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Beast in the Woods: An alpha male billionaire and younger BBW romance (Filthy Rich Love Book 3)

Page 3

by Sadie King

  I race down the stairs, keeping my eyes on Mya as she crosses the room. She reaches a door, and a man in a devil outfit opens it for her and follows her through. My fists clench as I push my way through the crowd, not caring about the rude comments that follow me.

  The door leads to an empty corridor with several doors leading off it. I push open the first door, and it slams open crashing against the wall. It’s empty. I try the next one, and the one after that, until I find the one to the kitchen.

  Mya’s pushed up against a bench and the man in the devil outfit is leaning over her, one hand on her thigh. As I barge into the room they both turn to me. Her frightened expression tells me everything I need to know. In one stride I pull him off her.

  “Hey, what the...?” His words are cut short by my fist connecting with his face. His nose crunches beneath my knuckles and his head jerks back, blood splattering across my tuxedo. I let him go, and he slumps against the bench and drops to the floor.

  Mya’s staring at the man out cold on the tiles, her mouth wide open.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She shakes her head. “He was trying to touch me.”

  My blood pulses and I have a strong urge to kick his unmoving body, but I restrain myself. She’s seen enough violence for one night.

  “Are you all right?” I say tightly.

  “I’m fine.” She nods. “Just a little shaken.”

  Every instinct in me wants to take her in my arms, wrap her up and tell her she’ll be okay.

  Instead I pull off the wolf mask and slam it onto the bench.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her expression hardens. “I’m working.”

  “I can see that. I didn’t think a place like this was your style.”

  “And what kind of a place is this exactly?” There’s a challenge in her eyes, which is both infuriating and incredibly sexy.

  “Why don’t you tell me what you think is going on here?” I ask, curious to find out how much she knows.

  “It’s a Halloween party.”

  “Go on.”

  “But the costumes are pretty risqué, and some of the guests are...” She searches around for the right word. “...not afraid to make out in front of each other.”

  She’s looking at me, satisfied, as if she’s gotten the answer right. God she’s beautiful, and so incredibly naive.

  “A girl like you shouldn’t be at a party like this.”

  “Why not? I can handle seeing a few boobs, you know.” I almost smile, but her blissful ignorance is what almost got her into trouble.

  “Because there’s men like him,” I kick the devil’s leg with my foot, “who would take advantage of a girl like you.”

  “And what exactly is a girl like me?”

  I put my arms out on either side of the bench, trapping her between them.

  “Innocent, untouched.”

  She looks at me with those big innocent eyes. She’s so fucking sexy. I lean in, my body drawn to hers.

  “This isn’t an ordinary Halloween party.” I’m so close I can smell her lipstick and something tart, alcoholic. “Have you been drinking?” I ask.

  “Only the punch,” she says. “The non-alcoholic one Karl said was for the waitresses.”

  “Show me.”

  “She points to a glass bowl on a bench by the fridge. I stride over and scoop some into the ladle. One sniff tells me all I need to know, but I taste it to be sure.

  “There’s vodka in this.”

  Her eyes go wide.

  “But Karl said it was non-alcoholic.”

  “Karl’s an asshole. How much have you had?”

  “Two glasses, I think. No, maybe three. It’s hot out there.”

  My blood is racing. I’m angry at Karl, and at her for been so goddamn naive.

  “You’ve got no business being at a place like this.” I put my hands on either side of her again, trapping her against the bench. “Do you really not know what type of party this is?” I lean in, making her look at me. “Entry is by invitation only, and guests are invited based on their willingness to leave their inhibitions at the door.”

  “I had figured out that much.”

  “Women wear costumes they can easily shed. The fires are lit so the guests don’t get cold when they undress.”

  She’s starting to look uneasy but I press on, leaning in to her.

  “People come here so strangers can look at them, touch them.” I’m enjoying shocking her. Those wide eyes are making my dick hard. “Have you been upstairs?”

  She shakes her head, and relief floods me.

  “Upstairs there are rooms where couples have sex while partygoers watch.” Her eyes go even wider. I’m so close to her now I can see the lines of makeup drawn onto her eyelids. I lean right in so I’m whispering into her ear.

  “Some of the rooms are for women only. Some of them anyone can join in.”

  Her breath is coming short and sharp, making her breasts rise up and down.

  “This isn’t a Halloween party, Mya,” I move my mouth down so I’m brushing her lips. “This is an orgy.”

  As she opens her mouth in a surprised gasp, I crash my lips down on hers. She is motionless for a second, and then she presses forwards to meet me. I dart my tongue in and claim her mouth. My hand slides up her thigh, and she trembles against me. I press my body into hers so she can feel my hard dick against her.

  My body is on fire from this girl. Her kiss, her tongue in my mouth, her body pressed against mine. I want to rip this stupid bunny costume off her and take her right here on the kitchen bench, thrust my cock deep inside her virgin pussy. But something doesn’t feel right.

  There’s a groan from the man on the floor. I pull away from Mya, and she looks at me full of disappointment and need. It takes all my self-restraint not to give her what she wants. But she’s a virgin, and she’s drunk. I’ll not have her wake up tomorrow full of regret. She deserves better than a man like me.

  She leans in to kiss me again, and I duck my head. The shock of rejection crosses her face.

  “You’re drunk,” I say.

  “I don’t care,” she says boldly. “I want you.” She presses herself into me, her body rubbing against my hard-on. It’s almost more than I can bear.

  I grab her by the chin and lift her face up to mine.

  “I’m not a good man, Mya.”

  “I don’t care. I want you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.” I run my hand up between her legs. It’s warm and damp, and my god I want to sink into her softness.

  “I could take you here, fuck you hard. Make you come and pleasure myself on you. I could take your virginity.”

  “Yes, I want that,” she whispers.

  “Then do you know what I’d do?”

  Her breathing is shallow as she looks at me expectantly.

  “I’d leave you here and go home. I’d never think of you again. I’d move on to the next woman. You’d just be one quick fuck at a Halloween orgy.”

  She pulls away from me, shocked at my change of tone. It breaks my heart, but I have to be harsh. She can’t give herself to a man like me.

  “I need to get home.” She pushes away from me, blinking rapidly as if holding back tears. I want to punch myself for hurting her.

  “I’ll give you a lift.” I take her arm, and she pulls away from me.

  “No need. I have my car.”

  “You can’t drive. You’ve been drinking.”

  She crosses her arms but nods at me.

  “Fine, you can give me a lift, but don’t talk to me. And don’t you dare touch me.”

  Her eyes flash angrily as she pushes past me out of the kitchen. I know turning her away is the right thing to do, but my insides are churning as I watch her walk away from me.

  “Where’s your sister?” I ask.

  “She’s upstairs.”

  Of course the sister is upstairs. I just hope she hasn’t done anything stupid.

I’ll go find her,” I say. “Get your coat and wait by the door.”

  Mya doesn’t look back as she heads to the entrance, and I head up the staircase.

  “I’m looking for a waitress.” I speak to the first bouncer and he smiles knowingly.

  “Aren’t we all.”

  “Dark hair with blond ends. You seen her?”

  “Sure, she took some drinks into the blue room a minute ago.” I start to walk away, and he calls after me. “Better go easy, buddy. Boss man’s taken a liking to her.”

  The bouncer for the blue room opens the door and I brace myself, not knowing what I’ll find. There’s a four-poster bed in the middle of the room. The posts have been converted into stripper poles and four women dance around them, demonstrating varying levels of skill.

  There’s a crowd gathered around the bed, some watching the dancers and some talking and laughing. I scan the room and spot a pair of bunny ears in the corner. It’s Brit. She’s holding a drink tray and chatting to Karl. He’s the owner of the house, the organizer of this party, and a man with fewer morals than I have.

  I stalk over to her just in time to see him slip something into her hand. She pockets it and looks up at me.

  “Why aren’t I surprised to see you here?” she says.

  “Get your things. I’m dropping you and your sister at home.”

  “I’m working. I can’t just leave.”

  “I’ll pay you double. Now come on, Mya’s waiting.”

  Karl stands up. “You stealing my waitresses away, Lucas?”

  “Their shift is over. They’re coming with me.”

  “Don’t be greedy. We all like a bit of sister on sister action. I was hoping to get these two in the lavender room later.”

  Before he finishes talking, I’ve got him by the throat, and he’s pinned against the wall. There’re gasps from around the room and all eyes turn to us.

  “You don’t touch these sisters.” My fingers tighten around his throat, and he makes a gurgling noise. His face is going red, but I apply more pressure.

  “They don’t come here again. Do you understand?” He nods. For a moment the anger courses red through my veins, and I want to crush him. But there’s a room full of people watching, and Mya’s waiting for me downstairs. I let him go and he slumps against the wall, gasping for air.

  “That’s the last time you’re getting an invite,” spits Karl.

  “Good,” I say. “I’m done with your parties.”

  One of the women from the poles has come over, and she’s pulling up a chair for him. He bats her away.

  Karl smiles. “You say that Lucas, but I’ve seen the beast inside you. You think you can escape this, but you’ll be back, begging me to let you in. There’s no escaping what you are.”

  I grab Brit by the hand and lead her through the crowd. She’s fighting me all the way, but I keep a firm grip on her. I can’t hear what she’s saying to me over the noise of the party, but I catch the words “bastard” and “shithead.”

  We meet Mya at the entranceway. I’m relieved to see she’s got her coat on, but the anger in her eyes hasn’t dissipated. She’s holding Brit’s coat and somehow manages to coax her into it and into my car.

  Mya’s in the front seat with her arms folded in a stony silence while Brit swears at me from the backseat. Great. I’ve managed to piss off both the sisters, but at least I’ve gotten them out of there. As I drive away, I feel my stomach start to unclench. I know for certain I’m never going back to one of Karl’s parties.



  I’m so furious at myself. I basically threw myself at a complete stranger. But it felt so good to kiss him. His hands on me made me want more of him, and for one stupid moment my heart wanted him too. And I almost believed he felt it too. Which just proves how naive I am when it comes to men. Or maybe it’s the vodka clouding my common sense.

  Which just proves that what he said was right. I almost gave myself to a man I barely know. Damn him. He must have some integrity if he didn’t use me and dump me like he could have so easily.

  Even now with him sitting next to me in the car, my body is hot, and I can’t stop thinking about his touch. I’m willing him to reach out and put his big, rough hand on my thigh.

  “Who the hell do you think you are telling us what to do?” Brit’s anger pours out of the back seat.

  “I was having fun in there.”

  “Brit,” I say. “Do you know what kind of party it was?”

  “Enlighten us, sister.”

  “It was an orgy.”

  “Well, duh. Of course it was an orgy.” I can almost feel her rolling her eyes at me. “What did you think was going on?”

  I slump further down in my seat. Am I really so naive that I was the only one who didn’t know what was going on in there?

  “I wouldn’t have let you go if I’d known.”

  “Oh Mya, grow up. It’s grown-ups having a bit of fun. No big deal.”

  “But you’re not a grown-up Brit. You’re only seventeen.”

  “Seventeen and a half. And who are you to lecture? You picked up the biggest player at the party.”

  “I didn’t pick him up.”

  Brit snorts and I glance over at Lucas. His eyes are on the road, but he’s clutching the steering wheel so tight I can see the veins in his knuckles pulsing.

  “It’s clear the guy has a boner for you, Mya, so don’t play Miss Innocent with me.”

  The car swerves to the side of the road and pulls over. Lucas turns to Brit in the backseat. His demeanor is calm, but that vein in his knuckle pulses double time.

  “You will speak to your sister with respect.”

  Brit’s so shocked to be told off that her mouth hangs open.

  “Mya has sacrificed a lot to look after you, and all you do is cause her stress. I don’t care if you want to give yourself to every man in town. But you don’t get to speak to your sister like that.”

  Brit slumps back into her seat and folds her arms, but she stays quiet for the rest of the drive home.

  Lucas pulls back onto the road, and I steal a glance at him. He keeps his eyes on the road, but at least his veins aren’t pulsing anymore.

  I direct him to our house, and as soon as we pull up Brit jumps out and slams the door behind her.

  Lucas finally turns to face me, his expression unreadable in the dim light. I’m not sure if it’s the vodka making me lightheaded and stupid, but I can’t stay angry at him. I reach out and run my hand over his cheek.

  “Thank you,” I say. He grabs my hand in his, and his touch is so warm it sends a thrill through me.

  “Be careful,” he says, his lips brushing the pulse of my wrist.

  I lean in and give him a peck on the cheek. His scent fills my nostrils, and I linger with my cheek next to his.

  “I’m a bad man, Mya,” he says into my ear. His breath on my skin makes all my hair stand on end, but I force myself to pull back before I throw myself at him again.

  “I don’t think you’re all bad,” I say.

  I get out of the car and walk to the house, my heart pounding. It’s not until I’m safely inside that I hear his car pull away.

  It’s a few hours later, and I’m lying in bed with the covers tangled around my legs. Moonlight pours through the curtains and straight onto my pillow. I turn over to face the wall and close my eyes. I see his face before me, turbulent blue eyes full of desire and conflict. He rejected me in the cruelest way, but I can’t stop thinking about him. His touch on my thigh, the shape of his hardness pressed into me.

  Heat spreads between my legs and I turn over to face the window, hot and restless. He pushed me away, but I saw the desire in him that matched my own.

  I roll over again, but I can’t get comfortable; my body’s on fire. I get out of bed and open the window.

  The streets are quiet now; the trick or treaters have long ago gone home to bed. A cool breeze catches the curtain, and as it falls, I see a shape in the shadows by t
he wood. I snatch up the curtain. It’s a man, a tall, well-built man. My heart skips a beat. I don’t know what time it is or how long he’s been there, watching my window.

  I go quietly down the stairs and out the back door. I know I shouldn’t. He pushed me away; he’s no good for me. But something is drawing me to him, something primal deep inside of me, something I can’t control. I have to see him. I have to feel his lips on mine, his hands on me, whatever the consequences. I go to him.


  “Shhhh.” I bring my finger to my lips. I don’t want him to try to talk me out of what I’m about to do.

  He takes me in his arms, and I press my body into him. His lips crash down on mine, and I meet his urgent kiss. I feel him getting hard through my thin nightdress.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, his voice husky.

  I nod.

  “Come with me.”

  He drapes his jacket over my shoulders and takes me by the hand. He leads me into the woods. He guides me over a fallen tree trunk and into a small clearing where the moonlight breaks through the dark trees.

  He pushes me against the trunk of a tree, the rough bark catching on my skin. His hand runs up and under my nightdress, pressing the soft flesh of my thigh. I gasp as he gets to my panties.

  “Mya,” he whispers into my neck, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  His breath tickles my skin and I tilt my head back, inviting him to take more of me. His warm mouth kisses my neck, sending a rush of heat through my body. He takes the top of my night dress in his teeth, and in one pull it rips down the front. I gasp as the night air hits my breasts. Then his warm hands are on me, sliding over my breasts, running down the flesh of my stomach to cup my hips, exploring my body hungrily.

  I moan as he takes my breast in his hand, my nipple hardening under his touch. The sensation running through my body is almost too much to bear. I arch my back and he leans in, taking my nipple in his mouth.


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