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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 24

by Heart, D. J.

  It was incredibly difficult, his balance already a fragile thing, but after a few near-misses he managed to get a rhythm going. He was pretty much jumping from toe to toe, but it worked.

  “Higher,” Archie demanded as soon as he’d gotten the hang of it. David let out a noise of protest, the order impossible to obey. He was lifting as high as he could.

  “Higher,” Archie insisted again, though this time the tone of encouragement was gone from his voice, replaced by something hard and unyielding.

  Trying, David lifted his knees maybe a fraction of an inch higher with each step, but he didn’t see how he could get higher than that.

  Sighing, Archie walked away. With the reins attached to his bridle, David was unable to look behind him to see where the hunky cowboy had gone, but he knew that he hadn’t gotten out of obeying the order that easily.

  He was proven right when a moment later there was a whoosh of air and a sharp sting wrapped around the back of his thighs. The pain was intense, a hot brand nestled right under his ass, and David couldn’t help the way he jerked forward and fell. The reins attached to his bridle caught him, tugging on the straps crisscrossing his head, and for a few seconds before he managed to get back on his feet David was dragged along the track by the evil horse walker.

  “Ahrh!” David screamed, struggling to get his feet under him, straining against the straps binding his arms as he desperately fought to regain his balance.

  He’d just managed to start walking without having the arm pulling painfully on his reins when Archie barked out, “Higher!”

  This time he sounded downright mean, his voice loud and sharp just like the whip. Heart hammering, David yanked his knee up as high as he could with each step, adrenaline and fear driving him to be less cautious than before.

  It worked. David managed to lift his knees up high enough that Archie stayed silent, though by the third pass around the circle he was breathing hard and feeling like he was one round away from falling over.

  “Good boy,” Archie said, coming back to his side and walking next to him. This time, rather than put his hand on David’s back, Archie rubbed the coiled up length of his whip down David’s neck and between his shoulder blades. “This is how you walk when you’re a pony.”

  David’s gut clenched, his legs lifting up in a parody of a march, as he wondered when the next impossible command would come.

  It never did. Archie walked next to him, a strong silent presence, the braided leather of his whip a constant reminder against David’s back.

  Adam stood off to the side, leaning against the fence surrounding the walker, visible to David only for a brief portion of his trot around the circle. He had his foot up on the lowest plank of the fence, boot shining in the morning sun, and he was watching David with a happy, almost boyish grin on his face – like watching David being forced to trot around in a large circle was all he’d ever wanted.

  “Keep those knees up,” Archie warned him, tapping the back of David’s neck with his whip. “Don’t get lazy on me.”

  David hadn’t realized that he’d been slipping, but when Archie pointed it out he knew that it was true. He closed his eyes and focused on keeping his knees high.

  This time when Archie stepped away, walking back and out of sight, David’s whole body tensed up in a strange mix of fear and anticipation. The whip had been horrible – no mistake about it – but there was also something horribly pleasurable about the sharp sting it left behind.

  But there was no second hit. David kept walking, anticipating the blow, but it never came.

  Instead, the walker started to move faster. At first David didn’t notice, but by the time he was back to having Adam in his line of sight he was having to move his legs considerably faster than before.

  The increased speed made it impossible to lift his legs as high as he was supposed to, and when the whip landed on the back of his thigh, a stinging stripe parallel to the first, it was almost a relief to stop having to anticipate the blow.

  “Higher!” Archie growled, hitting him again. David tried, doing his best to lift his knees up high like Archie wanted, but he just couldn’t – not with how fast he was having to move.

  Archie hit him again, this time on his back between his shoulder blades, and the unexpected location once again sent David stumbling off his feet.

  This time David couldn’t get back on his feet no matter how hard he tried. His boots dragged along the ground, kicking and scrambling for purchase, his body turning over as the arm dragged him along, relentless and unfeeling.

  Staring up at the sky, the straps of his bridle tugging painfully as they dragged his body along, David waited for Archie and Adam to turn the machine off so that he could right himself.

  The last thing he expected was for the whip to crash down on his chest, twice in quick succession, marking an X over his pectoral muscles.

  This was not fun, David decided. He wasn’t even remotely hard, the whip hurt, and being dragged along by his head was fucking scary.

  “On your feet!” Archie barked, the whip whooshing through the air one more time before hitting him across his lower stomach.

  David screamed, kicking his legs and trying to pull his arms free, but nothing fucking happened.

  “Turn it off.”

  David nearly cried with relief at the sound of Adam’s voice ringing out behind him. A second later the machine came to a stop and David finally managed to get back onto his feet. Covered in sweat, mouth hurting, David didn’t realize he was crying until Adam came up to him and cupped his face in his hands, thumbs wiping away his tears.

  “That was scary, huh?” Adam said, thumbs gently stroking David’s temples.

  David just stared at him, eyes wide and breaths coming in desperate pants. After a few minutes, when it became clear that Adam was actually waiting for an answer, David nodded.

  “It takes practice,” Adam said, voice gentle as he massaged David’s temples. “Being a good pony isn’t something you just learn in a day. Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.”

  David just stared at him. Was this… were they not done?

  “You can practice speed later,” Adam said, kissing his forehead. “For now, let’s just focus on endurance. Are you ready to start again?”

  Adam looked at him, eyes dark and expression hungry. Glancing down, David could see the line of his erection straining the fabric of his breeches.

  Conflicted, David couldn’t decide whether to nod or shake his head. He hated the walker – hated it with a burning passion – but anything that made Adam look at him like that… that might be worth it.

  In the end, Adam didn’t wait for him to make a decision.

  “You’re ready,” he said, ruffling David’s hair, and before David could protest the machine started up and he was being forced forward.

  At first it was horrible, his legs wooden and tired, the reins pulling painfully on his bridle, but after a while all that started to fade away.

  David’s mind was blank, empty except for the next step, a steady rhythm of lifting his knee up high and then repeating the action, over and over until it was like he wasn’t even connected to his body.

  “He’s a natural!”

  David heard Archie’s words, but it was like he was under water and they were far away.

  “Knew he would be,” Adam replied, just as distant.

  “How far do you want to push him?” Archie’s voice again.

  “As far as we can.”

  Adam’s words floated over him like he wasn’t even there.



  Adam was in heaven. His breeches were drenched in pre-cum, the head of his cock slick and sensitive against the wet fabric over his crotch, the sight of David being forced to walk until he was about to collapse from exhaustion making him hot and hard.

  “Want to finish him up with a sprint?” Archie asked, coming up next to him and leaning against the fence. He had his whip draped around his neck, eyes on David
, the sizable bulge in his jeans drawing Adam’s eye.

  Adam’s first instinct was to say yes – he would have said yes with anyone but David – but he could tell that David was at the very edge of his limit.

  “Nah, slow it down and bring it to a stop. He’s been good for his first time.”

  Archie shrugged, disappointed but not about to say so, strutting over to the controls and bringing the walker to a slow stop. They both watched with some amusement as David almost fell over when it came to a complete stop. It was like he couldn’t imagine not moving forward.

  Walking over to him, Adam rubbed his hand down his handsome pony’s neck, giving it a squeeze before disconnecting him from the walker. Holding the reins close to David’s mouth, he led him on unsteady legs back toward the stable.

  They’d been at it for well over two hours and David was bound to be starving.

  Archie following close behind, Adam led David through the tack-room and into the stable, putting him in the now empty stall that Brick had just vacated.

  “How do you want to feed him?” Archie asked, watching as Adam helped David sink down onto his ass with his back against the wall. David was still breathing hard, his eyes glazed over with the vacant look that meant he was still deep into subspace.

  “Bottle,” Adam said, no hesitation.

  There were several ways they fed the stud-ponies in Rex’s stable. The most usual was to just give them normal food and let them eat, though sometimes they were made to eat out of a feeding trough.

  And then there was Cody. Rex’s special puppy got special food, often in the form of a nutritional supplement mixed with piss and come that Rex forced him to suck out of a baby bottle.

  It was disgusting and Adam wanted David to experience it.

  “Brick’s Cody special?” Archie asked, sounding surprised but pleased.

  Adam nodded, looking back at Archie with a grin. “Though I’d be the one contributing the main ingredients, obviously.”

  “Of course.” Archie grinned right back at him. “I’ll go get the bottle.”

  Adam nodded, turning his attention to David as Archie left. He was slumped back against the wall, feet spread out in a wide V in front of him, looking up at Adam with a vacant expression as drool trickled down the side of his chin.

  Groping his cock, Adam stepped between David’s legs and nudged his boot against the dazed boy’s cock. It was rock hard – had been since he sat down – and Adam took great pleasure in pressing it flat against David’s stomach using the bottom of his boot.

  The sight of his big black boot pressing down on David’s helpless cock was beautiful, and Adam couldn’t help but push down harder, making David gasp and clutch his boot in an attempt to protect his gloriously hard member.

  “Hands down,” Adam ordered, David blinking up at him with the most perfect vulnerable expression.

  Slowly, like it took him a minute to translate Adam’s words into something sensible, David’s hands dropped from Adam’s boot. He slumped back against the wall, legs spreading a fraction of an inch wider, and waited for Adam to do as he would.

  “Fuck, what did I do to deserve you?” Adam asked, taking out his cock and palming the heavy shaft. He tugged his balls out, letting the heavy orbs dangle down against the top of his thigh, all the while stroking himself.

  Pre-cum dripped down to the floor of David’ stall, some of it hitting the side of David’s boot when Adam’s cock jerked up.

  “Got the bottle,” Archie said, coming into the stall and handing him a large glass bottle. The bottle was larger than what you’d use to feed a baby – about the size of a water bottle – and at the bottom there was about a two inch layer of thick white powder.

  Adam removed the rubber nipple from the top of the bottle and handed it to Archie, bringing the bottle down to his cock. Squeezing his shaft, Adam milked a shiny string of pre-cum into the powder. Boot still trapping David’s cock against his stomach, Adam jerked himself off, and within a few seconds he was shooting his load into David’s lunch.

  Load after load of thick come shot out of Adam’s cock, most of it hitting the bottle just inside the opening, dripping down toward the powder in heavy globs. Adam took his time, milking his spent cock into the bottle, and when his orgasm was well and truly finished, he relaxed his bladder and started to piss.

  The vacant look on David’s face cleared, his eyes widening as the noise of Adam’s piss filling the bottle echoed around the stall.

  “Ah-t arh-”

  “No talking,” Adam interrupted David’s unintelligible words, the bottle now nearly full. He forced himself to stop the flow of piss, grabbing the rubber nipple from Archie and screwing it back onto the top of the bottle.

  Pinching the nipple closed, Archie started to shake the bottle, his piss, come and the nutritional supplement powder all mixing together into something truly obscene.

  There wasn’t enough money in the world for Adam to ever put anything like it in his mouth, and he was going to make David drink every drop.

  Removing his boot from David’s cock, Adam pushed himself between David’s back and the wall, forcing David to scoot forward as he sank down behind him. Once he was sitting, Adam pushed David further down, not stopping until David was lying on his back with his head nestled in Adam’s lap – right next to his cock and balls.

  “It’s lunch time,” Adam said, unbuckling the bit from David’s mouth and bringing the rubber nipple to his lips.

  “I am not eating that!” David insisted, turning his head away. “Adam, you pissed into that bottle!”

  Adam grabbed David’s chin and forced him to turn his head back up. He looked down at his helpless captive and asked, “Do you want to go back and spend another two hours on the walker?”

  “No, but I’m not-”

  “Either you eat this or Archie takes you back to the walker, and this time I don’t stop him when he speeds it up.”

  David blinked, staring up at him with wide eyes.

  “I don’t want to eat that,” he repeated.

  “I know,” Adam said, bringing the nipple to his lips. “But ponies eat what their masters tell them to.”

  Still holding David’s chin, Adam forced the nipple into his mouth.

  David resolutely didn’t suck.

  “Archie, get the cattle prod,” Adam commanded. David jerked, looking up at him with a pleading expression.

  “You drink or Archie hurts you,” Adam warned. He knew that he was playing right up against David’s limit – and maybe even beyond it – but he wanted to see David do this.

  He wanted him to debase himself.

  Tears welled in David’s eyes, and Adam clenched his teeth. Fuck. He was so fucking soft it was embarrassing. Removing the nipple from David’s mouth, he looked down at him with a serious expression.

  “Are you safewording?”

  David just stared at him, and then his forehead scrunched up in confusion.

  “Can I?”

  Adam just looked at him and nodded. There was no need to say that thirty seconds ago the answer would have been no.

  “Archie is coming back with the cattle prod. If you don’t use your safeword I’m going to have him shock your balls until you start drinking. Do you understand?”

  Licking his lips, expression unreadable, David nodded. When Adam put the nipple back into his mouth, he still didn’t suck. There was a gleam in his eyes, and looking down Adam was unsurprised to see that he was hard.

  Adam narrowed his eyes. If David didn’t safeword or drink, he would be getting the cattle prod.

  Archie came back into the stall, the long cattle prod held firmly in his hand, looking to Adam with the unspoken question of what he should do.

  “Shock his balls,” Adam commanded, curious if David realized just how much a cattle prod hurt.

  “Yes, sir!” Archie said, all too happy to obey the command. In two seconds flat the cattle prod was pressed into David’s nuts, and then David was bucking and screaming in pain

  “What the fuck!” he yelled, Adam pushing the rubber nipple of the bottle into his mouth.

  “Start drinking or he does it again.”

  “I’m not-”

  Adam nodded at Archie, tightening his grip on David’s head as he once again arched his back and writhed and screamed in pain.

  “Come on, baby, drink daddy’s milk.”

  Adam nearly thought he would come on the spot when David’s cheeks sucked in and he started drinking. He was trembling, eyes filled with tears, but he was drinking and he hadn’t used the safeword.

  Looking down at him, Adam couldn’t bring himself to feel anything but horny. He’d given David an out and he hadn’t taken it.

  “That’s my boy,” Adam said, voice soft as he stroked David’s hair and fed him his piss and come. “Drink it up.”

  David glared up at him, but it couldn’t have been as horrible as all that, because within twenty minutes the bottle was empty.

  “Do you want some water?” Adam asked, removing the nipple from David’s mouth and tracing his lips with the pad of his thumb.

  Looking a little shocked, David nodded, a barely perceptible move of his head.

  “All right, lie down and daddy will get you something to drink.”

  Pushing David off his lap, Adam rose to his feet, tucking his now rock hard cock back into his breeches before leaving the stall to get the promised water.

  Archie was just outside the stall, cattle prod still in his grip, looking at Adam with an approving smile.

  “I’m glad to see you haven’t gone too soft,” he said, licking his lips. He crossed his arms, biceps bulging and stretching the sleeves of his t-shirt.

  Adam huffed, pleased, and didn’t say anything as he walked past the other man to the sink against the back wall. Rinsing out the bottle he filled it with cold water and returned to David. Crouching down, he held the bottle to David’s lips.

  “Drink up, baby,” he said, tilting the bottle and pouring water past David’s slack lips. At first David was skeptical, eyeing him over the rim of the bottle like he suspected foul play, but when the taste of clean water filled his mouth he drank greedily.


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