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Hard to Kill (Hell Hounds Harem Book 6)

Page 19

by Briana Michaels

  Reaching around, he rubbed her clit while thrusting his hips again. He wanted to look down and see her cream all over his cock, but wasn’t breaking the spell of their reflection right now. Her body tensed up and she squeezed her eyes shut when the second orgasm slammed down on his dick, clamping and throbbing. “Oh God, Drake!” Her head thrashed back and hit his shoulder.

  He loved this. He needed this.

  And so did she.

  Drake pulled out and lifted her up so she perched on the counter. Pumping his cock a couple times with his hand, he got to see her pleasure coating him. As he slid back into her pussy, he licked his fingers fucking clean. He wasn’t gonna waste a goddamn drop of her sweet stuff.

  Her third orgasm came way too quick for his liking, but he wasn’t about to deny her the third and biggest one of the night so far. Oh, there would be plenty more, this was just a warm up.

  “Harder!” Tilly cried. Her nails dug into the back of his neck. Drake’s lips curled into a snarl when he felt her body clamp down hard on his again and this time his eyes rolled and lids fluttered. She felt so good. Too damn good. Too damn perfect.

  Never in his life had Drake ever felt more right, more… anything. Not until this moment. He was made to love her. Protect her. Worship her.

  He’d been too late to say it before, but this was his second chance to make it right. “I love you,” he said again and again. Then his orgasm finally exploded out of him and he crushed his mouth to hers, wanting to give her everything he had – his love for her and his pack, his joy for being found and finding her, his pain, his pleasure, his fear, his confidence. Everything. Drake wanted to be owned by this woman as badly as he wanted to own her.

  Their tongues twirled around each other and when Drake came inside her, Tilly locked her legs, forcing him to go as deep as possible. Drake froze, his cock jerking, cum spilling into her body, their mouths locked and gazes pinned on each other.

  He’d never felt so raw in his life.

  Drake’s heart slammed into his chest in no real rhythm and he pulled back just enough to get some air. Tilly was panting, Drake had stopped breathing all together. Jesus, he felt so alive.

  She captured his face between her hands and pressed her forehead to his. “I love you too, Hound.”

  Now he wanted to drop to his knees. Bracing himself on the counter, still sheathed in her warmth, Drake tried to not break down.

  No one had ever said those words to him before. And she meant it. Tilly, just like Drake, wouldn’t say something she didn’t mean.

  He kissed her again and again and again. A loud knock startled them both. “Hey! Stop hogging our girl!”

  Drake laughed. Like, actually belly laughed, which was another first. He leaned in for one more kiss before pulling out of her.

  “We really are the same, Drake.”

  He grabbed a towel and tried to clean her up a little. “How so?”

  “We love with everything we’ve got.”

  Drake looked up at her and smiled, “Fuck right we do, Goldilocks. Until there’s nothing left to give.”

  He’d give her his last breath. And he knew, without a doubt, she’d do the same for each of them.

  Chapter 22

  Valor was waiting at the foot of her bed when Tilly stepped out of the bathroom. The lass was glowing, inside and out. He’d be a liar to say he hadn’t enjoyed the sounds coming from the other side of that door moments ago.

  Gods, would he ever get jealous of his Hounds with his woman? Nope. Seeing the peaceful expression on Drake’s face as he came out right behind Tilly was the icing on the cake. Their woman changed this pack for the better.

  While she and Drake were in the shower, the rest of the Hell Hounds quickly took showers and got changed into more comfortable attire. They’d come into her bedroom, eager to touch and soothe her, and when they realized Drake was still taking care of her behind closed doors, they all agreed to not interrupt.

  “What’s that look for?” Tilly’s eyebrow arched at Valor. “You look like a cat who ate the canary.”

  “Och, nothing, mo leannan. I’ve just realized what a lucky bastard I am.” He grabbed her hand and brought her closer so he could kiss her good and proper. “Ye smell of my pack,” he grinned. Then he let her go again.

  She walked away and ventured to Bishop with a playful sway to her hips. Considering she was naked, it was a mesmerizing sight. It was no secret they were all under her spell. She grabbed her Hound Dog by the ears and planted a big kiss on him next. It started out playfully, but Bishop didn’t last long before he started backing her up until her ass hit something that stopped his momentum. His hands roamed over her body like he couldn’t get enough.

  “You’re overdressed, Hound Dog.” She tugged his shirt, playfully.

  “Doona get him started,” Valor grabbed Bishop’s shoulder and drove him back. “We canna linger here longer, lass. There’s too much to be done now that you’re more,” he thought of the best word to use, “satisfied for now.”

  She pouted at Bishop, then Valor, and wiggled her ass away from both of them to hit up Sebastian next. “What’s wrong, Baz?”

  He leaned against the door jamb with his arms crossed. “Nothing, Tills.” Baz straightened up and wrapped his arms around her body. “Nothing at all.” He dipped down and captured her mouth with his. Instead of groping her bare ass, Sebastian kneaded the back of her head and kept his other arm locked around her lower back. She moaned against him and pressed her body flush against his.

  Drake coughed from the bathroom doorway. Sebastian ignored him. Drake coughed more obnoxiously, causing both Valor and Bishop to turn and look at him. Drake made one last effort and added, “Showoff” to his coughing fit. Sebastian broke away and winked at Drake. “You started it, brother.”

  “Alright alpha,” Tilly turned to Valor and put her hands on her hips, “What’s so important we can’t get naked and fuck?”

  It took a minute for him to answer because it was hard to find a reason not to give into her tempting request. “We’ve got to dig up the items you’ve buried and bring them to Lucifer.”


  “Aye,” Valor frowned, “We canna risk having anything of power fall into the wrong hands. Whoever’s done this has too much already.”

  “It might not make a difference if the Dark Angels are already formed,” she said, “but okay. I mean, it’s not like I had anything that would help the bad guy do worse damage. And you’re right, I need to get those things out of there. Now that I’m dead, the house will get sold off and I don’t want that stuff there for some kid to dig up while they’re burying their goldfish or something in the backyard.”

  She moved to her dresser and got a pair of jeans out. No underwear. It made Valor’s mouth water thinking about her going commando. Next, she brushed past Drake to head into the bathroom and she came out a moment later with her hair tied back. She grabbed a shirt from the closet. Then she sat on the edge of her bed and started putting on socks. “You all are making me feel self-conscious the way you watch my every move.”

  “Sorry, Sweetness. But sometimes this still feels too good to be true. We can’t help it, isn’t that right Hounds?”

  They all barked in agreement.

  She looked up and pinned Drake with a sly smile, “I know the feeling well.” She snatched a pair of shoes from the floor and poked Drake in the chest, “Not that I’d object, but are you going naked or staying here?”

  “I’m getting dressed.”

  “Then get dressed, Hound. We’ve got artifacts to dig up and send to Satan. Wear those jeans with the paint stain on the thigh.”

  Drake chuckled, “Yes ma’am.” He slid past his twin and went to his room.

  Bishop watched Drake leave before asking, “Did you break him?”

  “She fixed him,” Valor’s pride felt like the sun on his skin.

  “He isn’t broken and he didn’t need fixing. He just needed acceptance.” Tilly laced her converse and peered ove
r at Valor. “We can’t change who we are any more than we can change what was done to us. Drake just needs to be loved for who he is in this moment. We all fucking do.”

  “Love?” Bishop stepped forward. “You tossing the L-word around now?”

  Tilly cocked her head to the side, totally unfazed at the tone Bishop used. “I’ll sling it, toss it, paint it, fuck it, cook it, say it and moan it. But most of all, I’ll mean it.” She poked him in the chest, “Find what you’d die for—”

  “And live for it,” they all said together.

  “Tell me I didn’t make a mistake,” she sighed.

  “Does it feel like a mistake, lass?”

  “No, it feels right.”

  “Fuck yeah it does,” Bishop tilted her chin up with his finger. “Valor was right about you. He said you were something. Fucker just didn’t tell us you’d be the light of our lives.”

  “Some things need to be felt, not said,” Sebastian, of course, would stick up for Valor. “You all feeling this?”



  “Yup,” Drake came back fully dressed and wearing the jeans Tilly specified.

  Baz halted his twin from moving forward. They stood, inches apart and stared at each other like two gloriously sexy bookends.

  “I want a twin sandwich,” Tilly announced. “Maybe not today, but I seriously want a twin sandwich.”

  “Ohhhhh,” Bishop practically purred with approval. “I wanna watch that.”

  Valor held his breath and studied the exchange between Sebastian and Drake. Would they go for it?

  “Let’s get through this shit with Lucifer first, Goldilocks, before you start pairing us off and running us ragged in the bedroom.”

  “Afraid you can’t keep up, brother?” Baz teased.

  Holy shit! Baz was teasing about this? Sex was never something he took lightly. Drake either. Valor couldn’t help but hold his breath.

  “Hey, I was just trying to save you from getting embarrassed.” Drake clapped Sebastian on the shoulder. “We both know who’s bigger.”

  “Yeah. Me.”

  Drake laughed so hard, it made Valor’s heart squeeze hearing it. That was the second time he ever heard that Hound actually laugh – the first had been about ten minutes ago behind that bathroom door. Drake. Never. Laughed.

  “Holy Hellfire,” Bishop gawked. “Who are you, Hound?”

  “He’s mine,” Tilly purred while slipping her arms around Drake’s neck and dragging him down for a kiss. “You’re all mine.”

  No one argued about that.

  “Let’s go, Hounds. The sooner this next part of our mission is complete, the better.” Valor needed to get his head out of the lust clouds and back in the game, “We split up and take two trucks. Drake, you and Sebastian in your truck. Bishop, you come with me and Tilly.”

  Tilly rode shotgun while Valor drove and Bishop sat in the back.

  “Love,” Valor said with both hands at ten and two on the wheel.

  Tilly felt like a fool now. She said it and meant it, but it was really soon for the L word. All because they were a pack didn’t mean there had to be love involved. At least not the romantic kind. “I didn’t bother to say it to anyone in my first life. Figured I shouldn’t drag my feet about it now.”


  Valor’s grip tightened. “Thinking about ye loving another man in your first life makes me want to shred the world apart to find him and beat him to death for not taking better care of ye when he had the chance.”

  “I took care of myself,” she shrugged, “And there’s no man to beat because there never was one to begin with. It’s okay you know, if you don’t feel the same,” Tilly shrugged and continued to look out the window, “but I’m not about to make the same mistakes I did the first time around.”

  “What does that mean?” Valor hung a left and sped up.

  “Everything I tried totally backfired on me.”

  “How so?” Bishop asked from the back.

  “Loving you,” Tilly turned and gave him sorrowful eyes. “I tried so hard to not fall for you and I did the opposite. You know,” she frowned, “I’ve never had a threesome before you and Valor. And I did it so that yeah, you could take back the magic Foxy Boy put in me, but I also did it to teach you a lesson.”

  “Aye? What lesson was that?”

  “That I’d never give my heart to a man, so don’t get attached.” She went back to staring out the window. “I figured if I stirred the pot a little bit, you’d all take the hint and maybe someone would try to make me choose between you or kick me out. When no one did, I just kept right on enjoying your company. Not because I wanted to mess with your emotions, but because I couldn’t get enough… of any of you.”

  She scrubbed her face and sighed. Holy Hell, why was she confessing this? It made her sound like such an asshole, like a woman who’d played them, and that’s not what happened. What started out as physical attraction had grown too fast to put a label on. And when they never made her choose, and were happy to share, she’d rolled with it.

  Shit, Tilly wasn’t even sure she could say who she had fallen in love with first.

  Valor slowed down as they pulled into the driveway of her father’s old house. “Doona worry, lass. We do too.”

  “Do too, what?

  “Love ye,” Valor’s grip loosened on the steering wheel.

  Tilly felt like someone just pumped her full of helium. “Like… pack love or love-love?”

  “I’ve loved ye since the moment I saw ye in the catacombs.” Valor shut the engine off and turned to stare at her. “Such a brave thing ye were… and ye jumped into a Hell Hound mess with both feet and never flinched. I said to myself, if I live through this, I’m going to spend the rest of her life loving her like she deserves.”

  “I’m going to live forever now,” she whispered.

  “Aye. And that’s still not long enough for me. What say you, Bishop? Got something to add?”

  Bishop’s face was cast in shadows, but she could see his mouth and nose ring gleam in the subtle moonlight, “I fell for you that night at The Blue Lizard.”

  She waved him off and shook her head, “No way. Too easy. You can’t say it was love at first sight, that’s too lame.”

  “Didn’t say it was at first sight,” he smiled. “It was the second sight, when you came after me through that crowd and tossed your arms around me and kissed me like it was the last thing you were going to ever do. That kiss turned my world upside down, Sweetness.” Bishop reached over and grabbed blades to pass around to each of them as he said, “But seeing you get back up after you fell down the steps was a close call. Almost fell for you then, but didn’t because I forced myself to not look directly at you. I didn’t want to get too close to something I was never going to have. If I had been different that night, I would have been a goner even before we shared the tequila.” He pinned her with a heady glare, “So who’s plan really backfired?” He reached over and kissed her while also handing her a knife. “Fuck, I’m going to love making you happy forever.”

  Tilly wasn’t made of helium anymore, she was made of champagne – all fizzy and bubbly and intoxicated.

  “I also fell in love with you when you kicked our alpha in the balls,” Bishop grinned. “And whenever you burned our grilled cheeses.”

  “You fall in love with me a lot, Hound Dog.”

  “Every chance I get, Sweetness.”

  Yeahhh, Tilly was pretty sure this was the best day of her life.

  “As for love-love or pack love,” Valor continued as they climbed out of the truck, “there is no difference for us, lass. We Hell Hounds are devoted, loyal to a fault, and would die for our pack.” He came around the front of his truck and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in close, “And I speak for the entire pack when I say that ye make our hearts beat again, lass.”

  Drake and Sebastian slammed their truck doors shut and walked over. Drake grabbed the shovels out of the back.

sp; “What are you talking about?” Sebastian asked.

  Valor grabbed a shovel. “What she means to us.”

  “Well, that’s gonna be impossible to explain,” Sebastian leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Sometimes love can’t be explained with words. It needs to be felt, soul-deep.”

  “When did you fall in love with her, Baz?” Bishop licked his lips and looked like he knew damn well when that was. Had Baz told Bishop about that night?

  Tilly blushed. One night, she had found Sebastian in his gaming room. They decided to play a game of strip pool and she’d cheated. Heavily. Like… just took all the balls and pushed them into the pockets with her hands. Baz called her shameless. She didn’t deny it. She told him he was built for sin. He said he was built to love her. Annnnd then he kissed her against a wall with all those pack pictures hanging on either side of them and he confessed his love for her. Said he was so glad she’d found him and he’d found her and that no matter what, they’d find a way to be together.

  She died two weeks later.

  “So? When was it?” Valor asked with his hands crossed. “When did ye realize ye loved our woman, Sebastian?”

  “When she found me,” Baz replied. “Whenever she finds me… in the hall when I was blind, in the catacombs in my dreams, in the kitchen making coffee, in the dojo working out, in the theatre room, in the grocery store…. Whenever she finds me and I see her… that’s when I fall in love with her.”

  Okay, Tilly officially felt like ooey gooey warm molten lava cake now, especially with the wink Drake just tossed her. Holy Hell, how did she ever get so lucky?

  Blowing out a big breath, her cheeks hurt with how big her smile got. Before she tried to make love to all four of them on the front lawn, she needed to get her butt in gear. Now wasn’t the time for romance, it was time for resurrection…


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