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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 14

by S. Van Horne

  “Fuck! It’s Len!” I scream, jumping up from my chair.

  “What the fuck do you mean, it’s Len?” Lucky demands looking up from his plate of food.

  “The feeling, it’s Len. Damn it, Lucky, something’s off with Len. We need to get to the office!” I tell him and then walk off to get my shit together.

  I know Lucky’s contacting the boys, which is good, because, right now, my only thought is getting to the office, getting the files, and scouring everything to see if we can find her.

  “Ghost, there’s nothing in these files. We’ve been going through them for months now. I hate that you have this feeling, but I’m not sure what else we can do here. KCPD will be here any minute now and hopefully they’ll have something new,” Eagle tells me while he goes through the papers again.

  “I hate to admit it, but he’s right. Let’s get ready for our meeting with the detectives. I’m going to have Sara make some coffee and grab something to eat,” Lucky tells us, gets up and walks out the door.

  I lean back in my chair and stare out the window and try to calm down. We’ve been looking through everything for hours now and still can’t find anything, which makes these emotions come stronger at me. It isn’t going to go away until I figure it out or whatever it is happens, and knowing it has to do with Len just makes it worse.

  “The detectives are here,” Doc says, poking is head in the door.

  I glance around and see there’s coffee, water, and food in the center of the table. I wonder how long I’ve been out of it. I’m surprised the guys didn’t say something to me to get me out of my head. I mean, it can’t be helped because she’s everything to me. I can’t function in life without her, she consumes my thoughts. Even if she isn’t here.

  “Okay, since we’re all here, let’s get to work. Detective, you said you had some new information for us,” Lucky he takes a seat next to me.

  His words make me snap my head in the direction of the detectives.

  “Yes, we’re waiting for some test results to come back, but we have some news. A call was put into the tips line saying there was a dead body in a house in North Kansas City. A unit was sent out and found the front door open and, upon search of the home, we didn’t find any body. However, we did find signs of a struggle and some odd things as well,” Detective Walters tells us.

  He opens his brief case and pulls out a file.

  “And this pertains to Len how, Detective?” Lucky questions.

  “We’re getting to that. We found something odd in the basement of the house. Every piece of furniture was bolted down. That threw up tons of flags. When we checked inside the dresser we found clothes that belonged to a woman and a baby,” Detective Edmonds explains as his partner hands over the file.

  “A baby?” My heart starts to pound harder in my chest.

  “Yes, a baby, and by the looks of the clothes, I’d guess the baby’s male,” Detective Walters says, laying out pictures of what I assume is the house.

  “Baby?” My voice comes out in a whisper.

  “We also found a placenta buried in the backyard and, from the looks of it, the baby had to have been born recently. The health of the baby’s still unknown, however,” Detective Edmonds says looking at his phone.

  I sit there dumbfounded at the news. I understand why they are telling us this. There was a possibility that the woman was Len. And, that the child more than likely came from her.

  If she had a baby that meant it was mine, right? I guess it could be his, if he’d violated her and if she had the baby early. That thought makes me sick to my stomach. But I don’t think the baby’s his. Honestly, the way I look at things, even if I’m not the father by blood, it won’t matter one bit. Any baby that came from Len is my child, and that’s all that matters to me. But I have a gut feeling he’s mine which makes me wonder if she and the baby are okay. I take a second to let it sink in that I was a father.

  “I want to donate a sample of my DNA,” I tell them.

  “And why would you want to do that Dante?”

  “If Len’s the woman that your assuming was there, then there’s a possibility that I’m the father.”

  I gather up the paperwork and photos off the table.

  “That’s what we’re assuming, that it was Ms. Shields in the home in question. However, until the test confirms it we’re not one hundred percent sure,” Detective Edmonds states.

  “What makes you think it was Len at the house detectives? It could be anyone really,” Eagle says.

  “Well, that’s the other thing we need to inform you of. We already informed your parents Neil of this because we have to do a news conference. The house we were called to was the home of Dr. Steven Adams. Currently, there’s an alert out on both Ms. Shields and Dr. Adams. We’re still combing through the home, but we have reason to believe that Dr. Adams is the kidnapper. We also believe that it was Ms. Shields who phoned in the tip. If you have a recording of her voice it would help a lot. The odd thing is, the caller thought he was dead so we’re unsure of what condition Dr. Adams is currently in.” Detective Walters stands up and watches my expression, which right now is in shock of the news he just dropped on us.

  “Fuck,” Sin mumbles out.

  Fuck is right because both he and I cleared him of anything when we interviewed him months ago.

  “Okay, Dante, we’ll go with you for the testing. We just wanted to give you that information and also, if you hear from Ms. Shields, please contact us,” Detective Edmonds tells us.

  He stands and helps Detective Walters gather up everything else.

  “Do you think he still has her?” Lucky asks.

  I hand him over the papers and pictures so he can view them as well.

  “Judging from, the phone call, I don’t believe he does. However, we can’t say that with one hundred percent certainty. That call could have come from anyone. Which is why I’m asking for a recording of her voice.”

  “I have a saved voicemail from her I can have sent over to you,” I state.

  “That would be helpful. Again, if you hear from her, contact us.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Detectives.” Neil turns to face us. “Eagle. Doc. Sin. Stay with me and let’s get to looking into what they just gave us. Ghost, go get your DNA done and get back here so we can find my sister and bring her and my nephew home safely where they belong.” Then he’s walking out the door.

  The thought that Len’s out there with a child worries me. I have this overwhelming need to go and search under every rock to find them. I just need to see them. I’m ready to bring my family home and never again let them out of my sights.



  It has been six weeks since that horrible night. Looking down at my son, I take a deep breath, knowing that for now, we are safe. I drove down to Clinton, MO and rented a small cabin that I was able to pay three months of rent in cash. There’s a total of three cabins but they’re spaced pretty far apart. I would guess there are about five acres in between each cabin. The old woman who owns the cabins, lives on the same land.

  The only line of communication she has is a land line for her business. Reception here at the lake is really bad so it makes sense that she would have just a telephone. She didn’t ask any questions and was really sweet. I used the name that Steven had given me before we got married because it is easier to hide.

  I have been keeping updated with what’s been happening through the local newspaper. I was planning on being gone for just a week and then returning home. However, I saw that Steven and I are considered missing and that made me realize that I didn’t kill him. My mind flashed to the picture that was with the flowers that I received before I was kidnapped, and I knew I couldn’t go back home just yet. I needed to make sure the family was safe from harm. My fear of Steven killing one of them or my son, had me shaking and deciding that I had to stay put. It might not seem rational but it’s all I can think about.

��ve been sending messages to my OPG letting her know that I was safe. I call her cell phone weekly from a blocked number in town. I let it ring two times before hanging up, and then call back letting it ring three more times before hanging up for good. It’s something that we’ve done over the years when we were hiding in a room and didn’t want others bothering us. I’m hoping she realizes it’s my way of telling her I’m okay.

  I was able to get a call in today because I went into town and met with a doctor to get my six-week check. He also looked over my son and gave us the all clear. I’m grateful for it being a small town and the fact of confidentially. I gave a false name and paid in cash so they really didn’t question anything.

  I take a glance around the cabin and see that it’s very simple. It’s one huge room, which isn’t a big deal since it’s just us two. The living room is in the front of the cabin and has a fireplace, which would be perfect for the cold nights. There’s a huge front window that all you can see is trees and the driveway. On the left side of the cabin is the studio bedroom that has a queen size bed, basinet, dresser, and nightstand. Next to the dresser is a bathroom that’s just a shower, toilet, and sink.

  In the back of the cabin is the dining room and the kitchen which is small but perfect. It has a huge sliding door that opens to a back porch which you can sit on and look out at Lake Pomme De Terre. There’s also a barn style garage next to the cabin where I’ve hidden Steven’s car from prying eyes.

  The landlord stated she has someone who delivers food to her, and I’m more than welcome to get her a list of what I need and the money so I wouldn’t have to take the baby out if I didn’t want to.

  I look down again and see that my baby boy has stopped eating and has fallen asleep. I gently cover my breast and put him on my shoulder to burp. As I pat his back, I think about what I found that night as I was packing suitcases to get out of that house…

  I quickly rush around, holding my son while trying to fill the suitcases as fast as I can. I figure out quickly that I can hide out at the lake that I grew up at. The last time OPG and I came to the lake, we passed some cabins and we said the next time we came, we would rent them. It’s perfect for hiding and there isn’t much reception there either. I need to pack as much as I can, because I know going into town is going to be a rare thing for me to do once I find somewhere to hide.

  I need to find his keys to his vehicle, so I start searching the house and I walk into what I’m assuming is the master bedroom and look over at the dresser. I notice on my quick walk through the house that everything looks perfect. Like the whole house was a museum, which leads me to believe that Steven might have OCD, as well as some other mental disorder.

  I grab the keys and my foot bangs against something. I glance down and see a bag. I opened it to find it full of money, as well as passports for Steven and myself. I’m not sure how he got them but they look very real. He had to of paid someone a lot of money to forge them. I do a quick count and it’s about ten grand in cash. I decide I have no choice but to take the money. I don’t even want to think of what he had planned. All I know is I need to get out of here.

  I get back to the basement and decide that I need to see if I can get my son to latch for breastfeeding. He is only a few hours old but I know we have a two-hour drive ahead of us. As he feeds I can only stare in amazement at how beautiful he is and I decide right there what his name is going to be. Smiling slightly to him as he finishes eating, I then speak his name to him for the first time.

  “Marcus Anthony De Luca, I love you so much. I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe and sound,” I whisper while I burp him. It’s time to get out of here.

  The knocking on the door brings me back to the present. I look over and see Ms. Cindy at the window, waving at me. Slowly standing up so I don’t wake up Marcus, I walk over to the door and open it up.

  “Hi Ms. Cindy, what can I do for you?” I whisper softly to her.

  “I came to see if you had that list for the grocery store. The young man who shops for me should be here in a few hours. How are you settling in?” she says quietly smiling at Marcus.

  “We’re settling in nicely, thank you for asking. I’m sorry I haven’t had time to make a list. Do you have a moment to come in while I make it?” I open the door wider, inviting her inside.

  “Of course. Give me little Marcus here so you can get things together,” she tells me and holds her hands out for Marcus.

  I smile as I hand him over carefully, and I feel a sadness wash over me. I watch them both, and all I can image is OPG holding him in her arms. I quickly pull myself together and rush through a list of what I’ll need for the week. I pull out some cash from my purse and then hand them over to her. I gratefully take him from her and the feeling of sadness comes again at thinking about my mom and Dante’s mom missing out on this as well.

  “Thank you, Ms. Cindy. Please tell your errand boy to keep the change,” I quietly tell her.

  “No worries, Ms. Adams. I’ll be back with your stuff soon.” She starts to walk out the door. She stops and looks over her shoulder. “If you ever want to talk, I’m here to listen.” I see the concern in not only in her eyes but also etched on her face.

  “Thank you,” I murmur as she steps out the door. I wonder if she knows something, then I remember she doesn’t have a TV. I’m sure she would’ve said something by now if she knew anything.

  It’s with that thought that I decide to take a nap with Marcus until she comes back with the groceries.


  I’m going over tons of files and searching everything trying to find Len and my son. The results from the DNA testing not only confirmed that Len was at Adam’s house but that the child was in fact hers. Also, it confirmed that I’m the father. They were able to pull DNA from the umbilical cord to test this. From what we know, both are alive, however nobody knows where they have gone to. And Adams is still missing. We found a passport in Adam’s bedroom along with some papers in the closet that suggest Len’s new name is Linda Adams.

  After an investigation on the new name for her, we found that she married Adams. We’re currently searching for the person who signed the license because we have reason to believe that this is a forged document. There’s a chance it isn’t since it’s very easy to get ordained to perform marriage ceremonies these days, especially in Kansas, which is where their license was from.

  We had to put out flyers, did a press conference, and even had something written up in the Kansas City Star stating they are missing. We haven’t mentioned anything about the baby yet. So far the tips that have been called in haven’t turned up anything. It’s driving me crazy that they both are out there, and we don’t know if they’re okay. I don’t know how people can deal with their loved ones missing for years. I need my family!

  “We’re going to the lake to get away from here. OPG is wanting both families to go and relax. She’s worried that we aren’t thinking clearly when it comes to finding Len. Before you object, I think she’s right. I loved going to the lake when we were little. It might do some good to get some fresh air and look at the files again and see what we can come up with,” Lucky expresses with a sigh.

  I know he’s right, and it would do us some good to look at the files with a fresh mind. Maybe getting some good clean fresh air will be what we need. Maybe something will come to light and we can catch a break.

  “Are the boys coming too? I think it would be good for them to get away.”

  “Yeah, you might be right and it’s only two hours away so if anything happens, we can rush back here. We can tell Sara to just forward the system and work from home and call us if it’s an emergency. We’ll have to let KCPD know too so they know where to contact us.” He pulls out his phone to text the boys and let them know the plan.

  “Alright, that works. When are we leaving?” I ask.

  “Friday, around nine in the morning is the plan. Pops wants to leave Thursday night though. So, I would say mak
e sure you’re ready to head out then,” he explains then stands up, and turns to leave.

  “How late are we talking on Thursday?” I ask him right before he walks out of my office.

  “Who knows. You know how Pops is. More than likely it will be around eight at night. So be ready,” he yells back.

  I have a weird feeling something is going to happen this weekend. I didn’t tell Lucky this when he said we were going to go to the lake. I don’t like getting these feelings, especially since the last one. I just hope that this time it’s a good one, because I don’t know if I can handle something else happening.



  After our Friday afternoon nap, I decide that I want to take Marcus on a walk by the lake. Right when I’m getting him dressed for the outside, there’s a knock at the door. I peek out towards the window and see Ms. Cindy standing there, waving. I wave her in.

  “Well, what are you two up to?” She walks in and shuts the door.

  “I’m going to take Marcus for a walk by the lake. He needs to see the amazing beauty that is there. I have always loved this lake and walking by the water has always calmed me when my OPG and I came down here on the weekends,” I absently tell her thinking back to those days.

  “Your OPG?” Ms. Cindy asks and takes a seat at the dining room table. Her question snaps me out of my thoughts.

  “Yes, my grandma. I call her OPG, it’s a nickname I gave her as a kid. Sorry, I just miss her,” I explain and finish getting Marcus ready for our walk. “Would you like to join us?”


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