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Page 4

by A L Williams

  I slid the egg onto a plate and gathered forks from the drawer. When I turned around to give her a plate, she stared at me with a frown. Before I could ask what was wrong it was gone and she plastered on a smile. I handed her the plate, irritated and she took it. She turned and put it on the counter and moved closer, wrapping her arms around my waist and yanking me against her. I looked aside.

  “Don’t pout. You know I love you.”

  My chest tightened. She leaned in, laying her face against my chest. Moments later I broke and encircled her body, squeezing her close and settling my head on top of hers. We stayed like that for a few moments and I savored it. It was rare when she gave me affection that was not sexual, and I knew any moment it would shift in that direction.

  She lifted her head, forcing me to pull back. Her eyes danced with mischief. She rose on her toes and kissed my lips, the touch soft. I leaned into the kiss and she pulled away. I didn’t know what game she was playing, but I waited. “No one's cock will ever fill me the way yours does. I knew that the first time you fucked me,” she purred.

  I moaned, remembering that day. My cock began to fill as she slid her hands along my body, slipping under my shirt. Her fingers were cold against my heated skin as she mapped every line of my body. She loved torturing me.

  I held myself up against the counter as she pinched a nipple and then the other, groaning at the sting of pain and pleasure. My cock was fully erect at this point, straining against my zipper.

  She moved her hands down to my pants and unfastened them, pulling out my cock and stroking it. I trembled under her confident touch. As confident as I was, she was the only one who knew how to bring me to my knees. It wasn’t easy. She was the only one who knew. I licked my lips as she used my precum to easy the glide.

  “Does that feel good, baby boy? Do you like it when I touch you?” she purred, squeezing my cock.

  I shuddered at her words, slipping into that place that I knew she wanted. “Yes.” I winced when she squeezed harder.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She smiled. “Good boy.”

  She started stroking me again, slowly driving me mad. She loved to prolong it. Make me beg like a good little boy. I wanted to be good. I wanted to be so good.

  “Please,” I said, the word almost lost in a groan. My knees felt weak. This scene would look ridiculous to anyone else. A big man like me falling to pieces at her words and this tiny woman commanding me with as few words as possible. I didn’t care. I wanted to let go. “Please.” I said again, clearer this time.

  She released my erection and I whimpered at the loss.

  “I expect to find you naked and on your knees. We have an event to go to tonight and I do not want to be late.”

  I bobbed my head and all but ran to my room, removing my clothes as I entered.

  If this was what I got when I agreed to deal with Dex’s presence, then I would do it any day.

  What would he think if he saw me like this?

  I pushed that thought away as I knelt, presenting myself to the woman entering the room.


  Lights swirled around us as the beat of the music filled my ears. I fought the urge to pinch my nose in annoyance. I hated loud clubs. There were far too many drunk people acting like idiots. I had worked since I was sixteen and I didn’t have time for drinking and partying. I honestly didn’t see the appeal. Not that I judged anyone for it. It wasn’t my thing. I preferred those closest to me to not do it. Obviously, Izzy didn’t care what I wanted.

  Leaning back in my chair I watched as she sipped at her fruity drink while leaning against Dex. He flushed and it was clear he was intoxicated. He looked at her with a lopsided grin which I wanted to—

  “Are you listening to me?” Aubrey asked, her words slurred. I inhaled a breath and turned back to her. She smiled at me, her teeth even brighter against her ebony skin in the club.

  “Sorry,” I said, trying to ignore the way Izzy was kissing Dex’s neck from the corner of my eye. Did they really have to do that in public?

  “It’s all right.” she said.

  She leaned into me, pressing her breasts against me. They were warm and very attractive and despite smelling like a distillery, I could lose myself in her if I wanted to. That wouldn't happen though. Aubrey was drunk and I didn’t fuck drunk people. Well, other than Izzy. She always made a point to give me prior consent.

  I tried to focus on Aubrey as the band returned, starting the steady flow of much calmer music. I was grateful for their return. The techno beat was giving me a headache.

  Izzy giggled and I looked at her. She was now sitting on Dex’s lap, pretty much grinding on him. This was getting ridiculous. “Hey, we're in public.” I hissed. She looked up, glaring at the onlookers. They looked away.

  She climbed off of him and I shot him a glare which he returned. Even with the bit of alcohol he seemed steady.

  Izzy flopped on the chair and I steadied, preventing her from falling off the other side. She was more drunk than I thought. “It’s time to go home.”

  Izzy poked out her lip. “I’m not ready to leave.”

  “Tough.” I gathered her and glanced back at Aubrey. “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged and stood, walking over to the bar, waving down the bartender. A man walked over and she smiled at him. Well, that was taken care of. I tried to supply annoyance or regret, but there was nothing.

  When I got them both outside—with much difficulty—I opened the ride-share app, trying to ignore the sloppy sound of kissing. I couldn’t. I turned back to the two of them as Izzy kissed Dex’s neck. I glared at him and he glared back with indignation.

  I was being unfair, but I couldn't exactly scold Izzy. This was just how she was, and she wasn’t going to change. I learned that a long time ago. So I turned my annoyance and hostility towards the next best person. “There will be no sex tonight. Neither of you are in your right mind.”

  “I never said there would be.” Dex muttered, the words less slurred.

  Izzy rolled her eyes and pouted. “Oh come on. We’re both adults,” she slurred.

  “I said no,” I put as much hardness into my face as I could muster.

  She pulled away from Dex, wobbling until she righted herself and side eyed. “Okay, dad.”

  I flinched and turned away, exhaustion settling over me. I just wanted to crawl into bed and forget the night.

  This was a bad idea.

  The loud music and sound of traffic around us filled the air as we stood in silence. Waiting for our ride.

  I peered at Dex from the corner of my eye, wondering what was going through his head. A horn blared and I straightened as a car pulled to the curb. I helped Izzy into the car and then turned back to Dex. He looked around with a furrowed brow. I sighed. “Get in.” I said.

  He snapped his head back to me. “I can get home.” I frowned. He was right, but I didn’t think that was a good idea. “I need your help getting her inside.”

  He eyed me up and down and arched his brow. I glared at him. “I don’t want to hurt her. She’s not going to take it well when I make her go to sleep. The last time she almost clawed me to death.”

  “Hey, sexy,” Izzy said. I glanced inside the car, finding her leaning against the driver's seat, who looked extremely uncomfortable. I made a mental note to tip him more and then returned my attention to Dex. He didn’t speak for a moment, studying me and then looked at Izzy.

  He stepped forward and eyed me from the side as he climbed in. I exhaled and then got in, grateful to leave the loud club behind.

  Still, it was going to be a long night, I knew it.


  Once we were back home, Dex and I pretty much carried Izzy into the house. She mumbled incoherently as the last of the alcohol she drank took hold. As expected, she fought along the way, but with Dex’s help we wrestled her into bed.

  We crept out and entered the living room. I turned around and faced him. We didn’
t speak for a moment the air thick and the silence deafening. He rubbed the back of his head. “Well, that was fun.”

  I snorted. “Tons.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have to be an asshole about it.”

  I stocked over and stopped just in front of him, the scent of strawberries and lingering alcohol wafting my face. “I can do whatever the hell I want. Thanks to you, I’ll have to deal with her in the morning. Her hangovers aren’t fun.”

  He crossed his arms and my eyes followed the drag of his tongue across his lips. “I didn’t make her drink!”

  I gritted my teeth. “You didn’t stop her either!”

  We glared at each other as the tension intensified. I was being ridiculous, and I knew it, but I didn’t stop. Rage and something else took over and I stepped forward. He didn’t move, leaving us chest to chest. He had to tilt his head up to meet my gaze. What I found there made my blood boil and my breath catch. This timid man was standing up to me. I could break him in half and yet he was holding his own. I clenched my hands at my side wanting to...wanting…

  Our mouths connected and I sucked on his tongue. We clung to each other, fighting for dominance. I backed him into the wall, forcing him to submit. He did. I controlled the kiss and he met me with equal intensity. It was heady and I drowned as my cock filled.

  What the hell is happening?

  Chapter Seven


  One moment I was prepared to punch this asshole in the face and the next I was against the wall with his tongue down my throat, moaning like a whore. He grounded into me and pleasure zipped through me. I shuddered as my cock filled and I pushed my hips into his groin. God, his cock was huge. The covered rigid shaft slid along my clothed dick as he thrust against me, swallowing every desperate sound I was making. I was lost in the sea of sensations.

  Everything felt foreign and new. His body was large and hard. All sharp angles instead of soft curves. His lips were surprisingly soft and made me hotter. He groaned and pressed a bruising kiss to my lips. He pressed closer until the only thing holding me up were his strong thighs. His hands moved to my side, brushing the exposed skin beneath my shirt. I shivered and he continued to kiss me taking control and a strange feeling of vulnerability settled over me. I couldn’t think. I could barely breathe.

  Confusion swirled in my head. He was a guy. He had a cock.

  What are you doing?

  I tensed and pulled away, pushing him off me. He stumbled back and slumped against the wall. He blinked. His lips were puffy and his eyes dark. It took all my strength to push off the wall, running past him before he uttered a word.

  I zipped outside, the cool air hitting my heated skin. I ran to the street, dashing down the sidewalk until my legs burned. Unable to continue I stopped and leaned against my knees, sucking in as much air as I could. My mind spun and my world crashed around me, unable to rid myself of the lingering taste of his lips.


  I arrived at home about thirty minutes later. I entered my room, flopping down on the bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. My heart was still hammering and lifted my hand, realizing that I was shaking.

  What was that? I thought, staring at my hand. I wasn’t homophobic. Actually, I never gave gay people a second thought. My father hadn’t been so accepting, most of my childhood had been filled with him calling gay men faggots. I usually just ignored him and went on with my life. I’d never even considered being with a man. I liked boobs. I liked being snuggly submerged inside a woman’s heat. There was nothing like the taste and feel of a woman.

  Rashawn’s heated gaze drifted through my mind as my cock started to fill once again. I frowned and dropped my hand, huffing and looking to the side. What was wrong with me? He was everything I wasn’t attracted to. I mean he was attractive. I understood why women would want to be wrapped around that body made of steel. I swallowed.

  What the hell!

  I hadn’t had sex in a long time. That must be it. It was a fluke. I was just sexually frustrated. Starting and stopping with Izzy was doing strange things to my mind. Maybe blue balls did more than just hurt. I clenched my jaw and flipped onto my stomach, reaching under me and squeezing my hard cock. I thrusted my hips into the comforter, gasping at the pleasure.

  Just need to come and it will go away.

  I didn’t have the energy to turn back around so I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock from my briefs and settled for humping my bed like a horny teenager—which was exactly what I felt like. I thrusted, groaning as I chased my release. Thoughts of Rashawn invaded my mind and I fucked the bed harder. The warmth of his body and his hard cock sliding along mine, only separated by our jeans, filled my thoughts.

  I groaned, hating myself for the sounds escaping me. I shuddered as a final thrust tipped me over the edge. I panted into the comforter as cum flowed, spreading on my groin and soaking through my jeans. I considered getting up and cleaning up, but exhaustion took over and I faded into the dark to dreams filled with bronzed skin and full lips.


  A week later I dragged myself through the doors of the large classroom. I waved to the instructor as I walked to a desk with a light wood top, held up by black poles I dropped into the seat, pulling my laptop out and tossing my backpack on the floor. I turned on my computer as the rest of my classmates filled the room, their chatter loud.

  Once everyone was settled in their seats the instructor stood and began to speak. My mind drifted back to Rashawn. What was he doing? I thinned my lips. I should be thinking of Izzy, not him.

  I’d been thinking of him for days now and I hadn’t been able to kick it. The most frustrating part was my dick wasn’t listening either. I had jerked off so many times this week my dick was raw. My cock twitched and I shifted in my seat, almost groaning. I shook my head and refocused on the front of the class.

  Time zipped by and before I knew it class was finished. I packed up my things, waiting for the other students to leave—not in the mood to be trampled.

  When I stood my phone chimed in my pocket and I pulled it out and answered it.“Hello.”

  “Hey, can you pick up some coffee before you head over?” Ava asked.


  “Is everything all right?” she asked. “You’ve been acting strange lately.”

  I waved to the instructor as I left the classroom, gripping the phone. “I’m fine.”

  “What happened?” she asked as if I hadn't spoken.

  I sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She remained silent for a moment and then said. “Okay, but you know you can trust me, right? I just want to help if I can.”

  I slumped and slowed my stride, the sincerity in her voice staggering. I walked over to a nearby bench as students scattered about the campus and sat down. “Something happened.”

  Ava didn’t respond. I swallowed. “A guy kissed me. I mean I kissed him.” I groaned, leaning back against the metal of the bench. “I don’t know. I’ve never…”

  Ava laughed and I tensed. “I’m sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I thought someone had died or something with the way you were acting.”

  I narrowed my eyes, eyeing the people wondering by. “This isn’t a joke.”

  The laughter stopped. “You’re right. I‘m sorry. I’m not making fun of you. It’s just...I’m bisexual and I guess I never consider how hard it is for some people to handle that they are bi or even pan. It’s normal for me,” she continued.

  “I’m not bisexual or pan, whatever pan is.”

  “Pansexuality is similar to bisexuality. It falls under the same umbrella. Pansexuality is the attraction towards people regardless of their body parts.”

  My head began to throb. “Whatever. I’m not either of them.”

  “Okay. Okay. Relax. Tell me what happened.”

  I relaxed and explained. She listened without a word.

  “So, you were arguing and then he just kissed you?” She asked when I finished.

sp; “I’m not sure which one of us kissed the other. It happened so fast I was shell-shocked.”

  “I bet. So, what did you do after?”

  “I left. Actually, I ran.”

  “Have you spoken to him since?”

  “No. There’s no way I could do that?”

  “Why not? How are you supposed to figure out what that was without talking? Communication is important, Dex.”

  I looked down, feeling like I was being scolded by a concerned mother.

  She sighed. “Listen, I understand you need time. That’s normal, but at some point, you’re going to have to face this. Whether you’re bisexual…” I tensed. “Or not,” she finished.

  I slumped further down. She was right. I had to deal with it. When I was an adult, I could handle a conversation. We had kissed, big deal. We were both on edge from dealing with Izzy and even though I was pretty much sober I still had alcohol in my system.

  That’s all.

  Rashawn’s eyes drifted through my mind again and I swallowed.

  That’s all.

  “Hello!” Ava yelled.

  I flinched. “Sorry. I was thinking.”

  “Just think about it okay?” she said.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.”

  When the call ended, I looked up at the clear blue sky, the distance rumble of a plane, filling my ears and mingling with the chirp of birds and passing cars. Swinging my backpack over my shoulder I jumped to my feet and made my way to the parking lot.

  I would talk to him in a few days when I got my head—and my cock—under control.


  I frowned. I wasn’t. I had been straight all my life. Men didn’t interest me at all.

  I couldn’t be...

  Could I?

  My mind was in chaos as I drew nearer to my car. I didn’t need this in my life; I had enough to deal with. My life was simple. I was a straight man who was going to college to become a doctor. I was going to marry a woman one day and have the typical two point five kids. That’s all I ever wanted. I wasn’t going to divert from that just because some guy, who smelled of cocoa and something else unique to him. I licked my lips and pushed that thought away.


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