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Take All of It September 2019

Page 13

by Scarlett Skyes

  Since launching his business ‘Countdown to Fuck’ seven years previously, it had grown into a true media empire. A porn media empire, sure, but still an empire. Kyle was making money hand over fist but told Ashley that he still had problems finding the right talent. Lots of girls were knocking on his doors trying to get into his videos to launch or rejuvenate their modelling/acting/porn careers, but he said that any sane man would run a mile from most of them. Quantity wasn’t the problem, quality was.

  His business was built on a reputation for stunningly beautiful young girls, the good girls you never expected to see in the kind of positions he was putting these girls in. Ashley took no small amount of pride that it was she herself that had set the benchmark on this front and had been integral to the early success of Kyle’s first website.

  As per the arrangements of her original contract with Kyle, the royalties from her video and picture set were still rolling in regularly, though at a much diminished rate now that he had dozens of other videos and picture sets competing for the users’ money, and all of them newer than hers. Kyle proposed an amendment to Ashley’s contract, to include another potential revenue stream for her.

  As a teacher, Kyle said she was in a unique position to do recruitment for him, to really get back to what he called the ‘grassroots’ of his business. Kyle told her that for each girl she signed up he would give her a cut of that girl’s royalties. It was a porn industry pyramid scheme of sorts. But how to recruit the right girls? This wasn’t the kind of job opportunity you tacked up on the noticeboard or sent home to the parents in the monthly newsletter.

  Between them they hashed out a plan. At the start of the school year, Ashley selected those she thought were pretty enough and carefully marked all the work that contributed to their final grade at a much lower level than it should have been. When it was time to sit their exams, some of them were in pretty desperate situations in regards to their grades. Acing the exam was usually what stood between them and their colleges of choice.

  It was at this stage that one of Kyle’s employees would approach the students individually outside of the school, wherever he could find them. At first, he would pretend to be asking for directions and then he would turn the conversation to the fact that he had copies of the local schools final exams and would they be interested in buying them. Of course the copies were supplied by Ashley.

  About half of the students approached accepted the offer and were given the copies of the exam. Ashley made sure to mark the students that didn’t accept very high in their exam so they wouldn’t be held back by her and Kyle’s scheme. Those that did accept the copies were always caught, believe it or not.

  Ashley gave them the choice, the same choice she herself had been given when she turned 18. On one hand, failure and being exposed as a cheat. On the other hand, a kind of ‘community service’ that you would actually get paid for, Ashley would let them keep their ill-gotten exam results and nobody ever needed to know about what they did. So far they had always accepted the terms of her offer, and Ashley had to admit it had that lucky feeling of history repeating itself.

  The perfect strike rate didn’t help settle Ashley’s nerves much at this, the most dangerous point of the whole operation. It was entirely possible that a student might balk at the idea and run home to her parents, even though it would mean coming clean about cheating in their exams. Ashley’s heart beat hard in her chest as she waited for Jolene to finish packing and come see her.

  Throughout the school year Ashley had been looking forward to this coming weekend as if it was her birthday. In reality it was Jolene Haywood’s birthday, her 18th. The timing was perfect, exams were done, school was into that no-man’s land between said exams and the actual end of the school year, and being a weekend it gave Kyle’s film set as much time as was needed to do everything. If Ashley could pull this off.

  Jolene finished packing her stuff up and began walking towards Ashley. Ashley noticed that Jolene’s already milky white skin was even more pale than usual. Jolene had transferred to the school just this year, originally hailing from England. Her father had accepted some promotion within his company that required the move.

  From the moment she had walked through the school gates, Jolene had been beset by boys asking her to go out on dates, trying to win her favour, and so on. She had refused them all politely, and eventually they had stopped asking. Ashley met Jolene’s parents at the parent/teacher meeting halfway through the year, expressing her concern at Jolene’s low grades. In response Mr. Haywood, a stereotypical Strict-Father with an English accent, had assured her that Jolene would be worked very hard at home and listed some extra rules that would now be enforced, which Ashley barely managed to bite her tongue about. The rules already included “No Dating” so that explained her early behaviour.

  Jolene wore her blonde hair much shorter than Ashley did, just barely touching her shoulders. Ashley ventured a guess that Jolene would have liked to dress quite conservatively, given the option, but the school uniform didn’t really allow for that. It wasn’t exactly slutty, but the skirts were shorter than most other schools. The gaps between the buttons on the white shirts had a tendency to gape open for some reason and allowed for some tantalising views at the right angles. Some of the more prudish members of the community had even complained to the school. At some stage in the future, the school would probably do something about it, but for now there were a lot of happy schoolboys in the area.

  Jolene was petite, just barely breaking above the 5 foot mark and Ashley guessed she couldn’t have anything more than A-cup breasts. If Jolene lost any fans from within the male population of her classmates due to not being voluptuous, she most certainly regained them with her stunning beauty. If Jolene’s father ever let her out of the house, she could be a model. She would be a model of sorts if Ashley played this out correctly.

  “Take a seat, Jolene.” Ashley said when Jolene arrived at her desk and opened her mouth to say something. Jolene sat at the chair that Ashley kept near her desk for such occasions. Ashley sat up straight and slowly drummed her fingers on her desk, staring at Jolene. Jolene said nothing, but soon began to fidget uncomfortably.

  “Do you know what this is about, Jolene?” she asked.

  “Er… n-no Miss. Easton.” Jolene stammered.

  “Really?” Ashley put on her most skeptical face and continued “I find that hard to believe. Let me tell you a little story.”

  Opening up a drawer, Ashley pulled out a thin folder and placed it unopened on the surface of her desk. Jolene eyed it uneasily but listened as Ashley went on.

  “Several teachers and the principal had a very serious meeting with the police last night. It turns out they caught a man for dealing drugs in the area. When they searched his house, they found that while he was dealing he also wore a hidden camera, as a kind of insurance policy. Lucky break for the police, not so lucky for his customers, wouldn’t you say, Jolene?”

  “I… suppose?” Jolene said tentatively.

  “Hmmm. Well, when reviewing the video files, it turned out that this man was branching out and selling other things too, and still recording the transactions. Things like advance copies of exams.”

  As Ashley finished her sentence, she saw fear spring into Jolene’s eyes with the confirmation of where this conversation was going.

  “I can’t tell you how disappointed I was, Jolene, when I saw this picture.” Ashley opened the folder and turned it towards her student. The picture showed a screencap taken from a video that Kyle’s employee had recorded during the sale of the exam to Jolene.

  “Now, the police aren’t concerned about sales of exams, they’re all about the drugs, so they turned this over to the school to handle because for most of the students there was no evidence of purchasing drugs. Most.”

  Ashley paused and looked to see how Jolene was taking all this. Jolene was sitting with her head down, hands clasped in her lap with knuckles turning white from strain. Remarkably calm compared to
some of the reactions Ashley had seen in the past, but Ashley knew by now that it was all about pushing the right buttons, and she had a pretty good idea what the right buttons were for Jolene.

  “I tried to call your father at work today so that he could be here for our little chat now, but the number we have seems to be incorrect. We’re going to have to talk to him about the process for failing this year and whether you’ll be allowed to take your final year again here next year after what you’ve done, and more importantly, I think we need to recommend that you get tested for drugs.”

  The very first mention of her father did the trick, Jolene transformed into a blubbering wreck in front of Ashley’s eyes.

  “Please! Please Miss. Easton! You can’t call him at work! He’ll go crazy! Please! Don’t tell him!” Jolene looked about ready to get on her knees and beg. Ashley pondered her next move. Normally she drew this part out to make sure the student realised the hopelessness of the situation, outlined the problems it would cause in the future and so on but Ashley thought Jolene was already at the point where she’d do anything to keep this quiet. My God Ashley thought What must that man be like to live with?

  Ashley pretended to think for a moment, then leaned forward and asked “Do you think you’d be willing to work really hard to make this stupid mistake go away?”

  Jolene grasped at the straw “Yes! Yes, please Miss. Easton, I’ll do anything, just don’t tell him, don’t let him find out!”

  “Anything is a pretty strong word, Jolene, are you sure?”

  “Yes… you don’t know what he’s like... he’s… I’ll do anything.”

  “OK then. Tomorrow morning I’m going to pick you up around 9. Wear your school uniform, because I’ve got some extra-curricular activities you’ll be performing for me. It might be beneficial for you to have a good think tonight about how far you’d be willing to go to undo your mistake.” Ashley paused for a moment “This meeting is over, time to go home, Jolene.”


  Ashley turned her car into the driveway of a large house with an automatic gate. She looked around for a buzzer or intercom of some kind for a moment before the gate began sliding to the side by itself. Ashley was about to drive forwards, but saw Jolene exit the front door and walk quickly towards the car, entering on the passenger side.

  “Good morning, Miss. Easton.” She said in a scared and formal tone.

  “Good morning, Jolene.” Ashley responded “Did you do what I said and have a think about what you’d be willing to do to fix your mistake?”

  “Yes… to be honest I couldn’t think of anything I wouldn’t do… thank you for this chance.”

  “Well, let’s see if you’re as honest as you say. In two minutes I am going to drive this car in one of two directions. One of those directions is forwards up this driveway, parking by that front door. I will then knock on the door and have the talk with your father that I really should have. If I do that, you will fail, and your father will know why. The other direction is backwards and then towards the city. When we get to our destination, a man will put his hard cock in your pussy and fuck you while recording the whole thing then he will cum on your face. You’ll get paid quite well for it, you won’t fail high school, and best of all, your father won’t know what you did.”

  Ashley watched Jolene’s face as she laid her options out and spotted the expected emotions of fear, then utter shock, followed by fear again.

  “Miss. Easton… please… you can’t be serious?” she asked.

  Ashley put the car into first gear and began moving it forwards.

  “Stop! Stop! I’ll do it… please don’t tell him!” Jolene yelled in a rush.

  Ashley stopped the car and looked over at Jolene again “Are you sure? You understand your choices?”

  “Yes.” Jolene said quietly, looking at her hands in her lap.

  “Open the glove compartment, you’ll find a contract and a pen. Sign and date it on the pages where there’s a little yellow tab stuck on.”

  Ashley watched as Jolene began signing on each page that was required and waited for her to finish.

  “All done?” she asked.


  “Good girl, you’ve made the right decision. Buckle up! Let’s get going.”


  Ashley sat on a couch and watched as Kyle took photos of Jolene standing in front of a large digital countdown that read just over 15 minutes and felt slightly nostalgic about the time she herself had stood in front of such a device as it mechanically dismissed the seconds until she got fucked. Kyle had certainly improved in his directing skills since then, giving clear instructions for Jolene to follow, and it seemed like he was even managing to put her at ease, making her appear almost comfortable with the situation. Ashley hadn’t ever seen her this relaxed at school, it was amazing to observe.

  “You’re looking beautiful, Jolene,” Kyle said, moving in close “open up that gap between the buttons so I can get some shots looking into your shirt, then put the pointer finger of your right hand slightly into your mouth and look up at me.”

  A series of clicking sounds emitted from the camera as Kyle continued his praise and direction of Jolene, putting her into various positions. Several cameras were set up and walking around with a camcorder was one of Kyle’s employees, keeping quiet and managing to be very discreet.

  “You’re doing so good, Jolene. Give me some sexy faces, think of the biggest cock that ever fucked you.”

  Jolene appeared to lose some of her newly gained confidence. “Uh… I haven’t been f… had sex before.”

  Ashley marvelled that Jolene couldn’t even bring herself to say ‘fuck’ in a porn shoot, that’s one hell of a sheltered upbringing. Kyle almost dropped his camera.

  “Did we get that?” he called to a man across the room, sitting behind a vast array of computer monitors, who didn’t even bother looking at Kyle, just raised his hand in a thumbs up. Kyle looked back to Jolene, who had turned bright red.

  “That’s ok, Jolene. That’s great, actually. We haven’t had an actual virgin on the site since,” Kyle looked over at Ashley “well, quite a while anyway. You’re going to make a lot of money.”

  “I am?”

  “Oh yes, definitely. You’re too pretty to not do well at this.” Kyle smiled.

  Ashley smirked, Kyle was laying it on a little thick, wasn’t he?

  Kyle checked the time on the countdown, it read less than a minute.

  “OK Jolene, I need you to say your line now, into this camera straight ahead here.”

  Jolene looked at the camera as the counter ticked away, less than 10 seconds now.

  “My name is Jolene and I’m an eighteen year old slut, watch me get fucked and take a load of cum on my face exclusively for Countdown to Fuck.”

  The counter reached 0 and began flashing.

  “Perfect, Jolene, absolutely perfect. Now, it’s time to move on to the main event. I’m going to do this one myself, Tom.” Kyle called and the man with all the computer monitors gave another thumbs up sign. “Sit on the edge of the bed, Jolene, I’m going to get you to suck my cock and…”

  Jolene ran. Kyle watched her go with his mouth open as she made a beeline for Ashley. Jolene dived on the couch and wrapped her arms around Ashley, hiding her face.

  “I can’t do it, Miss Easton!” She sobbed “I’m scared!”

  Ashley put an arm around her “Uh… don’t worry, Jolene, it doesn’t hurt. You’ll do great. Just think of all the money you’ll make. I bet it will be enough to put you through college just with this one little video. You won’t even need to get your Dad to pay for it, you won’t owe him.”

  Jolene looked up “That much?”

  Ashley nodded.

  “How do you know?”

  “That’s how much I made.”

  “You did this?” Jolene looked at her incredulously.

  “Yes, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Ashley looked down at the schoolgirl and was struck by
the beauty that had smitten so many of Jolene’s classmates that year. On an impulse Ashley leaned down and kissed Jolene on the forehead, just to reassure her. Ashley breathed in Jolene’s clean shampoo-scented hair and kissed her on the forehead again.

  Ashley felt her heartbeat quicken and raised her hand to Jolene’s cheek, first stroking it then moving her hand to the back of Jolene’s head, pulling her forward. Ashley softly kissed the teenager’s lips and breathed in her fresh smell. Eventually breaking the kiss off, she noticed Jolene’s head follow hers momentarily as the schoolgirl’s eyes remained closed. Ashley leaned forward again and whispered into Jolene’s ear.

  “You’re so hot, Jolene, I want to see your little pussy full of cock. Will you do it for me?”

  “Yes, Miss. Easton. Only… will you stay with me?” Jolene quietly asked.

  “You mean, while they record?”


  “Of course, I’ll be right here.”

  “No… I want you to touch me, like you’re touching me now.”

  Ashley realised that her hand was now resting on Jolene’s leg, fingertips just under the hem of the skirt. Ashley looked over to Kyle, who was standing waiting patiently where Jolene had run away from, and motioned for him to approach.

  “We’ve got a minor case of stage fright here, Kyle. Would you mind if I joined you two in this video? You know, kind of a comeback special? I’ll just help her along.” Ashley could almost see the dollar signs in Kyle’s eyes.

  “That’s a great idea! That won’t be a problem at all.”

  Ashley looked back at Jolene.

  “OK, Jolene?”

  Jolene took a deep breath. “OK.”

  “Good, now let’s get you back over to the bed and sitting where Kyle showed you before.”

  Jolene stood and walked to the bed, never letting go of Ashley’s hand until she was sitting again.


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