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Vonn: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance

Page 11

by Callie Rhodes

  "What are you going to do?" she asked, so thoroughly confused and frustrated that it came out half-demand and half-plea.

  "Oh, you're gonna fucking find out," Vonn growled.

  She was supposed to hate him. That was the thought Stacy tried to hold onto as his mouth met hers, but it was burnt to cinders by the fire.

  She kissed him like a wild animal, lips and tongue and teeth and sounds coming from her she'd never heard before. She was only vaguely aware that she was rocking against him with her hips, rubbing her pussy frantically against his shaft.

  And the truth was that she was proving herself to be no better than an animal. If her omega nature wasn't being chemically suppressed, if her omega nature was taking over, she could blame it for her behavior—but no. She was still a beta, and this was all her.

  This was what she wanted. All the gossip had been true…fighting got her off.

  "I can't…" she mumbled as shame, the one force stronger than desire, flooded through her. Her body went limp below him.

  The change in Vonn was instant, but to Stacy's surprise, he didn't try to argue. Instead, he gently pushed her hair away from her face and said, almost tenderly, "I know."

  "You don't know." Stacy felt like she might cry, something she hadn't done in years. "How can you? I don't even know what's wrong with me."

  She didn't expect sympathy. Didn't expect anything at all, really, but she was still taken aback when Vonn's brow lowered, and he said roughly, "You do know. Stop pretending you don't. Nothing is wrong with you. If you'd just give in, quit worrying about 'supposed to' and do what feels right—no matter what it is—you'd know that too."

  Stacy stayed frozen. If he knew what was going on inside her, he wouldn't say that. That as she struggled against him, she felt both more turned on and more fearless and more desperate for a reaction, he'd see what a freak she really was.

  Only…his next words turned that belief on its head. "If you feel the urge to fight, Stacy, do it. I promise you I can take it. And if you want to fuck at the same time…I can take that too."

  Stacy's eyes widened in shock, not just at his words but that he'd chosen this, of all moments, to call her by her name.

  She wasn't 'Sergeant' anymore—not to him, not to herself. And she was done thinking. All her reason had only gotten in the way and made things worse.

  And besides, her body knew what to do.

  Stacy grabbed his neck and pulled him down so that she could kiss him hungrily, and he kissed her even as she scratched his back, and pounded her fists against his shoulders, and bucked against him.

  He didn't seem to care when she twisted out of his grasp so she could tear his shirt off, even helping her by ripping it clean through.

  If anything, his touch was even more hungry than hers, his kiss even more desperate. They urged each other on until Stacy could barely handle it, only faintly aware of him pulling off her shirt and bra until he lowered himself to her nipples and drew one into his mouth.

  The shame flared, a desperate salvo from across enemy lines, but it was blasted out of existence by the sensations that shot through Stacy's body when Vonn licked and sucked.

  He wasn't gentle, especially when Stacy screamed and pounded on his back. When he nipped at her with his teeth, the jolt of pleasure went straight to her pussy and back, obliterating any lingering sense of shame and misgiving and giving her over completely to her need.

  Without thinking, she clawed at the front of his jeans, desperate to get them off. After a few fumbled attempts, Vonn shoved her trembling hands out of the way and rolled off the bed long enough to yank his pants down himself.

  Stacy gave an incoherent cry at the sight of Vonn naked. He was every bit as magnificent as he was terrifying. His body was both perfect and marred, an exquisite specimen of a powerful human male who'd fought for what he wanted. There was a shiny burn mark near one shoulder, half a dozen scars of varying sizes and shapes on his well-defined chest, his strong arms, his astonishing abs.

  When her gaze reached his cock, however, it got stuck.

  Oh. My. God.

  Stacy almost salivated at the sight of the gorgeous velvety head, Vonn's hand wrapping around the incredible girth and stroking. It was beautiful.

  It was also way, way too big.

  "I…we… can't," she managed to stammer. "That thing will kill me."

  "It's never hurt anyone," Vonn rumbled. "The opposite."

  Stacy gawked, wondering if the change in omegas’ biology allowed them to somehow accept something that damn big into their bodies…but it didn't matter. She was still a beta.

  "The working ladies that come here are all betas." The bastard had read her mind again. "They've never complained."

  Probably because they were dead. But Stacy could barely repeat her protest. "I can't."

  Vonn dropped his hand, and his cock sprung back up, bobbing against him as he moved toward the bed. "I already said you don't have to. Just do what feels right…whatever feels right."

  Then he wrapped his hand around one of her ankles and pulled it toward him at the foot of the bed. He didn't take his eyes off hers as he positioned his palms on her calves and slowly slid them up, pushing her legs apart as he went until she was spread wide and exposed before him.

  For the first time, Vonn seemed suddenly less sure of himself, his eyes going wide at the sight of her glistening, wet pussy lips. He stared for a long moment, Stacy forgetting to fight as his awe of her stirred something new in her, something akin to pride that she could evoke such hunger in a man.

  Then Vonn got to his knees and lowered his head between her thighs.

  Stacy almost protested, but her words died on her lips as he kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. He took his time, alternating from one side to the other and coming closer and closer until Stacy tangled her fingers in his hair and yanked. But it was only after she was almost begging for it that he finally buried his face against her pussy and started to devour her.

  Intense pleasure, like nothing Stacy had ever experienced rushed through every nerve ending in her body. She arched her back and shattered, the most explosive orgasm of her life, except that it didn't stop. It seized her like a tornado and spun her around and around while she bucked and cried out, Vonn's magic tongue doing impossible things to her.

  Then he pushed a finger inside her, and her cries turned to snarls, her teeth gnashing as she thrashed. "More!" she panted, pulling on fistfuls of his hair. "More, more—"

  She came again, over and over again, begging and yelling and squirting jets of slick, something she had never done before.

  God, why hadn't she? The feeling was—

  That thought was lost to mindless ecstasy as he slid a second finger inside her, stretching her for him, his own growl of need echoing throughout the room.

  Slowly, as she came down from yet another orgasm, Stacy realized that Vonn had begun stroking himself. She lifted herself to her elbows to see his fist pumping his cock with unbelievable force while he pleasured her. The sight was enough to drag her under the rolling tide of ecstasy yet again.

  She had just reached the crest of her orgasm when she felt Vonn's whole body stiffen. She opened her eyes and watched him rear back with a triumphant roar, his come arcing onto the mattress next to her, splattering her skin.

  Stacy fell back against the bed, exhausted, suddenly unable to summon the strength to move a muscle. Somewhere deep in her mind, an old familiar voice urged her to hide herself in shame, but when Vonn returned from the bathroom with a towel and smiled at her, the voice was silenced.

  He cleaned up the mess quickly climbed in next to her, pulling her against his chest. She was shocked to discover that even after that massive orgasm, his cock was still as hard as ever.

  "How are you…doing that?"

  "What? This?" He nudged between her ass cheeks, sending a shiver through her. "We were only at it for an hour."

  Only? "You mean you can…um…" Stacy felt herself redden, but with e
mbarrassment, not shame.

  "I can go a hell of a lot harder for a hell of a lot longer," he murmured against the back of her neck. "I'll show you sometime."

  Stacy snuggled against him, melting into his arms as though she'd been molded to fit there, and tried to go back to not thinking.

  Because no matter how much she wanted to believe Vonn, she knew this was never happening again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Vonn wanted to believe that the sweaty, enthusiastic hour they'd spent fooling around would have fixed everything between him and Stacy. After all, she'd come like an omega—so many times he lost count—even if her nature was still locked up inside her.

  Vonn knew he was pretty damn good with his fingers and tongue; even before he became an alpha, he'd had plenty of practice, first with a student at the local community college his parents had hired to try to save his failing math grade and then with his boss at the grocery store where he stocked shelves, both of whom had been more than happy to teach him everything they knew.

  But even though he was so well thought of by the roadhouse professional girls that they occasionally offered him a free session, he'd never made any of them come as hard as Stacy had. Once they got started, she seemed to forget everything but screwing—and if that wasn't evidence of a bond taking root between them, Vonn didn't know what was.

  Unfortunately, as had happened so many times before, Vonn's attempt to turn wishful thinking into reality had failed.

  When Stacy's lust had finally been sated, there was some blissful spooning that had allowed him to hope they had exorcised her demons. After he got into bed and pulled her into his arms, she'd snuggled closer and nestled there, her breathing peaceful and regular—until, after fifteen minutes, she abruptly pulled away. She didn't go far, just to the edge of the bed, her back to him.

  After that, Vonn could feel Stacy's mind returning to its restless churning as the lovely, delicate scent of contentment gave way to disciplined calculation.

  Still, for those fifteen minutes, she'd almost been his, something that had filled him with an unfamiliar sense of…Vonn struggled to name the feeling that had filled him as he cradled her close. The best he could come up with was rightness.

  It was as if his entire life had brought him to that very moment. Everything that had come before simply fell away. And it wasn't just the scent or taste of her, or the way his cock surged even when she struggled or writhed against him. It was that for a few glorious minutes, she'd accepted her fate. After all, the only reason Stacy would have stayed in his arms was because she wanted to be there.

  Vonn stared at Stacy's back. Her glossy dark brown hair tangled around her shoulders. A tiny rose-colored birthmark decorated the smooth column of her neck.

  He refused to let frustration sap the joy from those fifteen minutes. He would be patient. Next time, maybe he could stretch it to half an hour, then an hour, and…

  He was getting ahead of himself. Hell, he couldn't be sure there would be a next time. He didn't know a lot of things.

  Chief among them, when—or even if—that poison Fulmer had armed her with would wear off.

  And it damn well better wear off because if the suppressant had left her nature permanently damaged in some way, Vonn would—would—what?

  Vonn's chest rumbled with frustration and anger at the knowledge that even hunting Fulmer down and tearing him apart wouldn't fix the situation.

  There could be no future between Vonn and a woman who was caught halfway between being a beta and an omega.

  Yeah, he'd heard that down in the lowlands an alpha had mated with a beta woman. Rumor had it they were even expecting a pup. But Vonn knew himself well enough to know he could never live like that.

  His reaction to Trace's mate—before she had become his mate and was only a ripening omega—had proved it to him. His reaction to her scent as she transitioned had been so strong that Vonn had been ready to kill his best friend over her, even when his rational mind understood that Trace had claimed her first.

  Blame it on his blood or his nature, but Vonn needed a fully-transitioned omega like he needed air to breathe.

  He rolled onto his back, the thought making him miserable. He knew what alpha tradition would say.

  If Stacy couldn't or wouldn't complete her transition, he had every right to reject her. No one would judge him. Hell, given that most of his brothers wanted revenge for her invasion and the government she represented, they'd probably buy him rounds.

  After they tore her limb from limb, that was.

  He'd seen the violence in Gray's eyes yesterday as the older alpha advanced on Stacy with rage lighting him up like a Roman candle. He'd heard it in the other brothers' angry muttering.

  If Vonn handed her over, she wouldn't survive ten minutes. But how could he keep her if they could never fully bond? Never claimed each other?

  What the hell would he do with her?

  It was terrifying to think that Stacy might turn out to be the worst mistake of his life—just one more reckless decision in a lifetime of them.

  But as soon as that thought entered his mind, another rose up to destroy it. Not another thought, but a wave of emotion so powerful it took his breath.

  Vonn considered himself a goddamn emotional savant compared to some of his more taciturn brothers, whose range was limited to either general contentment or fury. His brothers might give him hell for his benders and joyrides and exploits with the ladies, but he was also the one they confided in.

  Sure, Gray got all the credit for settling beefs and building consensus, but on the rare occasions when a brother got drunk enough to want to vent about regrets from his pre-transition life or an urge to settle a score or even plain loneliness, it was Vonn they sought out.

  But that didn't mean they'd cut Stacy any slack on his account.

  All this ruminating was making Vonn miserable. He climbed out of bed, grabbed his pants off the floor, and left Stacy alone in the bed.

  But even as he tried to keep himself busy sharpening the scythe he’d dulled during the recent wheat harvest, he couldn't drag his mind away from the problem.

  If he decided to leave her, how could he do so safely? Even her considerable skills wouldn't let her survive in the Boundarylands, not with a bounty on her head. The minute she stepped foot off his property unclaimed and alone, his brothers would tear her throat out for being a beta soldier and spy.

  And she wouldn't fare much better with her own government. They'd already proven time and again how little they cared about the well-being of the women they sacrificed to their schemes.

  If that bastard Fulmer got his hands on Stacy now, God only knew what he would do—but Vonn would bet that she'd never be heard from again.

  As Vonn worked the metal file along the tempered blade, he felt the anger inside him building to a dangerous level. Why couldn't this be easier, like it had been for all the other brothers who had found their mates? Sure, they may have gone through some shit to find their women, but at least they'd ended up with an omega in the end.

  For Vonn, there were no guarantees.


  He needed to clear his mind. If last night had stretched on and on, today had so far been a roller coaster. Vonn needed to move, to try to beat back his restlessness a little.

  Pushing open the front door, he was hit by the cool, peaceful air of late afternoon, redolent with patio stone baking in the sun and new life pushing through the earth in grassy shoots. He started up the footpath that led up the thill in a series of switchbacks at a good clip, determined to wear himself out.

  Only a few hours ago, Vonn's whole purpose was to prevent Stacy from slipping from his life entirely. Now, with the taste of her still lingering on his tongue, he was faced with the fact that he might have to let her go.

  He reached the top in a satisfying sweat, breathing hard, and rested on a flat rock with a view of the valley. He could see the spot where they'd wrestled on the ground, the grass flattened, the contents of her
pack scattered nearby—the few pieces of clothes, the toiletries, the crushed hypodermics that were meant to block them both from their fate. Somewhere in the grass were the shards of the capsule she'd spit out.

  At least Fulmer hadn't killed Stacy. He might be a genocidal asshole bent on destroying the Boundarylands, and Vonn wouldn't show him any mercy if he ever got the chance—but the son of a bitch hadn't killed his woman.

  …His woman.

  Something hitched inside Vonn's chest, like a fishing line going taut when a trout took the bait.

  Stacy was his woman. Had been since he touched her. It didn't matter what the betas had done to fuck with the natural process—Vonn wouldn't be denied what was his.

  From the moment that he'd first caught her undeniable omega scent, in such low concentration that even his brothers had missed it, Vonn wanted her with an intensity that refused to be denied.

  It was different from when he'd stumbled on the omega who would become Trace's mate. Then, he'd been blinded by lust.

  But it was different with Stacy. He…needed her.

  Vonn leapt to his feet, skidding on gravel dangerously close to the cliff edge. He suddenly knew, all the way down to his bones, that he would not leave Stacy. He couldn't. She was his, and he was hers, whether she ever fully blossomed into her true nature or not.

  All he had to do was to make her see that it was the only way.

  Now, as Vonn raced back down the mountain, he was driven not by a desire to outrun his racing thoughts but an urgency to put them into action.

  A hand on her shoulder, shaking her awake.

  Instantly, Stacy rolled into an upright position, fists cocked and ready to defend herself, as her mind raced to orient herself.

  A second or two later, she remembered where she was and what she had been doing. Her training filtered that information without judgment, but her heart was another matter. Too often lately, she was letting her feelings pollute her judgment, with disastrous results.

  She was sitting up in an alpha's bed. The same bed in which she had done things with him she never meant to do. The same bed in which she had abandoned all her training and fallen asleep, unguarded and vulnerable.


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