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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

Page 26

by Winter Rose

  “Luna!” several voices shouted. Eros took my elbow holding most of my weight, while I tried to get my stomach to settle.

  “Vulcan was not hurting me,” I began holding my hand up when several of them tried to object. “I had another vision; Vulcan was helping me.”

  “With his tongue down your throat?” Ehre snarled. I found my feet, refusing to let Eros help me.

  “Magnar put him down!” Magnar didn’t move, his eyes glowing red. I walked behind him and hit his back. “Magnar. Let. Him. Go! I had a vision. It was about Balhar; he isn’t safe. He’s going to die.”

  Everyone in the room stopped; Magnar’s eyes flickered.

  “It’s true, brother. She was seizing in her sleep; her nose, eyes, and mouth started to bleed.” A growl rumbled in the pit of Magnar’s chest.

  “Put him down!” Vulcan landed on his feet; Magnar walked to the other side of the cave.

  “You have visions, Lu?” Luke came next to me, pulling me into a hug.

  “Why the fuck is the pup here?” Ehre snarled.

  “I came looking for Lu.”

  “More like breaking into the royal wing. I luckily found the boy before my guards did, just as I felt your panic.” Magnar’s beast was close to the surface.

  “How could you Vulcan? We thought you were going to wait until we each bonded with her?”

  “So, what you’re mates now?” Eros looked pained.

  “Lu, is this true?” Luke looked from Vulcan to me, hurt lacing his features.

  “I tell you your friend is about to be killed, and you all worry about whether Vulcan and I had sex?”

  “Did you?” Magnar’s eyes flashed red once more.

  “The masked figure was right; you have forgotten about him. I don’t give a fuck about your macho drama right now. I am going to find Balhar before he is executed this evening!”

  Ehre was next to me in an instant.

  “Luna, you need to tell us everything. Who was the hooded man?” His eyes held a flicker of hope. Please gods, let him be okay, I will give anything, he thought, and I nearly sobbed.

  “I couldn’t see his face,” I began, “everything was distorted.” At some point during my retelling of the vision I had, I ended up sitting on the pallet. Vulcan had wrapped the linens along my shoulders and sat at my side, earning more than a few glares. They seemed especially interested in the symbol on the wall, each of them shared nervous gazes.

  “He’s there,” Ehre sounded broken. “All this time he has been alive and right where we’d expect him to be. I’m going to fucking destroy him for this.” The green glow surrounded Ehre once more.

  “Who is Balhar?” Luke asked, breaking the tension.

  “Nobody is talking to you, boy. Go back to the castle before you have clean-up for the rest of your miserable life.”

  “Really?” Luke asked. “Do I threaten you that much?” Ehre took a step toward Luke, who puffed out his chest.

  “Enough!” I screamed, completely at my wits ends. They stopped; all their focus was now on me. “We need to come up with a plan. You seem to know where he is being held, so what’s stopping us?” I began to move and was pulled back by Vulcan.

  “It’s not that easy,” he said. “The Mysteries are a secret order. They are the founders of the Rebellion. If they have Balhar, they will not intend on giving him up easily.”

  “But why tonight? What would they gain from killing him tonight?” Eros’ eyes flickered over to Ehre; the atmosphere grew uncomfortable.

  The Elf buried his face into his hands,

  “I have no idea; they stopped confiding in me many moons ago.”

  “Why would he know?” I asked; everyone shifted uncomfortably.

  “The Eleusinian Mysteries birthed the Rebellion. They are a cult, founded by my ancestors. Not only do the Elves support the cause they have; Jinn, Fae, Nightdruids, and several other disgruntled species in their ranks.” Ehre lifted his face, it was void of any emotion. “It is said that the Eleusinian followers increase by the day. The Jinn are the only species that are in an outright war with the Council, but my people have been a part of the cult since it was formed.”

  “You were a part of this cult? Does the Council know?” Luke asked, face set in a snarl as he looked down on the Elf.

  “The Council picks and chooses what they know. The Elves are a huge benefactor that allow the Council to live in their lavish city, so they do not ask questions.” I realized that he didn’t answer Luke’s question completely.

  Eros eyed Ehre worryingly as he paced the floor.

  “Why would the Elves help the Council if they wanted to overthrow them? Why would they not just be in open Rebellion like the Jinn?” Luke, like most of the people who studied at The Estate, was fiercely loyal to the Council. We had been trained all our lives to sacrifice our own to protect its integrity, so being told that everything he has ever known was a lie wasn’t going to go down well.

  “The Council are not what it once was. Greed is a vicious weed; Farouk and my father know that. He does not need to destroy the Council; he has planted greed’s seed so that they will destroy themselves.”

  “But that makes no sense, the Elves have a seat on the Council. They are already in charge.” Luke sounded frenzied.

  “My father has to bribe and manipulate to control the Council; we supposedly still live in a democracy and some still oppose him.”

  “Are you accusing the Council of being corrupt?” Luke walked toward Ehre; his energy wrapped around the cavern.

  “I’m accusing the Council of much more than that, boy! Why am I even answering his fucking questions?” He threw his hands up. “The point is they will soon tire of the Council’s games and when they do … Well, let’s just say, boy, that you will be thankful that my idiot brother allowed your sorry arse into the Elites for Luna. Because we are all that’s left of the values that your so-called Council are supposed to hold dear.” They both stood chest to chest, growling like morons.

  “So, you know where they are keeping him?” I asked, trying to stick to saving Balhar. For some reason, knowing that the Council was corrupt wasn’t as big of a shock to me as it was Luke. I saw how easily the Kingsleys manipulated some of the members the day of my hearing.

  “Yes,” Magnar staid stepping between the two men. “But something doesn’t feel right. It’s too easy … it’s too convenient. Why now?”

  “Surprise, surfuckingprise.” Ehre changed his anger toward Magnar.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” The king seemed pissed.

  “We finally have the chance to save him, and you are getting in the way. Sound familiar?”

  “Come on, Ehre,” Eros stood before Magnar. I had never seen the king’s eyes look more haunted.

  “All I am saying is …”

  “No! Just fucking no! I have had enough. I am going to Eleusian to find Balhar. You can fucking stay here if you have too.” Everyone shifted.

  “Did you not hear what she said, Ehre? He will destroy you. That’s if the Elves haven’t done it first. You are banished from your birthplace, or have you forgotten?”

  These wounds between the pair seemed ancient.

  “It will be impossible for him to destroy me. He already fucking has.”

  “But it’s different now. Luna is connected to you; it’s not just your life you’ll be endangering.” Ehre’s shoulders slumped as he looked at me, completely torn.

  “You’re right,” Ehre said, scrubbing his face with his hands.

  “So, what we just let him be killed?” Eros sounded shocked.

  I can’t believe he gave up that easily. I looked over at Vulcan, I can hear you! He smiled a secret smile, my whole body heated.

  Ehre looked miserable, and I was able to feel his misery like it was my own.

  “What’s the plan?” I had made up my mind.

  “Magnar’s right; it’s too dangerous,” Ehre’s hopeless eyes reminded me of Balhar’s, and my resolve hardened.

  I n
eed to protect her.

  “During this macho display you have all seemed to forget something,” I stood on the pallet. “I am not the princess that you have told people I am. I am not a helpless female.”

  Magnar walked toward me, “You are more valuable …” I cut him off by raising my hand. With my head held high, I leveled my gazes with my four new Guardians and my best friend.

  “I did not need you all fussing around me when I passed all of the trials with perfect scores.”

  “Luna, those weren’t the real thing. Farouk …”

  Eros was afraid, they all were.

  “He does not frighten me.” I leveled my gaze with Ehre. “I am an Elite candidate. A Warrior, and the goddesses chosen Vessel. I’m going to Eleusian to rescue my sworn Guardian, so the worlds as we know them don’t fucking implode, allowing the god of death to escape the Underworld.”

  “But,” Luke pitched in.

  I pulled my energy from deep within. I had become so used to keeping it hidden that when I touched it; it exploded. The men all winced as I showed them the true strength that lived within me.

  “I am Luna Moon. You may be my Guardians, but I am the weapon. The goddesses said that I needed all of my Guardians to protect the worlds. All of them!” They winced.

  “It is their power that lives within me. I am not yours to save. You are mine.” The energy pressed down against the men, dropping them to their knees. Their expressions held both reverence and fear. “If Farouk even thinks about standing in my way, I. Will. End. Him.”

  As I stood on the pallet dressed in Vulcan’s shirt covered in blood with the five men kneeling before me, I finally saw my purpose. I no longer doubted what I was.

  As soon as I accepted my fate, a pain so agonizing tore through my spine. Each of the men cried out my name as I folded over in pain. I held out my arm to stop them from coming any closer, though I doubt they would be able to if they tried.

  I felt the goddesses’ energy envelop me; a fire so pure it literally burned the skin from my back. I could taste my own blood in my mouth from biting my tongue. I could feel each vertebra break as they popped open.

  As abruptly as the pain began, it ended, and I was able to stand once more.

  “Breathtaking,” Vulcan whispered as I straightened my spine.

  “How?” Luke almost whimpered as I rolled back my neck.

  “Goddess,” Magnar’s voice was low, reverent as he took in the sight.

  “Now, I’m going.” I let up on the energy allowing the men to stand so they could get a better look at my new wings.

  “The only thing left to say is … who’s coming with me?”

  End of book one.


  Winter WTF, you cannot leave this shit here!

  Unfortunately, like all good things (super cheesy), this book had to end somewhere. I tried not to leave it on too big of a cliff hanger, so points for that?

  I cannot believe you actually read my book! MY BOOK! It feels so surreal. I can’t thank you enough for joining Luna and me on this adventure (and oh, what an adventure it will be).

  It would be so amazing if you could leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. For small authors, reviews are normally why people read our books. Otherwise, it gets lost in the Amazon algorithms. It’s also nice to see what you guys think.

  This book, for me, was a lifeline. It’s not standard procedure to do a little bit of a background, but maybe someone here really needs to read this today...

  I have always been a dreamer. Four years ago, my wife (AKA Squish) and I decided to apply for Australian residency. Sounds easy, right? LOL.

  After four years of busting our asses, we finally got the go-ahead to move over here, and we thought “this is it, we finally get to live our dream.” Oh, how the universe (or my body) laughed.

  I have a few chronic illnesses. The past two years (health-wise) have been the worst of my life. I deteriorated to the point that most days, even walking would be too difficult. If it wasn’t for the worlds that the amazing reverse harem authors created, I would have given up long ago.

  Why am I telling you this? Well, remember what I said about dreams? I thought mine were crushed. I could never live the life that I wanted; my health wouldn’t allow it. My own body was failing me, and it was infuriating.

  When I say that this book saved my life, I mean it. This world allowed me to escape; this book gave me a purpose again. In-between tests and operations, I would write; I once again had fire in my soul. Thankfully I am doing a lot better, but this book made me realise that my dreams weren’t lost, just changed. Thank you for being a part of my dream.

  To whoever is fighting a silent battle:

  I see you,

  you are not alone,

  your dreams are not dead,

  just different.


  Thank you to my amazing mother for believing in me. Also, thank you for re-reading this book a million times and never complaining.

  To my wonderful Alpha readers and PAs, Orion Rose and Kalayna Rose of R&R Author Services, I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you for showing me the ropes, rolling with my cray ideas and accepting me in the wifehood. You both mean the world to me.

  Thank you to Nichole Witholder of Rainy Day Artwork for my badass cover and formatting graphics. You are beyond talented.

  To Denise Krekling of Serious Moonlight Editing, thank you for having my manuscript’s best interest at heart, for making me feel so at ease, and for rescuing me. P.S. Thank you for not hating me for my dislike of the word ‘and.’

  Thank you to my fellow author and wifey Bo Reid (aka The Murder Queen) for taking the time away from writing your amazing stories to help me, as well as slaving away to help with my last minute edits.

  The Graveyard

  To the amazing ladies in the Author Harem for giving me advice, support, and pictures of hotties. I am so lucky to have you ladies as my friends.

  Thank you to Ann Denton, Ivy Asher, and Raven Kennedy for taking the time to answer my questions, for your support, and for reading my book (shooketh, I fangirl so hard).

  To my Elites, thank you so much for keeping me company while I edit. I never thought I’d ever have a reader group, especially not one as amazing (and mental) as you guys. I heart you all so freaking much.

  Thank you to my ARC readers. You ladies are amazing.

  Thank you Noodles, for telling me the words for things. Who said a brain full of random trivia doesn’t come in handy? Thank you for sitting with me for a month and encouraging me to write. You are the best Nana in the world.

  To my beautiful, caring, brilliant wife, without whom, none of this would be possible. Thank you for supporting my dreams, for being my rock, and for loving me the way you do. Out of all the love stories I know, ours is my favourite.

  Lastly a huge thank you to you! YES, YOU! I cannot believe you have read my book. Thank you from the bottom of my heart; you will never know how much this means to me.

  About the Author

  Winter Rose is an author from Manchester England currently residing in Coffs Harbour Australia with her best friend and wife. A self-confessed musical theatre geek, Winter is obsessed with anything Disney, Harry Potter, Paranormal or Reverse Harem.

  Mythology is her jam, but she loves almost anything historical, probably because she spent her childhood being dragged around archaeological digs (or piles of rocks as her dad calls them) by her mother.

  Writing for Winter used to be a way to express herself. It wasn’t until she grew some ovaries, and sent some pages to her mum, that she was talked into finishing her first novel.



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