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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

Page 20

by Winter Rose

  For a Dragon male, there was no greater honor than to find their true mate. To spend the rest of their existence in service to her, loving her, and above all; keeping her safe. My sole purpose in this life was to protect Luna, and I had failed before I had even gotten a chance to tie her soul to mine. Without that bond, I could never follow her into the Underworld.

  Now, a piece of me will forever be missing, torn from my very makeup. My beast did not care that I had only known her for the briefest time. In that time, Luna had managed to penetrate soul, etching her name on my heart for all eternity. How could I go on without her? Nothing mattered. I did not need to help make the worlds a better place anymore. What was the point, if she wouldn’t be in it?

  She was dead.

  My whole world was fire and death. I could no longer hear the cries around me. All I could do was focus on taking Luna’s body away from this place.

  “We’ve got you.” At some point, I had ended on the floor, crouched down in my human form supported by Magnar and Eros. The blackened ground haloed a perfect green circle that held both Luna and Ehre’s immobile bodies.

  “She’s gone,” my cracked voice indicated that this wasn’t the first time I had spoken these words.

  “It makes no sense,” Eros whispered, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

  “Why would the goddesses kill them? Think about it; something else is at play here,” Magnar hissed. I realized he had completely vamped out. If I wasn’t so distraught, I would have made a joke about his lack of control. Magnar didn’t like to be out of control.

  Without warning, a flicker of energy appeared within the circle. I was on my feet before I knew it, and so were my brothers.

  Please, gods, let it be…

  My Dragon came to the surface, sensing his mate’s energy. Luna! But something had changed.

  Unlike last time, we were able to break through the energy shield. As I entered its border, practically at a run, my ears popped with the pressure. Ehre lay over Luna; his face pressed into her neck. Luna lay still, completely serene; the phrase otherworldly beauty had never been more applicable. I thought my heart would combust.

  Through my Dragon’s senses, I was able to hear two heartbeats; they were slow and weak, but definitely there.

  She was alive!

  Unlike before, I could no longer pinpoint their separate energy signals. It was as though they had joined as one. For some strange reason, my beast was no longer jealous that Ehre was touching his mate. He actually felt extremely protective of the pair, which was proven when Magnar took a step toward them.

  “Mine,” my beast hissed.

  “Don’t worry mate, we won’t touch her; we just need to get Ehre …”

  “Mine!” I pulled them both into my arms, hissing at Magnar and Eros.

  “Well, I’ll be—”

  “Vulcan,” Magnar spoke over Eros. “We need to take them inside; Ehre’s wounds need to be checked over, and Luna will need to rest. You can hold her; we won’t take her away from you.” He inched closer slowly; my eyes narrowed, assessing the threat.

  Now more than ever, I needed to protect what’s mine.

  “We won’t take her; you can carry her. Luna just needs to rest.” Slowly Magnar came behind me to take Ehre.

  “Mine!” I hissed. Nobody will take what's mine away from me again!


  “Mine!” Vulcan’s beast hissed.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding, right?” Eros was looking through his Siren’s eyes at our friend who had wrapped himself around both Luna and Ehre. His Dragon had risen to the surface again, along with his crushing energy. Inside of me, my own caged beast roared, demanding to be let out. As usual, I reinforced the barricade that held him restrained, taking control of the situation.

  “He’s fucking bonded with him. Mister ‘I’m straight as a line, so stop asking me for an orgy’ is pawing over Ehre like a gods be damned puppy.” Eros was right, Vulcan was currently checking the pair for wounds. He nose was in the crook of Ehre’s neck, inhaling deeply, checking for any illness. At least, that’s what I thought he was doing.

  Once the beast that had currently hijacked our brother’s body was satisfied with their health, he rose with them both in his arms.

  “Ehre will be so pissed,” Eros whispered, trying and failing to contain his amusement.

  “Ressst,” Vulcan’s beast hissed as he possessively held Luna and Ehre. My beast rose again, hissing himself, furious that I was allowing this act of possession to go on. I nodded curtly, unable to formulate any sentences right now before turning on my heel and heading toward the royal wing.

  “What the fuck is he doing?” Eros was enjoying this too much. Vulcan was using a damp rag to wipe the crusted blood away from the pair, fussing over them like a damned mother hen.

  “Ressst.” I was getting slightly pissed. Taking several giant strides, I reached the side of the bed where the fussing Dragon wasn’t. “Mine,” he hissed, at my side in a second. I saw red.

  Pushing his hulking shoulders, I managed to put enough force into it, so that Vulcan crashed into one of his bookshelves. He growled, and in an instant, he was beside me once again before bringing his fist down on my face.

  Excitement filled me; my Vampire craved danger and violence. And nothing says danger more than a damned Dragon. I lashed out, unable to contain my rage any longer.

  I was faintly aware of Eros shouting for us both to stop as I grappled with Vulcan. I tightened my hold around his neck; he elbowed me in the stomach, followed by several blows to my head. I no longer gave a fuck; I want to end him … We both froze mid-attack as a haunting melody surrounded us.

  The Siren’s call brought us both to our knees. Eros’ energy wrapped around us, controlling each of our limbs until I was flat on the floor with Vulcan at my side.

  “Stop!” I begged, unable to breathe without Eros’ permission. The song continued to rain over us until the fight drained from us both.

  Several moments of silence went by until I was able to gain control over my limbs. I sat up slowly. Eros was standing at the end of the bed, his face impassive.

  “Shit, brother, I’m sorry,” Vulcan was back. He stood and stretched his hand out for me to take. Several beats passed until I finally took it, and the relief that crossed Vulcan’s features made my anger disappear.

  “You both need to get your shit together!” I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I had seen Eros angry. This was one of those times. “Look, I get your both harboring big, bad, scary monsters in your soul, and sometimes they can get the better of you, but now is not the time for pissing contests.”

  Ehre stirred, so did Luna. They seemed to be reaching out for one another in their sleep. Ehre pulled Luna into him, and she went freely, laying across his chest. Once they both touched, they let out a relieved sigh.

  Eros and I eyed Vulcan, waiting for him to explode.

  “It doesn’t bother me,” he croaked.

  “How?” Eros asked. “The way your Dragon was acting, it was as though …”

  “He mated with him also,” Vulcan supplied.

  “But how? I mean is that even possible?” Eros asked.

  “You see Ehre as your mate?” I asked incredulously, not sure how I felt about this information.

  “It’s not like that. I don’t suddenly want to fuck him; it’s just …”

  “Their energy signal, it’s as though they have combined.” Eros’ eyes began to glow with the power of his Siren.

  I looked through my own beast’s eyes and was surprised to see that Eros was correct. It was impossible to determine where one ended, and the other began.

  “It’s no longer upsetting your beast because he is a part of her now.”

  “It happened when they bonded,” Vulcan’s voice was awash with emotions. “My Dragon had accepted him because he is a part of her. Maybe the prophecy is true, maybe …”

  “We just need to bond with her before you do,” Eros so
unded relieved.

  “I won’t have to leave if my Dragon mate—bonds with you all; you will all be protected.”

  Fucking Underworld.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When I was younger, I used to dream of a woman singing to me while she brushed my hair. I could feel her long brush strokes and smell her perfume; she always smelled of milk and honey. I used to imagine that she was my mother; everything about her seemed so real. But no matter how hard I tried; I could never see the woman’s face.

  As I grew older, I became less content with allowing her just to brush my hair, and I would try to sneak a glance. I tried many times, but the second I turned my head, I would wake up.

  The dream became less frequent the older I got, and now it was a distant memory. I think I started to become more rational or skeptical of the probability of my dead mother's ghost visiting me in my dreams to brush my hair. The more I doubted the dream, the less I would feel her presence until there was no dream at all.

  For the first time in over eleven years, I could feel the strokes of the brush in my hair and hear the haunting melody that she hummed.

  “Momma?” I asked, hopeful that she would answer me this time.

  “Hush now, child,” her voice filled my mind.

  “Where am I?” I asked, noting the marble pillars before us.

  “You are safe and loved, child. Now let me have this moment just once more until you must wake. Then everything will change.” I sighed, content to let my hair be brushed. She continued her lullaby, and I felt my soul lift with each lyric until the world around me blurred.

  “You are never alone, child, trust in yourself and your Guardians, and we will guide you.”

  My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, and my eyelids felt gritty. It took several attempts for me to open them, and when I did, my surroundings were unfamiliar. The sleeping quarters that I was in were different from my own. The walls were black marble, so polished that your reflection could be seen. Gold accents were dotted around the room, and I lay in a large bed draped in furs.

  I wriggled, trying to free myself of the heavy material and was pulled further into the bed against a warm body. The body in question let out a sigh, and the arm tightened its grip. The smell of a spring breeze and clean linen filled my nose, and my breath left my body.

  Ehre’s muscled body was pressed against me. His wide chest rose and fell with each deep, steady breath he took. His breath teased my neck, and my heart hammered at our nearness. He pulled my hips in closer, and I could feel every inch of his hard body pressed against me. I mean every inch.

  I automatically shifted against him, and I felt his fingers dig into my side. His breath caught, and I knew that he was awake. I became acutely aware of our compromising position, and neither of us stirred. I remained still, starting at the same spot on the wall, terrified of what would happen if I moved.

  I remembered the day before, an image of Ehre lay on the floor wounded flashed in my mind, and I spun around quickly, looking into two shocked emerald eyes. We both lay there with my hand against his chest, staring at one another. I searched his face to see if he was okay.

  Please, gods, be okay.

  “I’m okay, Luna,” he replied, his voice gruff with disuse.

  I sat up quickly, instantly regretting it as my vision swam, but I wasn’t important right now. Hovering over the stunned Elf, I moved his chin so that I could see the wound I had inflicted on him with the cursed blade, but there was none. Instead of the ugly gash, a silver symbol kissed just above his collarbone, and I could not help but run a finger over it. Ehre’s breath hitched, and I looked over toward his brilliant green eyes to see if I had caused him pain, but something else was in them.

  “I …” I tested my voice, which came out in a squeak and coughed to clear my throat. “I killed you,” I whispered, my eyes stinging with unshed tears.

  Gods, don’t look at me like that, Ehre’s voice shook, but his lips didn’t move.

  Did I just read his mind? My shock screamed around my head. Ehre winced, his eyes looking from my lips to my face as he realized the same thing.

  You can hear my thoughts? Ehre’s silky voice was most certainly what I could hear in my head.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  “Shit, indeed,” Ehre smirked.

  A knock at the door startled us both, and I pushed away, pulling the thick furs up over my body, which I now noticed was only covered in a man’s tunic.

  This was becoming a bit of the habit. I like the new addition though. I thought as I glanced at the man I was in bed with. Ehre’s brows rose; he hesitantly leaned toward me. The knock sounded again.

  Shit, shit, fuck! Shit, Ehre projected his thoughts as he jumped to his feet, looking around the room. The large wooden door creaked open and in walked the other three men.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here, brother? Having fun without me?” Eros looked over to us both with the biggest shit-eating grin.

  Vulcan hit the Siren over the head and walked toward the bed. His imposing stature demanded my full attention. His dark eyes swept over me.

  “How do you feel?” he asked with his silky baritone.

  “Me? I’m not the one that died!” I cried.

  Pants! Ehre sounded relieved to find the garment through our bond. I watched him as he pulled his trousers from a pile of clothes on the top of a table. As though he could feel me gawking, his intense eyes found my own. He gave me a roguish smile before he bent over and pulled on a pair of soft animal skin trousers. I couldn’t take my eyes away; his strong arms flexed as he pulled the laces tight.

  The same strong arms that just held me against his body. He shot around to look at me, his expression unreadable. I realized he could probably hear my appreciation.

  Note to self: stop looking at his sexy body. Ehre coughed, and his lips twitched; I buried my head in the covers.

  During this exchange, the room had become very quiet, and the men looked from Ehre to me and back to Ehre again. My stomach let out a loud grumble, and the tension cut instantly.

  “She needs food!” Vulcan declared whirling around, heading to the door.

  “She needs blood,” Magnar grunted still staring at me. I swallowed saliva at the thought of blood, and Ehre was next to me instantly.

  “Out!” he demanded. “She needs to feed.”

  Vulcan growled low in his chest.

  “We are also her Guardians.” He sounded pissed. I could feel the testosterone in the air.

  “Exactly, then you will want what is best for Luna. She is new to all this, and the last thing we need is your ego setting us back ten paces, now leave.”

  If she rejects me because of this, I will kill you lizard, Ehre’s anger echoed through our new bond. I wanted to protest, to let them know it was okay, but I just couldn’t. For the first time in my life, I let someone else deal with a problem, and I just sat there as Ehre lead three, very unhappy men out of the room.

  Ehre turned to look at me, the bond radiating his emotions. He was so self-conscious and terrified of rejection, something that you would never have guessed looking at him. Clearing his throat, he walked toward the bed slowly, giving me a chance to deny his offer. I couldn’t make my mouth form the words.

  “I’m going to cut my wrist, Luna,” I looked up at his calm façade, my own breaking with each step he took toward me. With the speed of light, he moved, opening his wrist and the smell of a spring morning surrounded me. I hesitated; each time this had happened, it became something … so much more.

  I can’t hurt you again, I said in my head, but my mouth just said, “I’m fine.”

  Ehre’s lip quivered. “You know I always wondered what went on in a woman’s head when she said that she was fine.” I looked into my lap, completely mortified that he was hearing what I was thinking. Please do not reject me, Luna …not now.

  “Every time I drink b …” Unable to finish the sentence, I imagined the feeling it gave me. How each time I wanted it
to be more. Ehre’s breath caught in his throat as I bombarded him with the feeling.

  She thinks it’s sexual. Oh, fuck, what do I say? He ran his hand through his hair, which did nothing to deter my thoughts.

  “When we feed, our emotions leek into our prey, which enables us to make the experience pleasurable. Vampires are a little different, and they can also feel their prey’s emotions. Sometimes when emotions are erm …heightened, they can be magnified tenfold through both connections. You are part Athena … part Vampire …”

  So basically, it’s my fault every time I eat that I nearly end up losing my virginity. Oh, gods, the goddesses were right! I’m like a horny teenager around these hot men.

  Ehre tried and failed to hold his smile in, and I wanted the world to swallow me now. I scowled at him.

  Even though his smile did all kinds of things to my insides… fuck, I did it again.

  He held his hands in the air sobering instantly.

  “I’m sorry, just concentrate on feeding part. Nothing more than feeding, and I will do my best to keep my mind clear.” Even though you dressed in my tunic is enough to make me blow my load. We both looked at one another shocked, then busted out laughing.

  “Ok, let’s just give it a try. I promise your virtue is safe. If you want, I can get one of the guys in here.”

  Vulcan probably, the rest will just try to join in. I looked at him, shocked, but then I started to think of the possibilities.

  Ehre coughed, “you can do this, Luna. Do you trust me?” Although he didn’t say it, he was filled with anxiety.

  I trust you, I said in my mind and the relief that he felt made me want to cry. He sat next to me in the bed and settled against the pillows. Opening up his arms to me, I moved closer, unsure as to when I became so shy.

  There is nothing to be shy about; this way will be easier than my wrist … but if it’s too intimate? I moved under his arm before he finished the sentence; the uncertainty in his thoughts made me less self-conscious. Ehre made a slice in his neck, just above his new mark, my mouth watered, and my jaw ached.


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