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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 7

by Heart, D. J.

  David obeyed, swishing the water around his mouth and spitting it back into the glass.

  “Good boy,” Adam said, his breath warm against the side of David’s head. “I think you’re just about ready for bed. Just one more thing and we’ll go to sleep.”

  David nodded, feeling sort of in a daze as Adam led him back into the bedroom and set him down on the mattress. Telling him to stay, Adam went into the closet. David could hear him moving around in there, and when he came back into the bedroom he was carrying a small box, two gleaming leather collars, and the mittens that wouldn’t let David use his hands.

  Staring at the items, David didn’t get a chance to ask what Adam was going to do before the older man fastened the collars – which turned out not to be collars – around his thighs. He buckled them on tight, pushing his finger under the leather to check the fit before turning them so that the D-rings attached to the leather faced out.

  “Give me your hands,” Adam commanded, picking up one of the mittens. Heart beating fast, David obeyed and watched as Adam trapped his fists in the restrictive leather. Closing the buckles on his wrists, Adam turned the D-rings on the cuffs of the mittens in, bringing David’s hands down to his thighs and using a small clip to fasten them together.

  David’s hands were trapped by his side, making him feel incredibly vulnerable.

  The little box contained a chastity cage – a device David only knew about because Misha had bought him one as a joke years ago – and Adam unpacked it with expert fingers.

  This one looked way more expensive than the one Misha had bought him.

  “Spread your legs,” Adam said, opening the box and laying out the components of the cage on the sheet next to David’s body. The cage itself looked tiny, transparent and hard like glass, and David wondered how it was going to fit.

  The ring that went around the base of his penis went on first, and though Adam had no problems getting it on, the touch to David’s cock was doing nothing to diminish his erection.

  “Here comes the bad part, but you can be good for daddy, can’t you?” Adam asked, caressing the underside of David’s balls with the pads of his fingers.

  Hesitating, David nodded.

  “Good boy.”

  Adam closed his hand around David’s balls, enveloping them in his large palm, and with a small smile squeezed his fist together and pulled.

  David screamed, trying to close his legs to ward off the overwhelming pain, and fell off the mattress. Adam let him fall, kicking his legs apart and crouching down to slide the cock cage on his now extremely flaccid cock.

  “All done,” Adam said, screwing the hollow shaft to the ring and locking it in place with a tiny padlock. He then reached under David’s arms and lifted him back up on the bed. “Time to sleep.”

  David watched him, breathing fast and balls still aching in pain.

  “That hurt,” he said, feeling like he was about to cry. The way Adam just grinned did nothing to make him feel better.

  “You can handle it,” Adam said, leaning down and giving his cheek a kiss. “Now be a good boy and get under the covers.”

  David didn’t protest as Adam manhandled him further up on the bed, pushing aside the duvet and tucking David in under the luxurious weight of downy feathers. “I’m going to brush my teeth and then I’ll be right back to cuddle you to sleep, okay puppy?”

  Taking a wobbling breath, David nodded. He felt weird, not used to lying on his stomach, and the way his arms pointed straight down felt absolutely bizarre.

  Still, the pillow beneath his cheek was comfortable, and he was exhausted. He closed his eyes, the sound of Adam’s electric toothbrush in the other room, a low motorized buzz, lulling him off to sleep.



  The next morning Adam watched as David slowly woke up, blinking groggily up at the ceiling and groaning as the full force of his hangover became clear to him.

  It was a rather adorable sight, all things considered. Adam was supposed to be at work, but he’d decided to take a rare day off to play with David.

  “What?” David mumbled pulling at his trapped arms with a frown. He jerked, tugging on his bonds and wriggling in obvious confusion.

  Adam grabbed the comforter and pulled it down, revealing David’s mittened hands and the cuffs securing them to his thighs, along with the snug cage trapping his cock.

  It made for a delectable package, though not one Adam had any intention of unwrapping any time soon.

  Waking up with his thigh over David’s legs and his arm draped across the boy’s chest had been one of Adam’s most enjoyable mornings ever.

  David would be lucky to spend even a minute in their bed unbound now that Adam had discovered just how much he liked the feeling.

  “Did we have sex?” David asked, blinking down at himself.

  Adam frowned. “You don’t remember?”

  David scrunched up his brow. “You gave me a bath?” he ventured, looking down at himself, “and then you brushed my teeth and tied me up. Did anything happen after that?”

  Adam smiled and shook his head, climbing up on the bed and straddling David’s thighs. The boy’s eyes went wide as he looked up at Adam’s shirtless torso. “You fell asleep. I cuddled you, like my own personal teddy bear, but that was it. Why? Would you mind if I’d rolled you over and fucked you while you were out?”

  It hadn’t occurred to Adam to do so, but from the expression on David’s face he wouldn’t have minded one bit.

  Adam grinned wolfishly. “You like the sound of that? Waking up with daddy’s come in your ass, your hole all sore and you don’t even remember daddy fucking you?”

  David looked like he was about to hyperventilate he looked so turned on.

  “Maybe?” he said, sounding anything but uncertain.

  Adam laughed, reaching down and fiddling with the cock cage. It made David’s cock look tiny. “Well, that’s the kind of thing we should probably agree on before exploring.”

  “And this isn’t?” David lifted his head and nodded down at his bound body.

  Adam tilted his head and studied his captive. “No, not really.”

  David blinked. “What? Isn’t the whole point that this is supposed to be safe, sane and consensual?”

  Adam grinned and gave David’s balls a little tug. “Where did you get that idea?”

  “Everyone knows that!” David exploded, his eyes a little wide.

  “Probably a good set of rules to follow,” Adam agreed, licking his lips. He lowered himself down so that his chest was on top of David’s, his own meaty pectorals pressing down on David’s much slimmer chest, holding himself up by his elbows. “I don’t think I want to follow them.”

  He pushed his face down into the crook of David’s neck, biting his jaw and grinning around the yelp of pain his teeth elicited.

  “I think I want to decide how much you can take.” He licked his way up to David’s ear and bit down on the shell of it. “And I don’t think I’m going to let you decide when you’ve had enough.”

  Kissing David’s nose, he grinned. “Where would the fun in that be?”

  David was looking at him with something like genuine worry in his eyes, and Adam sighed. “Do you want a safeword?” he asked, his tone telling David exactly how little he liked the idea.

  “I mean… maybe?” David said, biting his lip.

  Adam sighed again, sitting up, this time on David’s stomach. The boy let out a little grunt when Adam’s entire and not inconsiderable weight landed on his abs.

  “Fine. Your safeword can be red, okay?”

  Adam knew it was the right thing to do, no matter how much he liked the idea of David having no way to escape him.

  David smiled, looking relieved. Then he frowned. “What happens if I have a gag in my mouth?”

  Adam bared his teeth in a wide grin. “How about, anytime I put a gag in I’ll tell you beforehand what I’m going to do, and then if you want you can safeword out in advance.”

>   The implication being that once the gag was in, David’s safeword was suspended.

  “That doesn’t really sound very sane,” David said, referencing the annoying rules again.

  “It’s not,” Adam admitted. “It’s still how I want it.”

  For a while David looked at him, uncertain and weighing his situation, but in the end he nodded.

  “Okay. But you can’t lie and make it seem like something isn’t going to hurt when it will. You have to be honest.”

  Adam lowered himself back down, chest to chest, kissing the corner of David’s mouth. “Of course, baby. I’ll tell you exactly how much it’s going to hurt.”

  * * *

  The rest of the day, Adam kept the mittens on David’s hands, though he did unclip them from the cuffs around his thighs.

  “How do I pee in this?” David asked after breakfast – the meal spent on his knees between Adam’s legs eating from his hand. He stood in the kitchen door, tripping from foot to foot like he was about to pee himself.

  “Sitting down,” Adam said, putting the plates in the sink with the rest of the dishes for the maid to take care of later.

  David shot him a look that wasn’t at all happy, but when Adam just raised his eyebrow he huffed and turned around, walking to the bathroom with hurried steps.

  While David relieved himself, Adam went into the closet and dug around for a leash and collar, along with a nice muzzle shaped to look somewhat like the snout of a dog. He sat down on the bed and laid the leash, collar and muzzle down next to him.

  When David came out of the bathroom and saw them his eyes widened.

  “Is that a gag?” he asked, eyes zeroing in on the muzzle.

  “It is,” Adam confirmed, patting his thigh. “Now come over here so that we can get you all kitted up.”

  David didn’t move. “What are you going to do?” he asked, stance wary and his whole posture tense.

  Adam scoffed. He hadn’t done anything to earn this kind of apprehension – at least not yet.

  “I’m going to spank you for not coming when I called you, that’s the first thing I’m going to do,” Adam said, annoyed. “Then I’m going to put on your collar and snout and treat you like a puppy for the rest of the day.”

  David still hesitated.

  “Good puppies get scratches and belly rubs,” Adam said, his voice low and warning. “Bad puppies get their balls spanked and their holes stuffed with electric plugs that shock their little holes until they scream. Are you going to be a good puppy, David, or a bad one?”

  Drawing in a long stuttering breath, David sank to his knees and crawled across the floor into the space between Adam’s legs.

  The simple act of submission left Adam feeling proud and full of good will. There would be no electric plugs for David yet.

  “Yes, you are a good puppy, aren’t you?” he cooed, rubbing his hands in David’s hair and tugging him in for a messy kiss. “Daddy’s good boy, that’s what you are. Now lift up your head so that daddy can put on your collar.”

  David obeyed, and Adam closed the thick leather collar around his neck. It was wider than any real dog collar would ever be, covering most of the boy’s neck and throat, but it was padded and soft and David had no reason to be uncomfortable.

  Next, he slipped the gag into David’s mouth and fastened the muzzle over the lower part of his face, strapping it into place and checking the buckles to make sure they weren’t digging too hard into his skin.

  “There’s my good boy,” Adam said, clipping the leash into the ring on David’s collar and standing up. He made his voice hard, like he really was delivering a command to a dog. “Heel, boy.”

  After a second of confusion at the change in tone, David scampered into position next to Adam. He looked up, eyes wide and uncertain, and Adam rewarded him with a wide smile and an enthusiastic good boy.

  David preened, wriggling his ass like he really was a puppy.

  “I forgot your tail,” Adam said, remembering the puppy-tail butt-plug he’d bought ages ago for use with one of the Blue Room submissives. He’d ended up not using it, though he couldn’t remember why. “Stay there while I get it.”

  David let out a nervous whine and Adam crouched down with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, it’s not going to hurt. It’s just a little plug to give your hungry hole a taste of tonight.”

  Kissing David’s cheek, right at the edge where skin met muzzle, Adam rose and went to retrieve the plug.

  Lubing it up, the width of the plug smaller than three of his fingers, Adam crouched down behind his cute pup and pushed the plug in with one little shove, making David yelp and jump. He smacked the boy’s ass, rubbing the reddened skin hard.

  “There you go, puppy’s got a nice tail to wag for daddy.”

  David looked over and studied his new tail. He wiggled his ass, the rubber tail waving back and forth like he really was a happy puppy.

  The look he shot Adam was not impressed.

  “I have other puppy gear we could use,” Adam warned, crouching down and petting David’s head with both hands. “A full body rubber suit, actually. You’d have to fold your arms and legs up and walk on your knees and elbows, and the tail that comes with it is a real monster, but you’d look fantastic. Is that what you want?”

  David shook his head, eyes wide and innocent and more than a little nervous.

  “Okay then,” Adam said, kissing his nose and standing up.

  He didn’t actually have a suit like that in his apartment, but the gear room at the Blue Room did, and if he was in the mood he could drive over there and borrow it for David.

  He probably would, at some point in the future.

  Looking down at David, Adam spent a few moments enjoying the sight and letting his cock get hard. His jeans were tight, but he could still see the exact moment David noticed his erection.

  There was nothing but want in the boy’s eyes.

  “Come on, let’s see how good you are at following commands,” Adam said, giving the leash a little tug. “And then if you’re really good, daddy will give you a nice big bone to chew on.”

  Adam chuckled at his own joke, leading David out of the bedroom and down the hall to the living room. It was time to see just how long David could follow pointless commands until he snapped and earned himself a nice, long punishment.

  Adam couldn’t wait.



  It didn’t take David long to catch on to the game Adam was playing. There were only so many times he could sit, roll over and play dead in a row before his frustration got the better of him, and it was obvious Adam was pushing him to disobey so that he could punish him.

  Finally, David just sat down, crossed his legs, and glared up at his annoying daddy.

  And that was another thing. Adam seemed to have decided that daddy was his new thing.

  It wasn’t that David didn’t like it – the squirmy feeling of dirty-bad-wrong that filled his belly every time Adam used the word was delicious – but it was starting to get a little much.

  “Are you a naughty puppy?” Adam asked, groping his crotch and kneading his bulge as he looked down at David with stern playfulness.

  “Mhmhm,” David said, the gag mumbling his voice until it was just noise. It didn’t matter. His tone and volume made it clear how annoyed he was.

  “Does my little puppy need a spanking?”

  David swallowed around the thick gag, his cock trying to fill the tiny confine of the cage Adam had cruelly locked it in.

  He nodded.

  “Bad puppy,” Adam growled, reaching down and lifting David up off the floor. He held him in a bear hug and carried him over to the couch, draping him over his lap. “Thinks he can get away with disobeying his daddy.”

  David rolled his eyes, though Adam couldn’t see it.

  Adam pushed one of David’s legs down between his own, trapping it between his meaty thighs, the size of his bulge letting David know just how much his older lover was enjoying himsel
f. Adam then grabbed his wrists, pulled them behind his back, and locked them together by the cuffs on the mittens, delivering the first smack right afterward with absolutely no warning.

  The slap was hard, David crying out a muffled shout, and Adam followed the hit up with another, and then another, and then David realized that his spanking was well underway, and he wasn’t even a little bit prepared.

  Fast and brutal, Adam rained blows down on his ass, his meaty hand connecting with the flesh of David’s cheek with resounding force.

  It didn’t take David more than thirty seconds to start crying and wriggling to get away, but Adam wasn’t having it.

  “Be a good boy and take your spanking,” he demanded, smacking David’s ass even harder.

  David tried to obey, his cock pressing so hard against the cage that the pain rivaled his spanking, and before he knew it Adam was gathering him up in his arms and hugging him tight.

  “You did so good,” Adam crooned, unbuckling the muzzle from David’s face and stroking the indentation the straps had left on his cheeks. David felt shell-shocked and startled, the spanking having ended as abruptly as it began. “Let daddy turn your ass all red and pretty.”

  Adam leaned in and kissed him, not giving David a chance to reply. His tongue was thick and demanding, pushing in and seeming to take up all the space in David’s mouth, all the while his big hands held his head in place so that he couldn’t even think of moving.

  When Adam pulled away, David was breathless and panting, his cock so desperate to be hard that he could feel the need all the way up into his spine.

  It was agony.

  Unclipping his hands from behind his back, Adam unbuckled the cuffs on David’s wrists and pulled the mittens off his hands. Taking David’s left hand in his own, Adam massaged his palm and fingers with a firm grip, his tendons tight and stiff from holding a fist the whole night.

  He could feel Adam’s cock beneath him, hard and wanting, and as the older man massaged his fingers all he could think about was how much he wished he were on his knees so that he could take it into his mouth.


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