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One More Time: More Series Book 1

Page 25

by S. Van Horne

  By now, I’m almost drooling, but also uncomfortable. It’s been years since I’ve been affected by the opposite sex, and I don’t know how I feel about it.

  I may be drooling and staring, but so is he. I mean, he’s staring back at me. He gives me a wink and that cool-man chin raise I always thought was so sexy when Jake did it. As soon as Jake comes to mind, I feel like cold water has been thrown on me and I’m quickly pulled out of my daze.

  What in the world, Faith?

  I’m so engrossed, I don’t notice the light has turned green until I hear a loud honk behind me. I immediately turn away and start pressing the gas to move forward. I hear him rev his engine. I take a quick glance at him one last time and notice his eyes are still on me. I think he wants me to put my window down, but I quickly look away and start moving forward. As I’m speeding away, I look into my rearview mirror and see him still in the same spot, watching my Jeep drive away.

  Finally, I hear him accelerate and see him turn left. Thank goodness he went in another direction. I feel weird and unsettled. I try to shake those feelings off and keep driving. I speed away from that beautiful and electrifying man and make my way to Jake. Right now, I need to be near him and I need to share this day with him.

  No matter how much I try, I just can’t help but feel like my world is about to change—that it’s about to be flipped upside down once again.



  Forever Mine

  Book One – Providence Series

  Copyrighted © 2016




  Jaysus, but it was hot out. I’d been guilted into spending the day helping Dad out on the family ranch instead of working in the garage that I owned in town, and if I had been in there today like normal, I wouldn’t have been sweating my ass off in ninety degrees of heat and sun. Why had I said yes? Oh yeah, because of my mom. None of us could ever say no to her. With four boys and a girl under her belt, she pretty much had the entire family wrapped around her little finger.

  At least it was Friday, so I could head into town tonight to get rid of this tension that felt like it was suffocating me. A couple of days ago, I’d seen a dark blonde in Cooper’s while I was picking up some groceries. It had been her hair that had initially grabbed my attention because it was so unfamiliar, and between my brothers and me, we pretty much knew all of the females in the county. I’d stared, waiting for her to turn around, because if the back was that amazing, then God would be a cruel man to make the front less than the back. When she turned and started walking in my direction, I’d been floored—who the fuck was this beauty? Was she passing through or staying in the area?

  She’d turned just then, and I remembered struggling to breathe for the second that we’d looked at each other for, until Grandad had suddenly stuck his face in mine, scaring the shit out of me!

  “Ren, boy! I was beginning to think you’d skipped the county. Where the hell you been, and what are we staring at?”

  By that point, I had been twisting and trying to look around him back at the angel, but the old bastard had been deliberately blocking my view, and when he’d finally moved, she had disappeared. For the last three days, all I could think about was her. Seriously, seeing was believing when it came to how beautiful she’d been. The problem was I’d been back to town every day since and had gone into Cooper’s and hung around the area, and there was no sign of her. I thought at one point that I saw her driving a new black Escalade around, but it turned out to be George Montgomery’s, which I learned because he’d driven it into my garage yesterday saying that there was an electrical fault in the driver door that needed to be dealt with. Who was she? Was she gone now? I rubbed a hand down my face and decided I needed to get laid tonight to get my man card back, because I was obsessing over this girl like chicks did over guys.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Mom said as I walked in. She walked up and handed me a cold, damp cloth to wipe my face and neck down. She then passed me a huge glass of iced tea.

  “Hey, Ma,” my younger brother Cole yelled as he walked in before I could thank her. I watched as she gave him the exact same, but that was just so he didn’t get jealous. Like she could tell what I was thinking, she caught my eye and winked at me. I was so her favorite!

  “Now don’t y’all forget that the interior designer is coming to look at y’all’s houses, okay?” she said, hands on hips.

  Mom had organized this weeks ago when she’d found out that someone’s niece was moving here and that she was an interior designer. Our parents had built us our own homes on the property on our 18th birthdays. Obviously, it takes a while for houses to be built and all, so we moved in when we were 19 or 20 when they were completed, but on our 18ths, we had sat down with an architect, a plan had been decided, and we’d been allowed to choose where we wanted them to be on the land the family owned. I’d been living in mine for seven years, and in all that time I hadn’t really lifted a finger to change the place or decorate it aside from hanging some pictures or shelves or shit like that. My excuse was I didn’t ever have the time, but the truth was I didn’t know what the fuck to do with it. Then Mom had come in with this curveball, and now I was feeling a bit protective of my home, not really trusting a stranger to decorate it. I mean, they didn’t know me and what I liked, and they didn’t live there, so how would they decorate it for me?

  “Shit, Ma, we know. You’ve been going on about it for weeks now. What’s wrong with how they look?” Cole whined. He was such a little bitch. Even my baby sister, Layla, didn’t whine as much as he did.

  “Y’all haven’t done one thing to those houses since they were built. The walls are still covered in white primer, and the floors are bare wood, for the love of God,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

  “Now, Ma, you taught us better than to leave our wood bare,” Cole replied with a smirk on his face just as I took a gulp of my iced tea, which I sprayed all over the kitchen floor.

  “Cole Jessop Townsend! That is…you are…I don’t even know what to say back to that comment, apart from the fact that you will eat your words the day you meet the girl who is yours, and you’ll regret your tomcatting when she finds out about it and you see the look on her face. Now get your mind outta the gutter and start thinking about what you’re gonna ask her to do to your home. And you, Renwick Samuel Townsend, go get a cloth and clean your mess off the floor. I swear, I raised y’all better than this. You get this from your father’s family.” She walked away to the pantry, still muttering under her breath.

  “Speaking of which, last night at Jilly’s, I saw the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve never seen her around here before, but she walked in with the Montgomerys, and hand to God she has unrivaled beauty in these parts,” Cole told me as I mopped my spit and tea off the floor while laughing at him for using the term ‘unrivaled beauty.’ He’d obviously been lifting Mom’s Harlequin books again which he'd done since he was twelve. Any other pubescent teen would have hit Playboy or gone online, but not Cole—he’d always loved a ‘happy’ ending to his fantasies. Then again, didn’t all teenage boys want a happy ending to their fantasies? But Cole hadn’t thought outside the box, and had instead stolen Mom’s books one by one until she’d found them in his closet. Of course, we had never let him live it down since we’d found out.

  “Really? Did you talk to her? What was she like?” Mom was suddenly full of interest.

  “She was quite tall, say to here,” he said, pointing at the bottom of his neck, “with long, curly blondish hair and these eyes that—”

  My head snapped up at the description of my angel from Cooper’s. “She was with the Montgomerys?”

  “Yeah! All I know is she’s just moved here to work or some shit and has just rented the Twyman house outside of town. Jaysus, she’s beautiful, man! I’m gonna head back into town tonight and ask
her out.” He wiggled his eyebrows, not realizing that he was now closer to death than he’d ever been in his life.

  “The fuck you…” I started just as there was a knock at the front door.

  My mom clapped her hands loudly. “That’ll be Maya. Y’all stop your arguing and get ready to meet the designer.”

  Still in the kitchen with my brother, I put my face in his. “You won’t be asking her out, Cole. She’s mine, and don’t you forget that.”

  Before I could threaten him further, Mom walked into the kitchen with her guest. “Ren, Cole, this is Maya Price, the designer. Maya, these are two of my troublemaking boys, Cole on the left and Ren on the right.”

  Cole and I turned around, and I damn near choked all over again. There, standing in the doorway, was my beauty from Cooper’s, who was now my interior designer. All of a sudden, I felt a healthy interest in decorating my home come on, and judging by the gulp I heard from beside me, I’d say my shithead of a little brother was thinking the same thing. The only difference between his thoughts and mine was that I knew in reality she would soon be mine, whereas for him it would always just be a pipe dream.


  Caught Breaking the Law

  Book Five in the Caught Series

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2016

  Chapter 1

  “I’m investigating the death of Veronica Mason,” I said, showing my private investigator’s badge to the receptionist at the District Attorney’s office in Phoenix, Arizona. My friend asked for a favor and well there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for a buddy of mine. Trent was a good hardworking man and he needed me to do him a solid, so I said yes without hesitation. Besides it was cold back home. Here the weather was sweet.

  “I’m sorry sir, but the DA is presently out to lunch with his intern,” she replied with a smile. I bet he was. I twisted my lips thinking he was probably a fucking sleaze ball. Hell, what I found out took a couple of days, he had a fucking decade to figure it out, but was too busy to deal with it apparently. “But if you like I can schedule an appointment with them sometime this week.” She started looking down at a large planner. Typical bullshit. Something I didn’t have time for.

  I immediately placed my hand over the planner, stopping her in her tracks. “I don’t have time for that. I have to be back in Seattle soon.” My tone wasn’t harsh or anything intimidating, but she got my point. I heard the ping of the elevator behind me and the snooty receptionist look up.

  “I’ll see…oh they just walked in.” She stood up and looked around me. I followed her gaze and fell in love on the fucking spot. Before me was a voluptuous brunette with a DA who was standing a little too close to her. I let out a low growl, that I don’t think she heard, but her eyes smiled up at us. She was going to be mine. I had to bide my time until the Mason case was dealt with, but as far as I was concerned she was my woman.

  “Sir. This gentleman wants to look into the case that Lily Mason keeps calling about.” So Trent’s woman was trying to get real answers, but that was what Trent asked me to do. It was time for the professional to make things happen and I was that guy. I had this all wrapped up and ready to gift the DA. I hoped as a reward the beauty would just fall into my lap.

  “Really?” He scrunched his eyebrows at me with a suspicious gaze, then addressed me, “Give me a few minutes we’ll take a look into it together.”

  “Miranda, can you set up conference room B?” he asked my woman. I didn’t like the him calling her by name.

  “Yes, sir,” Miranda said, walking past me and down the hall. Tilting my head, I watched her walk away from behind. Fuck, her ass was round as hell. I wondered if she spent time in the gym or was she naturally hot. Either way, I’d learn one way or another. Too busy, ogling her curves, I forgot to scope out her ring finger. Damn it.

  I heard a cough behind me. Oops, I’d forgotten the DA was standing there and that he could be hitting it. “She’s not available to you. You’re lucky I want this case solved sometime before I retire,” he grumbled at me.

  “Yeah, well you looked awfully close to your intern,” I challenged, my jealousy showing.

  I heard a giggle coming from the receptionist that stopped short with a glare from the DA. Then the old pervert responded, “She’s my daughter.”

  I pursed my lips in a ‘oops, my bad,’ kind of way, then I apologized, “I’m sorry. It was wrong of me.” I didn’t tell him that I was leaving her be because that wasn’t going to happen, but I needed to get the case handled, so I had to be on my best behavior. Normally, I wouldn’t have done a double take on any woman, but something in Miranda’s smile hit me straight in the chest.

  “The conference room is ready,” Miranda said, walking into the reception area. “I pulled the file and set it up for you.” She also handed him another file and his glasses. He was lucky that was his daughter because I wanted to be taken care of like that and it irked me that she was catering to him.

  I followed behind them, hoping to get another glimpse of her ass. The damn DA was blocking my view. I tried to get my shit together. It would be okay; I would manage to control my lust. I was going to find a way to get her alone and in my arms.

  “So Mr. Wyatt, what’s your role in this?”

  “I was hired by Lilly Mason’s fiancé to look into the matter. He doesn’t like that she’s still living with the uncertainty and that she probably lived with her mother’s killer all these years.”

  “Are you saying you believe her father had something to do with it?”

  “I know he did.” I opened my satchel and tossed the case folder across the table, before turning to give Miranda a wink. DA Russell opened the file and his eyes popped open in surprise. “This is information you couldn’t get without a warrant, but it’s all the proof you need to focus on him as the prime suspect.”

  “We can’t use this in court,” he reminded me, sliding the file back toward me, but I just slid it back.

  “No shit. I’m just telling you so you could go after Mason. Just so you know, he’s believed to have something to do with the explosion that happened at his house up north in Lake Oswego. Lily was the only one in the house at the time.” Miranda gasped, with her hand on her mouth. I reached over and patted her other hand. “Don’t worry, she wasn’t seriously injured,” I responded with a smile.

  “So tell me, Mr. Wyatt. How did you get this information?” he interrupted, giving me that stare that he bestowed on me since I eyed his daughter.

  “I looked,” I replied coldly. “Something your people didn’t even bother to do. All searches stopped at his bank records. If you all had dug deeper than you would have found this back in the day.”

  “After his financials were cleared we didn’t think we had to dig into his company records,” he justified, clearly unhappy with their lack of conviction on the husband.

  “Well now you have it. I want this solved because there are other things I have to work on,” I said, giving Miranda another wink.

  “Thanks for your time and this information. We’ll look into both this Jerry Kroll and Mason.”

  “I’ll be following up with you.” I stood up and shook his hand and then reached for hers. Once she gave it to me I kissed it. My eyes made contact with hers briefly and I saw the attraction. We could burn down the building with the molten energy passing between us. If her fucking father wasn’t coughing again, I’d close the distance and pull her close enough to kiss her.

  Leaving the office, I had lots of regrets. I wanted to go back in there and take her back to my hotel. Reminding myself that I was trying to help those who needed me. I couldn’t be selfish.

  Going back to my hotel, I thought about how I was going to win the smart, up-and-coming lawyer. I thought about her all night, even though I shouldn’t have. Trent was counting on me to find out the truth. I closed my eyes and with everything I had in me I pushed Miranda from my thoughts. I came up with my plan
in a matter of a minute. First thing in the morning, I was going to visit Jerry. Now, I went back to thinking about my Miranda. Damn that ass. A cold shower was calling my name, but something about her squashed that idea and I took my cock in hand, then slept like a baby.


  SUGAR BABY by Eve Montelibano

  Copyrighted © 2016

  Coming Soon to Amazon…


  I feel my pussy gushing more fluids after that brief conversation. I stare at my phone in frustration. He sounded so cold and impersonal. Like he’s too busy to be bothered by me.

  While you’re waiting for him here like his personal whore, excited to feel his touch again. Craving to feel him fill you again. Poor bitch. Where’s you game going, I wonder?

  I make an unintelligible sound, choking my bitch of a conscience to silence. I don’t need to be reminded of that. My swollen, pulsating-with-need kitty is proof enough.

  God, three days and I’m craving for him like a druggie. This is the first time he’s left me on a business trip for days.

  I’ve been ensconced in his penthouse suite with him most of the month, exploring the joys of carnal ecstasy. I didn’t know I already got addicted to his lovemaking. To him. All of him. It happened so quickly and I fully realized it when he left three days ago for Texas.

  I hate it. I’m not supposed to feel like this for him. I hate him with every fiber of my being for what he’s doing to my father and our family. But I must endure it.

  I must be with him for as long as he wishes, until he decides to show mercy and spare my father from going to prison. I’m the sacrificial lamb in an age-old practice of commerce. A bargaining chip.

  I have to be thankful the bastard liked me the first time he saw me. I was desperate, grasping at straws.

  Two days later, he claimed my virginity. And here I am now, still trying to change his mind.


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