Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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sensuousness, Pater on, ; see also
antinaturalistic, ; defends S’s
Butler; intuition/intuitionism; moral
intuitionism, –; defends S’s
dualistic view of reason, , –; on
consciousness, cosmic, ; Symonds and,
S’s axiomatic grounding of egoism, ; on
, –,
S’s “distinction” passage, ; and recent
consciousness, desirable, see good/goodness;
revival of intuitionism, –
critical philosophy, see Kant/Kantism
consciousness, divided, see dipsychia;
Crockett, Davy, motto of,
Crompton, Louis: on Bentham on Greek
consciousness, unity of: S on, in Green’s
love, ; on Georgian England, Byron, and
metaphysics, –; S on Locke on,
punishment of male love, –; on
friendship problem, –; on Shelley,
consensus test, see Comte, Auguste;
–; on Bentham, Shelley, Mill, Plato,
epistemology; intuition/intuitionism;
and Greek love, ; see also Bentham;
science/scientific method
Byron; friendship; Greek love
consequentialism, see egoism; ethical theory;
Crookes, William: on S and psychical
phenomena, ; S on work of, , ;
consumer sovereignty, S, PPE on myth of,
background and work of,
Crowley, Aleister,
conversation, see “Apostles”; epistemology;
Cudworth, Ralph, Rashdall on S, Moore and,
Socrates/Socratic method
Cook, Florence,
culture: S on meaning of, , –, ;
Cooper, Elisabeth (long-serving nanny for the
J. S. Mill versus M. Arnold on, –;
Sidgwicks), –
S, MEA versus M. Arnold on, –;
Cooper, E., and alternative marriage,
Clough as true prophet of, –; and
state of religion in England, –; S’s
Cornish, F. W.: S’s diary on, ; and
view of as indebted to Symonds, , ;
Synthetic Society,
and women’s higher education, ; EMS
Cory, William Johnson: Symonds writes to
on, –; S’s elitism and, –; S,
for advice, –; and Byronic gloom,
PPE on wealth and, ; S, PPE on
; and O. Browning,
gradual socialism and, –; S, EP on
cosmopolitan ideal, see morality,
promotion of, –, –; S, Maine,
international; utilitarianism
and Seeley on promotion of, ; S and
Couloumbs, the (helped to expose Blavatsky),
Houghton on, ; see also Arnold, M.;
education; perfectionism
Courthope, W. J., S’s review of,
Cumberland, Richard: as first utilitarian, ;
Coutts (the Symonds banker),
Darwall on S and,
Cowell, John Jermyn, , ; and psychical
Curzon, George Nathaniel: and Browning
research, ; and ends justifying means, ;
and Eton controversy, ; as a product of
and Apostolic secrecy, ; S to Browning
Jowett’s Balliol, ; and Browning,
about death of, ; S’s love of, ; and
India, ; Kiernan, Said on erudition of,
S’s paranormal experiences, ;
metaphysical cast of mind of, ; friends
with Noel, ; S and death of, ; S
Dakyns, Henry Graham: as close friend of S’s
unlike, ; sexual orientation of, ;
and champion of Greek love, , , ;
influenced S’s view of American Civil War,
S meets at Rugby, ; S warns about
; S’s psychical research with, –;
hypochondria, ; member of Initial
and S and Apostolic secrecy, Houghton,
Society, –; as a Comtean, –; S to,
–; and Alpine Club,
about Seeley’s Jesus, ; S to, about
Creery family, Gauld on SPR investigation
sympathy, ; S to, about value of historical
of, –
criticism, –; S to, about spiritualism,
February ,
; S confesses fears to, –; S describes
reviews life to, ; sends S their
Grote Club to, ; S tells about his
correspondence to review,
Cambridge plans, ; S to, about hypocrisy
Dale, H.,
of England, ; S to, about J. S. Mill and
Dante, A.: and Beatrice, Symonds’s
Comte, –; S to, about his
rationalization and, ; view of love as
resignation, value of truth, –;
influence on Symonds, –
Symonds to, on S, ; S to, about
Darwall, Stephen: on Moore’s Principia, ; on
Latin/Greek instruction, ; S to, about
sympathy versus empathy; on S and the
J. S. Mill’s population theory, colonialism,
history of dualism, ; versus
–; S to, about search for secret of
Schneewind on S and Butler, ; and
life, ; S to, about evolution of ME,
history of autonomist internalism,
dualism, –; S to, about friendship,
Darwin, Charles (Darwinism): S as
secret of universe, , –; S to,
post-Darwinian, ; and Victorian racism,
about limits of practical reason, ; S to,
; Apostles read, ; and Apostles, ;
about hopelessness of ethical theory, ; S
spirit of, admired by Maurice, ; and
to, about completion of ME, ; S to,
general idea of progress, ; and spirit of
about spiritualism, –; S to, about
age, ; see also evolution/evolutionism;
failures of psychical research, ; S to
materialism; Victorian worldview
Myers about sympathetic character of, ;
Darwin, Erasmus, as an Apostle,
and Myers, Symonds, ; Symonds to, on
Davey, S. J. (exposed fraud of Eglinton),
S on spirits, ; metaphysical cast of
Davies, Emily: versus S on women’s higher
mind, ; S to, on Oxford Hegelianism,
education, –; versus S on, –;
; S to, on Green’s hypocrisy, ; as part
motion for equality,
of Symonds circle, ; as regular visitor to
Davies, Llewelyn: versus S on, –;
Davos, ; beginning of friendship with
motion for equality,
Symonds, Symonds’s description of, ;
Davies, Scrope,
and Brown’s biography of Symonds, ;
Davis Whitney, on Dr. Symonds, moral
Symonds to, about S’s visit, ; Symonds
insanity, –
to, about Arthur S’s recklessness, Greek
Davos, and Symonds’s health, ,
love, –; and Cecil Boyle, ;
Deacon, Richard: on S and Apostles, ; on
passionate exchanges with S, –; S
Apostles’ dislike of Myers, –;
writes to, about Meta Benfey, –,
on Houghton, Apostolic secrecy,
; exchanges with S about marriage, ,
–; exchanges with S about Charlotte
Deane, Phyllis, on S and Mill, Jevons,
Symonds, –; Symonds to, on his use
of chloral, ; S to, on Symonds’s crisis,
death: Chapter passim; and advantages of
–; Symonds discusses poetry with,
religion, S on, ; and S’s psychical
; Symonds entrusts with “Problem,”
research, ; J. S. Mill versus W. James on,
homoerotic verse, ; refuses to surrender
–; of God, , , , ; J. S. Mill
“Eudiades,” ; and reaction to
on, –; Symonds on, –,
“Eudiades,” –; Symonds to, about
–, –; and personal survival, S
S’s resignation, –; to S, about his
to Symonds on, ; and personal survival,
silence, publication of Symonds’s poetry,
S to J. R. Mozley on, ; S’s poem on,
; S to, on Symonds inspiring him to
–; and research interests of SPR,
write about Greeks, ; Symonds to, on
–; Myers on, –; Gurney on
vision of God, –; exchanges with S
significance of, –; mathematics as
on what might have been, –;
preparation for, EMS on, ; and
Symonds to, on S on sex, aesthetics,
telepathy, EMS on, –; theosophy
–; and Initial Society exchanges
on, –; Myers on the evidence
with S on women, –; and duty of
against, –; and apparitions of
procreation, ; S to, on colonization,
departed, ; S on Tennyson’s “In
; to S on Morley and Uranian
Memoriam” and, –; and
imperialism, –; and S’s educational
skepticism of S group, ; Symonds,
reformism, ; contributes to Brown
Tennyson on, ; Green’s ambiguousness
biography of Symonds, , –; S
about, –; as punishment for male
February ,
death ( cont.)
from, ; Symonds on S’s, –; S’s,
love, Crompton on, –; and
and move to Newnham, –; S’s
Symonds’s trances, –; and
personal and economic, –; S’s as
Symonds’s crisis, ; Symonds to S on
microcosmic, –
skepticism and, –; and S to Noel
Derby, J.,
on belief in immortality, , , ;
Descartes, René (Cartesianism): quest for
Noel on, –; S’s midlife crisis
certainty of, , ; and epigraph for ME,
exchanges with Symonds on, –,
; versus S’s skepticism, ; influence
; and Piper case, –; S confronts,
on S, , , ; and “Cartesian
reviews life, ; Podmore to S on, ;
criterion” in ME, –; and conclusion
S persona on, ; see also deepest
of ME, –; versus S’s social
problems of human life; psychical research;
epistemology, –; S compares to
Plato, ; in S’s later epistemology, ;
decadence, A. Balfour on, –
see also epistemology;
deception, see casuistry; commonsense
intuition/intuitionism; metaethics
morality; truth
desert: S on Kant’s notion of freedom and,
deepest problems of human life, , , , ,
–; S, ME on justice and, –;
, , , , , , , –, ,
S, PPE on distributive justice and,
–, , , –, , ,
, –, , , –, , ,
desire/desirable: J. S. Mill and Green versus
, –, , , –, –,
S, Skorupski on, ; right versus good
, , –, –, , –,
and, ME on, –; Green versus S on,
, , , , –, , ;
–, –
see also death; dualism of practical reason;
determinism: Schneewind on S and,
psychical research
–; S on, –
deLaura, David, on Pater, Winckelmann
Dewey, John, ; compared to S on the
versus Arnold, –
educating society, , –; as feeling
deliberation, see judgment
great anxieties of modern liberalism, ;
Dellamora, Richard: on Winckelmann, �
Whitmanian faith of, ; on school and
on aesthetic of existence,
society, ; and S, on religious problem,
Demetriou, Kyriacos,
; on quest for certainty, , ; on
democracy: S and ancient Greek, ,
good inquiry, ; and growth of public
–; growth of, in nineteenth century,
sphere, ; and S’s minimal
; J. S. Mill on, ; R. Lowe on, ; and
antinaturalism, ; pragmatism of, and S,
spirit of age, ; and political prophecy, S
; versus Lippmann, ; and S on
on, ; and psychical research, Gurney
religion, ; see also James, W.;
on, ; and Whitman, Symonds, ,
Kloppenberg, J.; pragmatism
–, –; Symonds to Carpenter
dialectical method, see
on, –; and enfranchisement of
women, S on, –; S, EP on
intuition/intuitionism; Plato/Platonism
justification for, limits of, –; S, EP
dialogical method, see Plato/Platonism,
on aristocratic element in, –; S, EP
Socrates/Socratic method
on dangers of party and, –; S and
Dicey, Albert Venn: as member of Old
Seeley on study of, aristocracy and,
Mortality Society, ; quotes S on Mill,
–; S, DEP on growth of,
socialism, ; S sends proofs of EP to,
; and Home Rule controversy, ;
de Morgan, William,
surprised by DEP, ; as against
deontology, see ethical theory; intuition/
historical method, ; thanked in
intuitionism; Kant/Kantism
EP, ; to Bryce on race, segregation,
dependence argument: S, ME and, –;
–; on S’s DEP, –; and
Schneewind on S’s, –
Synthetic Society, ; and S, EMS at
depression: S as suffering from, , –;
Minnie Sidgwick as suffering from, ;
Dickens, Charles: on utilitarianism, , ;
and S’s early loss of father, ; Gurney as
on cruelty of capitalism, ; Mr.
suffering from, ; Symonds as suffering
Gradgrind of, ,