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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  She was about the same age as him, with ravishingly intelligent, beautiful eyes. She had a thin, petite frame, medium sized breasts, and walked with an elegance that suggested that she’d never worked a day or struggled in her entire life. The long, expensive dress that she had on gave her a radiant air, and John almost felt like he couldn’t look away from her.

  “Natalie… my god.” Erik van Katho shook his head and stared at John’s mom with an expression that was a mixture of elation and disbelief. “It’s so good to see you. After what happened to your father, I could only hope that some good might come out of the tragedy. That you might come back here, to this fair island.”

  “That’s Lady Ludling to you, Erik,” she said curtly. “I’m only on Blackthorn until my son and I have taken care of the future of the estate.”

  “It’s been so long,” said Erik. “But I see the time away hasn’t softened your disposition.”

  “To you, Erik, no amount of time ever could.” She glared at him, and John found himself wondering just where her vehemence was coming from.

  There was a tense, silent second that felt like it stretched on for an eternity. Finally, Erik van Katho placed one arm around the younger woman and gestured to her.

  “This is my daughter, Kari,” he said. “Natalie… I hope that we don’t let our past come between the future of our children. From the looks of it, John and Kari are about the same age.”

  Kari smiled at John, but he heard his mom scowl before he could say anything on his own behalf.

  “Erik, your ceaseless opportunism will never fail to disgust me.” The words left Natalie’s mouth with a cold, cutting edge, and John watched as Erik van Katho’s face shifted into an angry, offended expression.

  “Well you certainly haven’t changed, Natalie.” Erik practically spat out the words, and then turned sharply on his heels and walked back up the driveway of his estate, without looking back.

  Kari held out for a moment, and John felt a spark pass between them as he held her gaze. She was beautiful, and indeed, she was around his age. There was also something in her eyes, something that suggested that she might not be quite as innocent as she seemed.

  John felt Natalie’s fingers dig into his shoulder, and he turned to look back at her, not sure whether to be frustrated with his mother or just plain confused. Kari followed her father back inside, and John followed his mother back down the road into town.

  She was walking fast, and had a bit of a head start on him. Instead of rushing to catch up with her, John let his steps slow, deliberately letting her head back to the mansion before him, and giving himself a chance to take a look at Blackthorn on his own, lit by the glow of the beautiful orange setting sun.


  There was a little more activity on the streets as John made his way deeper into the town. He and his mom had already walked down the main short stretch of road that the town was organized around, and he was now exploring the side streets, seeing what he could find of interest and just getting a general feel for the place.

  A couple of pedestrians gave him an odd glance as he passed by them on the sidewalk. John wasn’t sure if it was because they didn’t recognize him, or because they thought he was a tourist. He kept walking, all the way down to where the waterfront began.

  John made his way across it, and towards the beach. He stepped across the wooden boardwalk, down to where a small set of stairs spilled out onto the sand, and walked down them. He took off his sneakers and socks, and then walked barefoot across the sand, feeling the warm grains lace themselves between his toes.

  He still felt as though he was struggling to take all of his new situation in. It was so strange to think about, and the fact that he’d gone from living in a city with his mom, working to get by, to something so radically different, something that was almost the complete opposite of that, was hard for his brain to process.

  A big part of his confusion and struggle came from the way his mom was so opposed to sticking around, or really anything related to engaging with the inheritance and Blackthorn Isle. John had never seen her like this before, and as much as he wanted to ask her for the truth behind her reluctance, it felt almost like he’d be probing at an old wound, stirring up old memories.

  There was a small rock by one of his feet, and he picked it up and tried to skip it along the water. The waves weren’t that big, but the rock still caught on the first one it encountered, and sank silently to the ocean floor.

  “John van Ludling!” A voice, loud and deep, bellowed at him from down the shore. “You are John van Ludling, are you not?”

  John turned and saw a large man walking towards him, his face barely managing to contain the huge smile that spread from ear to ear.

  “Yeah, that’s me.” John felt like his voice was a little quiet, but anything would have sounded that way in comparison to the vocal cords of the man heading towards him.

  He was close to seven feet tall, with broad shoulders and a light, wild looking beard. For a moment it looked as though he was going to clap John on the shoulder, but then he stopped, and scratched his head warily.

  “I was uh… friend of your grandfather,” he said. “You’re the new count now, so that makes me your friend.”

  “…Okay.” John wasn’t really sure what to say, but the man continued to look at him expectantly, so he stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you…”

  “Chad Dorsky, sir.” The man took John’s hand into his own, and John felt as though he was shaking hands with a giant. He wasn’t sure exactly what to say, or how to act, but it was becoming increasingly clear from the man’s behavior that there was something he wanted.

  “Count John, sir,” said Chad. “It would do my business dishonor if I didn’t invite you back to the tavern for a celebratory drink. It’s on me, just as a way of welcoming you to the island.”

  “You know I’m only…” John trailed off in midsentence, wondering if there was any point in telling the man that he was only 18, or if it would only undermine his new position. “Hmm… Okay, I don’t see why not. But I can’t stay for very long.”

  “I won’t keep you for very long, sir!” said Chad.

  The big man’s stride was long, but John could see the effort he putting into walking at a pace that he could easily keep up with. He talked a bit of his family’s history as they went, first generation immigrants from southern Canada, who had been running the same bar for over a hundred years.

  They traveled back up into the main town area, and then through the side streets that John had taken to get down to the beach. Chad was looking ahead, towards one of the bars that John’s mom had pointed out to him before, a small building with a large sign out front that said “Red Thorn Tavern”. The two of them stopped in front of it, and Chad flashed him another broad smile.

  “Here we are,” said Chad, leading John in through a thick wooden door that swung freely on its hinges. “It’s still early in the evening, so I doubt if they’ll be any other patrons inside yet.”

  There was one person in the tavern, and when John saw her, he felt blood instantly rush to his cock. A busty blond woman was standing behind the bar counter, polishing a glass with a clean white cloth. She was wearing a very low cut green and white blouse that looked as though it was from another century, and her cleavage was popping out of it in a way that made John want to stare at her for as long as he could.

  “Who is this, honey?” asked the woman.

  “Sorry. Count John, this is my wife, Amelia. Amelia, this is the new Count of Ludling Estate, John Ludling.”

  John watched as the woman’s eyes opened a little bit. She smiled at him in a way that was anything but innocent, and stood up a little straighter.

  “Oh my, you certainly are young…” she said. “And so very… handsome.”

  Chad took a seat at the bar and gestured for John to sit next to him. He did, and then watched as Amelia bent low to fill two mugs with beer. He couldn’t help but stare at her butt, which poked out a
little from underneath her skirt. Amelia glanced back over her shoulder at him and caught him peeking, a seductive gleam in her eye.

  “Amelia, mind yourself,” said Chad. “We don’t want to go making Count John feel too out of sorts on his first day of the job.”

  “Of course.” Amelia set the mugs down slowly, leaning forward and angling her cleavage so that it was directly within John’s line of sight. He felt his cock hardening in his pants, along with a growing sense of uneasy confusion. He took a sip of the beer, which was strong and heavy.

  “Your grandfather was a kind man, John,” said Chad. “He did me more favors over the years than I can count. You’ll always be welcome at the Red Thorn Tavern, isn’t that right Amelia?”

  “Oh yes…” Amelia walked around to their side of the bar and leaned up against it on the other side of John, close to him. “You are welcome to whatever you need here, John.”

  Out of sight of Chad’s gaze, John felt Amelia’s hand begin to slide up his leg. He looked at her with disbelief, and picked up on the eager, horny look in her eyes. John glanced back at Chad, and saw that he was too preoccupied with his beer to pay them any attention. Amelia’s hand continued sliding, coming to a rest on his hard bulge, and then quickly jerked back as Chad finally looked back over.

  “Me and you will have to talk business sometime soon I suppose, Count John.” He clapped John on the back, and then let out a slightly forced laugh. John took another swig of his beer, feeling a buzz begin to descend on him, and then looked at Amelia, whose face was the perfect image of innocence.

  “He’s still just getting adjusted to the island, dear,” said Amelia. “You should give him some time to get comfortable.”

  “You’re right, you’re right,” said Chad. “Actually, wait right here, Count John. I’m going to find some of the good cigars upstairs, and we can celebrate your arrival good and proper.”

  Amelia was already licking her lips before her husband had even made it to the door in the back of the bar. The second he was out of eyesight, she pulled her breasts out of the top of her blouse, which were big and dotted with large pink nipples, and pushed them into John’s face.

  “Such a handsome Count, indeed,” she whispered, running her hand back onto John’s bulge. “Your grandfather was a kind man, but you… you are my kind of man, Count John.”

  She moved fast, unzipping his jeans and working his cock out through his boxers with quick, practiced movements. John was shocked and overwhelmed, and just stared at her as he felt her soft breasts push against his face, his arousal shooting through the roof.

  “But… your husband,” he managed. Amelia just smiled at him, and then kissed him passionately on the lips.

  “He wants to be your friend, Count John,” she whispered. “And I want to be your friend, too. Is there a problem with that?”

  John felt guilty, but he didn’t stop her as she dropped down to her knees. Amelia glanced up at him with wicked eyes, pushed her long blond hair back behind her head, and then brought his lips to the tip of his cock.

  “He’ll never know, John,” she whispered. “And this way, we can all be good friends.”

  John had to stifle a moan of pleasure as Amelia moved her lips forward, bringing his cock into her warm, wet mouth, and drowning him with intense pleasure. He jerked his hips forward slightly and felt her begin to bob back and forth, taking more of him beyond her lips, and sucking him off with sensual, seductive precision.

  “Oh man,” moaned John. He glanced back at the door, feeling his heart race at the possibility of Chad coming back and catching them, and then felt his mind fog over with lust. It felt so good, far better than it had any right to for how wrong it was.

  Amelia had her hands on his thighs, and was pushing her mouth forward and back while twisting her head slightly, which managed to completely and effectively pleasure every inch of John’s cock. She moved fast and with a sense of urgency, as though she was just as worried about her husband coming back as he was.

  John watched as she pulled her mouth back and looked up at him, her eyes full of a seductive, almost evil looking horniness. She licked the tip of his cock slowly, gripped it with her hand and jerked it back and forth a few times, and then moved her mouth forward again.

  This time, she kept her lips as open as she could. All John could feel at first was the heat of her humid breath. She moved further forward, until he could feel the head of his cock pushing against the back of her throat, and her tongue occasionally skimming across the bottom of his member, and then wrapped her lips around it.

  “Sorry it’s taking so long, I’m just looking for the matches!” Chad yelled to them from what sounded like a room above the bar. Amelia quickly pulled back, her lips gliding across John’s cock as she did.

  “It’s fine sweetie, I’m just getting to know the new Count a little better.” Her voice was sweet, and sickeningly convincing, and something about it turned John on even more.

  She went back to blowing him with even more lustful intensity, and John felt himself quickly approaching his limit. He reached his hand down to tap on the back of her head, to warn her, but Amelia didn’t let up. John jerked his hips forward and began to shoot his hot cum load into her mouth, overwhelmed with pleasure and a little impressed by the way the bar maid drank down every drop.

  “Found it!” Chad’s footsteps were headed down the stairs towards them. Amelia moved with catlike dexterity, tucking John’s cock away, zipping his pants up, and then wiping her lips up and moving to the back of the bar just as her husband walked through the door.

  “That’s great, darling,” she said. “I’m sure that John could go for a smoke right about now.”

  John opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, the bar door whipped open. Standing in the doorframe was Olivia, dressed in a regular looking maroon sweater and jeans, rather than her maid’s uniform. She walked over to him and set her hand on his shoulder.

  “Sorry, but I’ll be taking the young Count back to the mansion,” she said. “Dinner is waiting, and his mother is worried about him.”

  “Is that so?” said Amelia. John couldn’t help but pick up on the slight edge to her voice, as though she was a little peeved at the other, younger woman.

  “Indeed, it is so,” said Olivia, matching a bit of the cattiness in her own tone. “Come on John, let’s go.”

  John smiled at Chad and tried to avoid Amelia’s gaze as he followed his maid out the front of the bar.

  “So long, Count John,” said Chad. “Come back anytime!”

  “Yes,” said Amelia. “You’re always welcome to whatever you need, here.”

  John was a little put off by the speed at which Olivia was intent on getting him back to the mansion. She was shorter than him, but somehow she was walking at a much faster, much more determined speed.

  “Count John, I realize that you’re new to this island, but you need to start using your head when it comes to how you interact with the locals.”

  John sped up so that he was walking next to Olivia and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “What do you mean?” he asked. Olivia let out a sigh, and then glanced over her shoulder, back towards the bar.

  “The Red Thorn Tavern was in deep debt to your grandfather,” she said. “You essentially own the establishment, all but in name.”

  “Oh.” John scratched his head. “Well, shouldn’t I be on friendly terms with the staff, then?”

  “I was watching from the door, Count John.” Olivia’s tone was sharp and accusatory. “It looks more like that woman was getting on friendly terms with your staff, so to speak.”

  John blushed, and couldn’t think of anything to say in response. Surprisingly, Olivia put one of her hands on his shoulder and rubbed it encouragingly.

  “I am at your disposal, Count John,” she said. “I won’t tell your mom what happened, don’t worry.”

  John froze. He hadn’t even thought about that possibility, and hearing Olivia suggest it caused
his mind to jump off the tracks. His maid just watched him, and waited for a moment before speaking again.

  “I will help you become the type of Count that your grandfather was. And if there is anything you need for me to do in order to help you get up to that level, anything at all, I am at your service.”

  She smiled at him, and John saw something that looked almost like affection on her face, and in her eyes. He nodded to her, and began to feel the heaviness of his new responsibilities weigh down on his shoulders.

  “Thank you, Olivia,” he said.

  The rest of the walk back to the mansion was silent, but comfortable. John was beginning to understand what his mom meant when she talked about how different things would be for them on Blackthorn Isle.


  By the time they’d gotten back to the estate, the sun had set and darkness was quickly spreading across the sky. As they entered through the mansion’s front door, Olivia bowed slightly to him and then gestured to the dining hall.

  “The food should be ready,” she said. “Go on ahead. I’ll let your mother know to join you there after I’ve changed back into my uniform.”

  John looked at her curiously.

  “You do all the cooking here yourself, Olivia?”

  She nodded, and John could see a small glimmer of pride on her face.

  “I’ve been trained to take care of almost everything in the mansion myself,” she said. “Occasionally, outside contractors are needed for repairs, and I do hire caterers for larger meals and banquets, but other than that, I am the sole caretaker.”

  John nodded, and watched as she walked off. He couldn’t help but notice just how different she looked when wearing regular clothes, and made a mental note to let her know that it was okay to completely forego the uniform, if she wanted to.

  The smells coming from the dining room were amazing. John saw that Olivia had already laid out roasted duck, a delicious looking vegetable stew, homemade bread, a number of sauces and garnishes, and a variety of drinks.


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