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Take All of It September 2019

Page 26

by Scarlett Skyes

  I undid the buttons of Sally’s carefully chosen suit jacket and white shirt, exposing her large breasts in a lacy black bra. Sally was grinding against me with her pussy, not trying to fight herself anymore. Her bra was of the variety that clasps at the front, squashing her breasts together and making the already large pair truly noteworthy. I freed them and pinched her nipples, she moaned and rubbed her pussy against me even harder.

  I cupped each breast, feeling their weight, pressing them together and letting their flesh overflow my hands before letting them go. Sally had both her hands planted on the table behind her, supporting her upper body and preventing herself from being moved from the edge as she pushed at me, rubbing her slit on my hard cock through our clothes, just as I knew she would.

  “Stand up, bend over and put your tits on the table.” I instructed and she was beyond resistance, she was putty in my hands, ready to do anything I wanted, like every woman before her. Sally’s skirt fell back down as she stood, turned around and bent over. She gasped as her breasts squashed against the cold surface of the table and she looked over her shoulder waiting to see what I would do.

  I pulled her skirt back up and cupped her sex through her soaking wet panties, she was radiating heat and pushed back against my hand in sexual desperation.

  “What’s his name?” I asked.

  “Who?” she panted.

  “The man you’re marrying this weekend.”

  “S…Simon.” She said quietly as if remembering him for the first time in several minutes.

  “Does he know how wet I make you?”

  “No.” she whispered.

  I pulled down her panties, exposing her pink pussy lips to the air of the room. Without the panties there to soak up her juices, they leaked out and ran freely down her leg as I rubbed her clit. Sally took deep breaths in and loud moans out and her legs began to quiver.

  I removed my hand from her clit long enough to unzip my pants and pull my hard cock out. Without warning I aimed it at her slit and thrust it in using one hard stroke until my pelvis slapped against her ass, which wobbled as she gasped in shock.

  I didn’t waste time building up pace, I just fucked her hard until her ass was almost a blur of movement and the slap of our bodies almost sounded like applause. After a while, I slowed my pace and leaned over so I could whisper in her ear.

  “Does Simon ever fuck you like this?” I asked.

  “No.” she breathed.

  “Why not?” I almost stopped in honest confusion.

  “He’s waiting for marriage.” She said over the wet sounds of my cock plunging into her pussy.

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re no virgin though.”

  “No, but he is. We…uhn… he wanted to wait.”

  I interrupted her sentence with a harder thrust and smiled.

  “But you’ve missed the cock haven’t you, Sally? You’re a cumslut from way back aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I miss it.” She said as her breathing got heavier.


  “I’m a cumslut.” She admitted and it seemed that was the release she needed as she began to buck and writhe on the table pushing her pussy back at me with urgency, cumming on my cock. Her pussy quivered and clenched sporadically and the board room echoed with her yells.

  At last she began to quieten and in a few minutes she was almost entirely still while I continued to thrust my erection into her slit.

  “Are you ever going to tell him what happened here?” I asked.

  “No, it would crush him.”

  “But when he finally does fuck you, you’re going to be thinking of me, aren’t you?”

  Sally was quiet for a long time, finally she whispered “Yes.”

  I looked down at my cock repeatedly disappearing between the pink lips of her pussy and then looked up at her face.

  “I’m going to cum inside you.” I said.

  “Please no, I’m not on birth control!” she said. I was taking the male birth control pill myself, but she didn’t need to know that and I spilled my seed into her as my orgasm exploded from the head of my cock, shooting pleasure into my body and leaving me unable to do anything but pump her full of cum, which seemed to fill her vagina and spilled out around my dick as my thrusts slowed.

  I extracted myself from her.

  “Clean me.” I said, and she slid off the table directly to her knees, licking every trace of our combined sex juices off my cock as even more slopped out of her pussy to join the rest of it on the floor. When she was done I sat back down in my chair and watched her straighten herself out. She looked lost in her own thoughts.

  “Time to get back to work, Sally.”

  She didn’t say anything as she headed for the door. Before it closed behind her, I called out “Have a good weekend!”

  Jim would like the board room security footage I was going to send him, I was sure, but until then I had lots of arrangements to make for an almost immediate departure to Mars.


  My mood had been pretty black since it became apparent I was going to have to make the trip. It didn’t get any better once I noticed the writing stencilled on to the side of the container I had just unclipped and pried open. It didn’t say much, just ‘Real Companions Ltd Model 5-155FSBL-B’

  “Those cunts!” I yelled to nobody but myself, I was the only person on my small ship. I’d paid top dollar for a top of a line companion for this trip and here I was with a series-5, something that hadn’t been a current model in… I didn’t even know how long. This had to be a joke.

  Ever since humans had tested the psychological effects of long-term space travel it had been known that it could do terrible things to a person’s mind cooped up all alone for months on end. It was solitary confinement, it was a kind of torture. Packing a bunch of men into a sardine can for several months didn’t fare much better, and in some cases it was much worse. With testosterone building up, there were assaults and murders at incredibly high rates.

  Any claim that women had in regards to being better able to get along peacefully with each other was effectively dismissed when the ill-fated ship ‘Feminista’ had crashed into a volcano on Io in the middle of an apocalyptic hair-pulling, scratching, slapping fight amongst the all-female crew.

  No, it seems we were biologically hardwired to need each other to stay sane. We grew up together on Earth, and if we ever wanted to go very far, we would go together or not at all. There was something poetic and beautiful about that but the advance of technology doesn’t stop and for these ‘shorter’ journeys a robot that didn’t need any supplies beyond what they carried inside them was the only way to go as far as companionship was concerned. Every extra kilogram of food and water that I needed cost a huge sum to get off the ground and across the void of space.

  I picked up the instruction manual and flicked through it, barely sparing a glance at the naked female form wrapped in slightly opaque plastic inside the box. I flicked through the manual not because I needed to be told how to work the damn thing, everybody already knew that, but because there should have been a selection of personality chips stuck to one of the covers or pages. There was not. I threw the manual into the corner of the room.

  “That’s fucking typical.”

  I didn’t know whether this thing would even turn on without the chip, I couldn’t remember hearing of anybody trying it. That’s not to say it hadn’t been done, what people did with these robots they didn’t usually talk about anyway, it’s just that I hadn’t heard. I hope I wasn’t going to be reduced to fucking a cold immobile doll like somebody from the 19th century. Or was it the 20th? I shrugged to myself, the lineage of the 5-155FSBL-B wasn’t something I really cared much about.

  I ripped open the plastic, revealing an utterly convincing facsimile of a petite blonde woman of slightly over 5 feet tall, slim with B-cup breasts. At least they had got that part of my order right. My brows furrowed slightly. I didn’t remember the series-5 having such realistic skin. When Jim and I had go
t our hands on one and reprogrammed it when we were in high school, it was good enough for us, but we were horny teenagers. Teenagers from distant generations ago had probably greased up knot holes in trees for all I knew, so we were lucky.

  I bent in closely, looking at the smooth flawless skin of its navel and up towards the curve of one of its breasts. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between it and reality. I guessed it must have been a newly reconditioned model, which was another slap in the face as far as my order was concerned. Still, even the series-8 I’d had once before didn’t have as convincing a veneer as this, so that was something.

  I don’t know what I was expecting when I pressed the ‘on’ button at the top of the remote control, still wrapped in plastic. I certainly wasn’t expecting what actually happened though.

  The robot in the container gasped as if for air and flailed wildly in the plastic, which rustled loudly. It looked at me and screamed. I was already off balance due to the surprise of the gasp and frenzied movements, the banshee yell sent me backwards tripping over my own feet. I landed on my ass, hard, and skidded into the wall, knocking my head. The thud reverberated inside my skull as if it was hollow and I saw stars for a moment.

  The sound of rustling plastic stopped, to be replaced by the sound of fast and shallow breaths. From my position on the floor I saw a hand grip the side of the container, then blonde hair raised up and it peeked over the edge. If I hadn’t known better I’d have said it was terrified.

  “Where am I?” it asked. I didn’t know what to say for a moment. They were supposed to ask what I wanted.

  “Uh… space? On your way to Mars.”

  Its eyes darted from side to side, taking in the bare, clinical, room as if seeking escape.

  “Where are my clothes?” Another mind-boggling question. They always shipped with a simple set of white linen clothes, but they didn’t usually spend much time in them.

  “They should be in the box with you.” What was I doing, answering its questions? I must have been mildly concussed I decided.

  “Get out.”


  “Get out!” it yelled. The sheer volume, combined with the nasty bump on the head made my head throb. Without pausing any further to contemplate the strange power-dynamic between myself and what was supposed to be a toy and distraction, a chattel, I scrambled for the door, relieved when it slid shut behind me.

  “What the fuck was that?” I said to myself and walked to my chair, my legs shaky.

  I don’t know how long I sat there for, my head pounding, staring out into the blackness, but it felt like a long time. At last I heard the door sliding open and turned to see it walk into the cockpit, looking defiant now, chin held high. I felt the remote in my hand, and readied my thumb over the power button in case it went crazy again.

  “Took you long enough.” I said, determined to assert myself in this fucking crazy situation. “Get me a cup of coffee, milk and sugar, then come back here and suck my dick.”

  “Get your own coffee, and suck your own dick, asshole.” It responded “You need to turn this around and take me home. I don’t know who you are, but you’re in serious trouble.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Where exactly do you think you’re from?”

  Its eyes looked up and to the left then its brow furrowed as its eyes looked down.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  “Exactly.” I said.

  It looked back at me.

  “You’re bleeding.”

  I touched my hand to the back of my head and felt a warm sticky mess there. Bringing my hand into my line of vision I saw it was coated in my blood, looking down, I saw some had trickled down my neck and over my shoulder.

  “The first aid kit is in that drawer there.” I pointed “Patch me up.”



  “Say please.”

  “Get the fuckin’ first aid kit!”

  It stomped over to the drawer, flushed with what looked like anger, and returned with the first aid kit.

  “I’m only doing this because I need you to take me home when I remember where it is, and because you fell over when I screamed, even though that is your fault too.”

  “Whatever.” I said and bent my head down so she could clean me up.

  I heard it rummage through the kit, looking for some sterile wipes or bandages or something and then felt its hands on the back of my head, dabbing delicately. After a while it stopped.

  “You’re still bleeding, but not much. Hold still, I’m going to tie your hairs together, there are no stiches in this kit.”

  Taking small bunches of hairs on each side of the cut, it tied several knots together, effectively closing the small wound. It felt a million times better.

  “Now, that coffee.” I said.

  It bunched its fists and looked like it was fuming mad.

  “Please!” I said, quickly, silently chastising myself for giving in to it again.

  “OK, here’s the deal. I’m going to make your god damned coffee and then you’re going to tell me exactly what is going on here. Where are the kitchen facilities?”

  I pointed at another of the doors that led out of the cockpit.


  It left the room and while it was gone I cleaned up the blood soaked swabs she’d used to clean my cut and put them in the disposal. After several minutes it returned and handed me a steaming cup of delicious smelling coffee. It sat in the only other chair and watched me drink. I decided to ignore it for the time being and swivelled my chair to look at my screen, trying to concentrate on all my Martian problems. I tell you that coffee tasted good.

  After processing precisely zero percent of the information I’d read over the course of several minutes, my coffee was done. I put my cup down and turned to face the robot again.

  “That was a good coffee, now how about that blowjob?”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” It asked.

  That was the last straw. Nobody spoke to me like it had been speaking to me, not my employees, not my friends, not even Kozlov and certainly not my god damned robot cum bucket. I stood up and advanced upon it. It stood up too, as if to fight me, but I was so much bigger that I forced it back against the wall and held its wrists. It looked up at me with a disconcerting imitation of growing fear.

  “I am your fucking owner! You are a robot, a fuck toy!” I yelled.

  It struggled against me.

  “And you’re obsolete!”

  “No! Let me go!” it screamed, and then the most shocking thing I’d ever seen happened. It looked up at me and there were tears, honest to god tears in its eyes as it continued to struggle. I let it go and backed away, absolutely gobsmacked. It ran back to the storage room where I’d unpacked it earlier and the door slid shut behind it.

  “Holy shit.” I said and slumped back down into my chair. This was insanity. How hard was that bump on my head? I must have been seeing things. I picked up my cup and went back to the kitchen to make myself another coffee, drinking it with a shaky hand in my chair. When it was done I set the cup down and looked to the storage room.

  I fully intended to walk in there, press the button on the remote and end this madness, but when I opened the door I was met with the sounds of unrestrained sobbing. I felt like a monster. I couldn’t bring myself to just switch it… her off. I looked around the room and spotted her sitting on the floor in the corner, her knees pulled up protectively. Clutched in a shaking hand was the instruction manual that had been in the container with her.

  She looked at me and I saw desperation on her face.

  “I’m not a person.” She said in a heart-wrenching tone between sobs, before breaking down even further. I walked over and crouched down beside her.

  “Don’t touch me!” She managed to get out and continued, every word punctuated by a sob. “I don’t want to be a fuck toy. You’re the only person I know and I don’t like you. I’m scared!”

  I took a deep breath, hardly knowing where to begin.

  “Look, I’m just as confused as you.” I paused “Well… maybe not, but I’m pretty confused. I didn’t want to scare you or anything, no robot has ever reacted like you before.”

  Her sobs continued unabated, her shoulders hitching up and down with each one. My attempt at consolation obviously wasn’t helping, but I forged ahead anyway.

  “Listen, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We’ve got off on completely the wrong foot. I’m not an asshole usually, I swear.”

  She looked up at me, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

  “Just leave me alone. Please, leave me alone, I… I need to think.”

  “OK. I’ll be just out there if you want to talk, or in my room, the door next to the kitchen.”

  I left her there to her own… thoughts. It was getting harder by the minute to refer to her without assigning the attributes of personhood. Back in the cockpit I reread the information I’d failed to take in earlier, and failed to take it in again. I locked down the controls and then cleaned myself and went to bed. I locked my door.


  For three days there was no sight or sound from the storage room that could be detected through the closed door in the cockpit. I did what work I could, but thoughts of her kept invading my mind. Something completely unique and unimagined was in the storage room of my ship, and I’d treated it like a piece of shit. I felt ashamed of myself.

  On the fourth day the door slid open and she walked through. She still looked miserable, so the words that came out of her mouth very much caught me off guard.

  “Fuck me.” She said, with a waver to her voice.


  “That’s what I’m for, isn’t it? To fuck you and keep you sane on a long journey? That’s what it says in my…instruction manual. I’m a f…fuck toy. You said so yourself.”

  She undid the buttons on the front of her shirt and shrugged the garment off. The light material fell to the floor with the quietest whisper of sound. She pushed her small breasts forward as if daring me to touch them. To my eye she was perfect. She should be, she was physically everything I had requested and more realistic than any robot I had ever seen or heard of. The conflict in my mind about her being an object or a person prevented me from fulfilling her request though. This was something that needed to be handled with care.


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