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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 18

by Heart, D. J.

  Blind, unable to speak or even breathe from his mouth, his whole body paralyzed, David wondered what he’d gotten himself into.

  He’d never been more helpless.

  A few minutes passed, the sound of people moving around, and then David heard Archie say, “You take the head?”

  A second later he felt himself being lifted up into the air. Blake and Archie carried him out of the apartment, tilting the plank vertically to make it fit in the elevator, taking him up to the roof to the helicopter waiting to take them all to the farm.

  Or at least that’s where David thought they were taking him. Archie had mentioned a pilot earlier, hadn’t he?

  Surely they weren’t taking him down to the lobby like this.

  “I’m right here,” Adam said, sounding close, and David realized that he’d been close to hyperventilating.

  The sound of Adam’s voice calmed him, and when he felt himself being lifted into the helicopter and a pair of headphones being placed on top of his head he didn’t panic.

  Adam was with him, and David trusted him to make sure that everything would be okay.

  * * *



  David didn’t know if he liked this. The cocoon of cling-foil and duct tape enveloping his body was hot and clammy, rivulets of sweat dripping down his sides and turning the foam beneath him wet, and his muscles were starting to cramp and ache from lack of movement. He tried to wriggle his toes, but even that small movement was restricted by the tight confinement.

  A frustrated grunt worked its way up his throat, his abs flexing and his legs straining to move even an inch, only for the sound to be muffled by slick plastic.

  No matter how hard he strained or flexed, his clammy prison didn’t give an inch.

  He wondered how many hours had passed since Archie and Blake put him in his cocoon. Time passed in a strange sort of haze, the dark and quiet making every second feel like it stretched into an eternity.

  Overcome with sudden rage, David pushed open his mouth as much as he was able and tried to get his teeth into the plastic pushing down on his face. Spit dripped down the corner of his mouth, wet and disgusting, but no matter how he worked his jaw he wasn’t able to make so much as a hole in the cling foil – never mind the duct tape over it.

  A hand touched his forehead, stroking him gently, the pressure and movement familiar in a way that calmed him down in an instant. Adam was with him, watching over him, and even though it felt like the experience was too much, Adam would take care of him and make sure he was okay.

  Forcing his muscles to stop fighting their confinement, David breathed in deep as Adam’s hand stroked over his face. Cradling his cheek, Adam’s large hand felt like an anchor, solid and dependable, and when he brushed his thumb over the tape covering David’s lips, the blunt pressure sent a shiver down his spine.

  Adam shifted his grip down, holding David by the throat, and somehow that was even better.

  “Little slut,” Adam rumbled with a chuckle, pressing down a little and making David choke. “You ready to get out of there?”

  “Mh-hm!” David pleaded, the tape over his mouth muffling the sound. “Mh-lease.”

  Adam laughed, patting him on the chest with a couple of hard thumps, and then several people started cutting him free from his unnatural confinement.

  Fresh air blasted David’s skin, cool and blissful, and within seconds his naked body was exposed, his face and hands being the last to be freed.

  Blinded by the light after so many hours in darkness, David blinked and winced as he struggled to adjust.

  “There you are.” Adam grinned down at him, carding a big hand through his sweaty hair. He closed his hand into a fist and gave a little tug. “Look at how sweaty you are.”

  Craning his neck, muscles delighting in the stretch, David nuzzled into Adam’s hand. He shifted his shoulders, arching his back and looking around the room.

  Rustic was the word that came to mind. Wooden planks with iron nails still visible made up the floors and walls, with a thick central beam running across the top of the ceiling. There were no windows, a single exposed bulb lighting up the room, and every inch of the walls were covered in pieces of leather and metal gear dangling from a neat array of hooks.

  “This is the tack room,” Adam explained, following his gaze. “It’s where you’ll get turned into my handsome little pony.”

  David blushed, sitting up and then hesitating. He didn’t have permission to stand, though it wasn’t like he’d been forbidden to, either. Adam shot him a fond smile and crouched down next to him. “It’s all right. Get up and give your legs a stretch, you’ve been tied up for almost five hours.” Adam grabbed him under the arm and helped him to his feet. His swollen sac felt weird and heavy between his legs, the dangle all wrong, but it wasn’t painful.

  Five hours, David mused. It had felt like a lot longer. Rotating his shoulders, feeling sticky and gross from all the sweat, he caught sight of Archie and Blake bracketing a large door behind them. They looked like a pair of guard dogs, dangerous and ready to pounce, and David took an instinctive step closer to Adam. Archie and Blake had removed their leather jackets, leaving them in just jeans, boots and tight white t-shirts.

  “Don’t worry, they won’t do anything without my say so,” Adam said, nuzzling into his neck and wrapping him up in a hug. The feel of his strong arms settled David’s nerves, though they really shouldn’t have.

  He knew that Adam would take great pleasure in giving that say so later.

  “Can it just be you this time?” David asked, Blake’s cruel eyes making his gut clench. The man was giving him the same look he had earlier, like he wanted to tear into his innards and eat him alive.

  “No,” Adam said, kissing his neck again with an open mouth, tasting the salt skin. “I want to watch them fuck you before they start your training tomorrow.”

  Looking away from Blake, who looked all too happy to see his request denied, David locked eyes with Archie. The blond man didn’t have the same edge of cruelty in his gaze as Blake, but David remembered how merciless he’d been when sitting on his face. The handsome cowboy had used his massive ass to smother David until he couldn’t breathe, pressing his hole down on David’s mouth until he saw spots dancing in front of his eyes, grinding down on his head like he wanted to crush his skull into the floor.

  Archie might not look menacing, but David knew better than to expect him to take it easy on him.

  “Training?” David asked, looking away from the two men.

  “To be my pony.” Adam bit the lobe of David’s ear, making him shudder. “I can’t wait to watch them put you through your paces.”

  David looked back at the two men, apprehensive. Coming to the pony farm had seemed like a hot idea when Adam suggested it, but now he wasn’t sure. This was all a lot more intense than he’d expected, and they hadn’t even really started.

  “You have his gear ready?” Adam asked, looking to Archie. The blond man nodded.

  “You want us to get him ready?”

  “Yes,” Adam said, his arm like a band across David’s chest. He reached down and cupped David’s swollen sac. “Do your thing.”

  Archie and Blake walked over to a long bench running along the entire length of the wall on the left side of the room, each grabbing an armful of shiny black leather. David could make out a strange pair of boots in Archie’s hands, though he had no idea what the bundle Blake carried was. The two men grinned as they came to stand in front of him and Adam.

  “Be good,” Adam said softly, pushing David away from his body and toward the two trainers and their armfuls of leather.

  Legs unsteady, David was caught unprepared when Archie dropped the boots he was holding to the ground and roughly grabbed him under the arm.


  David’s startled yelp was cut off as Archie yanked him close and grabbed his wrists, holding them in one hand as Blake passed him a set of cuffs. Soft and well worn, Archie fas
tened the smooth leather around David’s wrists before lifting his hands up above his head, fastening the cuffs to a chain dangling from the ceiling.

  “All right, lift him up,” Archie said, and the next thing David knew the sound of a motorized hoist filled the room and his body lifted up until he was balancing on the very tips of his toes. With the cuffs digging into his wrists and his legs still unsteady from being taped down for five hours, David was having a hard time keeping his balance.

  The three studs watching him didn’t seem to care. They studied him with amused smirks, thick cocks stretching their jeans, looking positively evil.

  “He really doesn’t have a clue, does he?” Blake mused, groping his bulging package.

  “He’s going to love it,” Adam said, not disputing Blake’s statement. “Now get him booted up.”

  David swallowed, his half hard cock twitching with arousal as Blake and Archie each grabbed a boot off the floor. The boots were tall – looking like they’d reach well up the length of his thighs – and made from stiff leather that looked like it would be anything but comfortable. The foot part of the boots were shaped like hooves, and after staring at them for a few moments David realized that they were designed to keep him on his toes, arching his foot like a pair of high heeled shoes, but without the heel.

  They’d be hell to walk in.

  “You’re going to look so good,” Adam promised, standing back and watching as Blake grabbed David’s foot and forced it into the boot. It took some work, and Blake wasn’t being gentle about it.

  When Archie grabbed him by the ankle and yanked it toward himself, removing David’s one point of contact with the ground, he let out a shout of surprise. His wrists ached, his body now entirely suspended off the ground as Blake and Archie stuffed his feet into the restrictive pony boots.

  “Fuck, finally,” Blake growled as David’s foot finally slotted into place. “These are always a bitch to get on.”

  He let David’s foot drop back to the ground, and David was too relieved at the loss of pressure on his wrists to mind the way Blake started lacing the boot up the length of his thigh, the stiff leather reaching all the way up to the edge of his groin.

  It felt weird as fuck.

  “This one’s not going in,” Archie growled, shifting his position on the ground and trying again. This time he made it work, David’s toes sliding into place, and Archie was able to start lacing the boot up tight.

  Staring down at himself, using the chain above his head to keep his balance, David shifted his feet and tried to decide just how awful the boots were. He was effectively balancing on the balls of his feet, the stiff leather completely unyielding, his feet forced into an arched position.

  There had to be more to the boots than leather – something inside that reinforced them – otherwise there was no way there would be this little give.

  Lifting one leg, trying to get a feel for how bending his knee worked, he was relieved to find that the leather surrounding the joint was soft enough that he could bend it without too much trouble. It was only his foot that was completely trapped.

  “They fit okay?” Adam asked, circling him as Archie finished tying off the laces at the top of David’s thigh. The single bulb hanging from the ceiling cast half his face in shadow, emphasizing his cheekbones and highlighting the strong shape of his nose. David had to swallow, caught off guard by just how handsome he was – by how much he wanted him.

  “About as good as can be expected without a real fitting,” Blake said, running a hand up the back of David’s thigh, pushing his finger down into the top of the boot like he was testing the fit. “We’ll have Dana come in and see what adjustments need to be made for long term wear.”

  “They look good on him,” Adam mused, coming up on his side and cupping his thigh with both hands, rubbing up the side of the boot and tracing the edge where leather met skin. The back of his hand nudged against David’s swollen sack, the brief touch making David harden. Adam looked to Blake and Archie as he spoke, ignoring David and treating him like he wasn’t there. “Makes me think I should have brought him here sooner.”

  Adam stepped back, and as Blake lowered the chain from the ceiling and uncuffed his wrists, Archie unfolded something that looked like a mix between a straightjacket and corset and wrangled David’s arms into the sleeves. They were tight, hugging his arms, and they ended in a pair of tight mittens that kept David’s hands flat and his fingers extended.

  “Breathe out,” Archie ordered, and though confused, David did as he was told. The reason for the command quickly became clear as Archie yanked the laces on the back of the corset tight, making David feel like all the air was being squeezed out of his chest. When he tried to draw breath, desperate for air, he found that expanding his chest to allow air in was almost impossible.

  “Too tight?” Archie asked, laughing and giving the laces another cruel tug. He continued lacing up the corset, closing it up tight all the way up to the back of David’s neck. When the back was all laced up, Archie grabbed his arms and crossed them over his chest, pulling the ends of the sleeves behind his back and fastening them together so that David was hugging himself and unable to move his arms at all.

  Done immobilizing his arms, Archie stepped away and David stumbled. He hadn’t realized how much he’d been using the other man’s hands on him to keep steady, but now that he was standing unsupported he was finding it difficult not to fall over.

  Blake stepped forward, catching his jaw and squeezing it tight. He lifted David’s head up and held him steady, hard eyes laced with cruel amusement staring into his own, and David’s breath hitched with an intoxicating mix of fear and arousal.

  “Are you going to be a good pony for your daddy?” Blake asked, dropping his voice into an intimidating rumble.

  “Yes,” David said, voice cracking. “Sir,” he added, realizing his mistake before Blake had time to punish him for it.

  Blake smacked his face anyway, mouth curved into a smirk.

  “You better be,” he warned, tongue wetting his lips. “Or he’s going to leave you here with us until you are.” Blake grinned and leaned in closer. “You really don’t want that.”

  David wholeheartedly agreed.

  “I’ll be good, sir.”

  Blake didn’t say anything else, stepping away to make room for Archie. The blond behemoth was holding a tangle of straps and what David recognized as a bit gag.

  It was a bit and bridle. David wondered if they would attach reins next, and how that would even work. Would they make him pull a carriage – or God forbid – attach a saddle to his back and sit on him?

  “You want to stuff his ass?” Archie asked, looking at Adam as he pressed the bit gag into David’s mouth. It tasted like leather, and Archie pushed it far enough into David’s mouth that it strained the corner of his lips. “The plugs are all over there.”

  Chewing down on the thick bit in his mouth, David watched out of the corner of his eye as Adam walked across the room to where a selection of plugs were displayed. The ones on the smaller end of the spectrum he could take no problem, but Adam ignored those completely, zeroing right in on the plugs that could only be termed monster sized and selecting a fat red bulb that David knew was going to hurt like hell going in.

  “Big,” Archie commented, sounding like he approved. He turned his attention to David and started to fasten the bit at the back of his head, the rest of the straps going over the top of his hair, across his forehead and under his chin. Pulled tight, the bridle dug into David’s head from all sides, making him feel like his face was in a cage.

  There was absolutely no give, and David could already feel drool running down the side of his chin.

  “Spread your legs,” Adam ordered from behind, pushing his legs apart before he had a chance to comply. Resting one hand on David’s ass, using his thumb to expose his crack, Adam pressed the plug against David’s opening.

  Hard rubber covered in slick, cold lube nudged against David’s rim, and tho
ugh he tried to relax and let it in the plug was far too big to be anything but painful. Adam forced the plug into his hole one inch at a time, forcing his hole wider and wider, until finally the widest part was past his rim and David’s hole sucked it inside and clamped down tight.

  “Good boy,” Adam said, standing up and wrapping David in his arms. He cupped the width of David’s jaw in his large hand, tracing the edge of the bit, rubbing the pad of his thumb across the front of David’s teeth and under his lip.

  Closing his eyes, David let himself enjoy Adam’s touch and the taste of his finger. He wished he could take it into his mouth and suck on it, but the bit pushed his tongue down and made doing anything with his mouth except drool practically impossible.

  “Is his stall ready?” Adam asked, his finger catching in David’s cheek and pushing under the bit. He leaned in and pressed his lips to the back of David’s neck, soft and wet, teeth scratching gently across his skin.

  “It is, but if you like we could put him in with one of the others,” Archie said, crossing his arms over his chest. His biceps bulged and David was glad for a moment that his gag forced him to drool, because otherwise he wouldn’t have had an excuse. “Let him spend the night nursing cock and eating ass. I know Spike and Diablo would both appreciate the attention.”

  “I don’t know if David is ready for Spike and Diablo,” Adam said, though he didn’t sound like he was opposed to the idea. “They’re pretty rough.”

  Archie grinned, and for a moment he looked just as dangerous and evil as Blake. He reached down and groped the thick bulge of his cock, taking a small step back and saying, “We’ll tie them up so that David doesn’t come to any harm. You don’t need to worry about him.”

  “Let me see what you had in mind,” Adam said, stepping back but keeping his hands on David’s shoulders. David was glad for the support. It was still impossible to keep his balance in the stupid boots, and if Adam let go of him he was sure he’d stumble and fall.


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