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Unleashed Fury (BloodRunes: Book 1)

Page 16

by Laura R Cole


  Layna collapsed onto her bed well past midnight, having finally completed all of her chores. She ached in places she hadn't even known she had muscles. Sleepily she debated whether or not she had the strength to give her sore body a good soak in a bath or if she'd just fall asleep and drown. Her muscles screamed in agony, and she knew she would be denied sleep anyway, so she resigned herself to an even later night. So she pulled a towel out, and made her way slowly to the baths.

  Once there, she almost fell asleep standing up while listening to the water pour into the tub and watching the heat of the steam rising out of it. When it was full, she slipped out of her tunic and dropped it on the floor. It made a metallic thunk, and she reached down to pick up the necklace that had fallen out of the pocket. She rolled the charm around in her fingers and stepped into the bath, delighting in the warm water soothing her skin. It was a half sphere of amber surrounded by rays of metal making it look like a sun. It was quite pretty really.

  As she twirled it around, she wondered about the circumstances surrounding Gryffon's presence. The common belief was that he was here as Jezebel's consort, but neither of them seemed to act in a way that would lead anyone to believe that they actually liked one another, and Gryffon had denied it, though he gave no alternative explanation for his presence. Very odd, very odd indeed. It will probably just be one of those mysteries that I'll never be privy to knowing. She heard and saw quite a bit as a maid, but very rarely were the interesting snippets of information ever fully explained to her. More often it was just tantalizing tidbits that drove her crazy. It was a game among the servants to try and guess the real happenings in the household, but it was a frustrating game to play without ever knowing if you were right. Often their fun took on a sinister edge when some of the older servants got going about the ‘evil lady’ who, they were convinced, was a demon spawn. There were definitely some pretty disturbing stories that circulated the manor.

  Layna put the chain she had been playing with over her head. Maybe I'll just try it on. It's not like anyone knows who it's from...She noticed it was warm against her chest as it settled around her neck and she soon forgot it was even there in the comfort of the bath. As she soaked, her muscles slowly relaxed, and soon she had to drag herself out before she really did fall asleep.

  She barely made it back to her room before exhaustion overtook her.

  The next morning she woke up still tired, but at least her muscles were no longer protesting every move. She made her way down towards the kitchen, and was interrupted while eating her morning roll by the bell to her mistress's suite. Jezebel's voice sounded with it, another surviving magical enhancement, and one that she surprisingly rarely used.

  “Someone bring me eggs and toast in bed,” the woman commanded hoarsely.

  Layna looked around and saw that the other maid who had previously been in the kitchen with her had conveniently just stepped out. Imagine that, she thought with a hint of sarcasm though she really couldn’t blame the girl. Layna prepared a tray of eggs and toast and made her way to the tower suite that Jezebel occupied. She stopped outside of the door and lightly rapped on it, waiting until Jezebel called out for her to enter before opening it.

  Jezebel was still in bed and looked rather unhealthy. Her wavy dark hair was frizzing all over the place and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her already gaunt face looked more strained than usual, and the skin seemed stretched over her bony cheeks. She hardly looked at Layna as she waved her over. Layna held the tray out for her, and Jezebel gingerly took a piece of toast.

  The woman held it in front of her for a moment, as if it was some revolting object, before taking a tiny bite. She closed her eyes and slowly chewed, swallowing with difficulty. She sat there for a while unmoving, and Layna had the urge to lean in closer to see if she was still breathing. She quietly sat the tray down next to the woman.

  Jezebel cracked open one eye at her, as though she could feel the suddenly closer presence, and she grunted a dismissal at Layna. Layna happily obliged, gently clicking the door shut behind her.


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