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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 9

by S. Van Horne

  “Sure, Len. I hope you have a great day.”

  He places the flowers on the porch and then leaves. Once everything’s clear I undo the alarm and bring in the flowers.

  I shut the door and put the alarm back on. I walk into the kitchen and sit the flowers on the table. Dante’s crazy. I can’t believe he bought me flowers. I know they aren’t my favorite, but still I’m in shock that he did this. I see there’s a note. I open the note as I sip on my coffee.

  Next thing, I’m being wrapped in two big arms that are trying to soothe me.

  “Mio tutto, you’re going to make yourself sick,” Dante states.

  “Flowers, note, picture… oh, my god!” That’s all I can get out before he’s guiding me to the living room.


  Gradually opening my eyes and know immediately Len isn’t in bed with me. Damn it! This is something I’ll have to explain really quick—that I want to wake up with her next to me, every morning. That before getting out of bed, I want a morning kiss and to show her how much I love her.

  The smell of coffee reaches me, and I know she’s been up for a while. Stretching, I slowly get out of bed and then make my way into the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth. Once back in the bedroom, I’m pulling on my boxers when I hear screaming.

  I rush down the stairs into the kitchen. There, I see flowers sitting on the counter. Fuck, I know what’s going on, and I dread having to see what that fucking guy sent her today. I also don’t want to tell her that we stopped a delivery before.

  Grabbing her and holding her close, I try to calm her down and whisper into her ear.

  “Mio tutto you’re going to make yourself sick,” I explain.

  “Flowers, note, picture… oh, my god!” she screams out.

  I turn her towards the living room and sit down on the couch. I pull her onto my lap and rub my hands up and down her back. She slowly calms down.

  After getting her screams to finally stop, I know I’m going to have to go and see what that fucker sent. I also need to get my phone from upstairs. I take a minute figuring out the best plan to get her out of the room while I survey everything. I decide a bath with some candles is the key to getting her out of the room. I quickly attempt to get her mind off of the situation at hand. I don’t want her worrying about everything.

  “Len, I’m going to take you upstairs and get a bath started. I want you to try to relax, and I need to get the guys here. So when you get out you better dress in something ugly. I don’t want to kill them for looking at my woman,” I state.

  “Dante, you’re a crazy bastard you know that. Anyway, I think a soak might be just what I need. Thanks for suggesting that, Amore,” she says with a sad smile on her face.

  I hate seeing it there. This should be a good day for us. The day she’ll become my fiancée, now, we have to deal with this. I’ll make it better. For her, I’ll do anything.

  I stand up and carry her upstairs into the master bath. I sit her down on the counter and then start running the water. I see she has a lot of different things to add to it. I don’t know what would be good.

  “Len, what do you want in the water? You have too much shit to pick from,” I tell her.

  “I’ll do it. Move out of my way and go do what you need to do. I can’t let this get in my way. The moms and I have a lot of things to get done,” she tells me this and starts pushing me out of the way.

  Damn it, I don’t know if I can think knowing she’s naked and in the bath. I watch her bend over and grab some peach type shit off the shelf and pours a little in the water. I instantly love the smell that fills the room. Too bad it won’t change the taste of her skin. I do love the taste of her skin the way it is and when she’s sweaty from our fucking.

  “Okay, mio tutto, I’ll be downstairs. Yell if you need me, alright? I love you, Len. One more time,” I tell her and pull her to me before she can jump in the tub.

  I crash my mouth to hers as I rub my hands up and down her body. Fuck, I don’t have time for this. I need to get my head together. Her life’s more important.

  “I love you, too, Dante. Now, go and get that finished. We don’t have time for you to be messing with me today,” she tells me with a giggle as she turns away and steps into the tub.

  “Fine!” I tell her with a pout, again, trying to get her mind off of what waits for me downstairs.

  She laughs and I smile, loving that sound.

  I bend down, give her a kiss, and walk back into the bedroom. I throw on my jeans and a t-shirt. I grab my phone and text the group.

  Me: Hey, I need all of you, dipshits, here ASAP! Len got a delivery of flowers today. Pops. Papa. Stay with the Moms.

  Sin: Son of a bitch.

  Lucky: You have got to be kidding me. We need a plan of action for tonight. I think we need the Moms to know so they can keep an eye out too.

  Eagle: Doc and I are on our way. We agree with telling the Moms. The more in our inner circle who knows the better. Should we tell OPG, too?

  Thing One: NOOOOOOOO!!! OPG will lose her shit. Len is everything to her. What do you think, Pops? Heading there now.

  Thing Two: Fuck, I’m stuck at work. I can’t leave until my backup arrives. Carlo, call me when you get there. Put it on speaker so I can hear everything. As soon as I can leave, I’ll be on my way. Is Len making breakfast?!?!?!

  Pops: We’ll stay with the Moms. Call us as well. They’re getting ready to go to the hotel to oversee the set up. I agree about not telling my mom. Not yet anyway, and we’ll bring breakfast to the house. We can pick up Len that way you will have more time to plan and talk. Carlo, you will come with us to help out with watching. So, Dante, you do the conference calling.

  Thing One: Shit, okay, heading to your house then, Pops.

  Me: I’ll let Len know. See you all soon.

  I poke my head in the bathroom and see Len relaxing with country music playing softly. My girl and her country music. I enjoy all kinds of music, but she listens mostly to country. Guess I’m going to end up learning more country than I do now.

  “Len, the parents and Carlo are going to come and pick you up. They will be heading to the hotel and thought you might like to go so you can help set up for the party tonight,” I tell her softly so I don’t scare her.

  She jerks a little and opens her eyes.

  “Shit, I better hurry. I still need to cook breakfast for everyone.” She starts to grab her razor and some puffy thing.

  “No need, they’re bringing breakfast. You have plenty of time to get ready. I’m going downstairs now,”

  “Leave so I can finish getting ready,” she tells me with a bright smile.

  Laughing, I wink and walk away. How the hell did I get so lucky? If I get this for the next seventy years, I’ll die happy.

  I walk into the kitchen and grab the note and the picture off the counter. First, I look over the picture.

  Holy fuck! It’s a five by seven collage of Len in different location. The one at the very end is a picture of her from yesterday when we were standing in front of her mom’s house. My neck in the picture has a red slash across it.

  I sit it down on the counter and pick up the note. After reading it, I’m now livid. I’m ready to kill someone.




  I set the note down next to the pictures and walk over to the sink. I grab onto the edge so I don’t pick up the cup next to it and throw it against the wall. I haven’t been this pissed in years. Don’t get me wrong, the other notes that were sent to her pissed me off. But, seeing that picture just made it reach a whole new level.

  “Son of a fucking bitch! He followed you guys to Mom’s house!” Lucky screams out.

  I was so lost in thought of how to get this guy that I didn’t hear him enter the house an
d turn off the alarm. He was always the only one who could sneak up on me.

  I turn around just as everyone else is starting to walk into the house. I also see Len come down the stairs. She’s in yoga pants and a tank top that fits her perfectly. Her hair’s in a ponytail, and she has no makeup on. I also see a huge bag hanging off her shoulder.

  “Hey guys,” she says with a dull smile on her face as she watches Lucky look over the note.

  “Squirt, we’ll get this taken care of. So don’t worry. What are the plans for the day so we know when to show up? Also, are the girls coming?” he asks.

  I sense this is his roundabout way of asking about Sara and trying to get Len’s mind off everything.

  I look around and see everyone’s smiling. He isn’t fooling anyone. We all know he wants her. After we get this shit taken care of, I’ll have to have a talk with him to find out what exactly is his fucking hold up with her. She’s just as crazy about him.

  “Well, my amazing big brother, you’ll need to be there no later than four pm. The party starts at six pm. We want you there to make sure it’s to your liking since this is technically your welcome home ‘slash’ congrats on opening Seal Security, and to answer you other question, yes, all the girls will be there,” Len lays it out to him.

  Just then, Pops walks in with Papa, The Moms and Carlo. They’re carrying tons of food. My mouth waters as the smell of freshly baked biscuits flows through the air.

  “All right, let’s eat before anything else,” Pops says, walking to the dining room.

  We all follow and start to dig in. I take a minute to let everything soak in and realize that it’s going to be a long day.



  I’m lost in thought as I ride to the hotel. I’ve put on my mask. After Grandpa died, I learned how to hide my feelings from most people. OPG, Dante, and Sara are the only few who could always see through the mask. I know the reason OPG and Dante can, is because it’s the deep connection we have. I know Sara didn’t have a good life, but I believe she understands the hiding behind a mask because she also hides her feelings.

  While I was in the tub, I kept thinking about the picture that had Dante’s neck cut. I can’t have him getting hurt. So, I decided that I needed to go and hide until this ends. I packed the most important items I needed to get me through until I decide to come back. I also wrote a note to tell them that I’m hiding and not to find me. That I needed time to think. I figured I could sneak out of the hotel in the morning and go.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, Len, it isn’t going to work,” OPG whispers into my ear.

  I snap my head to her, I look into her eyes. She’s everything to me. I talk to her daily. She shares so many things with me that she doesn’t share with anyone else. My favorite thing to do with her is to sit at her feet with my head in her lap while she strokes my hair and talks. I have to find a way to contact her while I’m in hiding without them finding out.

  “OPG, I’ve no clue what you’re talking about,” I whisper.

  “Everyone assumes that I don’t know something’s going on with you. I can see something is happening. Promise me that you will wait until you know all the details, and that no matter what, you’ll tell me you’re okay,” she demands.

  “You know I can’t live without you. Of course I’ll be okay. You don’t need to worry about that,” I tell her as tears start to form.

  “I love you, tons and bunches, Len,” she says as she kisses my forehead.

  “I love you, tons and bunches, too, OPG,” I whisper and snuggle up to her.

  I need to get this plan together and fast.

  I glance around the hall; I see we’re pretty much done with the set up. Food is catered from two different BBQ places, Gates N Sons and Arthur Bryant’s. The bar is set up with bartenders getting things ready for the night. The tables are all around the edge of the dance area. The band we hired is getting set up on the stage. We also hired a DJ to play during the band’s breaks between sets and when they finish for the night. There are streamers, balloons, and banners everywhere. I’m happy with the look of everything.

  Arms wrap around my waist and make me jump. Instantly, I smell Dante. His head goes right into my neck, and he places a soft kiss right by my ear.

  “Hey mio tutto, I missed you today,” he whispers to me while pulling me closer.

  “I missed you, too. What do you think of the hall?” I ask him breathless.

  “It looks fantastic. The Moms and you did an amazing job with everything. Thanks for doing this. It means so much to all of us,” he tells me then he turns me in his arms.

  I smile up at him, and I feel so safe. I know he’s going to be upset when he finds me gone in the morning, but I have to keep him safe. He went through so much with the Navy that I don’t want this on his shoulders, too. I just hope he understands and we can work things out once it’s finished.

  Standing on my toes, I give him a soft kiss on the lips. He decides this isn’t enough, so he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into a deeper kiss. Everything melts, and its only Dante and me. I love these kinds of kisses.

  “I know I said I’m okay with you and my baby girl, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you mauling her, son,” I hear a voice say.

  Jerking back, I glance over and see Pops standing with his arms crossed. I look into his eyes, and I can see a slight humor in there. I smile at him and wiggle out of Dante’s arms. I walk over to my pops. He opens his arms, pulls me into his chest, and hugs me tightly.

  “Pops, don’t worry. You will always be one of my favorite guys,” I tell him and stand on my toes and give him a big, smacking kiss on his cheek.

  “I know, Len, but you keep giving me those wet cheek kisses, I just might have to demote you to the in-law and promote him to your spot,” he tells me as he cringes and tries to wipe his cheek.

  “Never going to happen. I need to go get ready. People are starting to show up. Love you, Pops!” I say turning to go to the corner to grab my bag.

  I start to walk to the door and feel someone grab my hand. Looking behind me, I see Dante standing there, smiling at me with a look of lust in his eyes. He’s going to be disappointed when I tell him we can’t have sex. I need a quick shower, and then I need to get dressed. It’s going to take me at least an hour to get ready.

  “I’m walking you up there. I need you. We have no clue how long we have until this party is finally finished,” Dante tells me and starts to pull me towards our room.

  “Dante, it isn’t happening. As it is I’m going to be an hour late!” I explain.

  I bust out laughing at how he’s having problems opening the door because he’s so eager and can’t concentrate.

  “Oh, it’s so happening, Len,” he says as he pulls me through the door and locks it.

  He takes me into a fierce kiss as he picks me up and pushes me into the door. Thoughts of me getting ready fly out the window as he devours my mouth.

  He lets go finally to pull off my shirt and bra. He sits me down on the ground and starts to strip himself.

  “Len, get those pants off. We’re going to need to get you some more of those. It shows off that amazing ass of yours, but I just don’t know if I liked the way the guys were watching you walk. Maybe we need to keep these for house only,” he says in a very serious tone.

  I’m laughing at him and his possessiveness. I know those guys are giving him shit because they all know how much I’m in love with Dante. He starts to unsnap his jeans, and all laughter leaves me as a fresh rush of desire floods my body.

  He slowly starts to push his jeans down, and I see he’s decided to go commando today because he pops out of his jeans the moment they become undone. He grabs his cock with one hand and starts to stroke himself. Damn that’s hot. I swear he’s going to be the death of me. I see some pre-come leak, and I lick my lips. I want to taste him. I still haven’t done that, and I really need to see what he tastes like.

>   “You like what you see, mio tutto? You want to taste me? I really want to see those perfect, pink lips wrapped around me,” he says and starts to stroke faster.

  Nodding, I start to walk towards him as he finishes stepping out of his jeans. His hand stops stroking his cock, which makes me stop and whimper and gaze into his eyes.

  “Stop. You still haven’t finished undressing. Take off your pants, baby. Then kneel before me, but don’t touch. I’ll tell you when you can,” he says in a very husky voice.

  I rush through his orders getting off my pants and slowly kneel before him. I glance up into his eyes and see a flash of something I’ve never seen before. Pride and determination are there along with desire and love. Despite the feelings that shines from his eyes, his face is controlled and calm. Interesting.

  “Good girl. I’m in charge, and I’ll tell you what I want. Hands behind your back and open your mouth for me. Don’t move your hands or I’ll punish you,” he says with a sly grin on his face.

  He takes his hand off his cock and swipes his finger in the pre-come and then slowly rubs that finger on my tongue.

  “Suck,” he demands.

  Slowly, I close my lips around his finger and a burst of salty sweet is on my tongue. I’m addicted. I now get what he meant when he said he was addicted to my taste. I love it and want more. I suck him harder.

  He slowly pulls his finger from my mouth and grabs his cock again and steps forward. He’s holding himself towards my lips. I open them and wait for him to enter my mouth. He slowly rubs the head around my lips. I stick my tongue out and lick the head. His moans are low and long.

  Slowly, he puts the tip into my mouth and moves his hands into my hair. I didn’t even notice that he took out my messy bun. I close my lips around the head of his cock and slowly swirl my tongue around the tip. He throws his head back and moans loudly. I love hearing it and it’s making me wetter with each moan he makes. I circle my tongue again and start to move down his cock. His hands tighten on my head, stopping me, but not hurting me.


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