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From Single Mom to Secret Heiress

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by Kristi Gold

  Where there’s a will, there’s a secret…

  When Hannah Armstrong opens the door to find a cowboy on her porch, her jaw drops—and not just because he’s beyond handsome. Apparently she’s heir to the Lassiter fortune. If Logan Whittaker, cowboy-turned-attorney, can help her uncover the truth about her biological father, why say no—at least for her daughter Cassie’s sake?

  With Hannah tucked away at his ranch house, Logan longs to turn their business affairs into something more personal. Except Hannah has enough dark family secrets to cope with—and Logan’s own past could spell trouble just as things are really heating up….

  “In Case You Haven’t Noticed, I’ve Had A Hard Time Keeping My Eyes Off You Tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m having a difficult time believing you would be interested in me.”

  Hannah couldn’t be more wrong. “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re smart and savvy and pretty damn brave to raise a child on your own and finish college at the same time.”

  “Keep going.”

  Logan could…all night. “You’re a survivor and very beautiful, although you don’t seem to know that. And that’s not only hard to find in a beautiful woman, it’s appealing.”


  “Right now I’d like to kiss you,” he blurted out before his brain caught up with his mouth. “But I’m not going to.”

  “Why not?” she asked, looking thoroughly disappointed.

  “Because if I kissed you, I might not want to stop there.”

  * * *

  From Single Mom to Secret Heiress is a Dynasties: The Lassiters novel—A Wyoming legacy of love, lies and redemption!

  * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  I am happy to report that I was blessed with three children. Though they’ve all reached adulthood, I still retain fond memories of the pitfalls and pleasures of parenthood. My oldest daughter was an easy baby who slept through the night at six weeks, thanks to that attached pacifier known as the thumb, and she remained low maintenance throughout her formative years. My second daughter had a real pacifier and a penchant for losing it several times and wailing about it during the wee hours. She continued that course until the ripe old age of eighteen months, and she’s definitely making up for it now due to the demands of her career. However, the serious sleep deprivation brought about by baby number two did not discourage me from having baby number three a little over two years later. And that baby happened to be my son, commonly referred to as “the male child.” From the time he began to walk, he never stopped running or climbing or getting into trouble, and making mom’s anger go away with an innocent smile.

  Granted, all three presented challenges at one time or another during their childhoods, but I was lucky enough to have a fantastic husband who shared in the responsibility, and he did it without looking as shell-shocked as his wife. That’s why I always marvel at stories of single moms—and dads—who struggle to balance budgets and child-rearing on their own, sometimes working two jobs to make ends meet. I’m sure most would love to wake up one morning and discover an unexpected fortune dropped into their laps.

  And that is exactly what happens to widowed single mom Hannah Armstrong when she opens the door to a gorgeous attorney bringing tidings of a surprise inheritance—with a few conditions attached. Hannah certainly didn’t bargain for becoming an overnight heiress, but more important, she didn’t expect to be so darned attracted to another man, especially one as mysterious and sexy as Logan Whittaker. But when two people with emotional scars and serious chemistry join forces, anything can happen…even love.

  I truly hope you enjoy this heartfelt story of hope and healing as much as I enjoyed telling it.

  Happy reading!



  Kristi Gold

  Books by Kristi Gold

  Harlequin Desire

  The Return of the Sheikh #2230

  One Night with the Sheikh #2244

  From Single Mom to Secret Heiress #2300

  Silhouette Desire

  Marooned with a Millionaire #1517

  Expecting the Sheikh’s Baby #1531

  Fit for a Sheikh #1576

  Challenged by the Sheikh #1585

  *Persuading the Playboy King #1600

  *Unmasking the Maverick Prince #1606

  *Daring the Dynamic Sheikh #1612

  Mistaken for a Mistress #1669

  A Most Shocking Revelation #1695

  House of Midnight Fantasies #1728

  The Pregnancy Negotiation #1763

  Executive Seduction #1768

  Harlequin Superromance

  His Best Mistake #1624

  ∆The One She Left Behind #1732

  ∆The Son He Never Knew #1744

  ∆The Only Man for Her #1785

  Harlequin Everlasting Love

  Fall from Grace

  Harlequin Special Edition

  Through Jenna’s Eyes #1836

  The Mommy Makeover #1956

  ∆Delta Secrets

  *The Royal Wager

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  has a fondness for beaches, baseball and bridal reality shows. She firmly believes that love has remarkable healing powers and feels very fortunate to be able to weave stories of love and commitment. As a bestselling author, a National Readers’ Choice Award winner and a Romance Writers of America three-time RITA® Award finalist, Kristi has learned that although accolades are wonderful, the most cherished rewards come from networking with readers. She can be reached through her website at, or through Facebook.

  To my fellow Lassiter authors, particularly Kathie DeNosky, my good friend and brainstorming buddy. I can always count on you to have my back, as long as you’ve had your coffee. Couldn’t have done this one without you.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Excerpt


  What a way to begin the end of April—with limited funds and leaky plumbing.

  Yet Hannah Armstrong couldn’t quite believe her sudden change in fortune. Twenty minutes after placing the 5:00 p.m. service call, and hearing the dispatcher’s declaration that they would try to send someone out today, her doorbell sounded.

  She left the flooded galley kitchen and carefully crossed the damp dining-room floor that was littered with towels. After entering the living room, she navigated another obstacle course comprised of a toy plastic convertible painted shocking pink, as well as a string of miniature outfits that would be the envy of the fashion-doll world. “Cassie, sweetie, you have to pick up your toys before you can spend the night with Michaela,” she called on her way to answer the summons.

  She immediately received the usual “In a minute, Mama,” which came from the hallway to her right.

  Hannah started to scold her daughter for procrastinating, but she was too anxious to greet her knight in shining tool belt. Yet when she yanked the front door open, she was completely taken aback by the man standing on her porch. The guy had to be the prettiest plumber in Boul
der. Correction. All of Colorado.

  She quickly catalogued the details—a six-foot-plus prime specimen of a man with neatly trimmed, near-black hair that gleamed in the sun and eyes that reminded her of a mocha cappuccino. He wore a navy sports coat that covered an open-collared white shirt, dark-wash jeans and a pair of tan polished cowboy boots, indicating she’d probably pulled him away from a family function. Or quite possibly a date since he didn’t appear to be wearing a wedding band.

  “Ms. Armstrong?” he asked as soon as she stepped onto the porch, his voice hinting at a slight drawl.

  Considering her ragtag appearance—damp holey jeans, no shoes, hair piled into a disheveled ponytail and a faded blue T-shirt imprinted with Bring it On!—Hannah considered denying her identity. But leaky pipes took precedence over pride. “That’s me, and I’m so glad to see you.”

  “You were expecting me?” Both his tone and expression conveyed his confusion.

  Surely he was kidding. “Of course, although I am really surprised you got here so quickly. And since I’ve obviously interrupted your Friday-night plans, please know I truly appreciate your expediency. Just one question before you get started. What exactly do you charge after normal business hours?”

  He looked decidedly uncomfortable, either from the question or her incessant rambling. “Anywhere from two-fifty to four hundred regardless of the hour.”



  Ridiculous. “Isn’t that a bit exorbitant for a plumber?”

  His initial surprise melted into a smile, revealing dimples that would make the most cynical single gal swoon. “Probably so, but I’m not a plumber.”

  Hannah’s face heated over her utterly stupid assumption. Had she been thinking straight, she would have realized he wasn’t a working-class kind of guy. “Then what are you? Who are you?”

  He pulled a business card from his jacket pocket and offered it to her. “Logan Whittaker, attorney at law.”

  A slight sense of dread momentarily robbed Hannah of a response, until she realized she had no reason to be afraid of a lawyer. She gained enough presence of mind to take the card and study the text. Unfortunately, her questions as to why he was there remained unanswered. She’d never heard of the Drake, Alcott and Whittaker law firm, and she didn’t know anyone in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

  She looked up to find him studying her as intently as she had his card. “What’s this about?”

  “I’m helping settle the late J. D. Lassiter’s estate,” he said, then paused as if that should mean something to her.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know anyone named Lassiter, so there must be some mistake.”

  He frowned. “You are Hannah Lovell Armstrong, right?”


  “And your mother’s name is Ruth Lovell?”

  The conversation was growing stranger by the minute. “Was. She passed away two years ago. Why?”

  “Because she was named as secondary beneficiary should anything happen to you before you claimed your inheritance.”

  Inheritance. Surely it couldn’t be true. Not after all the years of wondering and hoping that someday...

  Then reality began to sink in, as well as the memory of her mother’s warning.

  You don’t need to know anything about your worthless daddy or his cutthroat family. He never cared about you one whit from the moment you were born. You’re better off not knowing....

  So shell-shocked by the possibility that this had something to do with the man who’d given her life, Hannah simply couldn’t speak. She could only stare at the card still clutched in her hand.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Armstrong?”

  The attorney’s question finally snapped her out of the stupor. “I’m a little bit confused at the moment.” To say the least.

  “I understand,” he said. “First of all, it’s not my place to question you about your relationship with J. D. Lassiter, but I am charged with explaining the terms of your inheritance and the process for claiming it. Anything you reveal to me will be kept completely confidential.”

  When she realized what he might be implying, Hannah decided to immediately set him straight. “Mr. Whittaker, I don’t have, nor have I ever had, a relationship with anyone named Lassiter. And if you’re insinuating I might be some mistress he kept hidden away, you couldn’t be more wrong.”

  “Again, I’m not assuming anything, Ms. Armstrong. I’m only here to honor Mr. Lassiter’s last wishes.” He glanced over his shoulder at Nancy, the eyes and ears of the neighborhood, who’d stopped watering her hedgerow to gawk, before turning his attention back to Hannah. “Due to confidentiality issues, I would prefer to lay out the terms of the inheritance somewhere aside from your front porch.”

  Although he seemed legitimate, Hannah wasn’t comfortable with inviting a stranger into her home, not only for her sake, but also for her daughter’s. “Look, I need some time to digest this information.” As well as the opportunity to investigate Logan Whittaker and determine whether he might be some slick con artist. “Could we possibly meet this evening to discuss this?” Provided she didn’t discover anything suspicious about him.

  “I can be back here around seven-thirty.”

  “I’d prefer to meet in a public venue. I have a daughter and I wouldn’t want her to overhear our conversation.”

  “No problem,” he said. “And in the meantime, feel free to do an internet search or call my office and ask for Becky. You’ll have all my pertinent information and proof that I am who I say I am.”

  The man must be a mind reader. “Thank you for recognizing my concerns.”

  “It’s reasonable that you’d want to protect not only yourself, but your child.” He sounded as if he truly understood, especially the part about protecting Cassie.

  She leaned a shoulder against the support column. “I suppose you’ve probably seen a lot of unimaginable things involving children during your career.”

  He shifted his weight slightly. “Fortunately I’m in corporate law, so I only have to deal with business transactions, estates and people with too much money to burn.”

  “My favorite kind of people.” The sarcasm in her tone was unmistakable.

  “Not too fond of the rich and infamous?” he asked, sounding somewhat amused.

  “You could say that. It’s a long story.” One that wouldn’t interest him in the least.

  “I’m staying at Crest Lodge, not far from here,” he said. “They have a decent restaurant where we can have a private conversation. Do you know the place?”

  “I’ve been there once.” Six years ago with her husband on their anniversary, not long before he was torn from her life due to a freak industrial accident. “It’s fairly expensive.”

  He grinned. “That’s why they invented expense accounts.”

  “Unfortunately I don’t have one.”

  “But I do and it’s my treat.”

  And what a treat it would be, sitting across from a man who was extremely easy on the eyes. A man she knew nothing about. Of course, this venue would be strictly business. “All right, if you’re sure.”

  “Positive,” he said. “My cell number’s listed on the card. If your plans change, let me know. Otherwise I’ll meet you there at seven-thirty.”

  That gave Hannah a little over two hours to get showered and dressed, provided the real plumber didn’t show up, which seemed highly unlikely. “Speaking of calls, why didn’t you handle this by phone?”

  His expression turned solemn once more. “First of all, I had some business to attend to in Denver, so I decided to stop here on the way back to Cheyenne. Secondly, as soon as you hear the details, you’ll know why I thought it was better to lay out the terms in person. I’ll see you this evening.”

  With that, he strode down the walkway, climbe
d into a sleek black Mercedes and drove away, leaving Hannah suspended in a state of uncertainty.

  After taking a few more moments to ponder the situation, she tore back into the house and immediately retreated to the computer in her bedroom. She began her search of Logan Whittaker and came upon a wealth of information, including several photos and numerous accolades. He graduated from the University of Texas law school, set up practice twelve years ago in Dallas, then moved to Cheyenne six years ago. He was also listed as single, not that it mattered to Hannah. Much.

  Then it suddenly dawned on her to check out J. D. Lassiter, which she did. She came upon an article heralding his business acumen and his immeasurable wealth. The mogul was worth billions. And once again, she was subjected to shock when she recognized the face in the picture accompanying his story—the face that belonged to the same man who had been to her house over twenty years ago.

  That particular day, she’d returned home from school and come upon him and her mother standing on the porch, engaged in a heated argument. She’d been too young to understand the content of the volatile conversation, and when she’d asked her mom about him, Ruth had only said he wasn’t anyone she should worry about. But she had worried...and now she wondered....

  Hannah experienced a surprising bout of excitement mixed with regret. Even if she had solid proof J. D. Lassiter was in fact her father, she would never have the opportunity to meet him. It was as if someone had given her a special gift, then immediately yanked it away from her. It didn’t matter. The man had clearly possessed more money than most, and he hadn’t spent a dime to support her. That begged the question—why would he leave her a portion of his estate now? Perhaps a guilty conscience. An attempt at atonement. But it was much too late for that.

  She would meet Logan Whittaker for dinner, hear him out and then promptly tell him that she wouldn’t take one penny of the Lassiter fortune.


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