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Fire's Mate (Charybdis Station Book 2)

Page 9

by C. W. Gray

  “Aster feels things from the spirit world,” Fire explains. “She can feel you, and you really do feel beautiful, Ma. Like cinnamon apple strudel.”

  “Hey, I want a hug,” David said, pulling on Aster’s leg. “You have to share Ma, Aster.”

  Ma chuckled and pulled David into her arms too. “Oh, you are a sweetie.”

  “Dang it,” David muttered. He settled his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. “Just embrace it, David.”

  Shae snickered. “Stars, he is definitely your son.”

  Pops Brakenstone moved to stand beside him. He hugged Fire and Cyrus. “Fasi hasn’t let your mate go yet, and I’m not sure he’s gonna.”

  Fire looked around. Fasi still had Quigley in a hug and was whispering to him. Jellybean still balanced on his shoulder, but he chittered excitedly at Quigley too.

  “I knew Fasi would like him.” Fire smiled proudly. “My mate is the best. Oh, Pops, we’re gonna have to expand the attic. Can you help? I have my three babies and Gram to make room for. Wait. Where’s Gram?”

  “I believe that’s her speaking with Death,” Renee said, voice dry. “It looks like she’s lecturing him.”

  Fire shrugged. “Okay. So, I need some more space, Pops.”

  Pops grinned. “Don’t you worry one bit about that. We have a surprise for you.”

  Fire gasped. “I love surprises.”

  Fasi finally put Quigley down when Death approached them. Fire’s fellow Element looked like he had swallowed a lemon.

  “I’ve been ordered to be nice to you, Burnished,” Death said, glaring at Quigley. “Gram was quite insistent.”

  “My grandson is a good boy,” Gram said, hands on her hips. “No taking his soul.”

  “As you wish,” Death said with a sigh. “It’s such a lovely soul too. Brave, honest, and loving. The kindness shining from him practically blinds me anyway.”

  “Veri,” Death’s mate, Val, said with a laugh. “Stop teasing them. Gram, he doesn’t take people’s souls unless they’re attacking him or something like that.”

  Fire smiled proudly. “His soul is pretty, right, Death? My mate has the prettiest soul ever, doesn’t he?”

  “I’m sure you’ve seen a glimpse of it in the spirit world,” Death said, giving him a half smile. “Please don’t make me say he has a pretty soul.”

  Sebastian hurried to them, Mordy balanced on his hip. “Have you threatened him yet? Did I miss it?”

  Death’s smile was a little feral. “I was just about—”

  Gram cleared her throat. “You were just about to give my grandson a big hug and welcome him to the family, weren’t you?”

  Death’s smile faded into a scowl. “I don’t hug.”

  Val sighed and hugged Quigley. “I apologize for my mate. He’s a bit overprotective of Fire, but he knows you’re a good person. He can tell that right away. He just has to come to terms with the fact that his little brother is now mated.”

  “Hey, Val.” Fire held up Cyrus. “Look at my baby. He’s just a few months younger than Seshi. Do you think they’ll be best friends?” Fire looked down. Seshi was sleeping in his stroller, a ghost guinea pig curled up at his side. “Hi, Marshmallow. See my baby?”

  Marshmallow squeaked softly. Family beautiful.

  “Thank you.” Fire sighed happily. “I’m gonna be a good daddy.”

  Ma carried David and Aster to them. “I’m sure you will, Fire. Let’s get moving. Pops and I want to show you the surprise.”

  Sebastian whined low in his throat. “That’s it? No death threats or bodily harm? Quigley’s taking my son from me. He took Fire’s flower of innocence. Shouldn’t we at least rough him up a bit?”

  Fire gasped, ignoring his friends’ laughter around him. “Quig, did you take my flower? I didn’t even know I had a flower. Give it back.” I’ll name it, Delores, he thought excitedly.

  Quigley flushed. “I don’t think he means an actual flower, but you all are so strange, so maybe he does.”

  “What kind of flower is it?” Fire asked Sebastian. “Is it part of our surprise? Ma, is food our surprise?”

  Sebastian groaned. “Stars this is more painful for me than stupid Quigley. Let’s just get on the tram.”


  Quigley held Fire’s hand as they followed the large group from the spaceport. There were so many people around them, and he counted at least twenty ships that were in view. He saw very few Burnished, but there were several other species, some he recognized and some he didn’t.

  Fire continued to introduce him to people and pets, but Quigley had long passed the point of being able to follow along.

  His attention was split between the conversation and observing everything around him. There were metals and other material, which he expected, but there was so much green as well. Trees, shrubs, and flowers were everywhere. They even passed an endless looking field of crops.

  The sheer wealth of resources around Quigley shocked him. The way everyone had described space stations had made him think they would be like living in a different type of desert.

  The thrum of energy beneath his feet was unlike anything he had felt before. He missed the comforting familiar of Burnished Outpost, but he thought he might get used to this new planet of metal and magic.

  After the quick ride on the tram, Fasi and Pops led them into a large encampment. Neighborhood, he reminded himself. Fire calls it the neighborhood.

  Houses of all different colors lined the street, each with flowers and trees surrounding them. The large path the led through it was lined with even more flowers.

  “Here’s our first stop,” Ma said gesturing to a large fenced-in area. Three animals watched them from inside. One he recognized as a goat like Gracie, but the other two he had never seen before.

  “Hi, Wobble,” Fire said, waving.

  Leti pushed forward and hugged the long-necked creature. “Did you miss me? You’re going to have a new sister named Salsa. She’s on her way here now, and I just know you’ll love her.”

  “That’s his llama,” Fire whispered. “The other two are Muffin and Trixie.”

  “We expanded the pasture, so you can keep Gracie and your Oryx close by.” Fasi grinned and patted Quigley’s back. “Leti needed more space anyway, and his critters get along with just about everyone.”

  Fire squealed and hugged Fasi. “Thank you. Quig loves his Oryx, and I was worried we would have to keep him in Death and Val’s backyard.”

  “Why my backyard?” Death asked, scowling.

  “Because Sebby’s already belongs to Wobble, Trixie, and Muffin,” Fire answered, rolling his eyes and making Quigley laugh.

  “Thank you, sir,” Quigley said with a nod to Fasi. “Please let me know how to repay you.”

  Fasi gave him a hard look. “You need another hug, don’t you?”

  Before Quigley knew it, he was back in the large Grell’s arms. It wasn’t a bad place to be. Fasi had a way of making Quigley feel like everything was going to be alright. The problem was, it was hard to deal with the comfort.

  With Fire’s hugs, Quigley could focus on having his mate in his arms. With the kids, it was about him offering them comfort. With Gram, it was about facing the new changes together.

  A hug from this man, this leader, made Quigley want to let go of the stress and worry. It made him want to let himself mourn Sara. I really don’t want to break down in front of everyone, he thought, trying to force away his tears.

  Sebastian wiggled between Fasi and Quigley and pushed them apart. He kept his hand on Quigley’s chest but watched Fasi. “Let’s finish with the surprises and get to the food. I’m hungry.”

  Fasi huffed, then gave Sebastian a kiss. “So bossy.”

  Ma and Pops took the lead and the others followed. Fire stole Jellybean from Quigley’s shoulder and ran ahead with David and Aster.

  Sebastian gave him a sad look once they were alone. “I can’t believe I missed it. Who are you mourning?”

  Quigley shook h
is head. “There’s no time for this. The others are waiting.”

  Sebastian’s hand clenched in his shirt. “Give me a name and I’ll let you follow them.”

  Quigley closed his eyes, his sister’s mischievous smile filling his mind. “Sara. My sister. She would have liked it here.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Fasi’s hugs are a little too comforting, huh? They’ve always been like that for me too. It’s hard to stay strong when that man’s telling you he loves you and will take care of everything bothering you.”

  “Yes,” Quigley managed to say.

  “We better catch up before they get to your surprise,” Sebastian said, linking his arm with Quigley’s.

  Quigley’s eyes flew open, and he looked at the other man in surprise. “What’s happening here?”

  Sebastian gave him a disgusted look. “I’m admitting I like you, okay? I’ll tell Mustachio to stop dive bombing you.”

  “I knew he was doing that because of you.” Quigley fought a laugh. He felt Cinnamon adjust his weight on Quigley’s head. He had gotten so used to the black stinger sitting there that he had almost forgotten the little guy.

  “Well, that little monster on top of your head has your back.” Sebastian gave him a reluctant smile. “I keep waking up to find him watching me like he’s about to sting me.”

  Quigley smiled and gentle patted Cinnamon’s back. “Good boy.”

  They caught up with the rest of the group. Everyone had stopped to gawk at a lovely sandstone home that looked almost exactly like one of the nicer houses in Star’s Oasis. It stood out from the rest around it, but Quigley thought it was the nicest in the neighborhood.

  “This wasn’t here when we left,” Fire said, eyes wide. He pointed to the dark blue house next door. “That’s Sebby’s house.” He pointed to the yellow one on the other side. “That’s Juniper’s house.”

  “This is your house,” Pops said, smiling proudly. “Val and I designed it as soon as we heard you had a mate. Then everyone pitched in to get it built. The landscaping could use some work, but Kelly wanted to do something special with it.”

  The woman grinned. “You’re going to love the flowers I’m going to grow you, Fire.”

  Fire gave her a suspicious look. “Can I name them Delores?”

  “Sure.” Kelly patted Aster’s shoulder. “I have a bunch of aster flowers that I’m going to plant too. I’m also going to make the perfect blend of grasses for Gracie and the Oryx in the back yard.”

  Quigley stared at the large house in front of him. They did all of this for Fire? He had known they were fond of his mate, but this was surprising.

  Sebastian leaned closer. “I know how you feel. Fasi had this whole neighborhood built for Leti before he had even met him in person. These people take love to the extreme, and it’s better if you just go with it instead of fighting them.”

  “We won’t be living in your home,” he said softly. “Fire will miss that.”

  Sebastian watched Fire fondly. “I’ll miss it too, but sometimes kids grow up and start their own families.”

  Fire’s eyes found Quigley’s and he waved. “We have a house. Gram won’t have to share with Gracie.”

  Gram snorted. “Good thing or we’d be having roast goat for dinner.”

  “Gram,” David said, covering Gracie’s ears. “Language.”

  Ma chuckled and rubbed a hand over David’s head. “This seems a good time to tell you I made a welcome home dinner. It’s inside.”

  Fire whooped and ran for the door. “Cyrus and me are starving.”

  “Me too. Me too.” David quickly followed, leading Gracie behind him.

  “When is that not the case?” Kelly asked, linking her arm with Aster. “Brothers are so obnoxious.”

  “They are,” Aster agreed, sighing.

  Quigley smiled for a moment, remembering Sara saying that exact thing. Then he realized David had just brought his goat into their new home. “Damn it, David. Gracie lives outside.”

  Later that night, Quigley sat alone with Fire on the couch in their living room. Gram was already settled comfortably in her own room on the first floor of the house while Aster and David both had rooms upstairs. Pops and Ma had even made Cyrus a nursery, which confused Quigley a bit. Babies didn’t need an entire room, but they all seemed to think Cy did.

  “I only got one nap today,” Fire said, yawning. “Jellybean says you need at least three naps a day to be happy.”

  “Jellybean also spent the day rubbing his butt all over the house.” Quigley shook his head. “I love him, but he’s a strange piggy.”

  “He was marking his territory.” Fire leaned against his arm. “Will you do the thing?”

  Quigley smiled and held his hand up. He called a small flame to dance on his palm.

  Fire sighed and ran his hand through the flame, causing it to grow and twist in a beautiful dance. “I love the feel of your fire.”

  “It’s all yours.” Quigley sunk deeper in the soft couch and let himself relax as Fire played with the dancing flame.

  His mate was so different than anyone he had ever met. Fire seemed to find the good in everything and everyone around him.

  “Cinnamon likes the Druffle,” Fire said, nodding to where a nest of small balls of fluff lived.

  Cinnamon watched them travel through the tube-shaped tunnels covering one wall of the living room. The black stinger was likely imagining eating them, but Quigley didn’t think Fire would appreciate knowing that.

  “Renee said you could start training with enforcement tomorrow.” Fire sighed heavily. “Can’t you just stay with me instead? I’ll show you all the best places to get food. Juniper’s house is the very best because they always have tasty leftovers, but Cordelia is actually a good cook too, and Leti and Sebastian don’t know it, so there’s usually more leftovers at her house. Finn’s house is the best place for finding pretty underwear. He buys me pairs all the time and even made me my own undie basket. I think he just didn’t want me digging through his clothes.”

  Quigley smiled against Fire’s hair. He would have thought Fire’s friends were tired of the man breaking into their houses and taking their food and clothes, but they had made it very clear to Quigley that Fire could do whatever Fire wanted.

  Which reminds me. “You told me Beol was nice,” Quigley said. “You didn’t tell me he led a clan of assassins.”

  “He’s a nice assassin,” Fire said, yawning, his sleepy eyes watching the dancing flame. “Are you going to like being in enforcement?”

  “I think so,” Quigley said. “I need to be able to serve the station, and I like the idea of it. I’ll know more when I finish training.”

  “Are you sure I don’t need to find a job?” Fire asked, voice small. “Do I need to serve the station too?”

  “You do serve the station,” Quigley said, hugging his mate. “Remember the story I told you about Helara?”

  Fire nodded, eyes focused on the flame.

  “Helara wasn’t a warrior or a leader. He was the heart of the clan. You’re the heart of our family, of this neighborhood really.” Quigley closed his fist and the flame disappeared. He tilted Fire’s chin so his mate met his gaze. “You’re my heart, Fire. You don’t have to do anything but be yourself.”

  “I love you too,” Fire whispered, smiling wide.

  Quigley leaned in for a kiss. Life would be different, but with Fire by his side, it could only be better.


  Two months later

  Fire held Cyrus up. “Cy needs kisses.”

  Quigley smiled and kissed the baby’s cheeks.

  Fire moved Cyrus to his hip and held up Jellybean. “Jellybean needs kisses.”

  Quigley snorted a laugh and kissed the guinea pig on the head. “Of course he does.”

  Jellybean squeaked. I didn’t need a kiss.

  Fire set Jellybean down and reached for Cinnamon. “One more.”

  Quigley arched a brow. “I’m not kissing a black stinger. Cinnamon doesn’
t want one anyway. He’s a stoic little guy.”

  Cinnamon stared at Quigley. I do need a kiss.

  Quigley narrowed his eyes. “How is it possible for him to look cute?”

  “Kiss, kiss, kiss.” Fire waved Cinnamon in the air.

  Quigley sighed and dipped to kiss the black stinger. “There. All done.”

  Fire settled Cinnamon on Quigley’s head. “Have a good first day at work.”

  “Dad,” David yelled from the door. “Silas is here.”

  Quigley gave Fire a brief kiss. “I love you, little flame. Have a good day.”

  Fire kept his lips firmly pressed together. He had a secret and didn’t want to blurt it out. “I will.”

  Quigley gave him a suspicious look, then left, pausing to hug David at the door.

  “You didn’t tell him,” Aster said. Fire’s daughter curled up on a chair in the living room, her tablet in her lap. She had quickly discovered a love of books and music now that she had the time and technology to indulge in them.

  Woolly slept on the back of the chair, looking sweet and innocent in sleep. Little monster, Fire thought fondly. The kitten adored Aster but barely tolerated everyone else.

  “He has to know I’m going to tell everyone today,” Fire said, bouncing in place. “We’re gonna have another baby.”

  More babies, Jellybean squeaked before starting his morning dance. He ran a short distance, then jumped in the air. He landed on all fours and bounced up again before turning the other way to repeat his morning ritual.

  “What did you just say?” David asked, eyes wide. “Dad’s pregnant? Come on, Gracie. We gotta go tell Elril.”

  Fire winced as David’s goat looked up from where she worked on chewing the couch. “Remember you have to get to— And they’re out the door.”

  “Elril will make sure he gets to class on time. I’m glad David and he are best friends because he’s a lot more responsible than David.” Aster smiled. “Enough of that though. What are you hiding? You feel like secrets this morning.”


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