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Forever: Beautiful Series, book two

Page 38

by Anderson, Lilliana

  I nod and smile, but I find him unsettling. There’s something about the way he’s looking at me and then at Braden that makes me concerned. It’s like they know something I don’t. He tucks my hand in the crook of his arm and walks me inside. Braden makes sure to keep pace with us.

  “This is quite a party,” I comment, trying to make casual conversation as I look around at all the people gathered in the large foyer and living area.

  The house is modern in styling and lit as though it’s a night club. Everything is either white, chrome or mirrored, and the lights that flash are a red or a purple. It feels surreal as it is, but when a strobe light goes off, it’s even more so.

  Reggie walks us towards a bar and tells us to choose anything we’d like before excusing himself to go and mingle. I’m grateful when he’s gone because his hand lingered a little too long on my skin, making a cold chill skitter up my spine. He’s creepy.

  Looking around the party, I see there aren’t many people holding drinks. But they’re all on something.

  “What’ll it be?” the bartender asks.

  Braden has been to these things in the past, so he answers before I have a chance to open my mouth.

  “Coke,” he says, holding two fingers up to let him know it’s for both of us.

  The barman hands us a dish that has everything we need on top of it. “First one’s free,” he tells us. His voice flat and impassive. He’s obviously been saying the same thing all night.

  We move to the side, and I lean into Braden. “What is this?”

  “A tasting party.”

  “Tasting party?”

  “Yep. Pick your drug, but don’t mix it. ODs aren’t tolerated.”

  “What do they do if you OD?”

  “I have no idea. I just know that no one ever sees you again.”

  “Holy shit,” I breathe. I’m starting to feel as though I’m in this a little too deep. I had been looking at what we were doing as a bit of petty theft. I had no idea we were involved with major dealers. This is all a bit above my experience level.

  “Relax. Reggie seems to like you. Just have a good time, and we’ll be fine.”

  I nod, but I’m not sure that I can relax.

  “Do you want a downer instead?”

  “No. Coke’s fine.”

  “Well, sniff up, sweetheart. Let the party begin.”

  The high hits me faster than our usual stuff does. It’s almost as good as the first time I did it, back when I was with Jeff.

  “Oh wow,” I say to Braden, who’s watching me, nodding and smiling.

  “It’s great, right?”

  “Amazing,” I say rolling my head around as I’m sent soaring.

  When I move through the crowd, I feel so much lighter on my feet. Braden introduces me to a few people he knows but ultimately, we end up dancing alone.

  Due to my high, every move of my hips is erotic, and I feel like I can have anyone and anything. Braden’s hands are moving over my body, every touch feels amazing as my senses come to life.

  His hand wanders down my thigh and up under my dress. He clutches at my buttocks and pulls me up against him. We’re pressed as close as we can, swaying as one as we stare into each other’s eyes. His eyes drop to my mouth, and I can’t help but lick them. I want him to kiss me.

  The moment our lips brush, Reggie appears at our side, pulling on Braden’s shoulder to separate us. He glares at him, then indicates he wants me to follow him. Without waiting, he places his arm around my waist and pulls me beside him. I grab hold of Braden’s hand so I don’t lose him. I don’t know that I want to be alone with Reggie.

  We enter another room. It's some sort of an office, a stark contrast to the rest of the house. This room has more of an old world feel to it, with a large wooden desk and plush carpeting. I feel my heeled feet sink into the pile and wish I could take my shoes off to feel the thickness between my toes.

  Reggie sits us all on a couch that's such a dark red it almost appears black.

  “Braden tells me you’re the one procuring the IDs.”

  “I am,” I confirm.

  “You seem good at what you do, Paige. But, I wasn’t aware you were working for me. You need my approval to work for me.” He smiles and crosses his legs. “This is quite an embarrassing situation. Braden altered his role within my organisation without fully consulting me. It wasn’t until I asked about the increase in stolen IDs, that I found out what he was doing, and of course about you. Braden made quite an error bringing you on without consulting me.”

  “He did?”

  Braden sits on the side chair with his elbows resting on his knees as he leans forward and watches us carefully. He looks uncomfortable. Anxious. I feel the same way.

  “I have to be honest. You wouldn’t be my first choice for what you’re doing. You’re far too… striking. Too memorable. I’m surprised no one has spotted or reported you yet.”

  “Like you said, I’m good at what I do.”

  “I’m sure you’re good at… a great many things.” His eyes slide over my body as if he’s licking me with them. My eyes flick towards Braden who’s bouncing his leg in agitation.

  “Thank you,” I say, almost in question. I’m not quite sure how to respond.

  “Braden? Don’t you think Paige is too beautiful to be a purse snatcher?”

  “Of course I do, Reggie,” he mumbles, rubbing his hands over his neck and face. I don’t know if it’s the drugs affecting him or if there’s something really wrong going on here.

  “Then why do you have her doing it?”

  “Because I didn’t want to be your delivery guy anymore.”

  “You didn’t ask to change jobs. I expect you to resume your usual role immediately. My stock is low.”

  Braden’s face drops and he freezes, causing panic to rise up inside me. What’s going on?

  “But…” Braden starts.

  “Have her brought to me on Monday—I’m busy tomorrow—and Braden, I don’t think I need to remind you what will happen if you don’t.” He gives Braden a pointed look before he stands up and claps his hands. “Well, thank you for coming to see me. I’ll let the bar know you can have one more round on me. Enjoy the party, and I’ll see you both Monday.”

  He walks out and leaves Braden and me on our own.

  “What’s going on Braden? What does he want me for?”

  Braden runs his hands over his head and completely messes up his previously perfect hair. My eyes grow wide as I watch him lean back in his chair and look up at the ceiling while he blows out his breath.

  “Braden!” He’s making me even more nervous than I already was.

  “He wants you to be one of his girls,” he mumbles.

  “His girls?”

  Braden nods. “I’m sorry.”

  “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “I don’t know exactly. Well… I do… I’m… I’m just sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? Exactly what am I to this guy? Am I the stock? Is his stock girls?”

  “No.” His brow furrows as his eyes shine with water, and he shakes his head. “Yes.”

  “Shit Braden!” I hiss, standing up and pacing the room. “How could you not tell me we were mixed up in something like this? I thought we were selling the IDs to some backyard operation and buying our drugs from the same kind of thing. This is… this is way more than I’m OK with. I don’t want to be a hooker, or… fuck…am I supposed to be a sex slave?” There’s panic in my voice. “Braden. You have to get me out of this. I can’t be stock. Why does stock even get low when it’s people? What is he doing with them?” I feel the need to climb out of my own skin. I can’t handle this.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  I lean forward and place my hands on my knees and try to calm my breath. “Well, what are our options?”

  “What kind of options are you talking about? The ones where we live or the ones where we die?”

  “Where we live obviously!”

sp; “You go to him on Monday.”

  “That’s it? That’s my only option?”

  “Well, that or we run.”

  “OK. So we run. What happens if he catches us?”

  “There’s no if. He will catch us, and when he does, we’re dead.”


  When we get home, I’m completely numb and lie straight on the sofa, not even bothering to wash off my makeup and get changed.

  “Paige,” Braden says quietly. “Come and sleep in the bed. It’s more comfortable.”

  My eyes slide towards him, but I don’t move my head. I just glare.

  “No funny business. I just want to hold you…if that’s OK.”

  As upset as I am with him for blindsiding me the way he has, I need to be held. I need to be held so fucking bad. So I stand up and wander over to his bed, unspeaking. I lie facing the window and focus on the glow coming in from the street lights.

  Braden slides in behind me and wraps his arm around my middle, holding me to him.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I don’t say anything to him, this hopelessness in my veins like lead. Even my mind is numb.

  I should have known this couldn’t last. Once again, I started to feel like I had a home, and once again, it’s being taken away from me. Was my life ever my own?

  “I tried to kill myself once,” I whisper, tears seeping from my eyes and leaking on the pillow. “It was the second time I was kicked onto the street. I thought a man loved me. But he was just using me for sex and drugs. I thought my life was over when he threw me out, so I took all the molly I had on me but I was too chicken shit to swallow. Now I’m here, being sold to some kingpin as stock.” I release a slow breath. “I wish I’d swallowed.”

  “Do you want to die now?”

  I shake my head. “I want to live. But no one wants to let me.”

  Tears roll from my eyes as I continue to stare ahead. I don’t bother to wipe them. I don’t bother to sniff, or blink them away. I just let them fall as if it’s the last of my hope, slowly leaving my body. Never to return.

  The next day, we spend our time together, taking every substance we have available in the house. We’re trying to blank out what we know is about to come.

  It doesn’t help though. More than once, I hope that what I’m doing will make me overdose so I don’t have to wake up on Monday morning. I mix every drug we have. I can end this now. I can leave this world in a state of bliss, the same way I should have in that motel room all those months ago. But when I open my eyes and see the sun streaming in through the windows, I realise it’s Monday, and I’m not that lucky.


  The day I stopped counting

  Like a lamb being led to slaughter, I follow Braden up the front path of the apartment building where Reggie lives and wait quietly while he presses the intercom, and we get buzzed in.

  As we stand in the elevator on our way up to Reggie’s floor, I turn towards Braden. “I hate you for this.” I glare at him. Anger radiates off me in sickening waves. I still can’t believe I’m in this situation. And worse still, neither of us had the guts to try and get out of it. We’re just doing exactly as we’re told.

  “Sweetheart, I hate me too.”

  The doors ping open, and we step out into the hall and straight up to Reggie’s door.

  Braden knocks twice.

  Dread winds its way through my body, turning my stomach inside out as we wait. The door is opened by a gorgeous looking woman with red hair and heavy makeup. She looks like she’s about to go out somewhere but when she opens the door, I see about four other women, and they’re all dressed to the same standard.

  Her pupils are dilated as she looks me over, completely ignoring Braden as she steps away from the door and goes to stand by Reggie.

  “Right on time,” he says from the dining area. He’s seated at a table surrounded by small packages, boxes and a decent stash of cash as well as some paper work.

  He’s obviously been conducting business.

  He rises from his chair and walks toward us, shakes Braden’s hand, and then hands him a thick envelope.

  “Thanks for bringing her to me,” he says, patting him on the back in a congratulatory fashion. “You can go now.”

  I shoot Braden a glance that I hope says ‘Did he just pay you for me?’ but he won’t meet my eyes. My emotions threaten to get the better of me as I watch Braden leave. What the hell just went down? Was this supposed to happen all along?

  My mind goes crazy as I think about the care Braden took in dressing me for that party on Saturday night. How important it was to him that I looked good and got along with Reggie.

  “Was this a set up all along?” I blurt out.

  The woman who answered the door just laughs.

  “Maxine, get Paige here something to calm her down so she feels more at home,” Reggie instructs her.

  “My pleasure,” she says.

  “I don’t want anything. I’m fine the way I am,” I protest. “Just tell me what’s going on? What am I here for? Ah!” I cry out as a sharp stabbing pain enters my thigh. I look down and see that Maxine has just stabbed me with a needle. Pain radiates around the injection site, as whatever it is she gives me seeps into my muscle tissue. “What did you ju—”


  Reggie’s ‘girls’—or stock—are a group of drug dependent women. He provides them with everything they could possibly want in return for complete complicity.

  When he breaks a new girl in, he’s careful not to let her high wear off too much while he uses her body to suit his own purposes.

  Reggie enjoys watching his girls with each other, and sometimes with other people. He also enjoys playing out sexual fetishes. I think he must have some sort of playbook somewhere because he asks his girls to do increasingly more difficult things. He seems to like testing their loyalty because the moment one of them says no, he stops giving her drugs.

  The withdrawal is excruciating, and the girl will do anything—anything—to make the pain stop. I know this, because I am now one of them. I’m currently experiencing the pain that goes with withdrawal from whatever it is he’s been injecting me with. The reason? I refused to sit on a bowling pin. I was worried it’d tear me in half.

  I have no idea how much time has passed since Braden brought me here, but while I writhe in pain, locked in a room on my own, time is moving slower than a snail’s pace.

  Eventually it’s too much.

  “Fine!” I scream out. “I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you want!”


  “Party, Party, Party!” Maxine sings, skipping along beside me as we follow Reggie out to a waiting limo. “See, I told you if you were good, he’d take you out,” she says quietly in my ear.

  Out of all the girls in the house, Maxine has become the closest one to me. It’s not that we talk much, because we’re high most of the time. But we have this quiet bond where we look out for each other. It’s what you need in a situation like ours.

  She took pity on me early on in my stay and coached me on how to behave so Reggie favoured me. Basically, I have to act like I can’t think for myself and say ‘yes’ to everything he asks. It’s not my favourite thing to do, but it makes my life easier, and has its perks.

  Such as tonight. We’re dressed in designer outfits with matching shoes and handbags. To look at us, you would never guess we were drug whores. We look impeccable. The only difference between us and any other woman who dresses the same is that we can’t hold an intelligent conversation. We’re simply too fucked up.

  The three of us huddle in the limo with Maxine and I seated either side of him as he touches us however he pleases.

  “Hey Maxine,” he says after a while. “Hand out the champagne. We need to celebrate.”

  She does as she’s told and starts passing glasses out for us to hold.

  “What are we celebrating, Reggie?” I ask, holding my glass out as Maxine fills it.<
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  “We’re going to go and see a potential new girl.”

  “Another one?” Maxine whines. She’s only a little older than me at nineteen and has a tendency to pout like a child. But Reggie seems to like it, she’s been his ‘best girl’ for the whole time I’ve been there.

  Reggie squeezes her knee and kisses her neck fondly. “No one could replace you Maxi, or you, Paige,” he says turning to me. “You two are my absolute best. I just want to make sure you don’t get bored. We need someone new to spice things up. You like new playmates too, don’t you?”

  “Of course we do.” I smile, sipping at my champagne. There are already six of us living in a single room. It’s starting to get cramped. But what Reggie wants, Reggie gets. And god help anyone who goes against him.

  We arrive at a nightclub I’ve never been to before. The way people are looking at us as we exit the limo, you’d think we were celebrities. Reggie wraps his arms around the both of us and walks us inside, straight up to the VIP area.

  He orders more champagne and instructs Maxine and I to go and dance while he talks ‘business’ with some guy with dark slicked-back hair who looks a bit like a mobster in his pinstripe suit.

  We move to a vacant piece of floor, knowing he wants to be able to see us, and start to move together. I briefly wonder where the new girl is while I move sensually against Maxine. If I was sober, I think I’d feel foolish right now. A bit like a trained monkey, performing for treats. But I’m not sober. I haven’t been sober since the day I entered Reggie’s apartment. I’m not even sure how old I am now. A year could have passed and I’d have no clue.

  Maxine leans in to kiss me, and I just go with it. I’ve never been into girls, but we’re here to entertain him while he works. After a while, we’re joined by a third girl. We allow her to dance and touch with us without question. This is what Reggie does. He adds ‘more’ to whatever we’re doing. He always wants more.

  It isn’t long before he has us all leaving again with the new girl in tow. He leads us to the waiting limo, grinning broadly after his fresh purchase.


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