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Unleashed Fury (BloodRunes: Book 1)

Page 28

by Laura R Cole


  Jonathan's eyes scanned the crowded room, searching for Jezebel. Soon he spotted her, looking severe in a blood red dress. She was amongst a group of older women which included the wives of some of the Council members. He made his way over to her slowly, stopping to chat with people on the way to seemingly end up behind her by sheer coincidence. She was in the middle of bragging to them about some supposed merger between her lace shop and another store. Jonathan knew this to be a lie, and had a feeling that the ladies knew as well, if their bored and slightly affronted expressions were anything to judge by.

  He stepped in closer and waited for her to take a breath and pause in her boasting. “And when will you be announcing your candidacy now that you have sufficient support?” he asked her when she finally stopped talking for a moment. He felt a tinge of satisfaction as she jerked around towards him; the motion betraying that he had succeeded in his attempt to surprise her.

  “Ah, Jonathan,” she greeted him, the venom almost dripping from her lips.

  Jonathan noticed the distinct lack of title. She turned to the ladies she was with and held out a hand indicating him, “Ladies, this is Jonathan. He's been helping me to decorate my new sitting room. Aren't you, my dear?” She turned to him and gave him a sweet smile with laughter in her eyes. She obviously thought to embarrass him by implying that he was a decorating consultant and thereby a lower noble.

  Jonathan let none of his inner anger show. He simply smiled back and took each of the ladies hands in turn as Jezebel introduced them. “Indeed, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Do you mind if I steal away Lady Jezebel for just one moment? I noticed a piece by the door that would look simply superb in her new sitting room, but I'm not sure if there's the budget for it.”

  Jezebel was not quite as quick to cover her anger as he had been. Her cheeks flushed brighter red than the blush that was applied to them. She excused herself through clenched teeth, and stalked off ahead of him, refusing to let him lead her. He gave a little shrug to the confused looks of the ladies and followed in her wake. “And just what do you think you're doing?” she reared on him.

  “Why holding up our end of the bargain, of course,” he answered easily. “You wanted a Council seat, did you not? And what have you been doing on your end?”

  She stopped in her tracks for a moment, and Jonathan realized that perhaps she had thought that the support from Lord Carlon came out of some real interest in her personally. He smiled, watching her squirm from this revelation. “I have a list of names in the room for you. You may stop by at eleven this evening to get them.”

  Jonathan was disappointed that he wasn't able to have gone farther with that particular line of insults. He was also somewhat annoyed at her deciding that she could order him around like some kind of lap-dog, but he decided not force the issue - yet. Master would be pleased to be given names, and Master being happy made Jonathan happy.

  “Is Lord Carlon part of the Order?” Jezebel had the insubordination to ask.

  Jonathan grabbed her wrist roughly, carefully shielding the action with his body, and then shoved her towards the wall with a smile carefully fixed upon his face. He leaned in close to her and hissed, “I don't know what you're talking about, my dear, but it would do you well to remember that spreading lies could cost you more than you care to pay. It's not for you to know, and you will remember who is in charge. Don't forget that I too am influential with powerful people. One slip-up from you could be quite hazardous to your health.”

  He released his grip on her. She rubbed her wrist with her other hand, staring at him with haughty disbelief. He gave her a stiff bow before turning his back on her. The stupid woman obviously thinks she should be privy to knowledge that is beyond her. I wonder if it is wise of Master to let her continue in this manner. Surely soon he too will realize the snake she really is, and will do what's appropriate.

  The King had accepted the entire procession of subjects and was exiting the room, signaling the start of the celebratory ball. Jonathan was now able to leave, as the doors would be unbarred upon His Excellency’s departure. He filed out with some of the older nobility who had had their share of balls and those who needed to start long journeys home.

  He crept through the palace halls to a secluded room in back. There, he whispered a word of power to the tapestry hanging on the wall, and the woven picture rippled like water before re-solidifying into a very real door. He quickly opened it and ducked inside. The door shimmered behind him, becoming a solid stone wall on the other side of the tapestry once more. He took the torch that was hanging on the wall in front of him and lit it with a wave of his hand. The torch burst into flame and illuminated the long, dreary passageway ending in darkness where the torchlight couldn't reach.

  He slunk through the passage, curiously glancing at the paintings that lined the stone walls. Many of them looked to be picture histories, but they were too cryptic for Jonathan's limited knowledge of art to make any sense of. He made several turns, following the map that had been ingrained in his memory. The hallways were far too similar and numerous to ever transverse without knowing the way, and Jonathan felt privileged to hold such information. He finally came upon a wooden door. He raised his hand to knock, but the door opened before he touched it.

  “Enter,” invited Master from a chair across the room.

  The small chamber was lit with candles whose light danced across the black mask covering Master's face. Jonathan moved forward and knelt before him, waiting until Master gestured for him to stand. Jonathan did so and reported, “He gave her the support, Master. She claims to have a list of names for me to pick up tonight at eleven.”

  “You let her choose the time?” There was a hint of laughter underneath the words.

  “She is not very rational when it comes to trying to get her to do something any way but her own, Master. I figured it was better to get the list than to bother with details.”

  Master chuckled. “Yes, yes she does seem to be like that.”

  Jonathan took a seat across from the man, sitting on the very edge of the chair and asked, “Is it wise to let her gain too much power, Master? She is, after all, a potential liability.”

  Master spoke with a sterner tone, answering, “I have my reasons, Jonathan. Just as it is not her place to question your orders, neither is it yours to question mine.”

  Jonathan bowed his head humbly and responded respectfully, “Of course, Master, I didn't mean to question you, only to make sure that you realized her abilities. She is quite adept at making people think she is something that she is not. She lies even when there is nothing wrong with the truth.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but my sources are far greater than just you, and I am well aware of her instability.” They sat in silence for a moment before Master chose to speak again. “I have noticed a flux in the power recently,” he commented, “have any of the ones you've cataloged shown evidence of having caused this?”

  “Possibly, Master, although it is hard to tell. I doubt that any of them would have been able to cause a flux in the degree that it would take for you to notice, but it is possible.”

  “Hmm.” Master showed no other inclination to explain, but rather sat drumming his fingers on the table, so Jonathan showed himself out.


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