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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 4

by S. Van Horne

  Neil climbs on and looks over at me.

  “You ready for the hardest thing we’ve ever done?” he says with a smile on his face.

  As I glance out the window, watching Len as we drive away, I answer him honestly, “Scared shitless, but excited as hell.”



  Present Day…

  I walk out of the conference room and take a deep breath as I pull the door shut. I take a brief moment to gather my thoughts and try to control the bombardment of feelings that assault me. Holy cow, if the note isn’t bad enough, seeing Dante again after nine long years about did me in. I walk down the hall and into the bathroom. I lean on the sink and look into the mirror. I try to see the changes that have accrued over the years, but I still see the young girl that I saw back in high school. But what does he see? Does he still view me the same? Or, does he see the woman I have become?

  Old feelings assault me: desire, want, need, and the memories of that chaste kiss he brushed across my lips the day they left. I want to ask him what that kiss meant, but I’m scared of his reaction. Will he want me like I want him? Or, will he brush off the kiss as nothing but a moment that should never have happened? I think about what I’m doing here, and my heart starts to race and my breathing starts to pick up.

  Breathe, Len. In. Out. In. Out.

  Just breathe.

  I turn on the faucet and splash cold water on my face. After grabbing some paper towels from the dispenser, I gently pat my face dry. Tossing the towels in the trash, I take another deep breath, and then I turn and open the door. Distracted, I make my way out of the bathroom and run smack into a wall. Shit that hurt. I slowly open my eyes and realize that wall was really a huge wall with arms. Those arms shoot out and manage to catch me before I can fall on my ass.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry,” I say, trying to remain upright. “I was distracted.”

  “It’s okay, sugar. You can run into me anytime.” A sexy, gruff voice sounds.

  Damn, that’s a sexy voice. I look up into a handsome, brown-haired, blue-eyed giant. He has to be six foot six because even in my heels, I barely come to his shoulders.

  “I really am sorry. I’m normally not this clumsy. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I take a step back.

  “No, you didn’t.” He chuckles. “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m James, or as the boys call me, Doc. And who might you be?” he says, taking me in.

  “Oh, I’m Len. Nice to meet you.” I stick out my hand for a handshake.

  “Shit, you’re Lucky’s sister?” he exclaims with a shocked look on his face.

  “Who’s Lucky?”

  “Lucky is Neil.” He smiles at me. “We were in the Navy together and on the same Seal team. I was the doctor of the group, hence the man, Doc. Lucky mentioned you were a doctor as well.”

  “Oh, yeah, he’s my brother. And, yes, I’m currently doing my residency to become an ER doctor.”

  “Well, it’s finally nice to meet The Squirt,” he teases.

  “Ugh, that n— “

  “Doc, Lucky’s looking for you. I would strongly suggest you back away from Len before he sees you.” I hear growled out from behind me.

  Doc and I jump apart. I look down the hall and see Dante with a strange look on his face. It takes a second for me to register that he’s pissed. What in the hell is that all about?

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Ghost. I was just meeting Len here. Conference room?” James asks and at Dante’s nod, he walks toward the conference room. All the while, I’m trying to figure out what just happened.

  “Dante, are you okay? And what’s with Ghost?” I ask as I walk to him.

  “Ghost was my name in the Seals. The boys just won’t stop calling me that. Neil and I never told anyone outside of our team those names,” he says, pulling me into a side hug and walks me in the direction of the conference room. “We’re going to fix this problem. Just hang in there.”

  I step out of his hold and walk into the room. There, I see two others have joined us besides Doc. And, dear God, they’re freaking hot, too. What the hell is going on here? Is my brother only hiring sex gods?

  “So, Lucky?” I say to Neil as I sit next to him and bump shoulders with him.

  “What the hell?” He jumps back in his seat. “Who told you that? I never told you that because it isn’t a name that I want my family to call me.”

  “Um, I kind of ran into Doc.” I giggle and look over towards Doc and see him smiling at me.

  “Feel free to do it again soon,” Doc says giving me a wink.

  “Who is this sexy ass woman, Lucky? And why did you call us in?” says brown-haired god number one.

  “Watch your mouth asshats,” Neil growls out at them. “You don’t ever talk like that in front of her.”

  “What the hell, Lucky?” says bald god number two.

  “This is Len, Neil’s baby sister. Len, this is John, we call him Sin.” Dante points to the brown-haired god. “And that is Justice, who we call Eagle.” He points to bald god.

  “You guys, it’s nice to meet you.” I smile at each man.

  “Man, Lucky, I now know why you didn’t bring your sister around when she visited,” Sin says.

  “No shit,” Eagle says.

  “Guys, enough, and don’t talk or even think of my sister like that. That’s the only warning you will get.” Neil glares at each of them. “Next time it will be my fist in your face. Now, I’m going to pass this note over to you. Look it over. My sister found it on the window of her car this morning.”

  The boys are looking over it when I feel a gentle touch on my arm. I glance to my left and see Dante is looking at me.

  Smiling he leans over and whispers, “We’ll fix it.”

  I take a deep breath and nod. He and my brother will try their hardest to make this situation better.

  “What in the hell? Do you know who wrote this to you?” Doc asks, diverting my attention away from Dante and back to the terrifying note.

  “No. I normally park my car in my garage, but my opener wasn’t working so I left it outside. I needed to go to work today to finish some reports, and when I got to my car I saw it on my window. Dr. Johnson works in the ER with me and is a really good friend outside of work too, so I’m not sure what the note is talking about. He’s gay so it isn’t like we have something going on,” I explain and I shiver in fear.

  “Has anyone asked you out recently that you’ve turned down? Anyone showing you a lot of unwanted attention?” Sin asks.

  “None that isn’t normal. I’ve been asked out before, but everyone knows I don’t date guys I work with. I’ve made it very clear.”

  “Good girl.” Dante looks at me with an approving look as he leans back in his chair, his arms crossed.

  I look back at him, like he’s nuts. When did he start getting all possessive about me? I know he’s always had Neil’s back when it came to guys saying or doing things to me, but right now, he’s acting like I’m his woman. Part of me is pissed off by this, but there is a small part that has hope that he’s finally seeing me the way I want him to.

  “Okay, Dante call the twins.” Neil interrupts our staring contest. “We need to check and see what’s on her security system. We also need to find out why her opener wasn’t working. We’re more than likely going to have to, not only get KCPD involved, but the hospital as well. There will need to be a protection detail for Dr. Johnson, and we need to make sure Squirt is protected all the time.”

  “Hell no!” I almost jump out of my chair. “Neil, I don’t need to be protected at all times. I work in the ER. I can’t have a bodyguard following me in the hospital. No.” I shake my head, trying to get my point across. “It isn’t going to work. Also, my house is protected. Remember, you did the security system? I’m a grown woman.”

  “It isn’t negotiable.” Neil answers, unmoved by my outburst.

  “How are you supposed to do it in the ER? You’re
not allowed in the rooms with the patients, and there isn’t enough room in the hallways. Also, there is security at the doors of the ER,” I explain. Lord, you would think I was twelve again.

  “Fine, not during work hours, but any other time. Understand?”

  “You know you can be really annoying at times,” I growl out at my brother.

  Yeah, I wanted their help, but I didn’t want to be followed all the time.

  “One more time, Squirt,” Neil tells me with a smirk on his face.

  “I’ll take the first shift. I know you have a spare bedroom; which I hope you don’t mind us using?” Dante says.

  “Ugh, fine! I need to go. I have to meet Mom and Mamma Gio for lunch. We’re supposed to talk about the company party you all are hosting this weekend. Does that mean you’re following me?” I huff at Dante.

  “Yep, it sure does, Len. Neil give me a call shortly and fill me in on the rest of the plan.” He stands to follow me.

  I walk up to Sara and give her a hug.

  “So, plan with the girls, make them. Text me the info. I’m off until Monday. It’s Tuesday and the party is Saturday night. Let me know when and where,” I tell her, and she smiles at me like she just won the biggest prize ever.

  “Yay! Are we going to finally do it?” she asks and I know she is talking about finding a guy.

  “Yes, I’m done and so ready,” I say over my shoulder as I walk away.

  Just as I reach the door, I hear Dante growl out something, but I can’t make it out. This just makes me roll my eyes as I walk towards my car.

  Whatever. It’s none of his business what I do.


  “Let me get my motorcycle, and I’ll follow you to Gates N Sons,” I tell her as she climbs into her car.

  “How did you know where we were going to eat at?” She cocks her head at me.

  “It isn’t very hard to guess. It’s your favorite place and both our families will do anything to make you happy,” I smile at her and know that I’m also one of them that would do anything.

  “Whatever.” She rolls her eyes at me and puts her keys in her ignition.

  I hop on my black and red with chrome trim Road King custom Harley-Davidson, a gift to myself after that messed up mission we went on. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and push the memory aside. I can’t think about that now; I need to focus. Focus on Len and her situation.

  Opening my eyes, I start my beauty and follow Len all the way to the restaurant. Once there, I jump off my bike and hurry to her car before she gets out.

  “Our moms aren’t here yet, let’s go get settled,” I tell her as I open her door.

  After our moms arrive, I sit back and listen to them talk about the party coming up.

  I take the time to observe her. I can’t believe how much she has changed over the years. Lucky is never going to forgive me for falling for his sister. But watching her, I know I can’t let his feelings stop me from taking this step. It’s time to tell Len how I truly feel about her. That I’ve fallen in love with her.

  While I sit here and look at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I start to think about our future—Len loving me, marrying me, giving me children. God! Thinking of her growing big with my baby is such a turn on. I try to adjust myself without the moms and Len seeing me.

  “Dante?” I hear her sweet voice call to me.


  “Can we stop by the hospital? I got a text, and they need me to go over a file,” she asks, still looking down at her phone.

  “Sure, but I stay with you and, if you’re in a room, I’m right outside the door. Is that okay?” I ask her, still willing her to look up into my eyes.

  “What’s going on?” Momma Connie asks, alarmed. “Why are you following her around?”

  “Nothing, I’m just practicing my body guarding skills.” I give them a smile and hope it throws them off.

  I don’t think it’s wise to tell the parents just yet.

  “Oh, okay. Don’t worry us like that,” Mamma says, relaxing once more.

  “Sorry, Mamma,” I say, kissing her cheek.

  “Okay, I love you both. I’ll swing by again on Friday afternoon. Bye, Mom. Bye, Mamma Gio,” Len says as she kisses and hugs them goodbye.

  After giving them both a kiss and a hug, I wave goodbye, and then follow Len out of the restaurant.

  I walk Len to her car and open her door. I look into her eyes and want to kiss her so badly, but I know that will have to wait until we have the talk. Because I won’t be able stop once I taste her sweet lips.

  “I’ll follow you, alright, Len,” I whisper as I kiss her by her ear. She shivers, and I smile at the knowledge that I’ve found her sweet spot.

  “Okay, Dante,” she answers breathlessly.

  I walk over to my bike, throw my leg over, and start her up. Then, I watch Len and see that she’s confused by my actions. I smile knowing I can throw my girl off guard.

  After leaving the restaurant, we drive the short distance to the hospital. I follow the same procedure of rushing to her car and opening her door, and then follow her into the hospital. I watch her ass sway in front of me and visions of me grabbing it while pounding into her cause a rise from below my belt. Those thoughts are cut off when a man walks up and engulfs Len in a hug. My vision turns red but before I can step up to snatch her out of his arms, she releases him and turns to me.

  “Dante, I’d like for you to meet my friend, and fellow doctor, Chris Johnson. Chris, this is Dante.” She waves a hand towards me. “Chris, Andy, and I often hang out with each other after we end our shifts.”

  “Andy?” I’m about ready to lose my shit and tell her that isn’t happening anymore when Chris answers for her and things start clicking into place.

  “Andy is my fiancé.” He smiles at me knowingly.

  “Len, is this the Dr. Johnson from the note?” I ask and she nods.

  “Note? What note are you talking about?” Chris glances at her with confusion etched on his face.

  “I’ll explain in the conference room. Let’s go get these files done.” She turns and walks over to a door that’s marked: Medical Staff Only. “Dante, we’ll be in here.”

  I’m leaning up against the wall outside the room while Dr. Johnson and Len are in. I’m glad I know he’s gay or I’d have a hard time knowing they are behind closed doors alone. I pull out my phone and call Lucky to find out what the next plan of action is. As we talk, I watch people walk by and try to figure out if that son of a bitch, who is trying to hurt my woman, works here. I have every intention of ending his miserable existence, and he better hope that God has mercy on him, because he’s going to need it.

  I walk into her house and stop dead in my tracks. I turn hard the moment I see what she’s wearing. Her ass is framed in black tight shorts that barely covers it. Her matching black tank molds her breasts and shows off her hourglass figure perfectly. She has her blonde hair in a ponytail with a few strands falling to frame her face, and she’s holding a mixed drink in her hand. She’s standing next to her couch, where the twins are sitting, laughing about something they’re telling her. Jealousy and possessiveness wash over me and I instantly become pissed because the twins are seeing her dressed like that. I know they don’t want her in the same way that I do, but the caveman inside of me wants to scream out that I’m the only one who should see her body like this. I take a step into the living room, and at the sound of my footsteps, she snaps her head in my direction.

  “Dante, what’s wrong?” she asks, concern etched on her beautiful face.

  “What in the hell are you wearing, Len? Thing one and Thing two, turn your heads. You don’t get to look at her like that!” I yell out.

  “What the hell, Ghost? We’ve seen her in a bikini, so this isn’t anything. Anyway, why’s it any of your business? You know, she’s our best friend,” Nicoli answers, unafraid of my reaction.

  I haven’t told anyone of my feeling
s for Len. My brothers must’ve known for a while. They’ve always hinted that I liked her when we talked, but I just ignored the comments. They never asked, I never expounded. Damn, it looks like that conversation with the twins was going to be happening sooner rather than later.

  “Yeah, and what’s up with the nickname Ghost?” Carlo questions.

  “Whatever, I still wish you would go and change clothes, Len. As far as the nickname, it was a name I was given as a Seal. Neil and I felt it was best not to tell the families our code names because we didn’t want you calling us that. I’m going to put my bag up,” I say, walking towards the bedroom I’ll be using; I’d had a good look at her house when I’d dropped her off earlier.

  I’m shocked at how much her house resembles the one I’ve always envisioned sharing with her. It’s a two-story house with six bedrooms, four bathrooms, huge kitchen, living room, den/library, full basement, pool, large backyard, huge privacy fence, and a three-car garage. It also has a nice-sized shed in the back. The basement was awesome. It’s to be a game room that has a huge TV, surround sound, huge wrap couch that could sit fifteen easy, pool table, dart board, arcade game, also an Xbox and PlayStation. She got the game systems for the twins, she said. It also has a half kitchen that has a built-in bar. I can’t wait for football season to start because I know where I’m going to be watching all the games.

  The bedrooms are a nice size. She made one into a home office, another was an exercise room, Nicoli and Carlo each have their own room, a guest room, and then the master suite. Which has an amazing ensuite bathroom. I can’t wait to take her in that huge ass shower. It has a bench that I can just see her bent over while I’m pounding her from behind.


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