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Take All of It September 2019

Page 164

by Scarlett Skyes

  I could balance a book on my head and say ‘the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains’ with the best of them, and I was always just like the other rich kids. Sometimes I had to stop my mother from wearing leopard-print leggings in public, but even though Jack had infinity percent more tattoos than anybody else we knew, nobody ever dared say anything.

  That was probably partly due to the fact that he wore suits most people couldn’t afford, and he was over six feet of muscle that hadn’t gone the slightest bit soft after leaving his old life behind. One time when I had a friend over, we heard some strange noises in the garage and went to see what was going on and there was Jack, bench-pressing the front half of an old pick-up truck with the engine removed, just because he could.

  I watched those flexing muscles for longer than I should have. I didn’t know at the time what that funny feeling was, but when I got older and started having that feeling about boys my own age, I thought back to that day and blushed. It was so wrong.

  Growing up, Jack was never anything but a loving, if uncompromising, man of the house. Aside from the imposing size, the tattoos and the rumours, he was everything anybody could have asked for in a father-figure.

  With the life he provided, I developed certain… ideas about my place in the world and what my future was going to be like. For example, I never dated until late in my last year of high school. I didn’t want to risk falling for a boy that was beneath me, I wanted to date Greg Sampson, the son of none other than Senator Sampson.

  I held out and held out and dropped hints and flirted in the most subtle ways I could think of, little tricks my au pair had taught me about how a lady gets noticed by the right men. Finally he asked me out and I said no.

  Then he asked me out again and I begrudgingly agreed. I already knew that Greg was going to be the one I lost my virginity to, but I had to make him work for it. He had to prove his love in a million little ways before he could hope to put his thing in this little princess.

  It wasn’t easy, my God he was such a… a pretty boy, but I held out for months, until I heard through the grapevine that he had really pulled out all the stops. Word had it that he’d booked a suite in a five-star hotel, hired a team to scatter the entire thing with rose petals, and had written a love song for me, which he was going to play on the grand piano situated in the suite. I wondered if he had also bought me a present… I bet he had!

  There was one little hitch. Staying overnight in a hotel would be a breach of my curfew. If I wanted to have my special night I was going to have to blatantly disregard the rules, sneak out and hope I didn’t get caught.


  I excused myself as quickly as I could after dinner because I had a lot of preparation to do. I’d been to the lingerie store and the beautician after school because it simply wouldn’t do for Greg to unwrap me like a gift and find anything but perfection. He was going to talk about the experience, no doubt, and I wanted him to talk about it in quiet, reverent, tones like he had been lucky to be in the same room as me.

  My hair was trimmed, my eyebrows plucked, and I was hairless and smooth as silk from the neck on down. Every step I took was a tingly erotic adventure already, I couldn’t wait to meet Greg in that hotel room, I was so excited when I called the taxi company and arranged for them to pick me up around the corner from my house.

  Finally, with my new lingerie on under my clothes, my hair brushed to a glistening blonde river, my subtle make-up carefully applied, I put my plan into action. My mom had left for a girls’ night out while I was still getting ready, but the house still contained Jack’s butler and cook, not to mention Jack himself. I had to go out the window and then climb down the thing the gardener had installed for some kind of flowers to grow up the side of the house.

  With my shoes and handbag in one hand I thought that, although I was no ninja, I was doing pretty well in the stealth department. The flower-climbing-frame-thing was thankfully a new addition, so wasn’t covered in vines or anything yet, I was halfway down and it was easy.

  That’s when I smelled smoke. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, but this wasn’t the choking kind of smoke you get from house burning down, it was kind of sweet. I recognised it immediately and turned my head slowly, already knowing what I was going to see there.

  Standing on the lawn, arms folded and a cigar clenched between his teeth, was none other than Jack. I felt my arms and legs begin to tremble. I’d never disobeyed him before, he wasn’t the kind of person you crossed.

  “And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

  “I’m… uh… I’m…”

  “Get the fuck down.”

  I climbed down the remaining steps and turned to face him, or rather, face his shoes. I couldn’t look up at him. My mind was racing, trying to think of something, anything, that could get me out of this.

  “Well? I asked you a question, Haley. Answer it.”

  “I was… uh… well, at school they… it’s… they say it’s fire safety week, so… uh… it’s important to know all the ways out of your house… um… in the event of a fire… and…”

  Jack reached out and forcefully lifted my face with a finger on my chin. “You must think I’m pretty fuckin’ stupid, huh?”

  I gulped as I looked up at him, his features difficult to make out in the moonlight. Even without being able to see him clearly behind the dull glow of that cigar, he radiated power, an unrelenting kind of authority.

  “No, Daddy, I…”

  “Fire safety week say you need to get out of the house and book a taxi to a hotel, hours in advance, just to be sure you’re far enough away?”

  It was almost like he already knew everything I was going to say, the truth, and the differences between the two and was just seeing how much of a hole I was going to dig for myself. I blushed and hoped that the dim light and orange glow from the cigar would conceal the fact.

  “How did you…” I began.

  For a big guy, he moved quick. Before I knew it he had a fistful of my hair and was holding it tight, leaning down over me and growling around that cigar, the end of which was close enough to my face for me to feel the heat.

  “You think you’re above my rules? That you can lie to my face and get away with it?”

  My hands were against his chest, pushing lightly and trying to keep some distance between us, trying to keep away from that cigar. Under his shirt, I could feel that muscular frame I’d been helplessly captivated by several times over the years and then I felt my shaved mound brush against his thigh for a moment, sending a sudden spark of unexpected ecstasy shooting from my pussy to my belly, where it glowed happily. I gasped.


  At the same time, Jack leaned back and lightly struck me across my face, hard enough to turn my head to the side and sting a little. I was so surprised, the pleasure that had just jolted from between my legs wasn’t extinguished by the slap as I would have expected. If anything, it grew.

  “No, Daddy, I didn’t mean to…”

  I was reeling with the confusion of it all. Nobody had ever slapped me before, I knew Greg would never dream of it in his most outlandish fever-induced nightmares. I knew it wasn’t supposed to feel good. What on Earth was going on here?

  “You think you can use the credit card I gave you at a place like Anna’s Intimates and not have some red flags pop up?”



  Jack slapped me again right on the same spot, which consequently stung a lot more than the first one. To my surprise, the second strike spurred another jolt of pleasure from between my legs, without my newly clean-shaven pussy having even been directly touched.

  I gasped again and looked up at him in utter turmoil. It was the night I’d looked forward to for months, the special night when I was supposed to be serenaded and made love to, I’d been on sexual edge all day. Maybe that was the reason I was reacting like I was, my anticipation had set a chain of chemical reactions going in my body that couldn’t b
e stopped. Hormones? Yeah, that must have been it.

  Jack threw his cigar to the ground and crushed it under his heel, a knowing smirk just barely discernible on his face, before he pushed me up against the side of the house, his body pressing against mine and pinning me there. I turned my head away, my hands still ineffectually pushing against his rock-solid muscles, more to feel their power than being under any illusion of being able to fight him off.

  My step-father chuckled quietly. “You’re just like your mother, you know?”

  The faintly sweet smell of his last drag on the cigar wafted around me, mixing with the musky scent of his cologne. It was downright intoxicating.

  “W-what do you mean?” I stammered, barely able to concentrate around the slaps, my reaction to the slaps, and the all-encompassing… presence of him.

  “I saw that look. Just like your mother. I bet you like the world to think you’re a little princess, but behind closed doors what you want is a real man.”

  “Daddy… you can’t say things like that…” I could barely get the words out above a whisper.


  “You surely as fuck don’t tell me what I can and can’t say, little girl.”

  Before I could even think about it, I realised I’d pushed my hips forward, pressing my sensitive mound against his thigh again, accentuating the perplexing ecstasy sparked from the fire on my cheek. I looked up at him, begging him with my eyes, begging him to stop and not make me feel this way. Not for him, the man who had raised me, and not make me feel pleasure from this degrading treatment. I was supposed to be put on a pedestal!

  With a single finger, Jack stroked the cheek he had just slapped. It was a stark contrast on my sensitive skin.

  “Maybe now that you’re eighteen, you think you’re not just a princess anymore, you’re ready to be a queen?”

  His finger trailed down my neck, making me shiver, and across my upper chest to the top button of my shirt. I was frozen in place aside from the heavy panting that made my small but perky breasts heave just below his hand. I tried to follow his line of sight, to see what he was going to do, but he still had a firm grip of my hair and kept my face upturned toward him.

  “Daddy, please, this… this isn’t right. It’s me! It’s Haley…”

  The words hung in the air for a moment, the last-ditch effort of the rational part of my brain.

  “I know who you are. And maybe it’s time you earned your keep for staying in my house.”

  Jack’s hand moved those last few inches and grabbed my breast, hard, squeezing it almost to the point of pain. I’d never imagined being so forcefully groped, and I certainly didn’t think my nipples would be so hard that I would have to worry about him being able to feel them poking into his palm through two layers of clothing.

  I gasped again, my head shaking in disbelief as much as it could against the pull of his grip on my hair. Jack relaxed his clutch of my breast for a moment, only to squeeze again and press his hand against my chest.

  Why did it have to feel so good? My body was a traitor! All my life I’d daydreamed about making a man work for every favour from me, about sweet lovemaking in the midst of candles, and here I was with a guy who was just taking whatever he felt like, as if he didn’t give a damn what I thought. He was putting me in my place, for lack of a better phrase. The raw animalistic power of him was overwhelming.


  If I could have clamped my hand over my mouth then I would have, but I didn’t have the space to do so. My other cheek soon felt as warm as the slapped one as another blush blossomed on my face.

  “That’s right, like mother like daughter. I wonder if you’re wearing the lingerie that I, effectively, bought you, Haley. Did you think of it like that? Did you think you were buying something I’d want to fuck you in?”

  The way he said ‘fuck’, in that harsh whisper, was so hard, so rough, it drove all other thoughts out of my mind. When I’d bought the lingerie, I was pretty sure my mind was on my boyfriend. Now, though, I could barely remember his name. What was it? Greg… Something-son, was my best guess.

  “Let’s see…”

  Before I knew what was going on, Jack had slid his fingers between the buttons of my shirt and with a single sharp yank had sent said buttons flying as he revealed the lacy material underneath that was so thin it was barely there. One more grip and jerk took care of the remaining two buttons and he pushed back the sides of my ruined shirt before squeezing my perky teen tits again and pressing an intimidating bulge against my stomach.

  “You sexy little fuck…” he breathed and then bent down to kiss me, pressing me even harder against the house as he did so. Jack’s lips and jaws worked against mine, forcing my mouth wide open until his tongue was twirling around my own and I was having the kind of kiss that was so much less tender than anything I’d seen on TV. It left me breathless when he finally broke it off.

  His hand slid back up my chest and gripped me by the neck, holding me upright against the house as he disentangled his other hand from my hair. Pulling his hips back, he created some space between us as he did something low down that I couldn’t see but the jingle of belt buckle and zip of pants provided a sufficient clue.

  His iron-strong hold of my neck was unbreakable, completely dominant, but didn’t quite affect my breathing. It was like a reminder that he could crush me if he wanted to, but he was being real nice and I just better not forget it.

  My own hands had moved to his wrist instinctively, some kind of self-preservation reflex I supposed, but when he pulled one of them downwards I let it go willingly. My eyes bulged at the size of the weapon my hand was placed on, it felt no less thick than his wrist.

  I was no prude, I’d thought about what Greg’s dick would be like before. As a virgin, I obviously didn’t have any experience to draw on, I couldn’t know specifics, but I’d always been sure it would be ‘nice’ or something like that. I was unprepared for the near-worship I experienced for what was in my hand.

  It was hard, it was warm, it was straight, it was throbbing. Everything about it made some voice in my head absolutely scream I WANT THAT! GIVE IT TO ME NOW! MINE! GET IT INSIDE! If there was anything on earth that was God’s gift to women, this was it.

  “Stroke that fucking cock, princess,” said Jack.

  He had a way with words. He could say ‘fuck’ and brainwash me. He could say ‘princess’ yet clearly mean ‘slut’ and somehow make me like it. He had a way with words, alright.

  Tentatively, I began moving my hand up and down the thick shaft of his manhood. It was hard to the point where my stroking barely changed the angle it jutted out from his body at all, and the head had this bumpy ridge that was soon slippery with what I knew from my friends was called pre-cum.

  Suddenly, down the inside of my thigh, I felt a trickle of my own natural lubricants slowly making its way downwards in a tickly trail. The lingerie was apparently no match for my own arousal.

  Jack pushed one knee between mine and forced both my legs outwards until I was standing bow-legged against the wall with his hand still on my neck. His other hand reached up my skirt and cupped my virgin sex through the flimsy material, feeling my heat for himself, exploring me as if he owned me.

  “Sopping wet. You want me to fuck you so bad, don’t you?”

  I whispered so quietly that even I couldn’t hear what I said, such was the shame of the truth.

  “Speak up, Haley. Admit it.”

  Just within the bounds of human hearing, I repeated myself. “Yes, Daddy. I-I want it.”

  My step-father’s fingers traced upwards along the leg-hole of my panties before hooking underneath and sliding down over my mound, towards my untouched pussy. When he felt how smooth I was down there, the smirk returned to his face, but he said nothing. He didn’t have to, the fact was that he’d paid for me to have this Brazilian too, all the gifts I thought I had prepared for Greg was really by Jack and for Jack.

  I inhaled quickly when his finger briefly tr
aced over my clit before delving between my folds, getting coated in my juices and circling around my tight entrance. Jack pushed the tip of his finger against my opening and I clenched up in reaction to the first ever masculine incursion inside of my most jealously guarded treasure.

  “Yeah, fight it all you want, princess,” he said when the tip of his finger was barely inside me. “I like that. I’m going to ruin your tight little pussy.”

  My pussy muscles contracted even more, perhaps in fear, perhaps in some crazy pride at the vulgar compliment. Either way, I felt Jack’s cock twitch in my hand in response to the squeeze on his finger.

  Even with just the tip of his finger inside me it felt just the way Jack described it, a tight fit. It was impossible to not compare the difference in size between that digit and the huge member I was stroking.

  It was a matter of logistics, surely he had wandered into the realm of false bravado now. Somebody with a cock his size just couldn’t fuck me, no matter how wet I was or how much pre-cum I stroked all over his length. Surely.

  I didn’t have much time to contemplate that though, because Jack touched his lips to mine again with that intense kiss that seemed strong enough to suck the willpower right out of my body. At the same time he began rubbing his slickened fingers along the length of my slit, teasing my labia and bringing forth sensations from my clit that I thought could only exist in the land of make-believe.

  “You’re gonna cum for me, princess. You never thought you’d give it up for your daddy but now you’re mine, aren’t you? You’re Daddy’s little slut.”


  It was so dirty, so wrong, that no matter how good it felt I still wanted to deny it. However, regardless of what I might have wanted, the fact remained that it was mind-alteringly hot and the moan that came out of my lips sounded a hell of a lot more like an affirmative.

  “Good girl, Haley. You feel my fingers on you? In your pussy?”

  “Mmmmm… oh fff… yes, Daddy… oh!”

  I couldn’t believe how wet I was, his finger was soon slipping in and out of my pussy as far as my hymen. The previously untouched walls of my vagina were sensitive to his rough intrusion, but it somehow felt great all at the same time. Then when he concentrated his attentions on my clit, my legs almost buckled with the pleasure.


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