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Forever: Beautiful Series, book two

Page 9

by Anderson, Lilliana

  “Paige,” Elliot says, reaching across the table and placing his hand over my own. My breath catches in my throat as I close my eyes to the feeling his touch evokes inside me. I’m aroused and frightened all at the same time.

  “Elliot.” My fear wins out, and I try to pull my hand away. But, I’m met with resistance when he encloses his hand firmly over my own.

  “Please don’t pull away,” he whispers.

  With a shaky breath, I open my eyes, focusing on our combined hands. I catch myself thinking about what it would be like to give in to this attraction between us, to pretend I’m the girl he thinks I am, to simply go with the flow and be normal for a change. It’s so tempting, we’re halfway around the world, this doesn’t have to be forever… so tempting.

  I place my other hand on top of his, my thumb caressing his skin as I meet his intense gaze. The attraction between us crackles and sparks through the air between us, numbing our senses to all that surrounds us. So tempting. Closing my eyes again, I inhale slowly to calm my rapid heart.

  “Please, Elliot, just let go,” I whisper, a frown etched on my face as my words betray my feelings. The moment his hand retreats, I’m at a loss. The ache in my chest seems to slide down into my stomach and turn sour. “I’m sorry. It's not you.”

  “I don’t need any speeches, Paige,” he says, unable to hide the hurt in his expression. “I know where we stand.”

  “OK.” I attempt to fill the emptiness in my hands by wrapping them around my mug and taking careful sips.

  “So…Naomi can salsa can she?” he asks, ending the silence before it becomes uncomfortable.

  My gaze flicks to his, gratefulness filling my chest. “She can. She's really amazing. You should watch her sometime.” I want to hug him for letting that moment pass and speaking normally to me.

  “She’s very musically talented. Have you heard her sing?”

  “Only once when she didn’t know I was there,” I say. “She stopped as soon as she saw me.”

  “Same. I wonder why she’s hiding it?”

  I lift one shoulder. “We all have our reasons for hiding things from the world. Sometimes sharing is too painful.”

  “I think hiding from pain and truth distorts it and gives it too much control.”

  “What gave you that insight, Elliot? Because it was hard when Daddy refused to pay your way anymore?” I snap, immediately regretting my defensive attack. He doesn’t deserve that. “I’m sorry.” I close my eyes. “I’m sorry. That was cruel and unnecessary. I didn’t mean it.”

  “It’s OK,” he says, keeping those calm blue eyes locked with mine. “Believe it or not, you’re not the first broken girl I’ve fallen for.”

  Fallen for? “And you’re not the first rich boy trying to make his own way that I’ve fallen for. Which is why I know this would be a mistake. We’ll only hurt each other.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispers.

  “I’ll bet you said that to your last broken doll, too.” When his eyes flicker, I know I’m right. “It’s OK. He said it to me too.”

  “Is he the one who made you like this? Did he break you?”

  Twisting my coffee between my hands, I watch the dark brown froth cling to my mug. “Imagine me as a puppet, living a life to suit someone else’s needs. Then he came along and cut my strings, giving me one beautiful moment of freedom before I fell down, crashing and breaking, my pieces getting smaller and smaller as others came along and walked over the shards until I became nothing at all. Just a memory of a doll they once played with.” I suck in my breath. That's as direct as I can be.

  “I don’t know if I understand.”

  I press my lips together in a tight smile. “You weren’t meant to.”



  That moment in the coffee shop keeps playing over and over in my mind. What did that guy—those people—do to her? I can only imagine something horrible, something most of us could never consider doing to another person. When I was dating Katrina, and she opened up about the beating she took at the hands of her ex, it tore me apart. I wanted to find the guy who hurt her and give him a taste of his own medicine. I feel that same urge now. To go into Paige’s past and tear everything down that caused her an iota of pain. I want to fix it. Even though I know I can’t fix anything. All I can do is be here for her, test her barriers until they break, and show her that even the most broken dolls are still worthy of love.

  You’re not the first rich boy trying to make his own way that I’ve fallen for.

  Fallen for. That admission alone is enough to spur me on. But then I’m torn. I have a whisper of time to get close to her. And who's to say I won’t do even more damage when I leave? Maybe I should shelf this crazy notion I have where love conquers all, and I can make a difference to her life just by caring? It’s almost impossible to know what to do, and I find myself working back late to give her space and give me time to figure it out. But that’s the problem isn’t it? We don’t have time to figure anything out. I honestly don’t know what to do. These past few days have felt horribly lonely without our evening walk between the station and home. And that feeling is compounded when I get home to find her reading in her room, or out somewhere with Naomi. She’s avoiding me. I don’t want to avoid her. I just need time to get my head straight, but then I’m right back where I started—there isn’t enough time.

  “Am I done for the day?” I ask Celsey, our American receptionist who arrived on her working visa not long after I did.

  “If you don’t mind hanging around, I heard Jessica say she’s struggling today and wants to go home early,” she says, smiling brightly as she tucks her shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ear to keep it from falling over her eyes. “Do you think you could take her last couple of clients?”

  “Yeah, I can use the cash.”

  “Can’t we all.” Celsey laughs as she taps at the keys on the computer in front of her. “OK. I’ve added her bookings to your schedule. You can let her know she’s free to leave.”

  “Thanks, Celsey.” I turn to go find Jessica, figuring this couple of hours will give me the chance to decide what to do about Paige. Do I back right off? Or do I keep pushing? And which is the best for her?


  “Looks like you finally pushed hard enough to chase him away,” Andrea comments as we exit the salon. This is the fourth day in a row that Elliot hasn’t been waiting for me.

  I press my lips together. “I think I’ve fucked everything up with him.”

  “You could always un-fuck it. He's obviously crazy about you. I’ve never known a guy to hang around outside a hair salon for weeks on end for someone who’s just a friend.”

  “I don’t know if I want to un-fuck it. I think maybe we’re better this way.”

  “Bullshit,” she blurts.

  “Excuse me?” I blink in surprise.

  “Bullshit, Paige. You’ve got it just as bad for him as he does for you. You’ve been a miserable bitch all week, and that frown of yours is driving customers away.”

  “Jesus, Andrea. Tell me how you really feel.”

  She lifts her brow giving me a stern look. “I just did. Sort your shit out. I want you smiling when you get to work on Monday morning or don’t come in at all.” With her chin in the air, she stalks off, leaving me standing in front of the salon with my mouth hanging open. Is she for real?

  Pulling out my phone, I contemplate exactly what I should do. Yes, I like Elliot. I like him more than anyone I’ve ever known. But I promised myself I’d never get caught up in a guy again. I don’t know if I can risk my fragile sanity.

  Why not have the best eight weeks you can have? Even if that’s all it is? It’s better than doing nothing, watching him leave, and regretting it for the rest of your life.

  Naomi’s words keep rolling around in my mind, her logic making it that much harder to stand my ground. We’re almost down to seven weeks. If that’s all I can ever have with him, maybe I could take that
chance? I could have seven beautiful weeks where I let go of my past and have a holiday fling like one of those girls in Naomi’s romance novels. Shit. Could I do that?

  Pulling up the message app on screen, I text Naomi. Is Elliot home?

  I wait for a couple of minutes for her to respond, her answer the deciding factor in which way I go. I at least need to talk to him.

  No not yet, she replies.

  Letting out a nervous breath, I put a call through to his work.

  “City Point Club, Celsey speaking,” answers a girl with an American accent.

  “I was just calling to ask if Elliot Roberts is working this evening?”

  “Yes, he is. Would you like me to see if he has time for another client?”

  “Um, what time would that be?”

  “He’s booked up until seven thirty.”

  “Ah, that’s probably too late for me. Thanks for your help though.”

  “No problem,” Celsey says, as I disconnect the call and work out my timing. If I leave now, I’ll get to his work in time to be waiting for him for a change.


  As I exit the building that houses the City Point Club, I’m more than ready to go back to the flat and veg out with a movie for a couple of hours. Based on the whiteboard this morning only Shane, Paige and I are due home for dinner. I might even get the chance to sit and talk with Paige alone. I don’t know, this extra couple of hours hasn’t really given me any clarity on the subject. I’m still as torn as I’ve ever been.

  “Elliot. Wait up!” a female voice calls out the moment my foot touches the pavement outside. I turn, seeking out a face I might recognise and notice one of the girls I trained this afternoon smiling and walking toward me. “Are you finished for the day?” she asks, as she stops in front of me. She has a tiny figure with long wavy caramel coloured hair and large brown eyes. Although, I can’t remember her name.

  “Yeah, I’m just headed home,” I reply, smiling politely at her.

  “Could I interest you in maybe grabbing dinner, or a drink?” she asks hopefully, adjusting her hair and smiling brightly at me.

  Clearing my throat, I look up at the building, feeling awkward as I work out my reply. “Um, sorry, what was your name?”

  “Kerry,” she responds quickly, a slight blush rising in her cheeks.

  “Right, Kerry. Thanks for the offer but I’m expected elsewhere tonight.”

  “Oh, how about tomorrow?” she pushes.

  Pressing my lips together, I reach out and touch her arm to rebuff her gently. “Listen, I’m sure you’re a lovely girl,” I start.


  As I walk towards Elliot’s work, I spot him standing outside talking to a tiny girl who’s obviously flirting with him. Crap. My heart hammers against my breastbone as I witness him smile and reach out to touch her arm. No way. I’m not letting this happen. In that moment, my rational mind leaves my body, and I find myself standing boldly in between them, behaving like a woman scorned.

  “Who the hell are you?” I practically spit at the tiny super-pretty girl with her beautiful hair and perfect body.

  Elliot cuts his head towards me and frowns like he’s not sure what I’m doing here. Truthfully, I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I seem to have lost my mind somewhere along the way.

  “Paige? What are you doing?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” the tiny girl I hate squeaks out in her annoyingly cute voice. “You have a girlfriend. I should have known you would.”

  I stare her down as Elliot frowns at my behaviour. “Uh, yeah,” he says, placing a hand on my upper arm. “Thanks for the invite though.”

  He drags me away as I make the ‘I’m watching you’ sign at her before she goes bright red and skitters away.

  “Who the hell was that?” I demand, tugging my arm from his grip.

  “Paige, what are you even doing here?” he asks, his voice calm as he searches my face for answers.

  “Well, I’m sorry. I was trying to be nice and meet you at work for a change. I haven’t seen you all week. But I didn’t realise you were staying late so you could pick up,” I bite out.

  “What the fuck, Paige?” he demands, confused. “I just knocked her back. Right in front of you.”

  “Whatever, Elliot. I saw you touching her arm.”

  His eyes flash. “Are you serious? I was trying to let her down gently. She’s a client. This is my work. I can’t be a bastard and tell her to fuck off because I’m crazy about a girl who hates that she likes it when I touch her. That I’m not even sure how to behave around her now because I’m afraid of adding to her hurt.”

  “I don’t hate it,” I whisper, closing my eyes in a fight to make my internal defences let me open up to him. “This…this is hard for me, OK? I haven’t been close to anyone for years…and I…I’m just not sure how to do it.”

  “I don’t want to push you, Paige. But, I feel like time is slipping away. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  My mouth opens and closes as I fight to find something to say. “I don’t know either,” I force out.

  He looks up to the heavens for an answer as he sighs and chews the side of his lips. “Let’s just go, OK?” he says, as he puts his hand on the small of my back and prompts me to walk in the direction of the train station.

  The return of that simple touch is more beautiful than I can bear, and I have to pretend to brush my hair out of my face to catch the tear that escapes from my eye.


  We travel home in virtual silence, both of us inside our own heads attempting to work out how we're supposed to be together. One thing I know for sure is that I’m out of my mind crazy for her. She keeps pushing and pushing at me, and I just stand there, taking every single blow because I can’t be the guy who walks away from her. I won’t make that mistake again. I’ll go home and come back if I have to.

  “Finally,” Shane says when we come through the door. “I was just about to call you both. Dinner’s almost ready. I made pasta.”

  Still without a word, Paige and I move straight to the kitchen and get drinks, bowls and cutlery out to set the table while Shane strains the penne and mixes it with the sauce.

  I don’t think I’ve sampled Shane’s cooking before; it’s um…interesting, and I’m doing my best to eat it without grimacing.

  “Uh…Shane, what did you do to this pasta?” Paige asks, seeming more relaxed than she was earlier as a smile plays on her lips. She’s poking at a clump of penne stuck together, only half cooked.

  “Man, I don’t know. I put it in boiling water and cooked it for ten minutes like the pack says, but…”

  “Did you stir it?” she asks.

  He sits up in his chair and looks at her, pressing his lips tightly together as he thinks. “Nah. I don’t think I did.”

  “Well, there’s your problem. You have to stir it a couple of times while it’s cooking,” she tells him.

  He nods his scruffy blond head, slowly committing this new information to memory. Suddenly, the theme music for ‘The Wicked Witch of the West’ cuts through the quiet of the room.

  “My butt’s ringing,” he says, shifting in his seat to remove his phone from his back pocket, leaving the table to take the call.

  Paige watches him walk into the lounge room, before she turns to me. “She will kill him if she ever hears her ring tone,” she comments, referring to Shane’s girlfriend, Coral. She seems like a nice enough girl; she's just a little full on, I guess. She likes to know exactly what Shane is doing at all times, and despite joking that she’s a ball and chain, Shane is thrilled to jump whenever she calls.

  I study Paige for a moment, amazed at the change in her demeanour. She seems so much happier now we’re back at the flat. Like this is her sanctuary.

  “Are you going to eat that?” I ask Paige, who is doing little more than poking her food around in circles. I can’t pretend to eat this food anymore and put my fork down.

  She opens her eyes wide and mout
hs ‘NO’, as she shakes her head from side to side.

  I glance at Shane, who has his back to us, and grab the bowls, quickly dumping their contents into the bin before he has the chance to see. When he walks back into the kitchen, I’m already at the sink busily washing out the bowls.

  “Listen guys,” he starts, “I need to give the movie a miss tonight. The girlfriend’s in a bit of a tizz, so I’d better go and sort things out with her.”

  “What’d you do this time?” I ask.

  “Nothin’. She’s upset I’m leavin’ soon. Wants me to extend me visa, but there’s no time for that. Processing time is like, eight to ten weeks.” There goes that idea. “Anyways, I gotta go.”


  Shane grabs his jacket and keys then heads out the door, leaving Elliot and me alone in the house for the first time since I started living here.

  For a moment, I watch him from where I’m sitting as he moves around, cleaning the kitchen. He’s such a kind and beautiful man, and I feel bad for leaving things so ambiguous between us. Still, I can’t help feeling happy just being around him right now.

  Rising from my seat, I decide I should help him by drying the dishes. He smiles gratefully at me as I take the first one from the strainer, but he doesn’t speak. He seems lost in thought as we work together, quietly and comfortably, side by side.

  Leaving the tea towel on the bench top, I pick up the pile of dry dishes to return to the cupboard, bending from the waist to slide them into place. As I right myself, my breath catches in my chest when I find him looking at me, his eyes so intense that I feel frozen in place. Reaching for the tea towel, he dries his hands, before he stops what he's doing and turns his whole body to face me.


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