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The Duke Conspiracy: A Sweet Regency Romance Adventure (Mayfair Mayhem Book 1)

Page 11

by Wendy May Andrews

  “Of course, of course,” Lord Austen murmured, trying to sound sympathetic, but Alex distrusted the calculated gleam that had taken root in the other man’s eyes. The duke feared he had just given added motivation to the scheme against him. But then he reassured himself that he would prefer an attack, the more open the better, rather than waiting around wondering about it. He was not surprised when he heard an oily voice from behind him.

  “Well, well, well. What a surprise to see you talking with the Duke of Wrentham.”

  Alex had to work hard to keep the sneer from his face as he turned to greet Sir Jason Broderick.

  “Sir Broderick.” It was not in him to lie any further by saying it was a pleasure to see him. He merely bowed his head slightly in greeting.

  “Good evening, Your Grace. Lord Austen, how good to see you. I trust you are well. Are you gentlemen enjoying the ball so far?”

  “I have yet to spend any time on the dance floor, which I should really give some attention to. I was enjoying a little visit with Lord Austen here.” Alex kept his explanation short and opened the way to make his escape.

  “Oh yes, Sir Broderick, I am having a fine time this evening. My lovely daughter is off with her aunt. No doubt she is busy dancing. His Grace and I were merely catching up on news from the House of Lords.”

  “Ah yes, the House of Lords. Is there anything of import going on in the House these days, Your Grace?”

  “Nothing that need concern anybody overly. There have been some lively debates over a few issues, but nothing that we cannot handle. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me.”

  Alex made good his escape, managing not to allow his sigh of relief to be audible. He felt as though he needed to bathe after being in the presence of Sir Broderick. That man put him in mind of some sort of sneaky creature, such as a weasel or a minx, stalking his prey. He certainly had no intention of being anyone’s dupe.

  As he had been talking with what he was beginning to seriously consider were his enemies, he had been keeping half an eye upon Rosie and her progress through the room. Having the advantage of height meant he was able to observe the goings on of the ballroom more easily than others. He was glad to see she appeared to be having a good time.


  It had taken Rose a few tense seconds to overcome that moment with Alex where their eyes had met. It had felt like such a significant experience, but she hastened to shove it to the corner recesses of her mind. She could not have significant experiences with a Wrentham, she reminded herself, blinking furiously.

  “Is all well with you?”

  Rose could hear the sincere concern in Elizabeth’s voice and strove to control her features. “Of course, is this not a lovely ballroom? I absolutely adore the size of it and the darling alcoves, such as the one which the orchestra is occupying.”

  “Now I know you are not all right. You do not use the word darling, especially not in describing architecture.”

  This brought a genuine smile to Rose’s face and a tinkle of laughter escaped her lips. “I will admit to you that I am a trifle nervous this evening. I am unused to playing the role of Bow Street Runner here in London. And all whilst wearing a fancy ball gown.”

  “Well, you do look smashing this evening, if that is any consolation. And there is not a trace of nervousness showing either. In fact, you look positively radiant tonight. It would seem the role of Runner suits you,” Elizabeth teased in an undertone. Rose was grateful she kept her voice low as she did not wish for this conversation to be overheard.

  It was very well indeed as just at that moment they were hailed by Lord Wesley Dunbar. Rose was unsure if the duke would have confided in his friend. “Good evening, ladies. You both look lovely this evening.”

  Both girls dipped into well-practiced curtsies, rising with welcoming smiles upon their faces for the personable viscount.

  “How are you this evening, my lord?” Rose asked.

  “You look lovely yourself, Lord Wesley,” Elizabeth complimented, causing the trio to laugh.


  At that moment another gentleman approached to claim Elizabeth’s hand for the waltz that was just about to begin, leaving Rose alone with Wesley.

  “Since you are recently returned from Vienna, I am certain you are an expert at the waltz, so I tremble in my shoes lest you cast me in the shade, but would you be so kind as to do me the honour of sharing this dance with me?”

  “Oh, my lord, you are a complete hand,” Rose countered. Little did she know that Wesley lost his heart to her at that very moment. Never had he met a debutante who was so unaffected or who received compliments with such aplomb. Most debs would simper, bat their eyelashes, and beg for more. Not Miss Rose. Of course, as it was obvious there were unresolved feelings from the duke toward Miss Rose, the viscount kept his feelings familial, but he resolved to assist her in any way he could.

  They were silent for a few beats, enjoying the music and getting into the rhythm of the dance, but then Wesley deemed it safe to converse; they could hardly be overheard while on the dance floor. And as long as they schooled their features, no one would know they were discussing anything but the blandest inanities. He trusted Miss Rose would be able to manage that. His trust was well placed.

  “The duke has told me of his predicament and your involvement in it,” he began.

  “Which duke is that, my lord?” Rose asked with an innocent look upon her face that brought a grin to Wesley’s.

  “How on earth do you manage that?” he asked with genuine interest.

  His grin grew as he watched Rose bat her eyelashes. “Manage what, my lord? I assure you there is nothing on my mind save the effort required not to tread upon your toes and count the steps so as to not collide with any other couples on the dance floor.”

  “Oh, Miss Smythe, now you are being a complete hand. You know well and good which duke and which predicament I am speaking of. I can assure you, he would not mind us discussing it. In fact, given the sticky situation of your families’ feuding, it would no doubt be best if I act as mediator between the two of you.”

  “Do you not think it would be best if the fewer people were involved as possible? There are reputations at stake. And we do not wish to cause the very situation we are trying to prevent. No one with any knowledge of this wishes to find themselves in the parson’s mousetrap, not even you, my lord.”

  Wesley was disconcerted by her straight, intelligent stare as she looked him directly in the eye for a beat before looking away with a social smile firmly in place. This girl is skilled at this sort of prevarication, he marvelled to himself, wondering how the straight-laced duke would feel about that sort of information.

  “I swear to you, I will preserve any confidence you share with me and do my utmost to protect anyone’s reputation who might become embroiled in this affair. And I promise you that I do not have designs upon your dowry, as my own pockets are sufficiently well lined.”

  This was exactly the right thing to say, Wesley observed, as Rose threw her head back and chuckled huskily. He watched in fascination as she brought her sparkling gaze back to his and slowly sobered.

  “Very well, my lord, I will bring you into my confidences if that is your wish. You shall soon see that it is not all that exciting but is terribly complicated. I find that I actually like Lady Anne, although she strikes me as being a trifle simple. I have come to believe that she is somewhat innocent in this. While she may be involved in a plot to entrap the duke, I do not believe she means him any ill will but actually considers that he would be a suitable mate. I think she is being manipulated by her father and his friend Sir Broderick.”

  Wesley watched as a myriad of emotions chased themselves fleetingly across her face before she was again wearing her mask of social behaviour. “Now, that does not really change anything, it merely makes it a little more difficult as she has gained my sympathies. I still have no wish to see the duke entrapped by anyone, least of all Sir Broderick.”

You say that as though you have reasons other than loyalty to an old friend motivating you,” Wesley observed.

  “Does that matter?” Rose countered.

  “Not really, I just find it interesting is all,” Wesley answered, searching her face for more information, puzzled by her sweet smile. She turned his attention with her next question.

  “Do you know if the duke has found out anything of import? Unfortunately, I have not as of yet, but I have a plan set for tomorrow to gain as much information as possible.”

  “I have not had a chance to ask him. I know he was planning to meet with his solicitors and man of affairs earlier today, but we did not discuss it since.”

  Wesley watched in fascination as Rose’s eyes strayed toward the duke as they passed him in conversation with Lord Austen and Sir Broderick. Despite her usual grace, she nearly missed a step as the dance turned them away. He watched the colour rise in her cheeks, as she was embarrassed over her misstep.

  “I did not expect to see him actually talking to them. You do not think he would confront them in such a place as this, do you?” She was incredulous.

  Wesley grinned. “While the duke does hate double dealing, I can assure you that he is perfectly capable of it. Not only would he never wish to cause a scene that would embarrass his hosts, he would also never confront an enemy until he was certain he knew everything about the situation. No, I believe he is merely trying to make sure those two think he still knows nothing.”

  Rose’s eyes flicked back toward the duke, but she quickly recovered herself. “How interesting,” was all she had to say, causing the viscount to prompt further.

  “Is that all you have to say? From the look in your eyes it would seem you are thinking many more thoughts than that.”

  He was gratified that this brought a genuine smile of amusement to her face. “Well, it is interesting, my lord. The Alex I knew, before he ever had an inkling that he would be a duke one day, hated anything that even hinted at being less than the truth. He would not even play games of make believe when we were children. I find it hard to reconcile that Alex with one who could stand and converse pleasantly with someone we suspect is plotting against him.”

  “That Alex had to grow up and learn that very few things in life are black and white,” Wesley explained, which brought Rose’s sharp gaze returning to meet his.

  “The two of you have been friends for a very long time, have you not?” she asked quietly.

  “We went to school together for many years.”

  “You are the Wes he used to talk about?” she asked, her eyes again sparkling with interest. “He would regale me with tales of your adventures. I was always so jealous. I was not allowed to do nearly half the things he told me the two of you did.”

  Wesley chuckled at the pout she displayed briefly before she joined him in a smile of amusement. “If it is any consolation, I was always jealous of the tales he would tell of his Rosie whenever he returned to school from the summer break.”

  Rose grinned. “It is actually, thank you, my lord.”

  By this time their dance had come to an end and they were standing on the side of the dance floor. “Should I escort you back to your mother?” Wesley asked quietly.

  “Heavens, no!” Rose laughed. “Elizabeth is just over there. I should like to rejoin her.”

  Wesley bowed over her hand, gallantly placing a kiss to its back. As he stood, he could see Rose was unmoved by his efforts, as her smile was as friendly as previously without a tinge of simpering maiden to be seen. Suppressing his sigh, he wondered if he was losing his touch with the ladies and went off in search of a more susceptible maiden.

  Rose was still grinning as she came to Elizabeth’s side.

  “Why are you looking like the cat who caught the canary?” Elizabeth asked with suspicion.

  Rose shrugged. “Lord Dunbar is starting to make me like this Season business. It is not nearly as deadly dull as I had first thought.”

  “That is good to hear,” her friend remarked as she turned to the next gentleman who had come to claim her hand for the dance.

  Rose was gratified to see that there were a few gentlemen waiting to ask her to dance. Both girls were kept energetically occupied for some time. Managing to arrange for their escorts to bring them back so they could go in to the late supper together, the two friends had a couple moments to talk as the gentlemen were filling their plates.

  “So, were you able to learn anything from Lord Dunbar? Did he make any reference to the duke?” Elizabeth’s curiosity had gotten the best of her and she blurted out her questions quietly as soon as they were alone.

  “Not much, I’m afraid. But I did see Wrentham in conversation with Austen and Broderick. It turns out the sober duke is able to act the spy when the need arises.” Rose was still mulling that discovery over at the back of her mind, wondering if she might actually be able to confide in him. Remembering the feud, she shoved the possibility away once more. “I have realized I cannot discover anything of import at a ball and have decided to just enjoy myself. The investigation can resume tomorrow when we have Lady Anne to ourselves.”

  The two girls shared a conspiratorial smile before Rose continued, “Have I thanked you yet for your help? You are proving to be a true friend, and I so deeply appreciate it.”

  Elizabeth looked surprised over her friend’s words. “But of course. No thanks are necessary. I can assure you, as this is not my first Season, it is proving to be far more interesting than usual being in London. I shudder to think what it will be like next Season if I do not find a match. I shall be forced to sabotage any chances you might have in order to ensure you are here with me.”

  Rose chuckled at her friend’s words just as the gentlemen returned, so no response was necessary.

  As the four of them chatted and ate, Rose felt a prickle along the back of her neck and knew instinctively that the duke of Wrentham had entered the room. Her breath hitched in her throat for a second and she wondered rather frantically if it was always going to be thus. She hated what the Wrenthams had done to her family, but she so missed Alex’s friendship and she truly despised this strange awareness that she had developed for him.

  It had been so simple and uncomplicated when he was merely the boy next door who tolerated her presence when her brothers demanded that she shoo. She had always lived for the days when he was home from Eton and they could wander through the countryside, climbing trees, fishing, or riding. He had always listened so patiently as she prattled on about whatever entered her head. And he had confided in her all the details of his young life. Even though he was six years her senior, he had been her best friend. She had thought that would last for all her life. Then their brothers had died, and nothing would ever be the same again.

  Once more Rose found herself shoving unwanted thoughts to the back of her mind. She felt her lips quirk into an amused smile as she wondered how cluttered her mind must be. One of these days she would have to address all the things she did not wish to think about. But now was not the time. She forced her attention to return to the conversation that was swirling around her, ignoring the fact that she was avidly curious about why the duke had chosen to escort Constance Chadwick to supper.

  “This supper is absolutely delicious,” Elizabeth was enthusing. “I must say I worked up quite an appetite this evening.” She then blushed rosily at making such a forward comment.

  Rose could see the relief etched on her friend’s face when the gentlemen merely chuckled at her words before turning to her.

  “Did you not dance enough to become hungry, Miss Smythe?” one asked. Rose blinked for a moment, drawing a blank at his name. Recognition dawned—it was Lord Terrance Leonard, a young baron who was attending his first session at Parliament.

  “Oh, no my lord, I danced plenty. I am just trying to pretend I am a lady,” she replied with a laugh. “I will agree with my dear friend, though, that our hosts have been most generous in their hospitality. Their cook certainly knows what he
is doing. It is rare that a cook has the skill to prepare such delicious food for a crowd like this.”

  Everyone nodded agreement and continued enjoying their repast. In an effort to keep her eyes away from Alex, Rose began another topic of conversation.

  “Tell me, Lord Leonard, how are you enjoying your participation in the House? Is it as exciting as you had expected?”

  “At times, Miss, but there are some deadly dull bits interspersed with the excitement that have made me wonder if this is the right career for me.” Rose found his self-deprecating smile to be charming.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she prompted.

  “Sadly, some of our lords of government seem to like the sound of their own voices more than they actually want resolution to the issues. They can drone on for hours and I lose interest.” The young baron blushed over his admission. “I probably should not be telling you this. It certainly does not please my father when I cannot report intelligently on the session I sat through.”

  “I will share a tip with you that my father relies upon. He said that most of these long-winded speeches are usually written out in advance and the important sentence of each paragraph is almost always the first one. So, try to bring your attention into focus every once in a while and you should be able to get the gist of whatever they are droning on about.”

  “Why Miss Smythe, that is a most excellent suggestion.”

  “I hope it will be of use to you. I am sure you will be an asset to our government. Give it a little more time before you decide whether or not to give it up.”

  “Have no fear, Miss, I have every intention of fulfilling my duties.”

  This made Rose feel like rolling her eyes. She had not meant to question the young man’s dutifulness. Her smile was a trifle wan as she returned her attention to Lady Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth was looking amused, so Rose surmised she had heard her exchange with the baron. Rose lifted her shoulder in a slight shrug, keeping her wry grin under control.


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