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Wild Norene by Johnston McCulley

Page 5

by Monte Herridge

  that it made no difference what a man said

  met on the street in Astoria, the only about them.

  woman he ever had taken the trouble to

  “He put you in the latter class.”

  look at more than once, the woman for

  “Oh!” the girl, cried; her face

  whom he had thrashed a man, the woman it

  flushed scarlet.

  had pained him to see in the resort, mention

  She looked at Connor, but he was

  of whose name he had prohibited there—

  not watching her; his eyes were blazing

  was Wild Norene, of whom he had spoken

  into those of the captain, and he said

  lightly to his friends!


  The girl was dimpling, her eyes

  “Is this—true?” she asked him.

  sparkling, ready to laugh at her uncle and

  “Your uncle has said that it is,” he

  tell him they had met before. But Connor,

  replied, without taking his eyes from the

  watching the evil smile on the captain’s

  captain’s face.

  All-Story Cavalier Weekly


  “Wait, Norene; that is not all,” the

  “When I spoke as I did to my

  skipper resumed. “One of the men said you

  friends I was not speaking of you. I was

  were called Wild Norene, and Mr. Connor

  talking of the Norene I knew by reputation

  said you needed a man to tame you.

  only, thinking only of what I had heard

  “‘I would tame her,’ he boasted. ‘I

  men say—”

  could make her love me, promise to be my



  did say it?”

  wife. I could tame her so she’d eat out of

  “I said it—yes. But I didn’t know—

  my hand.’


  “That was his boast, Norene, to his

  Her eyes held his. Her face went

  drunken companions, in a dive, where white for an instant, and with all the other men could hear.

  strength at her command she struck him

  “So I had him knocked out and

  across the face with the flat of her hand.

  carried aboard, and I’ve made him mate.

  Her fingers left white marks in the red and

  We’ll see if he makes good his boast. I’ve

  tan, but Connor did not move.

  given him until we reach port to win your

  She started to turn away, half

  love and your promise to be his wife. If he

  ashamed of what she had done.

  fails, there will be punishment provided.”

  “I didn’t know!” he said. “Great

  Captain Adams laughed raucously.

  heavens, girl, do you suppose I’d insult you

  Anger flamed in the girl’s face as she purposely, whether I knew you personally turned toward Connor and stepped close to

  or not? I tell you you’re the last woman in


  the world whose name I’d speak lightly—

  “Is all this true?” she demanded.

  the only woman in the world I’d look at a

  “Cap’n Adams says it is.”

  second time—”

  “I want to hear you say so. Did you

  “You already are beginning to tame

  make that boast before your drunken me, I see. You are trying, perhaps, to make companions in that resort?”

  me believe you love me, trying to make me

  “Listen to me!” Connor cried. “I

  love you,” she said in scorn.

  met you accidentally yesterday afternoon

  “Miss Adams, can’t you

  on the street. You’re the first woman I ever

  understand? I didn’t know you were Wild

  took the trouble to look at twice. My friend


  taunted me about it when we went to that

  “And how may I be sure?” she

  resort, and I warned all men they were not

  asked. “You boasted you could tame me.

  to mention you, even without mentioning

  When I asked you to thrash Riney for his

  your name. Your uncle, if he was there at

  insult to me, you did it instantly. Perhaps

  the time, will say this is the truth.

  that was to gain my gratitude. Maybe that

  “I didn’t know you were Wild was part of the taming process.”

  Norene; I’d never have guessed it. I knew

  “Miss Adams, I—”

  only that you were a woman, and a good

  “I do not care to discuss the matter


  with you,” she interrupted. “You are

  “I saw you later at the door of that

  beneath notice! You may prepare to take

  resort, and you asked me to thrash a man

  what punishment my uncle has promised,

  who had insulted you, acted as if your

  for small chance you have of taming me

  presence in such a place was nothing and winning my love!”

  unusual, and still I knew that you were

  “And if that punishment is—



  Wild Norene


  “It does not matter to me; I am not

  There would be safety for several

  interested,” she said.

  days, for the captain would keep his word,

  Without another word she turned

  they knew, and make no move to harm

  her back upon him and walked slowly Connor until the end of the voyage.

  away to the rail, to stand there looking out

  It was at this time that two members

  over the sea, making a picture to attract the

  of the crew, climbing over the lumber

  eyes of any man.

  lashed to the deck, discovered the

  Connor looked after her. He was


  cursing himself for the words he had

  The stowaway was a woman.

  spoken in the resort.

  Captain Adams’s eyes bulged with

  Captain Adams was chuckling.

  surprise as the two men led her across the

  “I guess she told you something!”

  deck toward him.” She was tall and

  the skipper said.

  shapely, dressed in serviceable clothing,

  Connor whirled upon him.

  and had no hat. Her hair was disheveled

  “And I’ll tell you something!” he

  and flying in the breeze.

  exclaimed. “This is the third time I’ve met

  She made no attempt at resistance,

  her. But I love her! Do you understand? I

  but walked forward proudly, not even

  think she’s the best and sweetest woman in

  trying to shake off the men who grasped

  the world. And I’ll do what I boasted I

  her arms and urged her on.

  could do, in spite of the way you have

  The brow of Captain Bill was

  poisoned her against me.

  wrinkled in thought; he told himself he had

  “I’ll win her and I’ll marry her!

  seen the woman before. The men led her up

  And I’ll not do it to escape any punishment

  to him, and her eyes met his unflinchingly.

  you may hand out, but because she’s the

  “Stowaway, cap’n,” one of the men

  woman I want—the woman I’m ready to

  said, grinning. “She was hidden between

ight for! Can you understand that?”

  two piles of lumber.”



  The men obeyed, turning frequently


  to look back at the woman, who remained

  The Stowaway.

  standing in front of the skipper, waiting for

  him to speak.

  A woman stowaway was unusual,

  THE noon hour found the steam-schooner

  and any sort of a stowaway was a rarity

  Amingo on the broad sea far off the coast,

  aboard the Amingo.

  her nose pointed to the south, the Oregon

  “Well?” the skipper demanded.

  shore half obscured by a fog.

  The woman put her hands behind

  Connor had gone to the forecastle,

  her back and regarded him without

  at Captain’s Bill’s orders, to remove the

  apparent emotion.

  irons from Morgan and, after delivering a

  “How did you come aboard?”

  lecture, send him on deck. He made the

  Captain Adams asked.

  most of the opportunity and told Morgan

  “I took a small boat and rowed out

  all that had transpired; an attempt to outwit

  to the schooner this morning about three

  Captain Adams was decided upon, and o’clock. I understood you would sail before both were to apply their minds to inventing

  daylight, so I had no time to lose. I caught

  ways and means.

  a line under the bowsprit, and made my

  All-Story Cavalier Weekly


  way to the deck and hid in the lumber. I let

  Astoria. My name is Sally Wood.”

  the boat drift out to sea.”

  “Ah! I remember now. Your story

  “It is rather unusual for a woman to

  was told to me last night. I think I am more

  do such a thing. Why did you do it?”

  than justified in asking you for an

  “I had good reasons.”

  explanation now. You don’t know where

  “You live in Astoria?”

  we are bound, but were determined to sail

  “I’ve been living there for some with us. Why?”


  “You say you’ve heard my story?”

  “Running away from the police?”


  The girl’s face flushed as she

  “Then you know that I’ve been


  working—where I have—in order to get

  “I have done nothing to put the money quickly. And you know for what police on me, sir.”


  “I guess you’ll have to explain.

  “To trail the man who married you

  When a woman does what you have and deserted you, I was told.”

  done—sneaks aboard a vessel—there must

  “The man who stole my father’s

  be some compelling reason. There isn’t savings and left us penniless,” she added.

  much charity for stowaways. Do you know

  “Last night I saw that man. That’s why I’m

  where this vessel is going?”

  aboard this vessel. He is a member of your




  “What? I supposed, naturally, you

  “A member of my crew!” the

  wanted to get to a certain port and had no

  captain cried. “Prove that, girl, and

  money. Why, in Heaven’s name, did you

  convince me your story is true, and I’ll

  stow away on a craft whose destination is

  manhandle him myself.”

  unknown to you?”

  “I will take care of him,” she said.

  “I’m not anxious to get to any “I always thought I’d kill him when I found certain port,” she said, “and I have plenty

  him. Now I’m not so sure but what I’ll

  of money. I can pay my passage.”

  make him suffer first. I don’t know how

  She reached in the front of her waist

  it’s to be done, but I’ll find a way. Just let

  and drew out a roll of bills, and a small bag

  me pay passage, so I can be near him and

  filled with silver and gold coins.

  watch. I’ll not create a disturbance aboard

  “This isn’t a passenger vessel,” said

  your ship.”

  the captain. “And if you wanted to sail with

  “You’ll pay no passage! “ the

  us and had money, why didn’t you see me

  captain exclaimed. “If I’ve got a man like

  about it, instead of playing stowaway?”

  that aboard this ship I want to know it, and

  “You’d not have given me passage,

  I’ll help you punish him. Who is he?” .

  would you?”

  “Your mate, sir.”

  “I scarcely think so.”


  “That’s why I sneaked aboard in the

  “He was fighting last night, and I

  way I did. I was determined to sail on this

  recognized him just as the fight was over. I

  vessel and none other.”

  learned he was your mate and discovered

  “Seems like I’ve seen you some that you had ordered your men aboard. I place before.”

  knew you meant to sail immediately. I got

  “You no doubt have, sir. I’ve been

  my money, changed clothes, left the place

  playing the piano in a certain resort in

  where I was employed, and boarded the

  Wild Norene


  schooner. Now I want to meet him face to

  cried. “I’ve stowed away to get him, and


  he’s behind in Astoria laughing, and I’m

  The captain looked away across the

  aboard this ship bound for—Heaven knows

  sea for a moment, then back at her. She


  was watching his face, waiting for his

  Captain Adams patted her shoulder.


  “Don’t worry, girl,” he said. “It

  “I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake,

  isn’t as bad as you think. I’ve a good

  girl,” he said.

  notion that the man you want will meet up

  “Do you think I don’t know the

  with you soon. I’m pretty sure he’s on a

  man who wrecked my life, helped send my

  craft that’s going to follow us down the

  father to his grave?”

  coast. You just make yourself comfortable

  “I didn’t mean a mistake in that

  aboard. It’d do me good to see you meet

  way. You say he fought in the resort?”

  him, and I’ll arrange it if I can. My niece is

  “You saw the fight, for I saw you

  aboard, and she’ll be company for you.

  watching. He was fighting with Jack And there is Jack Connor, too.”

  Connor. He sneaked away like the coward

  The captain chuckled as another

  he is.”

  thought came to him. “It is fortunate

  “You mean Riney, then?”

  Connor is my new mate,” he said. “I think

  “His name was Wood when I he likes you, girl.”

  married him. The man I mean has a scar on

  Her face flashed crimson as the

  his face.”

  captain looked at her. He had remembered

  “He didn’t sneak away because he

  what Guerrero ha
d said—that this woman

  was afraid to continue the fight, for, my

  loved Jack Connor. If she thought Connor

  men won,” said the captain. “He sneaked

  returned her affection she’d pay

  away because he saw me there—because

  considerable attention-to him. It would

  he knew I had discovered he was a man not

  prove another barrier between Connor and

  to be trusted. He sneaked away so I Norene.

  couldn’t get my hands on his worthless

  Captain Adams didn’t think another


  barrier was needed, but it was better to be

  “And now you’ve—you’ve

  on the safe side.

  punished him?” she asked. In her eyes was

  It happened that at that moment

  the fear that she would not have a chance

  Connor and Morgan came from the

  for vengeance; that the captain had taken

  forecastle. Connor and Sally Wood faced

  that chance away from her.

  each other across six feet of deck.

  “I’ve had no chance to punish him,”

  “You?” Connor gasped. “For the

  Captain Adams said. “He’s deserted the

  love of Heaven, Sally, what are you doing

  ship, girl. I’ve got a new mate, though I


  had a deuce of a time getting him. My new


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