center of a water feature. Athena, I just knew that this was the goddess looking down on me.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered, shivering as though I felt her powerful gaze upon me.

  I walked to the statue. I had always had a fascination with the gods—the goddesses in particular. When I was younger, I would spend hours talking to the statues. I even imagined that they would sometimes talk back. It made me feel a little less lonely.

  I used to visit the Temple and the head Priestess who raised me for the first five years of my life, but when she died, I was no longer welcome. Mrs. Kingsley manipulated the remaining Priestesses so they would shun and tut whenever I visited the gods. Until I eventually stopped visiting.


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