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Unleashed Fury (BloodRunes: Book 1)

Page 35

by Laura R Cole


  “The new Council has been elected, Master, and she is on it,” reported Jonathan, kneeling before Master.

  “Thank you, Jonathan,” the man acknowledged. “Any other news?”

  Jonathan hesitated, debating how best to relate his information. “I have found several of the symbols that you asked me to watch for,” he explained slowly, “all of which on those I have been tracking.”

  Master sat up straighter in his chair. “Several?”

  “Yes, Master, two higher nobles – one from the country and another from Avonmora. And,” he paused again, “as we already knew, Jezebel.”

  His master sat back slowly, resting his elbows on the arms of his chair and holding his hands out in front of him with just his fingertips touching. “Were any of them of notable talent?”

  “Jezebel is the most powerful, Master.”

  “Pity,” Master responded. “I'm going to let you in on a little secret. This symbol represents a specific bloodline. A bloodline that could potentially be very important for our god's return. I want you to keep a close eye on all of them, let me know immediately if any show signs of being more powerful than they seem at first glance. Check in with Jezebel as well, about her project. I need to know if there are any high talents filtering in from Treymayne. The King is gearing up for a war, so this information will be doubly important as he takes his new position. Let's have her get Devon more involved, and interrogate any suspicious people rather than just watch them.” Jonathan was taken aback by Master's sharing of such sensitive information, and pleased that he had found him worthy of hearing it.

  “Of course, Master. And what of her hellhounds?”

  “Make sure that she knows we know about them, but leave her to deal with them as she will. However, I want to know where she found the information to produce them.”

  Jonathan made his way out of the temple where Master had arranged the meeting. He weaved through the throng of people in the marketplace to his carriage. After giving the driver his orders, he sat back to ponder how best to proceed. By the time the carriage jerked to a halt he had come to a decision, and he squeezed out through the carriage door and went up to the house to have his arrival announced.

  When he was shown into the library, Jezebel was looking pleased with herself, surrounded by the five other newest Council members. Jonathan had a momentary twinge of annoyance that she would receive him with so many witnesses present, but pushed it aside and instead begged their forgiveness while he borrowed Jezebel for just a moment. He motioned for her to follow him into the sitting room, and out of the range of prying eyes and ears. Despite the look of irritation she gave him, she obliged.

  “And what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked when they were out of earshot.

  “Your man Devon,” Jonathan said, “I understand is quite adept at getting people to open up to him.”

  Jezebel smiled and let out a short laugh. “Why, yes he is. What kind of information would you like him to obtain?”

  Jonathan was pleased to note that she immediately assumed her responsibility to do whatever task he set forth for her. “Of the latest list of suspicious names you have, have Devon choose a few to interview. See what he can find out for us about the talent in Treymayne. And congratulations on winning the Council seat, by the way.” He acknowledged her accomplishment with a nod of his head and a conspiratorial smile. She accepted with a smile of her own, ignoring his slightly mocking tone.

  “Indeed,” she answered. “I will set Devon to the task as soon as my guests leave. Is there anything else, or may I return to my entertaining?” She inquired politely but with a hint of superiority. She's letting her success go to her head already, he thought to himself. But she'll learn soon enough that while the Councilors are the advisors to the King, the King still has the final say. Their primary function becomes keeping the King informed and really they have relatively small amounts of personal power themselves to actually make decisions. Not to mention that each of them were someone else’s puppet. Which was why people like Lord Carlon were perfectly willing to support people like Jezebel to occupy the seats. Lord Carlon remained free to continue his own projects, which gained him much more than pursuing a Council seat himself would. But to people like Jezebel, the palace was the ultimate position of power, and power and status were what motivated them.

  “That is all for now,” he answered, refraining from enlightening her on her situation. “I'll be back sooner than usual as this matter is pressing, so please tell Devon that it has precedence.”

  “Fine,” Jezebel said shortly and held out a hand indicating he should depart before her. He did so, but stopped at the door.

  “Oh, and Jezebel,” she turned back towards him and arched an eyebrow. “Do make sure your little country project doesn't sink you before you've even officially been accepted. Having you get caught with them is not part of the plan.” She didn't comment, but her other eyebrow joined its companion, and Jonathan was given a sense of satisfaction at having surprised her once again. He returned to his own home, disquieting thoughts of Jezebel plaguing him.


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