Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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–; Henry’s courtship of, ; S as
Symonds, –
supportive of, ; and move to Newnham,
Sidgwick, Arthur: M as assembled by, with
–; response to Marshall on potential
EMS, ; as close to S, and champion of
of women, ; as trained for
Greek love, , ; becomes Oxford
independence, ; feminism of,
classicist, , ; follows S to Rugby, ;
summarized, , –; cautious
and Ad Eundem, ; as Cambridge friend
reformism of, ; compared to Jowett,
of Myers, ; and Symonds circle, ,
, , –; with S and women
; as an Apostle, ; and Platonic
students, ; connections of, as benefiting
revival, ; and Symonds, Myers, ;
Newnham, ; and feminist critique of,
and Oxford, ; meeting with Symonds in
; as conversationalist, ; edits
Dresden, ; Symonds’s attraction to,
International Right and Wrong with Bryce,
; on Symonds’s depression, ; and
endorses S’s anti-Machiavellianism, ;
the censoring of Symonds’s letters, ;
consults Bryce, Dicey on publication of
Symonds on recklessness of, –; and
DEP, –; versus S on Boer War,
S’s sexual life, ; reaction to “Eudiades,”
–; to Ward on S’s life, optimism,
–; wants S to travel in Greece, ;
; and the SPR’s investigation of
and S’s depression, ; and duty of
Palladino, –; and the Piper case, ,
procreation, ; and Home Rule
–; and S’s educational reformism,
controversy, ; and Savile Club, ; to
; with S on final visit to Oxford, ;
Wilson on S’s life review, ; S advises to
and M’s exposure of Apostles, –;
write, ; and M’s exposure of the
and S’s funeral, –; on S and herself
Apostles, ; see also Greek love;
as “grey” people, –; travels to Egypt
Symonds, J. A.
after S’s death, ; work on M, exchanges
Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (née Balfour): on
with Brown, –; and M’s evasiveness,
S and biblical miracle tales, ; as Henry’s
; and posthumous letters of S, Myers,
collaborator, ; M as assembled by, with
–; and cross-correspondence
AS, ; and psychical research, , ; and
communications from S, Myers, Gurney,
original interests of SPR, –; and
–; see also feminism; Newnham
other members of S Group, ; and birth
College; psychical research
February ,
Sidgwick, Ethel, on EMS,
and Dewey, ; and discussion group
Sidgwick, Henry: ME as his greatest work, ,
model, ; academic reformism of, ; as
; life priorities of, –, –;
“pure white light,” ; and love of
casuistical reflections of, , ; concern
discussion, ; as talker, Maitland on,
with integrity of, ; concern with
–; as teacher, Sorley on, ; found dull
hypocrisy of, ; on deepest problems of
by Russell and Moore, ; as talker, Bryce
human life, , , ; genius for friendship of,
on, –; Socratic wit of, ; E. E. C.
; “Autobiographical Fragment” of, ; as
Jones on, ; Balfour as victim of wit of,
bookish remnant, ; resignation crisis of, ;
; as experiment in living, ; and deepest
as last representative of classical
problems, ; on philosophy, ; as
utilitarianism, ; and Russell, ;
tension-filled experiment, ; and elitism,
continuity with J. S. Mill, ; feminism of,
; and true metaphysic, ; as shaped by
; death of, ; burial at Terliung Place of,
Cambridge, –; and Trinity College, ;
; A. Balfour on death of, –;
Benson as first mentor of, ; resignation
contested metaethics of, ; complex
crisis of, years of storm and stress, ;
metaethics of, ; as in line with Mill’s
distinguishes himself at Rugby, ; record
utilitarianism, ; Bryce on utilitarianism
of academic success of, ; makes Fellow of
of, ; Rawls on, , ; serves cause of
Trinity College, ; and Apostles, –;
Greek love, ; antipathy to Whewell, ;
first decade at Cambridge, ; as slow to
Moore exonerates of naturalistic fallacy,
appreciate Mill’s feminism, ; early life of,
; appropriates Kantian universalizability,
–; ancestry of, , ; and early
; on total versus average utility, ;
ghost-seeing tendencies, ; health of, ;
dismissed by Bloomsbury, ; and M, ; a
and tendency to depression, ; impotence
“Pope” of the Apostles, , , ; Moore’s
of, ; early Apostolic tendencies of, ;
debt to GSM lectures, –; Donagan on, ;
and Ural Mountains game, ; as good
Broad on, ; and model of critical inquiry,
with children, ; poetic aspirations of, ;
; and dualism of practical reason, ; as
attends school in Blackheath, ; sent to
having no confidence in egoism, –; on
Rugby, ; meets Dakyns, ; meets C.
fostering “spirit of justice,” ; on
Bowen, ; meets Green, ; meets
socialism, ; and psychical research, ;
Kitchener, ; meets Bernard, ; meets
and depth psychology, ; and experiments
Tawney, ; studies with Evans brothers,
in living, –; and questions of sexual
; C. Bowen’s reminiscence of, ; E. W.
identity, ; and Greek love and closest
Benson as first mentor of, ; moves into
friends, ; and epistemology of the closet,
“Blue House” in Rugby, ; difficult
; and esoteric morality, ; and
relations with Benson of, , �
hypocrisy, ; and reputation for honesty,
Cambridge changes, ; problematic
; and charge of Government House
Rugby ideal of, ; on E. W. Benson’s
utilitarianism, ; political theory and
mentality, ; goes to Trinity, ; lifetime at
practice of ignored, ; and imperialist
Cambridge of, –; illness of, ;
colleagues of, ; reception of as too
Maitland on sympathetic nature of, –;
limited, ; Moore calls wicked, ; life of
on sympathy and psychical research, ;
as illuminating work of, ; and Whitman’s
friendship with Symonds of, ; early
formule, ; and Habermasian account of
Cambridge diaries and commonplace book
public spheres, ; talk as making him
of, –; on dangers of hypochondria, ;
what he was, ; and Millian struggle, ;
O. Browning on powers of concentration
Podmore on talk of, ; adult life spent at
of, ; Comtism of, ; differs from Hume,
Cambridge, becomes Knightbridge
; as skeptical of Benthamite harmony of
Professor, ; as philosopher-educator, ;
interests, ; Apostolic/Socratic quest of,
agrees with Mill’s critique of Oxbridge, ;
, –; falls away from Benson, ;
as not like Carlyle, ; part of new school of
becomes academic liberal, ; on his
academics, ; on ultimate meaning of
conversion to Mill and Comte, –,
education, ; adopts Socratic method, ;
–; differs with Benson over Essays and
A. Balfour on teaching of, ; on meaning
Reviews, ; and Apostolic vision, , ;
of culture, ; continuity with J. S. Mill
influence of Maurice on, , ;
February ,
aligns himself with G. Grote, –,
–; on Clough’s Socratic skepticism,
–; years of storm and stress and sexual
; resignation crisis of, –; ME as
issues, ; on Maguire’s Platonic Ethics, ;
result of resignation crisis, ; to Dakyns
Green calls a positivist, ; and Comte on
about hypocrisy, ; Mayor advises about
need for religion, ; critique of Zeller, ;
resignation, ; and Crockett motto, ;
versus German classicists, ; on Sophists,
his resignation as not Millian, ; his
–; as between Mill and Dewey, ;
resignation as not Mauricean, ; A. H.
and wine, ; poems of, ; and method
Clough’s importance to him, –; to
of indirection, ; and Mauricean elitism,
B. Clough about poet’s sympathy, ;
; and academic reform, –; on
elective affinity with Clough, –;
classics in education, –; endorses Mill
resignation of, and Clough’s example, ;
on education, ; criticizes Oxford, ;
as ambivalent toward Mill, Comte,
vision of philosophy, –; loves
–; to J. S. Mill about subscription,
Tennyson’s “The Voyager,” ; to Noel on
–; on importance of subscription
the “Absolute,” ; opposes relativism, ;
issue, ; formal resignation of, ; to
joins Platonic revival, –; and reform of
mother about his resignation, , ; to
Moral Sciences Tripos, –; agonizes
B. Clough about his resignation, –;
over possible effects of his skepticism, ,
to Dakyns about his resignation, value of
; linguistic studies of, –; impact of
truth, –; Cambridge as his
Renan on, ; and Noel’s orientalism, ,
salvation, ; to sister about his pamphlet,
; on contrast between perfection and
CS, ; Whewell’s influence on, –;
sympathy, ; on Seeley’s Ecce Homo,
Mill sees utilitarianism of CS, encourages,
–; on Strauss, ; on challenge of
; Gladstone admired, ; link between
miracles, ; and quest for unity, –;
his resignation crisis and feminism, ;
seeks freedom from Church of England,
and Ad Eundem, ; to sister about
–; belief in theism of, , ; on role of
pessimism, ; tries to make Seeley an
religion, ; on three theological
Apostle, ; and father figures, ; on
orientations, –; three-way tension of
psychology and philosophy, ; on
his turbulent years, ; critique of orthodox
dualism of practical reason, ; influence
Christianity, ; on value of historical
on Dickenson, ; on Mill’s significance,
criticism, –; on Mansel, –; debt to
influence, ; on Mill’s Representative
Strauss and Renan, ; on Maurice and
Government, population theory, –;
Hutton, –; on Goethe, –; and
enthusiasm for semipopular press, ;
experiments in ethics and intuitive theism,
“Pursuit of Culture” on definition of
; on prayer, ; and psychical research,
“culture,” ; and Noel’s resignation of
–, ; and Myers and psychical
court position, –; and ideal of Right,
research, –; scriptural mottos of, ,
; epigraph to ME, ; Chadwick on
; on Apostolic succession, ;
his views, –; nature of skepticism of,
diary of, ; and worries about loving
; to Dakyns about secret of life, ;
truth, –; rule against excessive
and quest for certainty, ; on ME as
introspection, ; positions at Cambridge,
failure, ; to Pearson about Mill’s death,
; and commitment to Grote Club/
importance, ; obituary of Mill,
Apostles, –; and various reform
–; interest in utilitarianism, ; to
efforts, –; and skepticism and politics,
Dakyns about ME, dualism, –; on
> ; on political economy, art patronage,
Bain as honest utilitarian, ; on Comte as
; on education, –; on reasons for
paradoxical, ; Schneewind’s
joining Freemasons, ; compared to M.
interpretation of ME of, –,
Arnold, –; and education with
–, ; how different from Mill,
personal touch, ; Symonds brings out
–; to Dakyns about friendship,
best in, ; to Noel about Seeley’s Jesus,
secret of Universe, ; and signficance of
–; to Dakyns about Seeley’s Jesus, ;
friendship, ; to Browning about death
to Dakyns about sympathy, ; to Minnie
of Cowell, ; and problems with
about ghosts, ; to Dakyns about
Millianism, –; to Dakyns on
spiritualism, ; elements of his reformism,
limits of practical reason, ;
February ,
Sidgwick, Henry ( cont.)
Cowell, ; on personal identity, –;
on meaning of “methods” of ethics,
to Myers on Goethe’s translation of
–; his ME praised by Rawls,
Iphigenia, ; work on Phantasms, ; on
–; changes across editions of ME,
religious significance of Phantasms,
–; Brink’s externalist interpretation
–; on Myers, Gurney, and
of, ; on free will versus determinism,
production of Phantasms, –; on
–; and independence of moral
telepathy and personal knowledge, ; as
theory, ; and construction of ethical
inferior to EMS in scientific ability,
theory, ; and ME on “right” versus
–; his talent for history of ideas, ;
“good,” –; Baldwin on naturalistic
on Tennyson’s “In Memoriam,” –;
fallacy and, ; Hurka compares to
on Dakyns’s sympathetic character, ;
Moore, –; and stock comparison to
Podmore on love of truth of, ; to EMS