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Take All of It September 2019

Page 141

by Scarlett Skyes

  I felt a sensation like warm maple syrup being poured over my left hand as the man sitting there groaned in bliss. I had no attention to spare for it though, as I was feeling like I might split in half at any moment.

  The man behind me began slowly sawing in and out of me, fuelling the fire and bringing tears to my eyes, as I was ever more brutally face-fucked by the man on the couch. I was full, so very full of cock.

  Just when I thought I was going to have to fight for my escape, I felt that pain make a remarkable transition, turning into a hum of pure pleasure that made me meet every thrust with my own push backwards. His fingers reached around to find that special little bump again and it wasn’t long before I felt myself driven inexorably towards the edge of that miraculous cliff again.

  The man who had spurted his cum over my hand had me cupping the sack under his cock, massaging and caressing as he recovered from pleasure that may have rivalled even my own. That was the final straw, the weight of it, the feel of those two lumps inside spoke to that primal part of me, invited me over that precipice, and I was only too happy to obey.

  My entire pussy seemed to pulsate with ecstasy, muscles I’d never known about gripped and released in time with each wave and I moaned around the glorious cock in my mouth. A rush of blood to my head made my vision cloudy once more, and I soon shut my eyes, blocking out the world.

  It was like there was nothing in the universe except for me, huge cocks, and the pleasure they could bring. This must be what heaven would be like.

  I felt the cock buried between my legs twitch and blast the depths of my pussy with hot cum, and briefly lamented the fact that I couldn’t taste it. It was only a momentary grieving because it felt so good, so right, to have it in my pussy, and my mouth was then blessed with a new load from the one I was sucking anyway.

  Cumslut, that’s what he had called me, and if it meant I loved cum then it was apt. I was so happy to be getting filled up with this creamy liquid gold at both ends that it was almost a spiritual experience.

  As the thrusts into my mouth and pussy slowed, I felt that warm flow of cum spill over my right hand too, matching the left, as yet another of these masked men gave me my new favourite gift. As my soul floated back down to rejoin my body I could barely muster the energy to clean the cock in my mouth of all that tasty goodness, I was exhausted.

  Getting fucked by huge cocks felt great, but it was hard work. When I had licked up every last trace of cum, his cock popped out of my mouth and I rested my head on his thigh, feeling like I was glowing after all that pleasure.

  All I wanted to do was sleep, maybe in the embrace of one or more of these men, gather my strength and then get ‘fucked by huge cocks’, as they had said, again. They had other ideas though.

  “Bend her over the couch, I’m gonna fuck her ass,” said one of them before I felt myself lifted and repositioned, draped like a ragdoll.

  I felt another shaft of manliness pressing against my rear and tried to muster up some kind of protest. Surely he didn’t mean to put himself in there, did he?

  “Beg for it, slut, beg me to fuck your ass,” he said, reaching forward and yanking my head back by the hair. Clearly he did mean it.

  “Please, sir, fuck my ass. Fuck it as hard as you can.”

  “Fuck you learn fast, slut. Good girl.”

  My lips pulled back in a big smile at the compliment as I tried to look over my shoulder at what he was doing. As soon as he started pushing with real intent, though, I was staring straight ahead, my back arching and legs quivering with the effort of trying to accommodate him.

  Harder and harder he pulled on my hair as he tried to push himself inside me until I was staring up at the ceiling. When I felt the pressure release somewhat and the head of his cock slipped in, he let my hair go and I collapsed forward with a grunt of relief.


  “Oh fuck yeah,” he breathed.

  Inch after inch of thick cock was fed into my ass and the room span before my eyes. My tight rear entrance put up even more resistance than my pussy had, but it was all token in the end. I had the faint sensation of his cock bottoming out in me before I passed out.


  The rest of the night passed in a blur, I regained coherence every now and then to find myself in different positions, in different locations, taking cock after cock anywhere they could fit them. They told me what to say and I did so at their very beck and call, saying things I had no idea of the meaning, but loving it when it resulted in a thick stream of cum jetting across my face.

  “Let me drink it!” I yelled, suddenly sitting bolt upright.

  The light behind the curtains told me that morning had finally arrived, and as I looked around I saw that I was actually alone with nobody to hear my heartfelt plea. I had no idea how long I’d been asleep for, but I felt like I could slumber for another week. My whole body ached and I was covered in the evidence of my newfound love for cum.

  Looking to my right I spotted a silver briefcase on a chair next to the bed and I saw there was a business card on top. It was a simple card, all it said was “You’ve been fucked by the” and then some logo made from the letters W, E, B and C. On the back was a handwritten message saying “1 million dollars and debt forgiven. Worth every cent.”

  I pulled the suitcase on to my lap and flicked open the latches before lifting the lid, seeing row after row of neatly bundled notes quite unlike the crumpled dollar bills and assorted coins I was used to seeing in the collection basket at church. I rested my cheek on my hand and felt more cum in my hair when I buried my fingers in it.

  Free. I was free.



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  The Well-Endowed Billionaires Club 4


  If she can make it through the flight without screaming for them to stop she gets one million dollars. If not... she gets nothing.

  Inexperienced brat Serina Bonham always wanted to see the world and leave her small town behind, that's why she got a job as a flight attendant. But it seems that the small down doesn't want to let go, and she is left on the cusp of losing her hopes and dreams. That's when she gets the chance of a lifetime.

  One million dollars for one flight. The tasks a flight attendant for the new VIP service has to perform are clear. She must submit herself completely and utterly to be ravished bareback by seven anonymous men whose bank accounts aren't the only things that are huge.

  She has all the motivation she could possibly need... but will that be enough to withstand everything the Well-Endowed Billionaires Club can unleash on her?


  Gangbang, Rough Sex, Billionaire, Mile High Club, Anal


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  Ever since I was a little girl I’d always wanted to travel and see the world. It was more than just one of the things on my bucket list. In a way, it kind of defined me and shaped my life.

  Coming from a small town where everybody knew everybody and no new families had moved in or out in an unknown number of generations, I was always the odd one out. People looked at me funny, like there’s that Serina with her h
ead in still in the clouds kind of thing.

  The familiarity of it, the smallness of it, everything that seemed to give the other townsfolk comfort felt like a tiny cage to me, and I always wanted to get out. I wanted to walk around in all those far off places, to find out for myself what they smelled like, what they really sounded like, what they felt like, everything that the pictures and videos just couldn’t tell me.

  I soon learned that travel doesn’t come for free, and the wages of a part-time checkout operator in the supermarket of a small town would never amount to realising my dreams by the time I was finished with school. I didn’t let that stop me.

  Where there’s a will there’s a way, as the old saying went. So in conjunction with all my schoolwork, I also took distance learning courses for my final two years of high school so that when I graduated I would be able to step aboard an airplane as a qualified air hostess in the shortest possible time.

  Sometimes plans actually work. When I waved to my parents out of the window as my bus left the station, taking me away to my new life, I could have put a pitchfork in his hand, a piece of straw in his mouth and a home-baked pie in her hands and they would have fit the old-fashioned stereo-types perfectly.

  My little brother wasn’t there, he was too cut up by me leaving, but he at least understood me, he always had. He loved the town but he was also an up and coming football star, so he was going to be thrust out into the world for a while at least.

  However, where I only had plans on visiting, he knew that when his football career ended he’d come back and happily live out his days. He’d probably end up drinking moonshine on his porch with a shotgun across his lap screaming at kids, who may or may not be there, to get off his lawn. But he’d be happy, and overall it would be a pretty good life.

  Sometimes plans completely fall apart. I’d just returned from my very first overseas trip when I heard that my brother had been injured in a game and needed surgery on his leg or his athletic career was effectively over.

  I raced home, about six months earlier than I had planned on doing so, to find the whole family looking pretty bleak. The surgery was way beyond what we could afford.

  I did everything I could think of to raise the money, even a charity car wash. Even when I stripped down to my bikini and some of the older citizens were having their cars washed for the third or fourth time, our tiny town just didn’t have the population to raise the funds we needed.

  However, it was a start. I called my supervisor to find out about putting me on as many flights as was legally allowed and learned that disasters seldom seem to arrive in our lives without bringing friends.

  Our airline had recently been bought by some wealthy businessman and there were going to be some massive organisational changes in an effort to bring it from barely-break-even to a profitable company. That sounded more like redundancy than extra hours to me.

  I was needed back at the head office for an interview with one of the new owner’s representatives the next week to ‘figure out my place in the organisation’ ‘moving forward’ and other such pieces of management-speak. It was with a heavy heart that I reported as requested.

  The waiting room outside the office was filled with other air hostesses I had never met before, being so new and having only done a single round-trip. I couldn’t help but notice that they were all about my age and they were all really pretty.

  In a way I supposed it made a certain amount of sense. This particular set of interviews must be for all the newest employees. Last in, first out.

  One by one I watched my colleagues get called into the office and then leave with a wide array of expressions on their faces. Fear, shock, day-dreamy, anger, excitement, it seemed all emotions were welcome that day.

  When it was my turn, I found out exactly why. Far from being made redundant, I was being offered a chance to interview for the revamped airline’s new VIP service. The reward for succeeding in the interview? One million dollars.

  I was over the moon, until I read the paperwork that he put in front of me. The VIP service wasn’t just higher quality food or more legroom. Oh no, it was going to offer exclusive clients the entire first class section of the plane and their very own flight attendant to tend to their every need, be it a steaming hot facecloth or unprotected anal sex.

  And the interview itself? If I agreed to it, it would involve ‘rough bareback sex’ with seven anonymous and ‘well-endowed’ men at the same time. I would have to last an entire long-haul flight begging for everything they could give me and if I ever told them to stop then I failed the interview and got nothing.

  The Serina Bonham of a couple weeks ago would have slid that contract back across the desk and left. There was one minor detail that changed everything though. A million dollars. One motherfucking million dollars.

  No other job, let alone any other job interview, would ever pay that much. I thought about my brother, I thought about all my most cherished hopes and dreams for my future. I signed the contract.


  My VIP hostess uniform was only slightly reminiscent of my former uniform, in that it had the same colour scheme. However, it didn’t really look like I was there to serve drinks and make sure my passengers were safe and comfortable. It looked like I was on board to get fucked.

  The VIPs, my interviewers, actually boarded the plane before a lot of the flight crew, myself included. I eyed that closed curtain nervously, already feeling like the centre of attention next to my more conservatively dressed colleagues.

  I had to help with the compulsory safety demonstration in economy class and I don’t think there was a single pair of male eyes on that plane that weren’t trained on me despite the awkward angles some of them had to crane their necks to. A blush threatened to bloom from my cheeks to full face coverage the entire time.

  A cute boy about my age, sitting just behind where I was standing, gasped when I bent over to pick up my demonstration life jacket and I jolted upright again, tugging my short skirt down. Panties were not part of the VIP hostess uniform. Please don’t let this random guy have seen my pussy, I thought.

  All too soon there was nothing else to stall with though. The Head flight attendant met me by the curtain, smoothed down my uniform and tucked an errant strand of hair back behind my ear.

  “Do us all proud, Serina,” she said in a motherly tone.

  All I could do was gulp nervously. I’d never even had a threesome before, let alone been with seven men at once. I’d lost my virginity a couple of years ago in the back of a car with my boyfriend, had rebound sex with another classmate when that relationship broke up, and that was it.

  I had no idea what was going to happen behind that curtain, but I had a good idea that my limited experience would fall very far short of preparing me for it. I slipped through and pulled it closed behind me.

  The first class cabin on this plane was unlike anything else I’d seen or heard of. It looked more like a tiny executive penthouse rather than an airplane.

  Seven men, wearing suits that seemed to emanate wealth and masks over their eyes that made them look like they were considering hijacking the plane, were casually talking to one another in two or three loose groups, some sitting, some leaning on the headrests of seats. When I entered, a couple who were facing the right direction noticed me and raised their eyes, drawing the attention of the others.

  I fought down the blush again and stepped forward as confidently as I could, feeling their eyes boring into me, assessing me like a piece of art they were considering buying. I cleared my throat and tried to sound confident, when I was anything but.

  “Hello, gentlemen, I’m Serina and I’m happy to be looking after you for this flight. Is there anything I can get you for refreshment?”

  A tall man rose from his seat and stood in my way, knocking my little hat off my head and then pulling the hairpins out of my hair until it fell from the regulation bun down on to my shoulders as I looked up at him with uneasy eyes.

  He slid his fin
gers along the side of my neck and curled them around the back , holding me in place as he glowered down at me. I felt my heartbeat quicken in a crazy mixture of fear and arousal as he began to talk.

  “You like sucking cock, Serina?”

  “Y-yes, sir,” I said.

  “I tell you what, little girl. You’re going to be absolutely wrecked by the time we touch down.”

  “I’m not a little girl, I… I’m your fuck toy, sir.”

  The man turned to his colleagues. “This airline is going to be a success.” He turned back to me.


  The slap caught me by surprise and for the briefest fraction of a second I struggled against his grip around my neck before I remembered the ‘rough’ part of the contract I had signed. I looked up at him, with even less clue about what to expect next than when I had stepped through the curtain.

  “Why aren’t you sucking my cock yet?” he asked.

  I dropped to my knees and ran my hands down his body as I did so, feeling what seemed like an impossibly muscular physique under that suit. How somebody managed to run an empire that let him live this kind of lifestyle and stay in shape like that, I had no idea.

  That, however, was a question for another day. At the same moment that my knees met the floor, my hands ran over his zip and felt a bulge that dwarfed anything I had ever felt in my previous lovers’ pants. I gasped and looked up at him as the other men slowly began to surround me.

  “That’s right you sexy little bitch, every inch of that is going to be inside you.”

  I pulled his zip down and reached inside, feeling for the gap in the front of the boxers and sneaking my fingers into the warm interior. My hand was began shaking when my fingertips first caressed it, and continued to do so as I slowly tugged it out into the open air.


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