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Moonlight Rising

Page 20

by Linski, Megan

The door slowly opened, my feet weighed down by guilt as I stepped across the threshold. The apartment was empty. The blinking red light on the answering machine caught my attention. I pressed the play button, my breath caught in my throat.

  “Hey babe,

  Where are you? I called a few times, but I guess I’ve missed you again. Twenty-four hour shift has turned into forty-eight. I’m really sorry, and I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. You can try me at the hospital, but I may not be able to talk.

  I love you!”

  Pangs of guilt sliced through my chest. I was officially the worst person alive. I sunk into the couch, and the stench of booze and cigarette smoke wafted up to my nose. I needed a shower bad.

  Forcing myself off the couch, I went to the bathroom. It didn’t matter if the super hadn’t fixed the hot water. A cold one would do at this point. I twisted open the faucet and lukewarm water dribbled out. Better than nothing. I hopped in, eager to drown my sorrows in the warm spray.

  I did feel better after the shower. Not great, but better. Because really there was no amount of hot water that could wash away my sins. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door into the living room.

  My jaw dropped. “What are you doing in my house?”

  Isa’s long legs draped over the side of the couch. Her black leather pants were like second skin. She leaned back, her dark curls tossed to the side as she played with an open button on her top. “Hello, Damian.”

  Heat rushed through my body—my half naked body, and I crossed my arms over my chest. “How did you get in?”

  Her eyes narrowed, a wicked smile tugging at her lips. “There aren’t many doors that can keep me out.”

  “Well, I need you out. You can’t just show up at my place like this.”

  “Tsk, tsk.” She waggled her perfectly manicured finger at me. “No need to be rude, lover.” She rose and sauntered over to me.

  I stepped back and hit the wall. A giggle tumbled out of her crimson lips as she approached like a cat on the prowl.

  Her fingers reached for me, but I darted out of her grasp. “Look, Isa, I’m sorry if I was unclear, but what happened last night was a mistake—one that I never plan on repeating again.”

  “That’s not what you said last night.” She batted her long lashes.

  “I don’t know what happened; I must’ve been out of my mind. I can’t remember anything after the bar.” I pulled the towel tighter around my waist, wishing I had clothes on.

  “You really have no idea what I am, do you?”

  I cocked my head. “What you are?”

  She nodded, her teeth grazing her lower lip.

  I wanted to say, “a whacked out home wrecker”. But insulting a woman wasn’t my style—no matter how much trouble she’d caused. “I don’t understand your question,” I hissed. I needed to get her out of my apartment ASAP.

  “I’m the Vampire Queen.”

  I had to clap my hand over my mouth to contain the hysterical fit of laughter brewing in my chest. “Excuse me?” Man, did I know how to pick them.

  She stepped closer and ran her finger down my chest. I yanked it off about halfway down my stomach. She growled and crimson flashed in her pupils. “You stupid human! You have no idea the power I have over you. I could do whatever I wanted, and you’d have no way to fight me.”

  I gulped. This woman was insane. She thought she was a vampire! I put my hands up, trying to appease her. “I’m sorry if I led you on last night, but I’m engaged. Whatever you are or aren’t makes no difference. I’m never going to be with you.”

  I blinked, and her eyes were inches from mine. Deep red swirled in her dark irises. My head spun, the room going topsy-turvy. I leaned back against the wall to steady myself. She backed away, and the spinning stopped. “What the hell?”

  Her dark gaze bored into me. “Kneel.” Her voice was soft and smooth, but laced with power.

  My knees buckled, and before I knew what was happening I was on the floor.

  “Kiss my feet,” she crooned.

  Are you freaking kidding me right now? My head bowed, and the scent of expensive leather filled my nostrils. My lips touched the stilettos, and acid churned in my stomach.

  I glanced up. A smug smile curled Isa’s lips. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because I can.” She took my hand and lifted me up to my feet. “I want you to be mine.”

  For a moment, the fog in my mind cleared. “No. I told you; I’m engaged. I’m in love with Sofia. And I don’t know what the hell you are, or how you’re doing this, but I want nothing to do with you.”

  Her expression darkened. “Sofia?”

  “Yes. Now please, you must leave.” I took her arm and turned her toward the door. Surprisingly, she actually moved. I whipped the door open and ushered her out.

  Before she crossed the threshold, she turned back. “Just know that what happens next will fall squarely on your shoulders.”

  Ice chilled my veins. I swallowed hard and slammed the door. What the hell had just happened?

  Chapter Five

  The hospital was the last place I wanted to be. I’d called the Captain, hoping he could get me out of my suspension early. I couldn’t be home right now. I needed to be doing something, anything, so that I’d stop thinking about her. Isa. He said he’d try, but couldn’t make any promises. He was the one that suggested I visit Ted at Bellevue Hospital. Captain Esposito was a good cop and a great man, so I did as I was told.

  Luckily, Ted hadn’t ended up at the same hospital where Sofia worked. There would’ve been no way I could’ve faced her yet. Not in public. My face would have given me away in an instant. And that was not a conversation you could have in front of an audience.

  I marched through the sterile hallways to the trauma center. The Captain had said Ted was doing well and should be released by tomorrow. It was a huge relief. I couldn’t ruin two lives in one day.

  The kid’s face lit up when I peered through the doorway. Pangs of guilt attacked my gut. It was my fault he was in there. I should’ve never let him out of the squad car.

  “Officer Spiros!”

  I strolled in and took a seat at the chair along the wall. “How are you doing?”

  He sat up and coughed. “Much better.”

  “It doesn’t sound like it.”

  He cleared his throat. “Aw, it’s nothing. My oxygen levels are almost back to normal so they said I can leave tonight or tomorrow by the latest.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  He squirmed in the bed, repositioning the covers. “I want to apologize for what I did. I know now that it was reckless, and I promise I won’t ever do it again.”

  “Good.” His over eager attitude reminded me of my own a few years ago. “You have good instincts, Ted, but you have to know when you can make a difference and when you can’t. We can’t save everyone.”

  He lowered his gaze and fiddled with the IV taped on his hand. “Did she make it? That woman on the fifth floor?”

  The one he had run in a burning building to try to save. I shook my head, pressing my lips together. “The fire spread too quickly. The firemen didn’t make it in time.”

  His lips turned down, and his green eyes became glossy. Oh please don’t cry. I averted my gaze to the window and gave him a moment.

  “I’m sorry I got you suspended,” he finally said.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Maybe I can talk to the Captain and explain.”

  “Don’t waste your breath; I already tried.” And I’m going to try again as soon as I leave here.

  His brows pinched together like he was trying to solve a really tough math problem. “Are you still going to be my T.O.?”

  I didn’t really have a choice. I was appointed his training officer, and I’d see it through until the end. “Of course.”

  A small smile lit up his pale face. “Good. I’d really hate to screw this up. I want to be a police officer for the NYPD more than anything.” />
  It was like staring at my reflection from the past. Only our physical features were the complete opposite. He was light, and I was dark. I didn’t know how dark until a few days later.

  My mind was made up, I was going to headquarters and doing whatever it took to get reinstated. I wasn’t below begging. I marched down 1st Avenue toward the 9th precinct, the warm spring air a reminder that summer was approaching. The red circle on the calendar flashed in my mind. Would there even be a June wedding?

  I clenched and unclenched my fists as I walked. How could I tell her? How could she forgive me? I tried to put myself in her shoes. Pain tore at my insides. I don’t think I’d ever be able to get over a betrayal like that. I cracked my knuckles and pushed the guilty thoughts to the back of my mind. Right now I had to focus on my job. I needed to be on the streets, doing something good.

  The hair on the back of my nape stood on end. I spun around. A guy in an expensive business suit almost barreled into me.

  “Watch it!”

  I mumbled an apology and scanned the street behind him. I had the weirdest feeling. It was like someone was watching me.

  I turned around and continued down 1st Avenue. I neared the subway, but kept walking past it. A long walk would clear my head. Maybe by the time I reached the station, I’d have a killer speech ready for the Captain.

  A gust of wind whipped by me, sending a chill down my spine. Where did that come from? I glanced up at a sapling, its bare branches unmoving. The air was still. I had to hand it to the city public works division. Even in this concrete jungle, they attempted to plant at least one tree on every block.

  I walked for what felt like hours. My thoughts churned, anxiety growing with every step I took. So much for a relaxing stroll. I finally stopped in front of a luxury high-rise. My eyes widened. This wasn’t my precinct. I stared up at the colossal modern building. What the hell was I doing here?

  A doorman appeared, his white gloves and gray suit impeccable. He opened the door and gave me a smile. “Mr. Spiros?”


  “Please, come right this way. Ms. Dimir is expecting you.”

  He ushered me to the elevator and pressed the penthouse button. The doors slid close, and the elevator whisked me up thirty floors. There was a battle raging between my brain and my body. I knew I shouldn’t be here and yet I couldn’t force myself to move.

  The sleek doors glided open into an expansive living room. Floor to ceiling windows made up the far wall of the luxurious space.

  “I’ll be right down, lover.” A sultry voice carried down the hallway.

  No. I willed my feet to run. They were stuck, firmly planted to the floorboards like a hundred year old oak. Nausea uncoiled in my gut. How did this keep happening?

  Heels clicked down the corridor, and my heart slammed against my ribs. Isa sauntered toward me, her hips swaying to a silent tune. A black spandex dress hugged every sharp curve of her body.

  “So nice of you to come visit.” She puckered her red lips as she inched closer.

  I put out my hand to stop her. “What am I doing here?”

  She shot me a coy grin. “I don’t know, Damian. You’re the one that came to me.”

  I shook my head madly, convinced I was going insane. “No. I was heading to the station. I was going to talk to the Captain.”

  She glanced around the elegant living room. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken. As you can see, this is not the 9th precinct.”

  “How do you know where I work?”

  She clucked her teeth. “Oh, Damian, when are you going to understand? I know everything about you and your precious little Sofia. She and I had a very interesting chat this morning.”

  Ice rippled through my veins. “You did what?”

  She batted her long lashes. “Don’t worry, darling. I didn’t tell her that. I merely wanted to meet the woman that stood in my way. You see, I always get what I want.”

  “And I’m what you want?”

  A twisted smile curled her lips. “Yes.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you’re a challenge. There’s nothing I love more.”

  I set my jaw, willing my brain to obey me and not her. “But I’m not. You will never get me.”

  “Silly, boy. I already have you.”

  I blinked and her lips were on my neck. Her tongue grazed my skin, sending tingles all over my body. “No!” My hands shot out, and it was like ramming against a steel door. How the hell was she so strong? Her hands clamped down on my shoulders, and I was trapped. Two sharp needles pierced my flesh, and a scream tore out of my throat. Black blanketed my vision, and I allowed the darkness to consume me.

  Chapter Six

  I opened my eyes, and crimson-hued black pupils stared back at me. I started and jolted straight up. Silky sheets caressed my skin, and I immediately knew where I was. I groaned. Not again.

  “What the hell did you do to me?”

  “I fed from you, Damian.” She smiled, and a pair of gleaming white fangs protruded from her upper lip.

  An icy chill swept over my body sending my heart racing. I shook my head back and forth. This couldn’t be real. I must still be asleep.

  “Don’t be afraid.” Deep red swirled in her dark pupils, her voice laced with power.

  I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. Her eyes were absolutely mesmerizing. “I’m not afraid,” I mumbled.

  “Good.” She sat back, giving me some space. “As I told you before, I’m the Vampire Queen. I am offering you a chance at eternal life—to be a king by my side. You’d rule over the most powerful supernaturals in existence.”

  “Vampires, supernaturals? None of that is real.”

  A wicked gleam in her eye sent another wave of chills crashing over my body.

  “Believe me; it is all very real.”

  This woman was controlling my mind—she made me do things, forget things. She bit me. As much as I didn’t want to believe her, what other explanation was there? “Fine. Let’s say I do believe you. I still want no part in it.”

  She huffed. “That’s because you don’t understand what I’m offering you. Vampires are the world’s most powerful creatures. We are practically unkillable, can live forever, and do whatever we want. Humans are weak. They can easily be manipulated.” She stood and walked around the room. “Do you see this penthouse? I have twenty others just like it all over the world. I am wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. I can take whatever I want.”

  I couldn’t imagine never having to worry about money again. It was always on the forefront of my mind. No. I’d never want to be a monster like the woman standing in front of me. I straightened and folded my arms against my chest. “I’m not interested.”

  She marched to the side of the bed and glared down at me. “Damian, this is the last time I’m making you this offer.”

  I stood hesitatingly. I half expected her to push me back down on the bed. “I told you, Isa, I have a fiancée, a life. I’m not throwing that all away.” To be with a monster.

  “Fine. Have it your way.” Dark brown curls whizzed by me as she sped out of the room.

  Again I made my way through the maze of corridors to find the entrance door. A condo like this in the upper west side had to be worth millions. I couldn’t wrap my mind around that kind of money let alone the fact that Isa was a vampire. And she mentioned other supernaturals – what else could be out there?

  Bradley’s unnaturally clear blue irises flashed in my mind’s eye. I had to talk to him. Was this what he had been talking about when he said he dealt with unusual matters?

  I finally found the door. My shoulders sagged in relief. I pulled it open, but a silky voice stopped me.

  “Twice you’ve turned me down. Twice you had the chance to save her.”

  I spun around, but the foyer was empty.

  Bradley’s hulking figure was easy to spot on the bench in Central Park. The pond at the Conservatory was Sofia’s favorite place. We’d spent many a Sunday afte
rnoon watching the model boats float around the peaceful pond. There was nothing peaceful in my mind today.

  “Hey, thanks for coming.” I extended my hand.

  Bradley’s meaty paw squeezed mine, and I suppressed the urge to wince. “What’s up? I didn’t think I’d hear from you again after last time.”

  I sat beside him, my jaw twitching. How do you ask someone if they believe vampires are real? I blew out a breath and braced my hands on my knees. “When we met, you said you dealt in unusual matters. Could you expand on that?”

  His expression turned pensive. I could almost see the gears grinding in his head. “Have you seen Isa again?”

  I nodded.

  “Did she tell you what she was?”

  My eyes widened. “You knew all along?”

  His lips pressed together, a low growl reverberating in his throat. “I’m so sorry, man. I couldn’t tell you. Humans aren’t supposed to know about the supernatural world.”

  I held my head in my hands to keep it from exploding. “So it’s true then? Everything she said—she’s a vampire queen?”

  “Unfortunately so.”

  “Does she have some sort of freaky mind control powers?”

  “It’s called compulsion. She can force humans to do her will—including making them forget.”

  “So she made me cheat on Sofia?” For a second, my heart lightened. But it didn’t matter really. I’d still done it no matter the circumstances.

  “I’d imagine so. I wish I could have stopped her, but no one crosses Isa and lives to tell about it. She’s beyond powerful.”

  “So what do I do now?” I raked my hand through my hair, tugging at the short dark strands. “She wants to turn me into a vampire. I thought she was crazy.”

  He blew out a long breath. “She is crazy, but she’s also serious. Isa has a long line of progeny, and trust me, you do not want to be one of them.”

  “What do I do?”

  His broad shoulders sagged. “How attached are you to Manhattan?”


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