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Bonded Telepaths

Page 12

by Enid Titan

  Poppy could hear his hearts beating as if she were inside his ribcage with them. His blood rushed with the force of a river after a strong monsoon. She could taste the metal on the back of her tongue. Blood ran from Typhon’s nose. She wanted to have mercy on him. She wanted to prove Sibyl wrong, that she didn’t need to use this gift. It hurt to kill an animal. Killing a man would be much worse.

  As she stepped close to the edge, ready to squeeze the valves of his hearts shut without touching him, Poppy’s ears rang with an insufferable tinnitus. Her head ached and she drew closer to him, closer still and she could hear the fear racing along his dendrites and freezing him in place.

  Poppy towered over him. Killing him would mean running before the ships got here. Killing him might mean having to kill more people. Tears streamed down her face.

  «Give me one reason I should show you mercy,» she pleaded.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that he’d say something or someone would stop her from using the power the Fengari gave her.

  «P-please,» the man stuttered.


  «I love my planet. I love my people. I will gladly die for them.»

  «Then die.»

  Poppy closed her eyes and used the energy in her fingertips to stop his heart from pulsing. It was easier than she expected, to find where in his energy field his heartbeats sat and to stop them. He was dead, and his soldier, Boreas, raised a gun to her, finally unfrozen.

  «Lower the gun or share your boss’s fate.»


  Make Them Bend, Make Them Kneel

  She killed them. Poppy leaned against the wall, bracing herself as her head spun. She couldn't hold her weight up. Poppy sank to her knees and let out a loud cry. Her head ached and her fingers and forearms numbed. There was no blood on her hands, no force she had to use to penetrate skin and flesh, no will to pull the trigger. She’d killed as if it were brushing her teeth.

  Penelope knew she couldn’t kneel there for long. She stumbled to her feet, her vision blurred and her hands still numb as she fumbled for a door. There were no guards outside. There should have been no need for them. When the Devorans realized her escape, they’d come after her.

  Poppy stumbled down the hall, looking for doors or anything that might be Castor or Jason’s prison. A loud alarm sounded overhead. Her heart pounded. Please, no. No more killing. Poppy’s fingers tingled and she sensed three soldiers approaching. Before they turned the corner, she was in their heads.

  «Hello, Devorans.»

  She heard them scream and their large bodies thump to the ground. They weren’t dead. She hadn’t needed to kill them. The next soldiers might not get such gentle treatment. She had to find Cas and Jason.

  «Cas? Jason?»

  They were sleeping or unconscious, or she’d wandered too far away. Poppy hastened down the corridors of the prison ship. This vessel had fewer soldiers than regular Devoran ships. Penelope followed the walls of the vessel, running her fingers across it and searching for the boys. She sensed an absence behind the wall as she ran her hands along it.

  Devoran doors weren’t always visible. Poppy closed her eyes and a prison door swung open.


  Two guards cocked their weapons. Penelope raised her palms and let her telepathic energy flow from her fingertips. She squeezed. The soldiers fell to their knees.

  “Weapons down,” Poppy commanded.

  She willed their obedience. She controlled them now. Poppy forced them to their knees and held them there before she turned to Poseidon.

  «Press your palm to the panel. Free him.»

  The guard rose and obeyed her command. Poseidon’s eyes glowed yellow.

  “Penelope, what are you doing here?”

  “Get up, Poseidon. We need to find Castor, Antigone, and Jason. Lyric too if she’s here.”

  Poseidon grabbed her hand and stopped Poppy from leaving the room as she mentioned Lyric’s name.

  “Lyric’s dead.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She wasn’t my mate,” Poseidon responded defensively.

  “I know. But she was your friend.”

  He nodded.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “There’s only one way you can break someone out of prison. You have to get locked up yourself.”

  “What about Eros and Janus?”

  Poppy shook her head.


  “I think they're all dead.”

  For a moment, Poseidon appeared sad.

  “We don’t have time to talk about it. Come on.”

  If they talked about it, Poppy would have to ask him the question Sibyl sent her to answer. Who was the defector? Who betrayed The Order and what did that person have to do with her?

  Poseidon picked up one of the soldier’s weapons.

  “I’ll be needing that. How are you keeping them still, foreigner.”


  “Not Devoran telepathy. Devoran telepathy can’t do that. Unless…”

  “I’m not one of them. Come on.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  Poseidon raised his weapon. If he hadn’t raised that stupid weapon straight at her, Poppy would have smacked him for his stupidity.

  “Because we don’t have time for this and because my mind is bursting with a million pinpricks keeping those bastards down. I’d rather knock them unconscious and find Cas and Jason.”

  “Do it then,” he said, “Knock them out.”

  The soldiers slumped over. The glow returned to Poseidon’s eyes.

  “What a strange creature you are…”

  “Hurry up.”

  Poppy didn’t have time for another argument with Poseidon. He stalked behind her, his tall frame nearly unnerving her as he followed her through the halls, toting that gun. She trusted him not to use it on her, but she didn’t trust him for much else.

  «Guards are coming.»

  «How do you know?»

  «I can hear them below us, making plans.»

  Poppy realized her telepathy must be weakening. She’d used much of her strength to stop the guards. She hadn’t realized how tired she could get.

  «What do we do about them?»

  «Little foreigner, I can handle three of them with a weapon. My mother’s a ship captain.»

  «My head hurts.»

  «Save your strength for your mates.»

  Poppy’s cheeks flushed to hear Poseidon talk about her mates. He skirted in front of her and pressed his finger to her lips. Warm. Just like all Devorans. For a moment, Poppy could have washed with relief. It was the first time she felt proper physical contact with someone since her capture.

  Oz’s weapon blasted twice.

  «They’re dead. Come on.»

  «Rescue is days away,» Poppy told him, «We can’t kill every soldier on this ship.»

  The thought of having to kill again turned Penelope’s stomach. She faltered, pressing her back against the wall of the ship.

  «What’s wrong.»

  «I don’t feel good.»

  Oz got close to her, peering into her eyes, an uncharacteristic kindness softening the angles on his face.

  «You look ill. You must rest your mind from telepathic practice. It’s not safe and you’re still young.»

  Poppy nodded. Oz was older than she was, a far more experienced telepath. She’d listen to him.

  «Think about something else. Like all those days of class we missed.»

  «Thanks. That’s so helpful.»

  He grabbed Penelope’s hand.

  «Come on. Let’s find your boys.»

  Oz understood the layout of the ship better than she did. He avoided another group of guards before he found the door that opened to Jason’s prison. When Penelope saw Jason, her knees crumpled beneath her and she fell.

  “Jason…” she choked.

  His face was swollen and bruised. His head lolled to the side, his neck crane
d in an unnatural position, and his head was shaved completely.


  Dark Telepathy

  “He’s alive. If that’s what you’re worried about," Poseidon said.

  “They tortured him. They’ve nearly killed him!”

  “Keep your emotions under control. He’ll survive. We should leave him here and find the others.”

  “I can’t leave him.”

  “You have to,” Oz hissed, grabbing Poppy’s wrist.

  She yanked her wrist away and pushed him — hard.

  “You’ve never cared about anyone in your life! I love him! I can’t leave him here to die.”

  “Stay, then. When a guard comes, they’ll make quick work of both of you. Is that what you want? To die?”

  Poseidon wasn’t looking at her anymore.

  “I loved Lyric. She wasn’t meant to be my mate. I know that too. But I loved her and I won’t have a foreigner question that," Poseidon muttered.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Come. Now. If you stay with him, you’ll both get yourselves killed.”

  Poppy opened the door to Jason’s jail cell and kissed his forehead.

  “I’m coming back,” she whispered, “I promise.”

  They found Antigone next. Penelope’s headache grew more intense and even passing telepathic communication hurt. Poseidon scowled when she told him.

  “Most people train before doing what you did. Your mind should be clear. You should have rested.”

  Antigone rolled her eyes.

  “Shut up, Oz. She got you out of prison. You should be grateful.”

  All three of them had weapons now. After much arguing, Oz convinced Poppy she should carry one. They found Castor next. He was worse than Jason. All his white hair was gone. His nose had been broken and he lay on the floor, his head turned to the side, immobile.

  As Penelope touched him, he shuddered.

  «I knew you would come, Penelope. My smart, beautiful little alien.»

  He was out of it, nearly unconscious.

  “What have they done to him?”

  “Psychic attacks by the looks of it,” Poseidon said, “Stay with him. Antigone and I will take the bridge.”

  “Just the two of you?”

  “A lot of people might have to die, Penelope. You’ve seen enough for today.”

  “I’ll decide when I’ve seen enough.”

  “Go to him,” Poseidon ordered, “You were alone for a while but I’m still the debate team captain. Get him awake then go back for Jason.”

  “How will I know when you have the bridge?”

  Poseidon smirked.

  “You’ll know.”

  He was right. There was a loud rumbling sound, loud enough to wake Castor. She held his head in her lap and stroked him.

  “I’m nothing,” he whispered.

  “Shh,” Poppy whispered back, “You’re not nothing.”

  “I’ve had my hair my entire life. It’s a symbol of my strength. They’ve shamed me, Penelope. They’ve destroyed me.”

  Poppy stroked the ridges on his nose and ran her hands up along the points of his ears.

  “They haven’t destroyed you. You have me. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Where are Jason and Ajax?”

  “Jason’s safe. I need to go back to him. I only wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Go. I’ll be okay.”

  His eyes were dull and his lips pursed. She kissed the top of his head. Castor winced.

  “It’ll grow back. I’ll be with you no matter what, my love.”

  Castor sat up and nodded.

  “I’ll be back.”

  Penelope hastened to Jason’s prison. He was awake and leaned up against the wall, barely looking at her as she entered.


  “Hello, Jason.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “What is it?”

  “My sister…”

  “Daphne? Is she here?”

  Jason shook his head.

  “No. They want her. They want to find her. She's the defector they want.”

  “There’s no one left on the ship. Poseidon and Antigone took the bridge.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m sure.”

  “I need to come with you. We need to contact a rescue.”

  “Ajax is coming on the royal transport.”

  “He isn’t dead?”


  Jason struggled to his feet. Without hair, Poppy noticed how gaunt his face was.

  “Stare all you like, jazad. I’ve become… deformed.”

  “You’re not deformed. Not you, or Castor.”

  “They did this to Cas?”

  Poppy nodded.

  “Two shamed mates. You should kill us both.”

  Poppy could have expected he'd react this dramatically. It still hurt to see him like this.

  “You’re not shamed. You’re mine. Both of you. And… I love you.”

  Jason smirked.

  “I love making you get all sappy.”

  “Shut up.”

  “That’s more like it. Come. Help me to the bridge.”

  “What’s wrong with your leg?”

  “They might have broken it,” Jason said through a grimace. He leaned on Poppy and guided her through the ship.

  They entered the bridge. Poppy stepped over the bodies as she approached Antigone and Poseidon, who piloted the vessel.

  “I’ve got a message out to the royal transport. They’re on their way. Jason. Glad to see you could make it.”

  Poseidon couldn’t help his eyes lingering on Jason’s head.

  “They cut it off because I wouldn’t give them answers.”

  “I was probably next,” Poseidon said.

  “They had you longer.”


  “You know something, Oz.”

  “Do I?”

  “About my sister. They thought I had the answers they were looking for, but it was you, wasn’t it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Sibyl told her that Poseidon knew the defector. Could this be what they’re talking about?

  “Poseidon, you should tell him,” Poppy said.

  “Now you’re involved,” Poseidon sneered, "Just great. A foreigner involved with political affairs of my planet."

  “Yes. I am involved. I’m the one who got us out of this mess. I have a right to know.”

  “We aren’t out of it yet," Poseidon rightly pointed out.

  “What do you know,” Jason insisted.

  “Your sister defected from The Order after the incidents last year," Poseidon said, "That's why they want her."

  “How do you know that?”

  “She tried to recruit me,” Oz said, “And she nearly succeeded. Instead, I recruited her… sort of.”


  Antigone snickered at Jason’s reaction.

  “You should be thanking me. They’re a cult, Jason. You already know that."

  Poseidon nodded toward Penelope, reminding them all of what she'd gone through as a first-year. Penelope found it strange that Oz never mentioned knowing Daphne. It would have been awkward, she supposed. Everyone knew what happened to her during her first semester. There were few secrets on Devor.

  “What do they want with my sister?”

  “She has their secrets. Apparently, that mate of yours has those secrets too. I saw what she did to those guards. She practices dark telepathy. They were probably thrilled to come across her and study her. It’s not too often you find a telepathic mind that kills with such ease.”

  Jason gave Penelope a look of betrayal and distrust that twisted her stomach into knots.

  “I do not practice dark telepathy,” Penelope said, her voice shaking. Poseidon had already managed to piss her off.


  Half-Human Prince

  Jason appeared halfway satisfied with her explanation. Once she’d finish
ed, he took her to find Castor, who’d fallen unconscious again. They brought him to the bridge and sent a message to the royal transport. There were soldiers around the ship who Penelope left unconscious. Antigone and Oz captured them and put them in the prison cells where they’d been kept.

  Ajax returned their message. Prince Prometheus’ ship would find theirs. Poppy hadn’t heard much about the half-human prince, but she found herself intrigued. He would be the closest thing to a human she’d seen in a while. She wondered if he was as gigantic as other Devorans or if his human genes had asserted more strongly.

  She wanted Ajax too. Badly. Cas and Jason could be serious at times, Jason more sullen than serious. Ajax always had a light-heartedness about him. Perhaps the tundra changed him too. Poppy felt different around her boys. She craved a connection with them. Their first night waiting for the transport, Poppy wanted nothing more than to slither beneath the sheets with them and connect.

  “Not ’til Ajax,” Jason whispered as he kissed her.

  Fuck. Waiting was so difficult, especially for them. Penelope stood on the bridge as Poseidon explained the workings of a telepathic ship when the royal transport came. In the vastness of deep space, the ship materialized out of seemingly nowhere. The large white ship looked like a squashed sphere.

  The Prince, Ajax and his soldiers materialized on the bridge. Poppy followed the example of the other Devoans who dropped to their knees at the appearance of their prince.


  Prometheus had a deep and powerful voice, what you’d expect from a telepathic monarch. His eyes sought Penelope out first.

  “Human, step forward.”

  Poppy walked toward him. She’d been wrong about his height. He was taller than all her boys, around 6’9” and she had to crane her neck up to look at him. There were no signs he was human. His long white hair fell to the floor, but it was pinned up and away from the ground mostly with elaborate braids.

  Poppy kept her gaze lowered once she realized she was staring.

  «Look at me, human girl.»

  Poppy wanted to stop herself from trembling. She’d never been around anyone so powerful or with such a strong telepathic field that vibrated and pushed up against hers so… loudly. She met the Prince’s gaze as he instructed.


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