Book Read Free

Jennifer Kacey

Page 4

by Aslan's Fetish

  A few minutes later, she climbed between her sheets. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.”

  “Did you say something?”

  Cuddling her favorite pillow, she sank into the cool soft sheets. “Just whispering sweet nothings to our bed.”

  “Be there in just a minute.”

  “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” She closed her eyes and sighed. Sleep found her before Zeke did.

  * * * * *

  Anticipation clawed at her insides the next evening. “Can I open my eyes yet?”


  “Oh, fuck, that smells like leather. Like toys.” She added the last part in a whisper.

  “No peaking, missy.”

  Aslan had crashed so hard the night before she never woke when Zeke called to her that he was almost finished or when he came to bed. When he pulled her close, he told her she was snoring. Not surprising. Jetlag was a bitch.

  She’d slept until noon and had woken up to him, between her thighs, beneath the covers licking her pussy. Coming on his mouth was only second best to coming on his cock. Which she’d done several minutes after that, when he’d flipped her over and fucked her from behind, so he could spank her ass red.

  Not because she did anything bad, but because he wanted to see his mark on her.

  Most delicious man she’d ever met.

  And now she finally stood in the room she’d promised not to go into. It had been the longest day of her entire life. Patience may well be a virtue but it certainly wasn’t one of hers. “Can I look yet?” She tightly squeezed her hands together in front of her, trying to keep from yanking the blindfold off.

  “Almost.” He shifted her position just a little bit and settled his hands on her shoulders. “Okay. Ready. Take off the—”

  “Wait. I have a question first.” She bit her lip, suddenly very nervous.

  He kissed her neck. “Anything.”

  “I know work people left here yesterday. And I know whatever I’m about to see is kinky in nature and if I know you at all, it’s very kinky in nature. I just want to know how embarrassed I’m going to be on Monday when I have to see them again.”

  Zeke wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  Her anxiety melted away at his touch.

  “I would never put you in a position to be embarrassed. Not ever. I had outside fabricators make all the furniture. The designers helped with only the room décor and didn’t see the…accessories. The metal guys think it was all for other things and workshop stuff. No one saw the room put together. You’ll be the first.”

  “Furniture? Room décor? Is that why it took longer? And why it sounded like a construction site today?”

  “Exactly. They all think I was just surprising you with a new guest room. They don’t know what it really is.”

  Aslan bit her lip. “So, what is it really?”

  “Why don’t you take off your blindfold and see?”

  Pushing the covering from her eyes, she had to blink a couple times to get her eyes to focus in the dark space. Her gasp filled the room.

  “Welcome to our playroom.”

  The walls and ceiling of the large guest room had been covered with a dark maroon wallpaper. Around the edges of the room were larger furniture pieces with two purposes in mind. Control and domination.

  “Like the red room of pain?” she uttered into the new space. Everything was uncovered, except one thing in the middle of the open area, which was covered by black material and spotlighted.

  “Exactly. With a little extra something for us to enjoy.”

  “Extra?” she whispered. Her eyes wouldn’t stop moving. She couldn’t focus on any of it. It was all a blur.

  A delicious, dirty, wet-panties-inducing blur.

  He stepped around her and stood beside the something in the middle of the room, with the black sheet over it.

  “What’s that?”

  “This is the beginning of your fantasy.” He nodded to the sheet. “Pull it off and see what’s underneath. I had it custom built to my specifications. Took them weeks to get it all right. It had to be perfect.”

  Tentatively, Aslan stepped forward. A bit of tunnel vision kicked in and all she could see was what she thought was the outline of a chair. A spotlight from above illuminated the dark surface and it almost made her think of a dentist’s chair or a barber’s chair. Definitely not a fantasy of hers by any means so she didn’t know what to expect.

  As soon as she pulled the sheet away, she huffed out a breath and stepped back. “Oh. My. God.” She covered her mouth, glanced at Zeke and then back down. “It’s a…” Her voice faded and she shook her head. “How did you know? I’ve never told you about this fantasy. Ever. It’s too…”

  “It’s too what? Dirty? Delicious? No, Aslan. We agreed at the beginning that we wouldn’t keep fantasies to ourselves. We agreed there was never going to be a no between us and that anything was on the table.” Zeke smiled. “Come to find that you’ll be the something on the table.”

  “But how did you know medical play was even on my list? We’d never really talked much about it. Not to this degree. I know I mentioned it the other night as something I use to think about, but nothing to warrant…” She turned in a circle. “This.”

  “Don’t you remember your dream? You talked in your sleep that night a few weeks ago. You had a dream and called me Dr. Zeke. You were touching yourself to get off but I took over. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more wetness between your thighs and you’ve been soaked before. But nothing like that. Nothing.”

  Aslan stepped forward again, almost certain the fantasy would disappear through her fingers before she had a chance to explore it. In front of her, was a padded black chair with silver accents. A medical kind of chair with built-in stirrups, but the metal wasn’t sharp and angular. It was polished and rounded as if it would cup her legs. Her legs, specifically.

  And the top of the chair, the headrest part, looked almost as if it were removable.

  Zeke moved to the opposite side of the chair. “It’s bolted to the floor but removable so we can put other things in the same place. Spanking benches, stocks, iron crosses—all sorts of dirty and delicious things. I designed it all to be modular, moveable and highly useful.” He released some kind of locking mechanism on the far side. “I can raise the whole thing or pivot it up in the front to get me closer to my holes.” He pointed across the room and Aslan followed where he motioned.

  A rolling stool in red leather sat in the corner, next to a rack of chains. And what was draped across it? A hospital gown. “Oh, fuck.”

  “That too. Or I can tip it backwards and almost all the way upright.”

  Calling her attention back to him, he swung the chair down in the back and he stepped to the head end where, if she were laying down, he’d be at the perfect height to fuck her face.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m overwhelmed and awed by you. By this.” She turned in a circle again and there were bins and cabinets that contained who knew what dark and delicious toys to pleasure and hurt her with.

  Zeke came back around and pulled her back to his chest to hold her close. “Love it as much as I do?”

  “‘Love’ isn’t a strong enough word. Not even close. It’s our own kinky playground that we don’t even have to leave the house for. It’s…” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you did all this. I can’t believe…” She trailed off, unsure of exactly what she wanted to say. It felt like some kind of confession. A reverent admission, to be spoken on hallowed ground.

  “Believe it. You deserve it.”

  She shook her head and turned to face him.

  “You do,” he countered back. “Every delicious inch.”

  “We,” she breathed into the space and Zeke’s eyes softened. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight. “No woman has ever been as loved as I am. Not one. Not even possible.”

  His palm on her cheek was warm
and inviting. “And no man has ever been more thankful to be blessed with a wife as amazing as you.” Staring at her face, he seemed to take in every inch.

  He saw her—inside her, to the parts she always thought she needed to keep hidden. The parts too fragile to place at the feet of a man.

  Emotions rose inside her.

  But all those pieces she thought didn’t fit, couldn’t fit, were perfect because of who they were. No. Who they were together.

  A tear slipped over her lashes and he kissed it away. He didn’t say anything else, didn’t demand to know what she was thinking, feeling. Somehow, he just knew. The word “soulmate” was created for the connection they had. She’d never take him for granted. Them. Not ever.

  They stared at each other for a few more seconds of eternity.

  Those moments. She’d never forget them. Never need anything more than Zeke, because he was everything.


  “So.” Just one word was all he spoke as he tipped her chin up.

  Anticipation raced beneath her flesh as her monster took a step closer to the surface.

  “So?” she questioned and tilted her head to the side. She stared up at the man who held her heart.

  He nodded behind her and she turned around.

  She inhaled, momentarily forgetting about the chair spotlighted in the middle of the room.

  “Are you ready to play, my little patient?”

  She bit her lip and possibilities floated across her mind in rapid succession.

  What would he do?

  How dirty would he get?

  How many times would he make her come before she passed out?

  Reaching behind her, she grabbed onto the seam of his jeans to hold him close.

  The hard ridge of his erection pressed tight against his fly as he brushed against her ass.

  Glancing over her shoulder and up, she met his gaze and held it.

  The contained need rolling through him called to her as much as the fantasy did.

  Her fantasy. He’d done all of this for her. Unbelievable. The only word she could use to describe the man she’d married. The Dom she’d given herself to. Un-fucking-believable.

  Looking into his eyes, she completely let him inside. Only one answer could be given to allow him full control over her desires. Her fetish. “Yes, doctor.”

  A growl rumbled out of him as he claimed her mouth.

  There…was her monster.

  Chapter Four

  “Fuck, you do it for me,” he growled in her ear.

  “Ditto.” She shook her head, trying to keep it clear. Talk about losing the battle, when he stepped over to the stool and picked up the medical gown draped across it. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Things just get real?” He laid the gown across the padded seat of the chair and stared at her.

  “Very. Real,” she huffed out. He hadn’t even really touched her yet and her heart already hammered away against her ribcage.

  “Good.” He nodded to the gown again and then back at her. “I want you completely naked beneath the gown. Your exam will be quite thorough.”

  She reached for the bottom of her shirt, ready to pull it over her head but Zeke headed for the door.

  “There’s a hook on the back of the door you can hang your clothes on.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked, as she lowered her arms.

  “I have a few more things to grab to make this as authentic as possible.”

  “Oh.” Her lips puckered on the word and he stared at her mouth for a second.

  A growl reached her from across the room as he stepped through the door. “Naked,” he told her again as he pulled the door closed.

  “Holy. Shitballs,” she whispered again as she bent over at the waist. Putting her head between her legs to keep from hyperventilating was a real possibility.

  A medical fetish. Just. Fuck.

  Yes, it had turned her on in the past, but she’d never brought it up with Zeke. Not with anyone. But the dream. She vaguely remembered something about the dream.

  Taking a fortifying breath, she straightened her spine and tugged her shirt off. Then her bra, shorts and panties. Just as he said, there were hangers and hooks on the back of the door. After hanging them up, she walked back over to the medical chair and grabbed the gown. She bit her lip as she slipped it on. The fabric was soft, with a white background and tiny little butterflies all over it. It snapped in the back at the top and in the middle. As she straightened, the fabric in the front there was a knock on the door.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “More than you know.”

  The door whooshed open and Aslan almost hit her knees.

  Zeke walked in, wearing blue scrubs and a bright-white doctor’s coat. A stethoscope hung around his neck and he carried a clipboard with a pen clipped to the top. “Mrs. Smythe?” He closed the door and faced her again.

  “Uh huh.” Yeah. That was all she had to offer. Swallowing her nervous excitement as he came forward, she added, “And you are?”

  “Dr. Zeke. Nice to meet you.” He offered his hand and she took it. His firm handshake heated her blood and she tried to stay focused.

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  Glancing at his chest, she shook her head and smiled. “Dr. Zeke” was embroidered on the left side of his white coat.

  His grin when she looked back up? Things wet dreams were made of.

  “Let me get you seated and we can chat for a minute before I start your exam.”

  My exam.


  He released her hand and moved to the chair. He pushed a few buttons and flipped the stirrup legs down close to the chair base. A couple more levers and he moved the chair up into a fully-seated position.

  “Amazing,” she muttered a bit to herself.

  “I couldn’t agree more. She’s one of a kind.” Zeke was staring right at her. “Have a seat, please.”

  Aslan kicked her flip flops off next to the chair. “Oh, my gosh.”


  “I was ready for my feet to freeze on the cold floor but it’s warm.”

  “Heated floor. Only the best for my patients.”

  She took a seat as he watched her. “Do you make house calls?” She tried to keep a straight face. It almost worked.

  “Only for one very special patient.” He leaned back against a bank of cabinets in front of her. Flipping up a sheet of paper and then putting it back down, he glanced over it and grabbed his pen. “Since this is our first time, meeting I thought I’d ask a few questions to see what kind of help I can offer you.”

  “Ask away.”

  “And before we start, Mrs. Smythe, I’ll remind you about our doctor-patient confidentiality. Anything we talk about here today will stay within these walls and will go no further. Understand?” His eyes as he glanced up at her. Gone was the earlier charm and deliciousness of the dirty adventure they were on.

  Seriousness had taken their places and he snared her with his gaze.

  A good case of nerves jumped around in the pit of her stomach, making her more than a little curious as to what he was going to ask her. “So, if I wanted to disclose something I hadn’t told anyone before, that would be okay?”

  “More than okay. I expect it. The only way this is going to work is with complete honesty. From both of us. Agreed?”

  She nodded, loving how their roleplaying would never trump their dynamic. Their connection.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  Knowing he wanted her words, totally did it for her. “Yes, doctor.”

  “Good girl.” He glanced at the paper again. “Let’s start with your health in general. Any issues or problems of any kind I need to know about?”

  “Nothing. Oh, wait.” She held up her finger. “I got a papercut working yesterday.”

  After setting his clipboard down, he stepped closer and took her hand. With his free hand, he moved h
er legs apart so he could stand between her thighs. He stared at the tiny pink line on her pointer finger and then kissed it.

  Aslan’s toes curled at all the contact and the vulnerability filling her up.

  He licked the tip and sucked it into his mouth.

  “Mmm,” slipped from between her lips.

  “Any other injuries I need to kiss and make better?” He rotated his hips a tiny bit to the side and rubbed his erection against her inner thigh.

  “Not that I know of but I’ll keep it in mind, if something pops up.”

  He grinned and kissed her finger one more time before moving back to the counter to grab his clipboard. “How’s your jaw? Can it stay open for long periods of time?”

  “Uhh. It’s fine.” She clasped her hands together in her lap to keep from fidgeting.

  “Gag reflex?”

  “What about it?”

  “Do you like being gagged? Choked?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “I do.” Electricity seemed to zap her clit as he stared at her from a few feet away. Moving her legs back together, she wanted to rub them together to get her clit some relief. She resisted. Barely.

  Zeke didn’t miss the action. He glanced down, following the motion and then back up. There went the one eyebrow up thing again.

  Aslan moved her legs back apart a tiny bit.

  His eyebrow went higher.

  She moved her thighs wider apart and didn’t stop until his eyebrow went down. “At this rate, I’m going to get your table all wet.”

  “I’m counting on it.” He made a check mark on the page and continued. “Your breasts. Are they sensitive?”

  “Normally, not that sensitive.”

  He made a note. “And your pussy?”

  “Incredibly sensitive.”

  “And we already know you don’t have a problem with lubrication.” He wrote down a couple more things. “What about your ass? Do you like anal sex?”

  “Mmm… Love it.”

  “Your nipples get hard when discussing anal sex. Very interesting.” Something else went in her file. “And sex. Do you like it gentle or rough?”


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