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Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior Forsworn: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 3

Page 10

by M. H. Johnson

  Alex nodded. “I won’t flaunt anything but the most dangerous assignments I might one day take, if anyone asks. The assignments you’re giving me now? I’ll let the former headmaster’s declaration guard my back there.”

  “Guard both our backs,” the clerk softly said. He looked up at Alex, as bold as any cultivator. “Even with the former dean’s assurance, not all assignments are formally on the books, Alex, and unsecured credits can be earned from any source.” He chose his words carefully. “It is, however, a school mandate that every cultivator is to carry his credits as listed on the books until transferred to another account...”

  “Such as the library.”

  Qing Chang nodded. “These first two assignments are on the books, and I was able to slot you in with no problem, assuming you weren’t overstating your skills.”

  Alex nodded as the clerk caught his gaze. “The other three are not. Don’t disappoint me, Alex.”

  “I’ll do my best not to.”

  “Good. These five assignments should cover you for the next two weeks. And if you found my services useful...”

  Alex smiled, having learned long ago from his father how this game was played, how the wheels of both bureaucracy and commerce were truly greased. Hands down, for a healthy economy, nothing beat a strong, competitive market, and his father always believed in hard work, loyalty, and quality of service. But red tape was a curse to any business, and he never stinted when making life easier for the people who regulated his own.

  “You’ve gone above and beyond any call of duty,” he said, palming a fat silver with a handshake that caught the clerk off guard only for a moment. “I’ll do my best to be worthy of your counsel and advice, and if my prospective employers say they appreciated my hard work when I come back in two weeks, perhaps I’ll be worthy of another handshake for a job well done.”

  Qing Chang chuckled softly, right hand discreetly slipping the silver into his belt pouch. “I have a good feeling about you, Ruidian. May this be the start of a wonderful friendship.” He frowned, looking out the window. “I wouldn’t be an academy clerk if I didn’t have an exquisite sense of timing. The main timepiece will show it’s just past the hour, and you have just enough time to make it to Mistress Ning Jing’s house for today’s time slot.”

  The clerk handed Alex a small silk bag with what appeared to be the school logo of a dragon over a Yin and Yang symbol, where school regulations dictated he was to place his credit chips until he cashed them in, before hurrying Alex on his way.

  Though his heart was ablaze with sudden fierce hope, Alex made sure to keep his head down and his expression both surly and defeated as he made his way in the direction of his master’s estates by the cliff edge, some distance beyond most of the academy. And he felt a cold chill in his gut as his caution payed off, the mocking laughter at his back a voice he had heard at least once before.

  His suspicions were right. Someone had definitely set him up for a fall, and if he hadn’t managed to win over the now-helpful clerk whose honor and hunger for coin would hopefully keep him discreetly in Alex’s camp… he shuddered to think of the situation he might be in now.

  He deliberately glared in the direction of the front entrance for any observer’s benefit before making his way back to the only shelter he had in this school, as if retreating from the field, defeated from his true purpose, even if he had managed to avoid the trap through what would appear to outsiders as sheer stubbornness. Because Alex had no doubt that the good-natured sucker who took on the job under the watch of someone who clearly despised him would be blamed for any number of thefts fattening no one’s wallet save the guard himself.

  Alex’s walk turned thoughtful as he made his way along the gentle, paved path now some distance away from the bustle of the school. He no longer felt the pressure of hostile glares scalding his back as he made his along the path, and few cultivators were to be seen heading back to the central campus as the afternoon waned, save for a handful of students with noses turned up as they quickly strode by Alex; elite, favored students permitted one on one lessons with the elite masters who lived near the cliff’s edge, just beyond the school proper, much like his own Elder Panheu. Students who no doubt wanted nothing to do with the Ruidian accused of so many heinous crimes.

  Alex took a deep breath and sighed, captivated by the sunset as day transformed to a brilliant kaleidoscope of color lighting up the heavens above and the sea below. He spent a few moments just taking in the striking beauty of the semi-wild landscape, dotted with the near-palatial structures of the most favored masters who had claimed these choice cultivation spots by the cliff’s edge.

  It was a truly majestic view, and Alex was beyond awed, realizing he might be looking at a sea so vast it could span all the oceans of an Earth-sized world before finally merging with the horizon an unfathomable distance away.

  Or perhaps this massive planet was flat, and the seas really did fall off in an endless mystical waterfall, the sun reborn every day. He really had no idea. And as long as human-scale physics worked as they should, he saw no point in worrying about it, either. So many other things to worry about, like the strikingly beautiful woman glaring at him even now with brilliant amber eyes that seemed to sear into his very soul, Alex’s hand frozen just above the knocker upon the silver gate that the clerk’s mapsign indicated was his first stop, just two tracts of land beyond his master’s own estate.

  “Are you lost, boy? Your master’s estate is two properties to your right.”

  Alex immediately flowed down into a supplicant’s prostration. The petite, strangely ageless woman before him could be in her mid-twenties, or centuries old. She certainly lacked the grotesquely bloated muscles of some of the monsters he had fought in the arena, but Alex was almost certain she could destroy him effortlessly, so great was the killing aura of the Silver before him.

  “This unworthy one greets you with humility and deference, honored Silver. Clerk Qing Chang has seen fit to direct me to your doorstep, in the hopes that I might perform some small service on your behalf.”

  The woman before him sighed. “That clerk must be both desperate and a fool to think I would take a Ruidian such as you under any circumstances.”

  Alex swallowed, sensing the momentary pause in her words, knowing if he didn’t risk offense and dare speak now, he’d never get a second chance to do so. “The one before you agrees. The vile Ruidian as painted in the depictions of a certain cultivator would be pariah in any city or town, Ruidian or no. Fortunately, the former apothecary before you is nothing like the fictitious portrayal promulgated by a man who did not achieve the victory he sought, and who, sadly, never took the time to verify the truth of the matter for himself. Slander spread, if I am not mistaken, by the very man who profits most if other Silvers are unable to compete with him on a certain stage where he now reigns supreme.”

  Alex forced himself to look up from his Dogeza into the enigmatic gaze of the woman peering down at him as if he were the most curious of bugs. He swallowed, ignored his racing heart, the taste of death just seconds away, and forced himself to speak on.

  “You do not demand it, so I offer this freely. I have never physically struck any woman, save in the confines of sparring, where we both sought to master our kung fu. I have never shed any man’s blood, save when sparring, fighting in self-defense, or while confronting slavers and infernalists. I have murdered no innocent citizen going about their business within the city. I have violated no woman who wished only to be left alone.”

  Alex swallowed, forcing himself to say what mattered most. “At the time I utter this to you, I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. It is true. As true as the Qi flowing through my meridian channels. My oath as a cultivator upon it.”

  Alex spent long moments being judged and measured, feeling almost as if he were an insect being measured upon the scales of a divine being, before she at last gave the tiniest of nods. “Come in and be quick about it. I would have no one see you enter.”
/>   Alex blinked and swallowed but didn’t dare hesitate, immediately darting inside.

  The Silver said nothing for long moments, just examining Alex thoughtfully. He took a deep, shuddering breath, hoping he hadn’t played the fool and just made it easier for her to dispose of him without his master ever finding out.

  He tried to keep his expression both blank and deferential after she gave a final nod and began striding deeper into her luxurious estate. Her manor was a palace of graceful lines, sweeping curves, and stained-glass windows, looking almost like a European palace with an Asian flare. But what really awed him were the profusion of exotic cuttings and blooms within the garden she brought him before, plants gently rustling in the cliffside breeze, sheltered from the sun and the seasons by the numerous plum trees, heavy with ripe-looking fruit, carefully spaced throughout the garden.

  Alex’s eyes widened at the exotic display of precious spiritual flowers and herbs, even noting some choice mushrooms with red and black specks his former master had been so excited to find during their ill-fated expedition. In fact, save for absolutely priceless Silverbells and Shadow blossoms, it contained all the ingredients needed for all of Liu Jian’s alchemical mixtures.

  Sageroot detected at 125% Median market potency.

  Lotus blossom detected at 203% Median market potency.

  Foxglove detected at 225% Median market potency.

  Alex whistled, beyond impressed, bending down to stroke the plants and caress the soil. “These herbs are in exquisite condition! The foxglove and lotus blossoms would net you a fortune from any apothecary. They’re twice as potent as what you’d find in the city below! The other blossoms, roots, and fungi are also of excellent potency. Not one is below median market average!”

  Alex then froze, wincing, slowly raising his gaze to meet the eyes of the Silver who was ostensibly hiring him, hoping and praying he hadn’t caused massive offense already.

  “This one sincerely hopes he caused no offense with his declaration and his… um… touching your plants.”

  This earned a surprising reaction.

  “These are not my plants.”

  Alex blinked. They were clearly part of her property. But if looks could kill…

  He flowed into the most deferential of bows. “It is as you say, Mistress Ning Jing. Thank you for correcting my error.”

  “Call me Lady Ning Jing. It suits me better, and you are certainly not my student. Yet your observations are surprisingly… astute.” She tapped her chin consideringly before giving a slow nod. “Very well. I will permit you to speak with the woman who does take responsibility for these growths. Treat her with respect, or I will fry your soul to ash.”

  Alex shivered at the offhanded way she said it, and something in her gaze made Alex breathlessly certain that she could do just that.

  Without even trying.

  He kowtowed before her. “I shall endeavor to offend no one while under your roof.”

  She dipped her head. “Had I thought otherwise, I would have dragged you back to your master’s house and thrown you right over the wall after dislocating every joint in your body. I might or might not have allowed you to live through the process, depending on the sincerity of your apologies.”

  Alex’s eyes widened. He sneaked a glance toward the gate. It was all he could do not to Bullrush there and flee back to his master’s compound with his tail between his legs and his joints still very much intact.

  “Mother, you’re terrifying him! How am I going to get anyone to help me weed my garden if you keep scaring them off?”

  Alex blinked at those words, turning around to find a strikingly beautiful girl just blossoming into womanhood who was gazing at him so intently, half-hidden by a nearby tree.

  His eyes widened as he took in the living contradiction now grinning right back at him. She was exquisite, a perfect specimen of classic Chinese beauty, save for bright red eyes and hair the color of winter snow.

  Alex solemnly bowed to the girl hiding behind the tree. “My name is Alex. It is a pleasure to meet the caretaker of this garden.”

  Her eyes only grew wider. “Wait, you’re the murdering rapist monster everyone’s talking about! And you’re good with plants? Fascinating!”

  Alex felt his cheeks burn. “This one apologizes for the ugly rumors circulating around him, and regrets the difficulties it has already brought to bear.”

  The girl nodded. “It’s okay. If people were calling me a murdering rapist, I wouldn’t want to leave my family compound either. Come to think of it,” she said with a narrowed glance at her mother. “I’m not allowed to anyway.”

  Lady Ning Jing refused to take the bait, hands behind her back as she gazed calmly and intently at the pair of them, as still and quiet as a statue. Or perhaps a cat judging the perfect time to pounce, Alex thought.

  He swallowed nervously, turning back to the girl. “So how may I help you, my lady?”

  She grinned at that. “My name’s Yinzi. I guess because of my hair. Better than calling me vampire ghost girl because of my eyes, right? Everyone thinks Inspector WiFu himself is Mother’s secret lover, and the inner council was in an uproar after my birth! But she won’t say a word, not even now. And it’s not like those stuffy busy-bodies were going to force a powerful Silver to do anything she didn’t want to. She could probably kill them all with her glare alone. I mean, just look at her glaring at me right now! She’s in statue mode, which means I’m going to get the shouting of a lifetime once you go, so please feel free to help me weed for as long as you like! Anyway, I don’t see any fox ears or a tail, so that rumor can’t be true, can it? Even if it would be so awesome to have a god for a father, not some nameless stranger. Even a god of mischief, which suits me, because I get into trouble all the time! And cultivating’s mind-numbingly boring, even if Mother says I’m really good at it. I’d much rather sneak out and chat with people, but everyone acts like they are afraid of me, or at least they try really hard to avoid meeting my gaze and their heartbeat quickens—I have very good hearing—like they’re a rabbit and they think I’m about to eat them. Which makes no sense at all. I’m hardly a wolf! Except for Lady Jidihu and the kitsune girls under her care. She accepts me as I am and isn’t a wolf at all, though she does have the most beautiful ears and tail I’ve ever seen!”

  Her features perked up as she gazed at Alex with new eyes. “Hey, you’re Hao Yin’s friend, right? She’s told me so much about you! How you’re actually a super-powerful cultivator who single-handedly kills greater spirit beasts for sport, and rescued her former caravan from ravenous spirit wolves! And isn’t her uncle actually a vicious diabolist who was going to sell her and her cousin into slavery? But you rescued them by outsmarting all your enemies, just like that Ruidian in the stories! You know, my supposed father’s ancient detective sidekick? I don’t suppose you actually know him?”

  Alex blinked, trying to keep up. “Know who?”


  Alex stood there, stunned for long moments, before a bemused grin played across his features.

  Sometimes you just had to play the cards fate dealt you, no matter how unexpected. And sometimes the most profound of truths could be hid with a smile.

  He grinned and winked. “Maybe I do know the god of mischief personally. Or at least, I know some very cool and exciting stories involving him, and I personally believe they’re all true. Now if you’ll help me out by pointing out which plants you need trimmed, I’d be happy to share them with you. And I believe the lotus blossoms and ginger are just about ready for harvesting.”

  Yinzi flashed a brilliant smile. She carefully sniffed the plants Alex indicated, nodding her agreement before pulling out a pair of silver clippers and a shimmering bag of glossy darkness. “Mother used to use these shears to cleave free the souls of her enemies and transform them into powerful dark spirit pearls. But a Taoist priest informed her she was walking a perilous shadow path, and if she wanted to spare the child she was carrying from the taint of her
sins, she had to repent immediately. Which surprised the heck out of my mother. She didn’t even know she was pregnant! So now she teaches ungrateful students here at the academy after having smashed the bones of everyone else who had been fighting for this cultivation spot, exactly eighteen years and two months ago! I know all this because I was growing inside her at the time, and I have a very good memory. And it all works out, because these shears are absolutely perfect for pruning, see?”

  Alex nodded solemnly, having absolutely no intention of touching those shimmering silver shears ever.

  “But I kind of need another pair of hands to help me while I prune and shear and plop everything in my storage bag here. Can you believe this bag was once someone’s soul? Incredible, right? And it stores everything perfectly! Mother says the treasure would be worth a fortune if it weren’t, well...”

  “Someone’s sheared soul?”

  Yinzi beamed. “Exactly!”

  “I see,” Alex said.

  “Good. So you need me to help position the plants for perfect cutting. And Mother absolutely refuses to help.” She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe Mom actually let herself get roped up by that conniving cultivator! She was far more slippery back when she was an assassin and didn’t care what anyone else thought. But now she’s turned over a new leaf and only kills people who really, really annoy her. Right, Mother?”

  “Please watch your words, dear, or I’ll have to kill the boy when it’s time for him to leave, and then you won’t have anyone to help you with your gardening.”

  Alex shivered under the weight of that cold, predatory grin. Lady Ning Jing’s beauty was that of a luscious ripe fruit with a poisonous core. As perilous as it was alluring, with her ruby red lips and hungry smile, and he could totally see WiFu hooking up with someone like her.

  And somehow he didn’t think she was kidding, for all that he chuckled as if she was.

  Yinzi’s gaze was filled with sudden concern. “Alex, you do know you can’t tell a soul about anything you see or hear here, right? I mean, I’m so used to talking to kitsune who would never surrender anyone’s secrets under any circumstances that I kind of forgot that you’re… well...”


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