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Major Detours

Page 30

by Zachary Sergi

  Spontaneous Tally:

  Thoughtful Tally:


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? Choose your favorite if there’s a tie. This is the second half of your Major Amelia Type, the insecurity Amelia struggled with most.

  Eager Tally:

  Sensitive Tally:

  Find your Major Amelia Type combo of Spontaneous/Thoughtful and Eager/Sensitive in this grid:




  Passion Empress

  Warrior Empress


  Enthused Empress

  Wise Empress


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? This is the way you guided Amelia to overcome her insecurities.

  Assured Tally:

  Honest Tally:


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? Choose your favorite if there’s a tie. This is your Empress Type, the tarot expression you empowered Amelia with most often.

  Nurturing Tally:

  Demanding Tally:

  Flip to the Personality Profile of your Major Amelia Type and remember your Growth Direction and Empress Type!


  Obviously Spontaneous and sometimes over-Eager, the Passion Empress lives by their heart. Not afraid to rush into love, the Passion Empress knows that their openness is their greatest strength—but also potentially their greatest vulnerability. The Passion Empress is also a fierce protector, grounded and able to balance their own instincts against the advice of others.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let a love for others turn into a need for validation or approval. Don’t let self-assurance turn into stubbornness or confidence turn into impulsiveness. Can see into things deeply, but must not forget to also see widely.

  Growth Direction

  Assured: Has recognized tendency to be eager to please and has taken steps to harness spontaneity into decisive boldness.

  Honest: Has embraced the idea that honesty is the only policy and has begun developing a necessary thick skin.

  Empress Type

  The Nurturing Passion Empress: An extremely rare rising combination, the Nurturing Passion Empress represents duality—making choices that might seem at odds with one another, but are ultimately complementary.

  The Demanding Passion Empress: Doubling down on passion, the Demanding Passion Empress is fierce and decisive as they come. They are strong-willed and inspiring, but must beware their own seasons changing like Mother Nature.


  Obviously Spontaneous and sometimes over-Sensitive, the Warrior Empress lives by their sense of adventure. The Warrior Empress knows how to love deeply, but also remains grounded in the reality of responsibility and legacy. A born leader, the Warrior Empress also acts as a guide for self-reflection to inspire growth.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let a deep well of feeling turn into a thin skin. Don’t let a bold and adventurous spirit allow you to outrun that which bothers you. Don’t react without thinking first. Anxiety might ensue if proper time isn’t taken to process feelings.

  Growth Direction

  Assured: Has embraced the idea that confidence is queen and knows empowering others doesn’t always mean sparing their feelings.

  Honest: Has fully recognized their tendency to be sensitive and reactive, so has started processing emotions and is beginning to share them more acutely.

  Empress Type

  The Nurturing Warrior Empress: The most parental rising combination, the Nurturing Warrior Empress always makes choices that protect those they love. However, a parent’s gifts and love can be withdrawn as easily as they are given.

  The Demanding Warrior Empress: The most powerful rising combination, the Demanding Warrior Empress makes no compromises about leading with their passions—but they will make compromises for the greater good.


  Very Thoughtful and sometimes over-Eager, the Enthused Empress lives by their sense of inspiration and faith in things outside themselves: people and higher powers. Able to believe in something greater than self as a way to aspire to greatness, they become a fierce ally and advocate. The Enthused Empress has an open heart and is a hopeful romantic. Knows that wise ones say only fools rush in—but also knows, in the tarot, that a fool is the best thing to be.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let a love for others turn into a need for validation or approval. Don’t let a deep empathy or a deep understanding for others lead to silencing self. Can see into things deeply, but must not forget to also see widely.

  Growth Direction

  Assured: Has recognized tendency to be eager to please and has taken steps to speak and act from a place of purpose, always.

  Honest: Has embraced the idea that honesty is the only policy and has begun developing a necessary thick skin.

  Empress Type

  The Nurturing Enthused Empress: Doubling down on enthusiasm, the Nurturing Enthused Empress is as excited and empathetic as they come, but must beware of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others, as it is the most giving expression possible.

  The Demanding Enthused Empress: A balanced rising combination, the Demanding Enthused Empress has captured duality, able to be both self-assured and flexible. They must beware of getting too lost in their own thoughts or the thoughts of others.


  Very Thoughtful and sometimes over-Sensitive, the Wise Empress lives by her deep well of inner knowledge and intuition. Knows the value of a slow burn: the best things in life are hard-earned and gained over time. The Wise Empress possesses most nurturing nature, always thinking of others and empowering them. Sometimes can allow others to take the lead without knowing it, but always follows through.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let a deep well of feeling turn into a thin skin. Don’t let a deep empathy or a deep understanding for others lead to silencing self. Don’t react without thinking first. Anxiety might ensue if proper time isn’t taken to process feelings.

  Growth Direction

  Assured: Has embraced the idea that confidence is queen, especially when paired with a kind heart and good intent.

  Honest: Has fully recognized their tendency to be sensitive and silent, so is learning being thoughtful means full expression paired with compassion.

  Empress Type

  The Nurturing Wise Empress: The most caring rising combination, the Nurturing Wise Empress is as loving and understanding as they come, but must beware of potentially being taken advantage of.

  The Demanding Wise Empress: An extremely rare rising combination, the Demanding Wise Empress represents duality—making choices that might seem at odds with one another, but are ultimately complementary. Smart, empathetic, and deeply inspiring, they understand the flow of karma and trust in its force.




  Guidance (Compass): Add 1 to Intelligent, Add 1 to Impatient

  Help (Charms): Add 1 to Intuitive, Add 1 to Indecisive

  Learn: Add 1 to Agency

  Responsibility: Add 1 to Destiny


  Hold: Add 1 to Intuitive

  Kiss: Add 1 to Intelligent

  Give the Prince: Add 3 to Intuitive, Add 3 to Indecisive, Add 3 to Destiny

  Take the Prince: Add 3 to Intelligent, Add 3 to Impatient, Add 3 to Agency


  Calling: Add 2 to Destiny, Add 2 to Intuitive, Add 2 to Indecisive

  Coincidence: Add 2 to Agency, Add 2 to Intelligent, Add 2 to Impatient


  Symbolic: Add 2 to Destiny, Add 2 to Intuitive, Add 2 to Indecisive

  Invest: Add 2 to Agency, Add 2 to Intelligent, Add 2 to Impatient


  Forces: Add 1 to Impat
ient, Add 1 to Destiny

  Own Making: Add 1 to Indecisive, Add 1 to Agency

  Need Some Space: Add 1 to Intuitive, Add 1 to Impatient

  Tell It’s Okay: Add 1 to Intelligent, Add 1 to Indecisive


  A Solution: Add 2 to Intelligent

  Learn More: Add 2 to Intuitive

  With or Without: Add 2 to Impatient

  Same Road: Add 2 to Indecisive


  Push Through: Add 2 to Impatient

  Keep Distracted: Add 2 to Indecisive

  Tarot History: Add 2 to Agency

  Tarot Symbols: Add 2 to Destiny


  Magician: Add 1 to Intuitive, Add 1 to Patient

  Hermit: Add 1 to Intelligent, Add 1 to Confident

  Ace of Wands: Add 2 to Intelligent, Add 1 to Agency

  Emperor: Add 2 to Intuitive, Add 1 to Destiny


  Hierophant: Add 2 to Intelligent, Add 1 to Agency

  King of Wands: Add 2 to Intuitive, Add 1 to Destiny

  Moon: Add 2 to Patient, Add 1 to Agency

  Two of Pentacles: Add 2 to Confident, Add 1 to Destiny


  Ten of Cups: Add 2 to Patient, Add 1 to Destiny

  Empress: Add 2 to Confident, Add 1 to Agency

  Accept: Add 4 to Destiny, Add 1 to Intelligent

  Decline: Add 4 to Agency, Add 1 to Intuitive

  Break: Add 2 to Intelligent, Add 2 to Confident

  Open: Add 2 to Intuitive, Add 2 to Patient


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? Choose your favorite if there’s a tie. This is the first half of your Minor Chase Type, the greatest strengths you gave Chase.

  Intelligent Tally:

  Intuitive Tally:


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? Choose your favorite if there’s a tie. This is the second half of your Minor Chase Type, the insecurity Chase struggled with most.

  Impatient Tally:

  Indecisive Tally:

  Find your Minor Chase Type combo of Intelligent/Intuitive and Impatient/Indecisive in this grid:




  Crusader Emperor

  Scholar Emperor


  Catalyst Emperor

  Council Emperor


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? This is the way you guided Chase to overcome his insecurities.

  Patient Tally:

  Confident Tally:


  Which one of the below has the most tallies? Choose your favorite if there’s a tie. This is your Emperor Type, the tarot expression you empowered Chase with most often.

  Agency Tally:

  Destiny Tally:

  Flip to the Personality Profile of your Minor Chase Type and remember your Growth Direction and Emperor Type!


  Obviously Intelligent and sometimes Impatient, the Crusader Emperor is assured in their problem solving ability. Knows exactly what they want to achieve—but can become pushy or arrogant striving for it. Action-oriented, the Crusader Emperor is a beloved leader, especially because they don’t always see themselves that way. Perhaps hard to get close to, but once trusted, fully embraces others.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let a superior talent become a superiority complex. Have patience and don’t force others into your way of things. While there is unique value in your talent, remember you have so much more to offer as a well-rounded being. Can love deeply, which can lead to deep wounds—but always remember you can heal these wounds.

  Growth Direction

  Patient: Has recognized tendency to be impatient, has taken active steps to give others more grace and extend that same grace to self.

  Confident: Has begun believing in self calmly instead of always striving to prove self arrogantly, an act only fueled by doubt.

  Emperor Type

  The Agency Crusader Emperor: Doubling down on intelligence, the Agency Crusader Emperor is as strong and decisive as they come. They must remember leadership can turn into authoritarianism when the throne becomes too isolated.

  The Destiny Crusader Emperor: A potentially volatile rising combination, the Destiny Crusader Emperor combines a fierce belief in self with a belief in a fateful higher power. They must beware being blinded by any static beliefs.


  Obviously Intelligent and sometimes Indecisive, the Scholar Emperor has the impressive ability to study endlessly and is adept at seeing the finer details. Understands complexity and nuance more than most, but sometimes feels stuck or unsure as a result. Never suffering fools, the Scholar Emperor always thinks with their head first and makes the smartest moves, forever a student of the world. Perhaps hard to get close to, but once trusted, fully embraced.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t obsess too much about always making the “right” decision. Let go of perfectionism, because you are enough as you are. When feeling overwhelmed or paralyzed, trust your gut feeling. Can love deeply, which can lead to deep wounds—but always remember, you can heal these wounds.

  Growth Direction

  Patient: Has embraced the idea that thinking things through isn’t about being stuck or paralyzed, but rather patience is an art of stillness and focus.

  Confident: Has recognized tendency to be indecisive and has taken active steps to trust and believe in own voice, having more to offer than just one facet of self.

  Emperor Type

  The Agency Scholar Emperor: The most intellectual rising combination, the Agency Scholar Emperor believes all answers can be found with enough attention. They trust in their judgment, but must beware the things they cannot always see.

  The Destiny Scholar Emperor: A balanced rising combination, the Destiny Scholar Emperor has captured duality more seamlessly, able to be both rational and faithful, objective and subjective, studious and commanding, scientific and spiritual.


  Very Intuitive and sometimes Impatient, the Catalyst Emperor really is a seer into souls. Understands people and knows how to inspire them, but also might overstep boundaries to coerce them. Always willing to learn and grow, but also knows what is best for most. Cares about others deeply, especially loved ones.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t let leadership turn into dictatorship. Self-assurance will often lead to confrontation, so be sure not to lash out at those who disagree. Learning to center self and slow down will be essential for future mental health.

  Growth Direction

  Patient: Has recognized tendency to be impatient, but has begun to use deep understanding of others to lead to an understanding of self.

  Confident: Has begun believing in self calmly instead of always striving to prove self arrogantly, an act only fueled by doubt.

  Emperor Type

  The Agency Catalyst Emperor: A balanced rising combination, the Agency Catalyst Emperor believes in the power of emotions and connections. However, they never lose sight of the real and believe that truest power comes from individual action.

  The Destiny Catalyst Emperor: Doubling down on rising intuition, the Destiny Catalyst Emperor understands the power of human connection. Possesses a keen sense for all the higher powers, but can be blinded by the singularity of this vision.


  Very Intuitive and sometimes Indecisive, the Council Emperor is the most supportive. Understands nuance and also has reverence for higher powers and those with wisdom. Can sometimes feel overwhelmed by input, but capable of processing and sharing the most profound truths. Cares about others deeply, especially loved ones.

  Balances to Reach

  Don’t shrink self to fit the mold of others. Be sure of the things you believe in, because they have likely been ar
rived at after much council and consideration. Revere the words of loved ones, but never more than your own.

  Growth Direction

  Patient: Has embraced the idea that thinking things through isn’t about being stuck or paralyzed, but rather patience is an art of stillness and focus.

  Confident: Has fully recognized tendency to be indecisive and has taken active steps to trust in own voice, letting support of loved ones embolden instead of overwhelm.

  Emperor Type

  The Agency Council Emperor: An extremely rare rising combination, the Agency Council Emperor trusts in their own voice as much as the voices of their trusted peers. A subtle leader, they are entrusted with the safety and well-being of others.


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