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The Duke Conspiracy: A Sweet Regency Romance Adventure (Mayfair Mayhem Book 1)

Page 27

by Wendy May Andrews

  Wesley saluted smartly and headed off to his rooms without another word. Alex urged his mount to a faster pace and within a couple of minutes pulled up in the mews behind his house. Tossing his reins to his waiting groom, Alex began striding purposefully toward the door before he thought better of it and turned back to exchange a few words with the groom.

  “There is a strong possibility I shall need your help tonight. How many strong, sharp, discreet men could we muster from the household staff for what could be a rough fight?”

  The groom did not so much as blink over this question, quickly replying, “I should think we have at least twenty that could fit that description, Your Grace.”

  At the back of his mind Alex wondered what kind of adventures his father had gotten up to that the staff would be so sanguine about what he was asking. Hiding his misgivings, the duke replied to the waiting servant. “Very well, thank you. I require more information before we need to summon everyone. Please, keep yourself in readiness, but it would be best if the others get their rest while they can.”

  When the duke entered his house, he was surprised to see his butler pacing with his tiger in tow. Alex was glad to see the youngster whom he had set off in pursuit of the man watching him at Burlington House.

  “Pete, am I ever glad to see you! You two look troubled, which tells me you have information for me.”

  The butler looked relieved to see his master arrive. “There have been a few messages for you, Your Grace.”

  “Excellent. I need to change and I need to hurry. Could the two of you accompany me to my chambers so that we can kill multiple birds with one stone?”

  “Your Grace, I do not think that would be entirely proper,” the butler huffed.

  “Mayhap not, but a lady’s safety is very much in jeopardy. I do not think we can afford to be overly fastidious at a time like this. Come along.” Alex did not await a response. He was amused and relieved to hear his butler’s heavy sigh, closely followed by the sound of his footsteps following the duke up to his chambers.

  Alex was reminded of how happy he was that his valet was not the usual highly strung sort as he walked into the room with the other two in tow. He barely showed a reaction as the duke started stripping off his elegant clothes. The valet was a little more flustered when Alex demanded his roughest clothing to be readied.

  “But Your Grace,” he began to protest then quailed under the duke’s stern glare. “Very well, Your Grace.”

  Alex grinned. “All right, Pete, out with it, what do you know?”

  Pete quit gazing about at the rich surroundings and brought his attention back to his master. Gulping back his nerves he launched into his tale. “That bad man what was watching yer Grace and his lady friend, he knew all the trails there was to find and took me on a merry chase. But I managed no problems, yer Grace, cuz I used to hunt with me pa before I came to work for yer Grace.”

  Holding onto his patience, Alex smiled encouragingly as his valet fussed around him. “I am glad you managed so well, Pete. Were you able to find out anything useful?”

  “I did, yer Grace.” Pete grinned. “The first bad man met up with another bad man and he says to him, ‘tell his lordship that the chit met up with who I swear was the Duke of Wrentham.’”

  “Wait a minute, Pete. So the bad man was actually watching Miss Rose, not me.”

  “Would seem so, yer Grace.”

  “Were you able to find out anything else?”

  “The second bad man flipped him a coin and he went off, so I figured he wasn’t going to be of much more use, so I followed the second chap as he left their meeting. I hope that was all right, yer Grace.”

  “I am quite certain you made the right choice, Pete. Where did the second man go?”

  “He was a fair bit harder to keep a track of since the first thing he went and did was to climb into a hack, but I was able to grab onto the back just as it took off so I managed just fine, yer Grace.”

  “Would you be able to show me where the places were that you have been?”

  “I’m fair and certain that I could, yer Grace. But I knows for sure where we was when the hack stopped so I don’t have to show you. The chap runs up the stairs to a fairly posh house and goes in. I waits and waits and not much happened but I did ask one of the kids what were running around who lived in that there house. They says it’s Sir Jason Broderick, yer Grace. You would know where he lives, right?”

  “Yes, thank you, Pete. I do know where that is. And that just confirms what I already knew about Broderick. But I might need you to help me find the men you saw. They might be in a position to help us find the lady.”

  “The lady? Has something happened to yer friend, yer Grace?”

  “Yes, Pete, I guess I failed to tell you that bit. We believe that Broderick has abducted her. And we need to find her as quickly as possible. She might be in grave danger.”

  At this point, the butler stepped in and shared the messages he had received. Alex was finished dressing and Wesley was waiting impatiently to know what was going on. The two set off in search of Rose.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rose was beginning to despise this particular adventure. She had been so excited about sharing in the intrigue, trying to figure out what Broderick was up to. Now that she had saved Alex, she felt as though she had gotten herself in way too deep. She could feel the warm trickle of blood as she struggled once more against the ropes binding her wrists.

  The loud snores of the henchman guarding her were annoying and yet reassuring. Rose was frustrated by the passage of time. She had hoped to have freed herself before daybreak so that she could escape and make her way home before too many were abroad. It would not do to be seen arriving home in her gown from the night before, especially not looking the worse for wear as she surely did. But it would matter very little if she could not get herself free. She had very little confidence in Broderick’s desire to keep her alive.

  Endeavouring to reassure herself, she reminded herself that if he had wanted her dead he could have just done it the evening before. Why bother going to the trouble of tying her up and having her guarded if he planned on killing her? Of course, there were fates worse than death, her wayward imaginings reminded her unnecessarily. Her struggles to free herself of the bonds resumed. Why did he have to tie the ropes so tight? she wondered wretchedly, trying to decide if they had budged at all or if it was just her wishful thinking. Or maybe I have just worn off a layer of my skin with my struggles and that is why it suddenly feels a little looser.

  A giant yawn surprised her as she continued to twist and tug. She had been too terrified to sleep at all during the night, besides the discomfort of her position. A faint sound in the distance stilled her actions, and she tensed in anticipation. The footsteps drew closer.

  “Squint, you lazy lout, what good are you to me if you are going to sleep on the job? The girl could have gotten away,” Broderick bellowed, waking the guard with a hard kick to his midsection.

  Rose winced in sympathetic reaction, flinching in fear as Broderick approached her before she could quell the telling motion. He grinned at her reaction, making her stomach turn. She raised her chin defiantly.

  She sat very still as the knight approached her, keeping her eyes trained on his every move, cursing her inability to escape before his return.

  Broderick circled her, most likely just to ratchet up her fear another notch. He chuckled over her injured wrists. “I see you did not sit as demurely as you would like me to think through the night, did you? That must not feel too good,” he observed dispassionately. “Perhaps you shall get an infection and die. It would save me a great deal of trouble.”

  “I do not aim to be that helpful, my lord,” Rose answered sweetly, causing her captor to laugh once more.

  “I am glad to see my knots held up. I shan’t be tarrying here, I merely wished to ensure the guttersnipes had not made off with you. There is some cheese, bread, and ale for you if you would like to break your fast

  Rose thought of defiantly rejecting his offering but thought better of it as she heard her stomach growl indelicately. Lifting her chin proudly she politely thanked him before asking, “How am I to eat with my hands bound in such a manner?”

  Sir Broderick grumbled under his breath something unfit for a lady’s ears but stepped forward to untie her. She almost wept from relief as she brought her arms back to their natural position. She had to struggle to maintain her composure when she caught sight of her mangled wrists, though. Biting the inside of her cheek, she was exceedingly proud of herself when she detected that her lips did not even quiver.

  She reached forward and grasped the flask he was holding out to her and took a slow draft. The cool slide of the liquid as it went down her parched throat was such a relief that she easily ignored the fact she didn’t even like ale. At the moment, it tasted like the sweetest nectar. She took another slow swallow, savouring the moisture and refreshment. Putting the flask down, she slowly reached for the chunk of cheese he had laid out for her, delicately taking a bite.

  Huffing with disgust, Broderick spoke up. “I do not have time to wait for you to meander your way through a meal. I have places to go. I will have to tie you back up before I leave.”

  Rose could not prevent the protest that moaned through her lips. “No, please, I beg of you. I really am terribly hungry.”

  “But you’re taking too long, Miss.”

  “Why don’t you jest tie her hands in front of ‘er, milord,” suggested Squint, speaking for the first time since the knight’s arrival.

  Rose had nearly forgotten he was there, she had been so focused on the food her captor had brought. She eyed him askance. Though she could barely tolerate the thought of being tied up again, if her hands were in front of her she thought she had a much better chance of being able to escape. She hoped her face did not reveal how excited she was at the knave’s suggestion.

  She could feel Broderick’s eyes upon her and avoided making eye contact with him. He stood there studying her for a few heartbeats. Rose finally released the breath she had been holding when he spoke.

  “As much as it would be a relief to have you off my hands as quickly as possible, I do not want you dying of blood loss before your possible usefulness is at an end. If you rip some strips off your gown, you can wrap your wrists with the cloth before I tie your hands back up.”

  Rose could hear the grudging reluctance in his voice and hastened to follow his suggestion, although she was unsure if she would be able to do so with her hands in their weakened state. Feeling the heat rising in her cheeks as she reached down toward her skirts, she made every effort not to lift them above her ankles as she struggled to find a suitable section, thankful for the fullness of the style she had chosen to wear. Realizing her petticoats would be made of softer, more absorbent material, she thought to start with that. Blessedly, it did not take her overly long to tug two chunks of fabric from her underthings. She sent up a quick prayer of thanks that her maid always insisted that she wear multiple layers.

  She quickly wrapped the fabric around the worst of her wounds, hoping that she was not doing them more harm than good. It certainly couldn’t be any worse to have the fabric protecting her flesh, as she anticipated struggling against the ropes once again as soon as Sir Broderick left and Squint took his eyes off her. Taking a deep breath against the anticipated pain, she offered her hands to her captor.

  Rose wondered if she were being too compliant when Broderick shot her a suspicious scowl. She strove for nonchalance. With a shrug she said, “I am hungry. I would like to get back to my meal.”

  Broderick grinned and Rose cringed inside at the evil she saw in his eyes but she refrained from further comment. He made short work of tying her hands back together, and Rose bit her lip not to cry out, relieved that she still had movement.

  Before long, Broderick was gone after a brief exchange with Squint and an admonishment to Rose to “behave.” Rose smiled weakly at Squint and went back to her meal, concentrating on chewing slowly and imagining that she was elsewhere.

  She had been wondering how her parents were handling her disappearance. Rose was surprised but grateful that Broderick seemed to have forgotten that he had wanted her to write a note telling her parents that she had run off with a seaman. She had been trying to come up with some sort of message that would tell her parents where she was but that Broderick would not be able to see through. She had not yet been able to come up with anything that made much sense. Thinking about her family made the bread feel like sawdust in her mouth, so she thought of Alex instead.

  Despite the feud, thinking about the duke helped to steady her nerves and inspired her with hope. She allowed herself to imagine the scold he would give her for being so foolish as to allow herself to get into this predicament. Her imaginings were so real to her that she almost laughed out loud as the scene played itself out in her head. Rose shook her head at herself. Mayhap this ordeal is making me mad. I shall be a candidate for Bedlam before this is through, she mocked herself.

  But the daydream had done the trick, she had fortified herself with the simple meal Broderick had provided and her nerves were fortified, too. She was resolved once more to get herself out of this mess. Steeling her backbone, she thought to herself, If I survive this, mayhap I shall follow Mary’s advice and see about brokering peace between the Wrenthams and Smythes. She smiled slightly as she tested the strength of the latest knots.

  Squint had gulped down the provisions Broderick had left for him and settled himself back into his chair. Despite the knight’s violence and threats, Squint looked as though he were preparing himself for another nap. Rose held herself very still and did not utter a peep, hoping he would soon be fast asleep. Before too long his reassuring snorts and snores were filling the air and she got back to work on freeing herself. As she struggled, she wondered absently what time it was.


  Alex was cursing the time that was passing. The sun was fully up in the sky and the city was bustling with activity. He had not been able to discover the whereabouts of Broderick or his captive. He was ready to go and confront the man himself.

  “That will not be at all useful, Your Grace,” Lord Smythe tried to soothe him. “If we lay down all our cards, we will lose any advantage we might have. As long as he thinks we don’t know anything, we have the element of surprise on our side. If we confront him, he will merely deny it and be all the more careful. We could even endanger Rosamund by doing so. I am hoping that he will have her guarded somewhere and is feeding her. If he feels endangered, at best he will abandon her, at worst he might kill her. I think we should keep searching as quietly as possible.”

  “But this infernal delay is driving me mad,” the duke declared.

  “I cannot conceive of why this is of concern to you, Your Grace,” Lady Smythe complained. Catching her husband’s censorious glance she interjected, “Not that I am complaining about your help, of course, Your Grace, I am merely surprised that you would seem to be so invested in it.”

  Alex was feeling frantic for Rose’s return but was unwilling to explain himself to her mother. He knew the answer he was about to give was weak, but he gave it anyway. “I am involved, my lady, and I hate feeling thwarted.”

  It seemed to be a sentiment all in the room could relate to, as no one dismissed it and most nodded their head.

  Lady Elizabeth had come by to see if there was any word. Since there was no good news and very little she could do to help, she stood to take her leave. “My dear Lady Smythe, I do not wish to be a burden for you to entertain at this time, so I shall leave you for now. Please know that I am ever ready to be of any assistance to you.”

  “Thank you, my lady. We sincerely appreciate that. Hopefully we shan’t need to, but we will call upon you if needed. And I promise you we shall send word as soon as we know anything.”

  The assembled gentlemen all bowed to her as she left but had little to say. Lord Dunbar escorted he
r from the room.

  Lady Smythe had resumed her seat and was absently wringing her hands. “This wretched waiting is what makes it so awful, my lord. Why have we heard nothing? Do not most abductors make demands of some sort so that you can pay a ransom and be done with it?”

  “Can you not find something to occupy yourself with, my dear? I do not think it is healthful for you to sit here worrying yourself into a state.” Lord Smythe was in no position to comfort his wife as he too was nearly beside himself with worry.

  “No, I cannot occupy myself with something, my lord. What would you have me do? Take up my needlework?” She laughed mirthlessly.

  “Perhaps you could go and make some calls, act as though naught is amiss, lest anyone wonder what has become of Rosamund.”

  “There is absolutely no way my acting skills could stretch that far, my lord, I can assure you. But you do raise a good point. What are we to do if we cannot recover her shortly? There will be talk, and she shall be ruined.”

  “We shall have to invent a story. Maybe you really should go and call on someone who gossips. Come up with a story that she has gone to the country to visit a friend or a relative and spread it about.”

  “Nobody would believe that a debutante is going to leave Town at the height of the Season, my lord,” Lady Smythe declared, panicking, and becoming more shrill the longer she spoke. “My darling daughter is going to be ruined through no fault of her own. And then where will we be?”

  Alex could not bear the older woman’s distress. “Have no fear, my lady. Rosie will never be ruined. I shall marry her and restore her to Society. No one would dare to whisper about the Duchess of Wrentham.”

  Stunned silence descended upon the room for a moment before Lady Smythe burst out with inflammatory words. “I would rather she be ruined than be a Wrentham,” she spat. “Your family shall not steal another child from me.”


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