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Dark World Genesis

Page 8

by A. R. Kingston

  “My old man was in the resistance before he got killed for it. He left all his old maps and notes behind. I like to read them occasionally, makes me feel like he didn't die for nothing.”

  Alex felt a strange sense of guilt come over her. She knew of the resistance, and how her family dealt with them, but she never realized Richard had lost his father to it. Worst yet, as a member of the resistance it meant it was her father who was responsible for his death.

  “I'm so sorry.” Alexandra looked down on the ground, unable to look Richard in the eyes.

  “Don't be, this isn't on you Alex. We are not to be burdened by the sins of our fathers. We are our own people, don't you ever forget that. We have the power to choose what happens to us next.”

  His words hit her hard with their honesty and sincerity. As they walked along the tunnel, she thought about what he said. Was it that simple to shed the stains your family name left on you? Until now, no one had ever pointed this out, and the longer Alex thought about it, the more she realized how right Richard’s words were. It was her life, not theirs, and in it, she could be whoever she wanted to be, she could decide. Thinking about this, Alex longed to run away to East Ashland where she would be free to do just that.

  Plagued by a new resolve, Alexandra was so busy thinking about how nice it would be to run away that she did not notice the passageway end. Nor did she realize they were now standing in front of a broken wood door barely hanging on its hinges. Richard pushed it open, and the cold sea air greeted them, stinging at Alex's face. Stepping out from the tunnel, she saw they were under the remains of a long-forgotten ship dock which remained in the old harbor.

  Richard pulled himself up onto what was left of the wood dock and extended his hand to pull Alexandra up behind him. Taking in her surroundings, she could see the castle in the distance to the east. In front of her expanded a vast ocean, spreading over the horizon like a thick wool blanket. Further, in the distance, she could make out the faint lights of the village and the new shipping port. This was the farthest she had been outside the castle, and her first time outside its suffocating walls.

  “Come over here” Richard waved Alexandra over to a partially collapsed fishing shack.

  Walking over, Alex could see the roof had long caved in from neglect and the once blue paint was faded and peeling. The old windows were broken. Their jagged edges stuck out like fangs in the rotted old frames. Next to the shack, a small structure remained intact. A weather-beaten storage shed stood like a vigilant sentry covered in old fishing nets and buoys. Resting against its wooden side was a new ladder which stood in stark contrast to the forsaken structure.

  Richard walked over to the ladder and made his way up onto the roof. Not wanting to be left behind, Alex followed along, scurrying up the wood rungs to the top. Standing on the roof, a breeze blew through her long brown hair, caressing her skin. Embraced by the wind, she looked on, trying to see beyond the horizon.

  There, the colossal darkness of the ocean enveloped her on both sides. The moon, swaying on the rough waves out in the distance greeted her where she stood. Walking over to Richard who was now sitting at the apex, Alex settled down next to him. The salty air filled her lungs with what she could only describe as pure freedom, and she snuggled in beside her friend to keep them both warm.

  Looking up at the black canvas above her, Alex could not help but marvel at the site of all the stars twinkling above her like tiny firebugs up high. Placing an arm behind her back, Richard held her body close to his. Leaning in, he pointed up towards the sky where it kissed the ocean and whispered in her ear.

  “See that cluster stars next to each other?”

  Alex nodded. She was still in awe at the spectacle before her. Never had she experienced such a humbling feeling as sitting there, in the arms of a friend, surrounded by infinity. Snuggled in Richard’s warm embrace she glanced at the group of lights his finger was pointing to.

  “That is called a constellation. A sky picture if you will. That one is a jackalope, if you look, you can see the ears and the rest of its body. And you see the bright star next to it?”

  “The one that looks just like a bright oil lantern?”

  “Yes, that one.” Richard laughed “That one goes to the wolf constellation. They call the bright star Sirius, it's said to be the home of the gods and the immortals.”

  “The immortals?”

  “Yes. Don’t you know the stories of what happens to us when we die?”

  “Of course, I do. We cross into the veil. There, after an undisclosed amount of time, we can get reborn somewhere else.”

  “Right, and the villainous get punished by being thrown into the void, a world of eternal damnation, their soul lost forever in its unforgiving depth.”

  “All right, so what about the immortals then?”

  “Well, it's been said that when a righteous person or a great warrior dies, they get lifted to the stars by our heavenly parents. There, they are granted immortality, and they get to go live in paradise with Lucia, Tiberius, and the rest of the gods to oversee them.”

  “These people get to live amongst gods?”

  “Not exactly. They live in paradise below the land of the gods. The gods live on a mountain overlooking this promised land.”

  “And Sirius is this paradise?”

  “Exactly, that is why they also call it the home of the gods. It's believed Sirius was the first star ever created, where the children of time were born from the flesh of the Worm and the Amphiptere. This was long before they created the other gods to serve as their children, and long before our planet was in existence.”

  “Fascinating...” Alex’s eyes sparkled with curiosity “... tell me more, please. I want to hear more stories and legends of our people.”

  Richard smiled cheerfully at her. He was more than happy to keep his princess occupied with stories passed down to him by his family. They sat there for a good hour with him pointing out the different constellations to Alex and telling her different stories left over from better times. They were there for so long they almost forgot about the tunnel and the tides which would cut off their escape.

  Suddenly remembering their time frame, Richard jumped frantically onto his feet. “The tides...” he moaned “... we have to go if you want to return to your room before dawn.”

  Climbing hastily down the ladder, they made their way down the breakwall towards the old door. The water level had crept up the beach and was encroaching up to the entrance as if trying to keep them out. Opening the door against the waves, Richard ushered Alex inside. A sheet of water already covered the floor, continuing to grow steadily with each passing moment. The two of them hurried down the flooding corridor, with the frigid water nipping at their feet as they ran.

  Alex was thinking they would never make it, that they would drown in the tunnel when they came to a familiar opening. Richard leaped up the ladder to push open the hatch, and Alex climbed behind him. The water was now eating away at the rest of space left. Alex was waist deep in water by the time Richard grabbed hold of her hand and yanked her out of the hole. Soaking wet, they closed off the secret tunnel and then collapsed on the ground laughing hysterically at their near escape.

  “I thought we would have to swim up that tunnel for sure,” Richard wiped the water off his forehead.

  “I would have drowned.” Alex mumbled, “I can't swim.”

  “What? Really? You never learned how to swim?”

  “No, mother says women have no need for such feeble pursuits.”

  “That is entirely unacceptable.” Richard pushed himself up “Let me teach you how to swim my lady.”

  “You'd actually teach me?”

  “Of course. If you are going to be spending your nights with me than you might as well learn how to swim. After all, you never know what we will run into.”

  “I would like that.”

  “In that case, we can begin tomorrow night. Now, let's get you back
to the palace before you freeze to death. I don't think I want to be stuck trying to explain that one to Lord Hamilton.” He extended his hand to Alex, and she took hold.

  Richard had reminded her how cold she was. After the excitement of their narrow escape wore off, Alex realized her legs were going numb. She shivered uncontrollably from the crisp breeze coming off the ocean, and she thought she could feel ice crystals forming in her hair.

  Nodding her head, she followed Richard back to the palace, wrapping his jacked around herself to keep warm. Once she was back in her room, an irate Cosmo who was less than happy with these adventures greeted Alexandra. Assuring her winged friend she would be more careful from now on, Alex changed into a dry nightdress and went to sleep. That was the beginning of it all, the turning point in her life. It was when Alexandra decided to live by her own rules and not the rules of the pure-bloods. For her, it was the beginning of the end.

  Chapter 9

  A Close Call

  Alex opened her eyes to the gentle rays of sun streaming through her window. The hands on the clock by her bed showed it was eight, and Cosmo was buzzing about the room waiting to be fed. She rolled over and rubbed her eyes just as the door was creaking open. Rupert came in holding a silver tray and gave her his usual smile which crinkled the lines of his face.

  “Good morning Lady Alexandra. I take it you had a nice night?”

  “You could say that.” Alex yawned and stretch as she got out of bed “What’s for breakfast.”

  “Poached eggs I'm afraid. And some fresh mushrooms for Sir Cosmo.”

  “Ah yes, the usual fair.” Alex frowned “Alas, put them on the table.”

  “Of course, my lady.” Rupert placed the tray on the table and set out a handful of chopped mushrooms which Cosmo gnawed on instantly. Straightening out his vest, the butler looked at his mistress. “Is there anything else I can do for you today Miss.?”

  “As a matter of fact, Rupert, there is. You see, I have a few things I need to take care of today, so if you don't mind keeping an eye on my family for me that would be great.”

  “Very well my lady, say no more. I shall alert young Cosmo if you are in danger of being found out. Anything else?”

  “No, that will be all, thank you.”

  Rupert gave Alexandra a nod and stole a glance at the winged pig who was finishing up his meal. With a bow, he exited the room and locked the door behind him, enchanting the lock to buy the girl extra time if need be.

  Avoiding her breakfast entirely, Alex walked over to her bed, kneeling to reach her hand underneath. Heaving out a small trunk she opened it before ducking back under and pulling up the small door to the secret hiding spot beneath her bed. Feeling around inside the compartment she felt a piece of paper underneath her hand. Gently, she removed the parchment from its secret place and smiled.

  Staring back at her were the two wolves she drew all those years ago, pressed together in an eternal embrace. Tracing her fingers on the paper, Alex noticed something for the first time in ages, something she had forgotten. The black wolf had the same blue eyes as Jay. The thought of the barkeep made her heart pang, and once more she thought how nice it would be if Jay were the black wolf, but it was impossible. Jay was a gray, and grays did not have the power necessary to have a totem.

  Thinking of Jay made Alex’s chest tighten in agony as if an invisible hand was squeezing the air out of her lungs. She did not know why the mere idea of the barkeep made it so hard to breathe. Jay was far from a fairy tale knight she dreamed about. Still, she could not stop herself from wanting to be with him, longing for his touch.

  Pushing the thought of Jay to the back of her mind, Alex folded up the picture, and placed back in the hole for safe keeping. Feeling around the compartment more she came across what she was looking for. Giving the soft object a tug, an old tan teddy bear with a blue ribbon around his neck greeted her with his stitched-on smile.

  Binky was her childhood companion growing up. Her parents had taken him away from her when they deemed her too old for stuffed animals, but she snuck into the attic and took him back. Smiling, she placed the bear in the trunk. Alex reckoned it was about time he found a new owner, one who didn't need to hide him under the bed. She also thought Andy would enjoy having a stuffed animal to cuddle with at night and keep watch over him in her place.

  Replacing the door to the hiding spot, Alex slid the trunk back under her bed. Getting up to go through the secret door in the armoire, she stole a glance back at her pigrie. Cosmo grunted in reassurance, and with a nod, Alex disappeared into the passageway.

  In the dark hall, she ascended the creaky old stairs up to the dusty attic above. Standing in the forsaken space at the top of the palace, Alexandra brushed away the cobwebs as she looked around for the chest containing her old things.

  It did not take her long to spot where it was. Buried behind some old furniture that once belonged to the servants, the corner of a worn steamer tuck greeted her. Sweeping an enormous layer of dust off the lid, Alex flung it open to look inside. On top was an old board game Tom played with her when they were children. Smiling, she set it aside for Andy before pulling out an old blanket and some toys she no longer used.

  Closing the trunk lid shut, Alexandra put the game and the toys on top of the old blanket. She folded the corners of the quilt over the contents to make it easier to carry and made her way back to her room. Safely inside her chamber, Alex shoved everything she had into her chest before concealing it under the bed. Now came the hard part, she needed to make her way to the pantry and grab food for Jay and his boy.

  Walking over to her door she pressed an ear to the cold surface of the wood, listening for any signs of life beyond. Not a soul was within earshot upstairs, so Alex closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shrinking down to the floor she opened her eyes as a small, white mouse. Not wishing to waste any time, Alex scurried across the room, squeezing her way through a small crack in the wall behind her bed. Lifting her nose in the air, she sniffed around and the pungent smell of cured meats wafting from the downstairs pantry hit her nostrils.

  Pinpointing the origin of the scent, she went scampering down a metal pipe towards her destination. Stopping on the bottom floor, Alex listened as the voices of the servants moved about the pantry. Tucked away behind the wall, she waited for the door to shut and the whispers to fade into the distance. Sticking her head out of a tiny hole, Alex looked around the room to make sure it was empty. Feeling safe, she came out and returned to her human form.

  The room was cold, and Alexandra shivered as she looked about to see what she should take. The grays would not have a refrigeration system in place, it was far too large, and expensive for them to have in their small homes. With that in mind, she stuck to the cured meats and some cheese. Stuffing her sack full of food, Alex let her guard down and did not notice the door open behind her. It was not until she heard Tom's voice that she stopped and look up.

  “Do I even want to know how you managed to get in here?”

  Face to face with her brother, Alexandra panicked. Tom was rubbing the stubble on his chin, as his soft, gray eyes fixed on her with a smile.

  “Tom! I... I was just...”

  Her brother let out a gentle laugh, running his hand through his short, dark brown hair. “Don't worry sis, I wouldn't rat you out to our parents.”

  Alex felt a surge of relief, embarrassment, and a tingle of guilt for having to lie to him. She always liked Tom. As the middle child, their parents always left him to his own devices, and he was always kind to his little sister. Together they had spent many days playing around in her room as children, and it was Tom who was sure to feed her if she was being punished by her parents.

  “So…” he went on with a smile “... want to tell me what you are doing here with all that food? I hardly doubt you can eat so much on your own.”

  “Tom, please. I don't want to lie to you, so don't ask me questions you know I can't answer.”

; “Fair enough kid.” Tom reached out to messed up his sister’s hair “In that case, whatever you're up to will be our little secret.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don't mention it. I'll give you a few minutes to wrap it up, and then you sneak back on out of here.”

  With a snort, Tom turned around and headed for the storage door, stopping halfway to turn back and look at his sister.

  “Oh, and Alex. Best time to raid the pantry is Sunday, right after the new stock comes in.”

  With a wink, Tom left the pantry, shutting the door behind him, leaving Alex to carry on with what she was doing prior to his intrusion. Trying to make it as quick as possible she gave the pantry a quick look over to see what else she could grab. That was when she spotted them, bars of chocolate on the top shelf. She thought it would make a special treat for a little boy who had probably never had chocolate in his life. After all, it was a treat reserved only for the wealthy.

  Pulling a crate up to the shelf, Alex reached up and grabbed a few bars wrapped in silver foil, placing them in the sack. Having grabbed all she needed, she was getting ready to leave when Quinton's all too familiar voice came through the door, freezing her in her tracks.

  “Why brother, what are you doing sneaking your way around the kitchen?”

  “Quinton, what a surprise. I should be asking you that very same question.”

  “You first Thomas, I insist.”

  “Just making sure the servants locked the pantry just like I always do.”

  “In that case brother, you wouldn't mind if I was to peek inside, would you?”

  Alex heard the lock of the pantry giggle as Quinton attempted to force it open. Turning, she watched the door swinging open before it suddenly shut with a loud bang. Knowing Tom must have stopped Quin from opening the door, Alex looked around in a panic. She had no time to think of what to do next, she needed to hide, and quick.

  “Now Quinton, you know the stockroom is off limits to us. I can't have you breaking the rules, can I?”


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