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Rent Money

Page 29

by Natavia

  “You heard me! Governor gave Sinna an STD and got her pregnant. I’m sure you had one, too. Maybe you’re the one who needs to wash,” she replied.

  “You really want me to believe that non-sense? Governor would never fuck Sinna! That hoe smells like fried chicken and popcorn. It must be that crystal meth your dirty ass gettin’ high off of.”

  “Sinna said she saw you at the clinic,” Chelsie said.

  “And? I need an STD to get my pussy checked? Tuh, y’all hoes must really be triflin’. Tell Sinna to jump off the top of the building wit’ her nasty sour pussy and maybe you should join her, Raggedy Ann.”

  Chelsie mumbled something underneath her breath while I entered the building. I called the tow-truck company on Chelsie’s raggedy car for not having a parking permit. Only tenants with vehicles had a permit but Chelsie didn’t because she wasn’t a tenant. Governor had a contract with the company for cases like that. He didn’t want people from the next neighborhood taking the tenants’ parking spots. Right when I was ready to send Governor the picture of Ian and Frost someone knocked on my door. When I looked through the peephole, it was Alexi. I hurriedly opened the door for her because I wanted to know what that bitch had to say.

  “Happy to see you’re alive and lookin’ good,” I stated while closing the door.

  “Listen, I know you’re mad at me, but I can explain. My mother said she showed you the pictures,” she replied. We went into my living room and Alexi sat across from me. She looked damn good. Her skin was glowing, her hair had a lot of body and she was wearing a cute track suit with a pair of Maison Margiela sneakers. Her make-up was as flawless as ever and her stiletto nails were a nude color with a lot of bling on them. To sum it all up, the broad looked like she was living a good carefree life after being kidnapped and held for ransom.

  “I should knock your teeth out of your mouth! You workin’ with cops now? Do you know how bad it makes me look? The whole time you knew Ian?”

  “What was I supposed to say? Oh, hey, Rochelle, I help my man rob niggas? Come on, Sis. This is my fuckin’ life! I’m sorry you were there but it wasn’t supposed to go down like that! I tried to talk you out of comin’ out that night,” she said.

  “So, who is next? Governor and his brother? You’re supposed to be my friend! I’m not stupid! The reason Governor brought it to my attention is because obviously sumthin has happened with his crew! I highly doubt if it’s just about my mother datin’ a fuckin’ cop. It’s deeper than that and you’re gonna tell me or else I’m gonna rat you clean the fuck out! Did you forget they stole my jewelry, too?”

  “I didn’t know it was gonna go down like that. I fucked up, Chelle. That is why I couldn’t talk to you. I feel so bad for hurtin’ you, but we needed the money. For a while, Frost stopped doin’ it. Ian used to help him set niggas up when he was a cop in Baltimore but sumthin happened. I think Ian’s partner was bein’ investigated from a robbery gone wrong. So, Ian got transferred here. Frost made me promise not to tell you about him bein’ related to Ian. Anyway, money started gettin’ low, so Frost asked Ian for a favor. It was only to rob Nucci’s strip club. The rest had nothing to do wit’ Frost. So, he has nothing to do wit’ what’s goin’ on wit’ Governor. I heard them talkin’ the other day. Apparently, a girl named Kitty is helpin’ Ian set up Governor and Mayor. But this has nothing to do wit’ me and my nigga,” she said.

  “So, you’re tellin’ me you and Frost smile up in Nucci’s face but turned around and robbed him? Was the ransom even real?”

  “No, but Nucci paid for it. Frost told him he didn’t have the money and Nucci felt sorry for him, so he gave it to him. I’m so sorry, Rochelle. Everyone has a hustle, so you can’t knock me for mine. Out of all people, you should understand,” she replied.

  “But you’re a snake. You wouldn’t have told me shit if I didn’t go by your mother’s dirty-ass house! I hit my head because of you and I was worried sick that you were dead. The whole time you out here shoppin’ and buyin’ new wigs. That piece on your head isn’t old so don’t even try me. You ain’t a friend, Alexi.”

  “I’m not a friend? But not once did you tell me about all the strippers Frost was fuckin’ behind my back when you worked at the strip club!” she yelled.

  “You already knew Frost was fuckin’ everything inside the strip club except for me! Don’t try and turn this around on me, bitch. At the end of the day, you and your niggas are frauds. I want my jewelry back and I want it today before I spread the word that you and your man are out here playin’ Robin Hood. Fuck you and Frost!”

  “You don’t mean that, Chelle. You’re just throwing a temper tantrum like always. But listen, I have proof that we don’t have nothing to do with Governor,” she said. Alexi pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of Ian and Essa’s ghetto-ass cousin, Kitty. I hadn’t personally met her, but I saw pictures of her and the other one named Tinka on Essa’s Facebook page. I stalked her page because it wasn’t private, and I wanted to see if she was bold enough to post a picture of her and Governor.

  “You know she’s Mayor’s girl. He must’ve did sumthin to her because from what I heard, Ian told Frost Kitty wants Mayor gone,” Alexi said.

  Maybe I can use this information to get in good with Governor.

  “And why are you throwin’ Ian under the bus?”

  “To keep my man’s name out of that bullshit. We don’t have anything to do wit’ what Ian and his friends have been doin’ around the city. It’s a rumor goin’ around about police robbin’ drug dealers but we have nothing to do wit’ that. Anyways, I’m gonna try to get your things back. If not, I’ll have to pay you back,” she replied.

  “Send me the picture of Ian and Kitty.”

  “Whatever you do, please just leave me and Frost out of it. A favor for a favor. I know you want Governor to trust you and he will once you prove to him you’re down for him,” she said.

  “Okay, fine, but I want my jewelry back!”

  Alexi got off the couch and hugged me. I was still mad at her, but she was my only friend. She was like a sister to me. Whatever Nucci and Frost had going on was between them. Nucci had money anyway and he didn’t get hurt so he wasn’t taking a major loss.

  “So, I stopped by your house today. Why didn’t you tell me you were sellin’ the house?”

  “Yeah, me and Frost need sumthin with a bigger backyard so Niyala can run around,” she said. Alexi got up and went to the kitchen, so she could bring us a few glasses of wine. I saved the picture Alexi sent to me of Kitty and Ian.

  Uhhh oh!

  The picture of Frost and Ian was already sent to Governor. I must’ve hit the button by mistake when Alexi had knocked on the door. I had a feeling something big was going to go down and I didn’t want to be a part of it, so I deleted the picture of Ian and Kitty. All I could do was pray Alexi made it out safe because she was playing a dangerous game.

  Two hours later…

  “Girl, I’m ready to go to Frost’s parents’ house. I’ll text you when I get in,” Alexi said, gathering her things to leave.

  “I’ll walk out wit’ you,” I replied. I grabbed my overnight bag, so I could spend the night at Nucci’s penthouse. After I locked my apartment door, we headed down the stairs. Essa was checking her mailbox while talking on the phone. I wanted to know if she was talking to Governor, so I slowed down a little to catch her conversation.

  “Hold on, Tinka. Can I help you wit’ sumthin?” Essa asked me.

  “Who’s she talkin’ to?” Alexi asked.

  “She’s not talkin’ to me,” I replied.

  “These hoes in this building are on one,” Essa said when she put the phone back towards her ear. Chelsie came into the building with a red face. She looked pissed off.

  “Did you have my car towed?” she asked.

  “What car?”

  “You know what I drive!” she screamed at me.

  “You call that a car?” I asked, and Alexi giggled.

  “You’re an evil
bitch. All I was tryin’ to do was give you a heads up about Governor!” she said.

  “Girlllll, go eat a dick,” I replied and walked out her face.

  I was on my way down the second flight of stairs when Chelsie snatched the wig off my head. When my bag hit the floor, I lost it. I grabbed her by the hair and slung her into the wall. She ripped my shirt exposing my bra, but it didn’t stop me from beating her ass.

  “Get off of me!” Chelsie screamed.

  “Don’t you ever in yah life touch my fuckin’ hair!” I yelled, slapping her in the face. Sinna came out of her apartment.

  “Get away from her!” Sinna yelled.

  Alexi pulled me off of Chelsie when Sinna threatened to call the police. I was sick of them!

  “I can’t stand y’all Section-8 bitches!” I yelled out while Alexi tried to push me out the door.

  “Hoe, you on it, too!” Sinna replied.

  “Bitch, you wish wit’ your dirty ass! Nasty pussy hoe! Chelsie told me your fish stick is on fire! And stop spreadin’ lies on my man! He doesn’t want you! He’ll never mess with you. You might’ve sucked his dick or sumthin, but I know he didn’t have sex wit’ you. Your apartment makes the whole building smell sour and you have a baby by dirty ass Dade! Wait until I come back,” I threatened. Sinna was leaning over the rail in the building yelling and jumping. Chelsie was trying to calm her down but Sinna was going off. I almost lost it when she spit over the rail, but it landed on Alexi’s shoulder. Alexi ran up the stairs and Sinna and Chelsie ran inside the apartment and locked the door.

  “Open this fuckin’ door up!” Alexi banged and kicked.

  “Cut all that noise out! I’m tryin’ to take a nap!” an old lady said, peeking her head out of her apartment door. Alexi went inside her purse to get a napkin to wipe the spit off.

  “I’m gonna get Frost to handle this. She doesn’t know who she’s dealin’ with,” Alexi said.

  I placed my wig back on my head and Alexi helped me fix it.

  “You still cute, Sis,” Alexi said as we headed out of the building.

  We went our separate ways.

  “ARGGHHHHHH!” I screamed looking at my truck. That broad Chelsie keyed my doors and scratched the word “HOE” on the hood of my truck. I was so sick of them. I even thought about paying someone to off her and Sinna. Hell, throw Essa in the mix, too. She stayed out of the way, but I still hated her guts. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the other side of town where Nucci lived.


  “Dang, shorty, what happened to you?” Nucci asked when I walked into his home.

  “I was fightin’ this bitch in my building.”

  “Why you over there wit’ them broads? You can stay here wit’ me,” he replied.

  “I can’t stay wit’ you because my mother might be movin’ in wit’ me,” I lied.

  Nucci grabbed my things and took them upstairs to the master bedroom. His penthouse was nicely decorated but it had a club feel to it. There was a small stage and stripper pole in the middle of the living room with a wrap-around sectional. In the corner was a small DJ booth and a liquor bar. Nucci lived his life like a bachelor. He came back downstairs with a jewelry box in his hand.

  “Wow, I’m just getting in and you’re already bearing gifts.”

  Nucci handed me the jewelry box and I opened it. It was a pretty diamond necklace with a pink diamond heart pendant. In the center of the jewelry box was the matching bracelet.

  “This is so beautiful.”

  “It’s my way apologizin’ to you for what happened at the strip club. I was distant because my wife was trippin’ on me. She knew you was there wit’ me,” he said.

  “I just want to forget about that.”

  Nucci kissed my lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up and deepened the kiss. I couldn’t remember the last time Governor held me that way. It was hard not comparing the two, but I couldn’t help it. Governor’s aggressive attitude and cockiness were what drew me in. Nucci on the other hand was a sucka for romance. He wasn’t afraid to let me know how much he wanted me. My biggest fear was letting Governor go but eventually I had to move on.

  “Let me go upstairs and freshen up.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll check on the dinner,” he said.

  “You cooked?”

  “Hell yeah,” he said and smacked me on the ass.

  See, this is what I’m talkin’ about. A man that knows how to cater to a woman.

  I rushed upstairs to his master bedroom, so I could take a shower and wash Chelsie’s dirty hands off me. Governor didn’t text me back after I sent the picture. His silence was killing me. I didn’t know what him and his lunatic brother were capable of. The smell of the food coming from downstairs made my stomach growl. I was starving.

  I just want to eat and get some dick, so I can sleep peacefully.

  I rinsed the soap off before stepping out the shower. After drying off, I moisturized my body. It was pointless to put on any clothes, so I wore the see-through white lace robe I had in my overnight bag. Nucci was fixing our plates when I went in the kitchen. He cooked chicken breast, rice and vegetables. The chicken was glazed with teriyaki and honey.

  “This smells sooo good.”

  “It’s just a little sumthin. I had a feelin’ you were comin’ over, so I started dinner an hour ago,” he said. He took our plates to the table and I sat across from him.

  “So, did you find out who kidnapped Alexi?” I asked, trying to make small talk.

  “Some crooked-ass cops or niggas pretendin’ to be cops. My nigga Frost was goin’ through it,” Nucci replied.

  I was feeling bad for him because of how they played him. Nucci didn’t deserve any of it. I promised Alexi I wouldn’t say anything, but I felt guilty knowing Nucci’s own homeboy set him up and my best friend helped him. Me and Nucci talked while eating dinner and surprisingly the conversation was about simple things. Nucci told me a little bit about his kids with his wife but not too much. I didn’t know how I felt about dealing with a man with kids. Kids weren’t my thing, but I wouldn’t mind having my own. I just couldn’t deal with someone else’s. Nucci made it clear he didn’t want anymore.

  “Do you still love your wife?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not attracted to her anymore. She gained weight after she had our son. I mean, I could get wit’ a few pounds but shorty wear a size twenty now. She was a twelve when I met her. She blames it on her thyroid, but they got medicine for that. I’on know, shorty. I just can’t get it right with her. I tried to stay cause of the kids, but I need to come home to peace and quiet. The bitch is always bickering about sumthin. She got her own business, drive a nice whip and live in a gated community but that broad ain’t never happy,” he said.

  Well, that’s her loss. You can take care of me now!

  I pushed my chair away from the table and walked over to Nucci. He dropped his fork on the plate when I kneeled in front of him. His eyes followed my hands while I unzipped his pants. Nucci leaned into his chair when I freed his big dick. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and he pushed his pants down further to get comfortable. Only a few minutes into sucking him off, he told me he needed to be inside me. I got up from the floor and he picked me up, placing me against the dining room wall. Nucci opened my robe and kissed my breasts. A moan slipped from my lips when he kissed and sucked on my neck. He moaned my name when he entered me. My breasts bounced when he thrust into me. His fingers dug deeper into the flesh of my ass as he hammered away.

  “Yesssss! Babbyyyyyyyyyy!” I screamed out when he hit the button in the back of my pussy. Nucci wrapped his hand around my throat while he sucked and kissed my chin. My eyes fluttered when he bent his knees to dig deeper into my pussy. My legs went limp while I came. Nucci pulled out of me and turned me around with my back facing him. He gripped my hips and slammed his dick inside me. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming out because it was too much. He hit my spot in every angle. The second time I came he c
ame with me. He fell against me and kissed the side of my face.

  “You belong to me, Chelle. I’ve been waitin’ for this for a minute,” he said. He turned me back around and we kissed. It had been a long time since I felt adored. We went upstairs to finish the night off with more hot steamy sex.

  Five hours later…

  I woke up and looked at the clock on the night stand when I heard a loud noise. It was four o’clock in the morning. I turned over to see if Nucci was out of bed because the noise was coming from downstairs, but he was lying next to me.

  “Nucci! Someone is in here!”

  “Ain’t nobody in here,” he mumbled then wrapped his arm around me.


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